Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

Only Republicans could look at this:

And see this:

And when they say, "Not ALL Republicans feel that way", does it matter? The guy who does they want to make president.

Hard to believe that Walker considers teachers to be terrorists

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday said his experience undermining labor unions in Wisconsin has prepared him to take on the threat of the Islamic State in the Middle East.

"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria.

Walker was referring to protesters who led an unsuccessful recall effort against him in 2012, after he proposed a budget that stripped public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights. The protests lasted for months and catapulted Walker onto the national political stage.

Scott Walker Says He Can Take On ISIS Because He Took On Labor Unions

I would love to see union-buster Walker taking on ISIS - but not as president.

Expect to hear a lot more dumb comments from this guy.
Walker vs. Jim Webb starts to look better after this latest gaffe.

A poser vs. a real man.
Look at what Unions did to Detroit.

ISIS could never level Detroit like the Unions




The Unions did that, had ISIS done that we'd nuke them.
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Only Republicans could look at this:

And see this:

And when they say, "Not ALL Republicans feel that way", does it matter? The guy who does they want to make president.

Hard to believe that Walker considers teachers to be terrorists
Not hard to believe that union thugs are equated with terrorists. Hell, they are terrorists.

here we go with the RW union thug bs .... the RW needs the union to build Keystone one day, the next day, the union is a bunch of terrorist thugs .

told ya... RW hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Say what you want, but at least conservatives are debating ideas and policies. They'll have a spirited primary season.

Democrats (who ironically think of themselves as "independent thinkers") are such good apparatchiks, they'll march lockstep to Hillary without any debate whatsoever.....Don't forget to load your clown avatars...stupid fucking sheeple.

Say what you want, but at least conservatives are debating ideas and policies. They'll have a spirited primary season.

Democrats (who ironically think of themselves as "independent thinkers") are such good apparatchiks, they'll march lockstep to Hillary without any debate whatsoever.....Don't forget to load your clown avatars...stupid fucking sheeple.


the RW destroys each other, the Democrats march lockstep with each other... the RW gets an asswhippin', the Democrats win AGAIN ...

who is stupid fucking sheeple ?

Say what you want, but at least conservatives are debating ideas and policies. They'll have a spirited primary season.

Democrats (who ironically think of themselves as "independent thinkers") are such good apparatchiks, they'll march lockstep to Hillary without any debate whatsoever.....Don't forget to load your clown avatars...stupid fucking sheeple.


the RW destroys each other, the Democrats march lockstep with each other... the RW gets an asswhippin', the Democrats win AGAIN ...

who is stupid fucking sheeple ?

What a dolt.
The Dems are melting down. Hillary is a loser, after the revelations about foreign money in the Clinton Foundation. That leaves them with Lizzy SweetCheeks or Joe Biden and his butt buddy. They've got no one.
The GOP has Walker and about a dozen other stars with real accomplishments.
"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria. combat ISIS he is going a recall election?
"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria. combat ISIS he is going a recall election?
Its more than BarryBoi has done.
Romney trending win ..

Hillary melting down ..

RW's will never learn to STFU. They're never right. Nobody listens to what they have to say much less gives a shit ...
Romney trending win ..

Hillary melting down ..

RW's will never learn to STFU. They're never right. Nobody listens to what they have to say much less gives a shit ...
Hilary melted down before she became mummified.
MADISON – Gov. Scott Walker will have to plug a roughly $280 million budget shortfall by the end of June, and the state faces a two-year deficit that could be as large as $2 billion, based on new estimates released Friday by the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

Wisconsin's two-year shortfall hits about $2 billion when state agency requests — which will certainly not be filled in full by Walker or the Republican Legislature — are taken into account. The budget will be about $650 million short by mid-2017 just to continue spending at current levels.

Wisconsin s 2-year budget hole forecast at up to 2 billion
MADISON – Gov. Scott Walker will have to plug a roughly $280 million budget shortfall by the end of June, and the state faces a two-year deficit that could be as large as $2 billion, based on new estimates released Friday by the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

Wisconsin's two-year shortfall hits about $2 billion when state agency requests — which will certainly not be filled in full by Walker or the Republican Legislature — are taken into account. The budget will be about $650 million short by mid-2017 just to continue spending at current levels.

Wisconsin s 2-year budget hole forecast at up to 2 billion
Started with a $3B shortfall. Walker is the man!
MADISON – Gov. Scott Walker will have to plug a roughly $280 million budget shortfall by the end of June, and the state faces a two-year deficit that could be as large as $2 billion, based on new estimates released Friday by the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

Wisconsin's two-year shortfall hits about $2 billion when state agency requests — which will certainly not be filled in full by Walker or the Republican Legislature — are taken into account. The budget will be about $650 million short by mid-2017 just to continue spending at current levels.

Wisconsin s 2-year budget hole forecast at up to 2 billion
Started with a $3B shortfall. Walker is the man![/QUO4TE]


the man to lose to a Democrat

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