Scott Walker: "Min. wage serves no purpose"

He's being under attack for saying stuff that is completely true.

“I want jobs that pay two or three times the minimum wage,” Walker said, adding, “The way you do that is not by (setting) an arbitrary amount by the state.”
Does that mean the first-term Republican governor opposes a minimum wage on principle?

During Tuesday's meeting with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel'sEditorial Board, Walker was asked to clarify his position. He didn't hesitate.

“I'm not going to repeal it,” Walker said. “But I don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. I want people to make, like I said the other night, two or three times that.”

Walker said he wants to help people get the skills they need to find careers that pay many times the current minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour.

“The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we put in place is not for people to get minimum wage jobs,” he said.

Liberal groups and labor organizations immediately went on the attack, tearing into the governor for saying he doesn’t think the minimum wage “serves a purpose.”

First out of the box was American Bridge — a Democratic Super PAC — which had video of the quote posted before the Editorial Board had concluded.

Then Walker came under fire from his campaign foe, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke. She has said she wants to raise the minimum wage in three stages to $10.10 an hour.

“Well, I disagree with it entirely,” Burke told Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber in response to Walker’s comment earlier in the day. “It's important that people who are working fulltime are able to support themselves without government assistance. That's just sort of common sense.”

She said that reducing the number of people on the public dole would reduce the state budget and improve the economy, adding that many business owners she knows supporting increasing the minimum wage.

“I want to make sure people are able to have the pride of having a full-time job and supporting themselves,” Burke said.

A number of liberal websites — such as Talking Points Memo, Huffington Post and Think Progress — jumped on Walker’s comment.

Finally, a top labor official tried to take the governor to task.

“For nearly a century, American workers have relied on minimum wage protections,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. “Now is not the time to take away these important laws,” she continued. “Now is the time to raise the minimum wage so that people who get up and go to work every day can have a decent standard of living.”

This is the second remark from the debate for which Walker has come under strong criticism.

In the first, the governor said, “We don’t have a jobs problem in this state. We have a work problem.”

Burke and other Democrats ripped the statement, suggesting he is ignoring the fact that Wisconsin trails other states in job growth.

Walker countered in a 30-second ad earlier this week.

He has said the statement at the debate concerned the so-called “skills gap,” the notion that good jobs in the state aren’t being filled because of a lack of trained workers.

“Mary Burke is distorting my comments on jobs,” Walker said in the commercial. “It’s no wonder. The tax-and-spend policies she supports drove out good-paying manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin.”

The two candidates for the state’s top office will square off again Friday, sparking a second round of debate — and TV ads — over what is meant and said.​

Scott Walker says he doesn t believe minimum wage serves a purpose - JSOnline

Does the min. wage serve a purpose or should companies be allowed to pay what the market dictates?

This is the most idiotic stance I've ever heard.

"Hey, if the government would do away with the minimum wage law, corporations would pay double what they are paying now"

No you idiots, its a minimum wage law, not a maximum wage law. Corporations are free to pay twice what the minimum wage is now if they wish.
He's being under attack for saying stuff that is completely true.

“I want jobs that pay two or three times the minimum wage,” Walker said, adding, “The way you do that is not by (setting) an arbitrary amount by the state.”
Does that mean the first-term Republican governor opposes a minimum wage on principle?

During Tuesday's meeting with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel'sEditorial Board, Walker was asked to clarify his position. He didn't hesitate.

“I'm not going to repeal it,” Walker said. “But I don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. I want people to make, like I said the other night, two or three times that.”

Walker said he wants to help people get the skills they need to find careers that pay many times the current minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour.

“The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we put in place is not for people to get minimum wage jobs,” he said.

Liberal groups and labor organizations immediately went on the attack, tearing into the governor for saying he doesn’t think the minimum wage “serves a purpose.”

First out of the box was American Bridge — a Democratic Super PAC — which had video of the quote posted before the Editorial Board had concluded.

Then Walker came under fire from his campaign foe, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke. She has said she wants to raise the minimum wage in three stages to $10.10 an hour.

“Well, I disagree with it entirely,” Burke told Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber in response to Walker’s comment earlier in the day. “It's important that people who are working fulltime are able to support themselves without government assistance. That's just sort of common sense.”

She said that reducing the number of people on the public dole would reduce the state budget and improve the economy, adding that many business owners she knows supporting increasing the minimum wage.

“I want to make sure people are able to have the pride of having a full-time job and supporting themselves,” Burke said.

A number of liberal websites — such as Talking Points Memo, Huffington Post and Think Progress — jumped on Walker’s comment.

Finally, a top labor official tried to take the governor to task.

“For nearly a century, American workers have relied on minimum wage protections,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. “Now is not the time to take away these important laws,” she continued. “Now is the time to raise the minimum wage so that people who get up and go to work every day can have a decent standard of living.”

This is the second remark from the debate for which Walker has come under strong criticism.

In the first, the governor said, “We don’t have a jobs problem in this state. We have a work problem.”

Burke and other Democrats ripped the statement, suggesting he is ignoring the fact that Wisconsin trails other states in job growth.

Walker countered in a 30-second ad earlier this week.

He has said the statement at the debate concerned the so-called “skills gap,” the notion that good jobs in the state aren’t being filled because of a lack of trained workers.

“Mary Burke is distorting my comments on jobs,” Walker said in the commercial. “It’s no wonder. The tax-and-spend policies she supports drove out good-paying manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin.”

The two candidates for the state’s top office will square off again Friday, sparking a second round of debate — and TV ads — over what is meant and said.​

Scott Walker says he doesn t believe minimum wage serves a purpose - JSOnline

Does the min. wage serve a purpose or should companies be allowed to pay what the market dictates?

Scott Walker was, is and always will be a dumb ass punk.
He's being under attack for saying stuff that is completely true.

“I want jobs that pay two or three times the minimum wage,” Walker said, adding, “The way you do that is not by (setting) an arbitrary amount by the state.”
Does that mean the first-term Republican governor opposes a minimum wage on principle?

During Tuesday's meeting with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel'sEditorial Board, Walker was asked to clarify his position. He didn't hesitate.

“I'm not going to repeal it,” Walker said. “But I don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. I want people to make, like I said the other night, two or three times that.”

Walker said he wants to help people get the skills they need to find careers that pay many times the current minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour.

“The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we put in place is not for people to get minimum wage jobs,” he said.

Liberal groups and labor organizations immediately went on the attack, tearing into the governor for saying he doesn’t think the minimum wage “serves a purpose.”

First out of the box was American Bridge — a Democratic Super PAC — which had video of the quote posted before the Editorial Board had concluded.

Then Walker came under fire from his campaign foe, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke. She has said she wants to raise the minimum wage in three stages to $10.10 an hour.

“Well, I disagree with it entirely,” Burke told Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber in response to Walker’s comment earlier in the day. “It's important that people who are working fulltime are able to support themselves without government assistance. That's just sort of common sense.”

She said that reducing the number of people on the public dole would reduce the state budget and improve the economy, adding that many business owners she knows supporting increasing the minimum wage.

“I want to make sure people are able to have the pride of having a full-time job and supporting themselves,” Burke said.

A number of liberal websites — such as Talking Points Memo, Huffington Post and Think Progress — jumped on Walker’s comment.

Finally, a top labor official tried to take the governor to task.

“For nearly a century, American workers have relied on minimum wage protections,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. “Now is not the time to take away these important laws,” she continued. “Now is the time to raise the minimum wage so that people who get up and go to work every day can have a decent standard of living.”

This is the second remark from the debate for which Walker has come under strong criticism.

In the first, the governor said, “We don’t have a jobs problem in this state. We have a work problem.”

Burke and other Democrats ripped the statement, suggesting he is ignoring the fact that Wisconsin trails other states in job growth.

Walker countered in a 30-second ad earlier this week.

He has said the statement at the debate concerned the so-called “skills gap,” the notion that good jobs in the state aren’t being filled because of a lack of trained workers.

“Mary Burke is distorting my comments on jobs,” Walker said in the commercial. “It’s no wonder. The tax-and-spend policies she supports drove out good-paying manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin.”

The two candidates for the state’s top office will square off again Friday, sparking a second round of debate — and TV ads — over what is meant and said.​

Scott Walker says he doesn t believe minimum wage serves a purpose - JSOnline

Does the min. wage serve a purpose or should companies be allowed to pay what the market dictates?

Well, the 'purpose' of the 'Minimum wage' is to act as a baseline for Union Contracts... what it actually DOES is to inflate the cost of labor, thus devalue the currency on which that labor value is based.

And where the US Currency is not founded in the intrinsic value of say precious metals or some other commodity, it rests upon the value of production of the individual and by extension the collective production.

Where one then artificially raises the perceived value of that commodity, one inflates the value of that commodity and that which serves as the mark of production; OKA: the Currency. Therefore Raising the minimum wage, increases the cost of everything that increased wage buys. Thus serves no purpose except to weaken the thing that the 'worker' is working FOR.

So, raising the minimum, is counterproductive... just like everything else the Left does.
He's being under attack for saying stuff that is completely true.

“I want jobs that pay two or three times the minimum wage,” Walker said, adding, “The way you do that is not by (setting) an arbitrary amount by the state.”
Does that mean the first-term Republican governor opposes a minimum wage on principle?

During Tuesday's meeting with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel'sEditorial Board, Walker was asked to clarify his position. He didn't hesitate.

“I'm not going to repeal it,” Walker said. “But I don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. I want people to make, like I said the other night, two or three times that.”

Walker said he wants to help people get the skills they need to find careers that pay many times the current minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour.

“The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we put in place is not for people to get minimum wage jobs,” he said.

Liberal groups and labor organizations immediately went on the attack, tearing into the governor for saying he doesn’t think the minimum wage “serves a purpose.”

First out of the box was American Bridge — a Democratic Super PAC — which had video of the quote posted before the Editorial Board had concluded.

Then Walker came under fire from his campaign foe, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke. She has said she wants to raise the minimum wage in three stages to $10.10 an hour.

“Well, I disagree with it entirely,” Burke told Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber in response to Walker’s comment earlier in the day. “It's important that people who are working fulltime are able to support themselves without government assistance. That's just sort of common sense.”

She said that reducing the number of people on the public dole would reduce the state budget and improve the economy, adding that many business owners she knows supporting increasing the minimum wage.

“I want to make sure people are able to have the pride of having a full-time job and supporting themselves,” Burke said.

A number of liberal websites — such as Talking Points Memo, Huffington Post and Think Progress — jumped on Walker’s comment.

Finally, a top labor official tried to take the governor to task.

“For nearly a century, American workers have relied on minimum wage protections,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. “Now is not the time to take away these important laws,” she continued. “Now is the time to raise the minimum wage so that people who get up and go to work every day can have a decent standard of living.”

This is the second remark from the debate for which Walker has come under strong criticism.

In the first, the governor said, “We don’t have a jobs problem in this state. We have a work problem.”

Burke and other Democrats ripped the statement, suggesting he is ignoring the fact that Wisconsin trails other states in job growth.

Walker countered in a 30-second ad earlier this week.

He has said the statement at the debate concerned the so-called “skills gap,” the notion that good jobs in the state aren’t being filled because of a lack of trained workers.

“Mary Burke is distorting my comments on jobs,” Walker said in the commercial. “It’s no wonder. The tax-and-spend policies she supports drove out good-paying manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin.”

The two candidates for the state’s top office will square off again Friday, sparking a second round of debate — and TV ads — over what is meant and said.​

Scott Walker says he doesn t believe minimum wage serves a purpose - JSOnline

Does the min. wage serve a purpose or should companies be allowed to pay what the market dictates?

Scott Walker was, is and always will be a dumb ass punk.

ROFLMNAO! I SO ADORE the Sweeter Ironies...
He's right. Or, at least it serves none the purposes it claims.
Scott Walker: "Min. wage serves no purpose"

Walker is wrong.

Minimum Wage certainly does serve a purpose. Three, actually.

1.) It transfers money from workers whose work pays for the wage they are receiving, to workers whose work does not pay for the wage they are receiving. In other words, it implements one of the most important facets of socialism.

2.) It eliminates low-wage jobs (that is, jobs that bring in less revenue than the worker is paid) from the marketplace, thus making it much more difficult for beginners to get a start and build up their experience. This expands welfare roles, makes families poorer, and makes more people dependent on government coercion to live.

3.) It boosts wages for ALL workers in unions whose wage scales are based on the minimum wage. When the Min Wage goes up, ALL of them get raises. This makes #2 above, even more extensive.

Minimum Wage does serve a purpose... and it is uniformly bad for the country.
It serves a purpose. It allows politicians to give people a "raise" at someone else's expense and get re-elected.
What would happen if we just eliminated the minimum wage today? You think every employer would suddenly start paying $2/hr?

No, but they would try to keep wages where they are for a much longer period of time, which would lead to less income after inflation for everyone. This is one way that wages stagnate, and we have seen that quite a bit over the past 30 years. At the same time, quite a few who support increases in the minimum wage have gone way overboard with the idea that the minimum should be around $15.00. All that being said, there is a really big problem with setting a national minimum wage, and that is the fact that the cost of living in different parts of the country are not taken into account. Earning a minimum wage of $10.00 per hour would have a completely different affect on someone living in Ohio versus someone living in New York City. It would take $15.00 per hour in New York to have the same purchasing power as $10.00 in Ohio.
the consequences of NOT paying anyone a living wage for working 8 hours a day.
You mean, "the consequences of a worker trying to support himself (and possibly a family) by doing only work that does not create the revenue it takes to pay for it", don't you?

Blaming the victim does not resolve the problem.

Corporate Welfare is the problem.

Give me sound fiscal reasons why any corporation is entitled to the benefits of subsidized employees. Your desire for a cheap Big Mac is not a sound fiscal reason.

Hmmmm . . no, the term "corporate welfare" is just a sleazy propaganda technique for leftists to attack a corporation that provides over a million jobs to Americans. They can't come out and honestly admit they oppose jobs and capitalism, so they make up a huge lie.
He's being under attack for saying stuff that is completely true.

Scott Walker says he doesn t believe minimum wage serves a purpose - JSOnline

Does the min. wage serve a purpose or should companies be allowed to pay what the market dictates?
Walker makes a lot of sense.......if you don't require a minimum wage, employers will pay two or three times that out of the goodness of their heart
Do you think workers will work for nothing out the goodness of their own hearts?
Do you even read the English language? Walker is claiming employers will pay HIGHER wages if we remove the minimum wage

Defend it
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Can you explain why there are any jobs that pay more than the minimum wage? In fact, 97% of all jobs pay more than minimum wage.
Again, if the maximum rate was below the market rate for the top job, what would be accomplished by doing that?

You don't seem to be understanding. There would be no maximum rate. There would only be a maximum disparity.
It's effectively the same thing. There is some theoretical rate that CEOs could not get paid more than.
My question is what is accomplished by doing that?

It assuages the envy he experiences.
the consequences of NOT paying anyone a living wage for working 8 hours a day.
You mean, "the consequences of a worker trying to support himself (and possibly a family) by doing only work that does not create the revenue it takes to pay for it", don't you?

Blaming the victim does not resolve the problem.

Corporate Welfare is the problem.

Give me sound fiscal reasons why any corporation is entitled to the benefits of subsidized employees. Your desire for a cheap Big Mac is not a sound fiscal reason.
The problem you have is that you don't know who the victim is.

Here is a hint. It is NOT the employee.

Still crickets from the right when it comes to answering this question.

Give me sound fiscal reasons why any corporation is entitled to the benefits of subsidized employees.
Walker makes a lot of sense.......if you don't require a minimum wage, employers will pay two or three times that out of the goodness of their heart
Do you think workers will work for nothing out the goodness of their own hearts?
Do you even read the English language? Walker is claiming employers will pay HIGHER wages if we remove the minimum wage

Defend it
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Can you explain why there are any jobs that pay more than the minimum wage? In fact, 97% of all jobs pay more than minimum wage.


Do you understand how fucking stupid that make the MW haters sound. 3% of the lowest paid workers have all this tremendous monetary/pricing power. The ability to change the economy you all say.

Fucking that's crazy. Give the poor people a raise.
Do you think workers will work for nothing out the goodness of their own hearts?
Do you even read the English language? Walker is claiming employers will pay HIGHER wages if we remove the minimum wage

Defend it
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Can you explain why there are any jobs that pay more than the minimum wage? In fact, 97% of all jobs pay more than minimum wage.


Do you understand how fucking stupid that make the MW haters sound. 3% of the lowest paid workers have all this tremendous monetary/pricing power. The ability to change the economy you all say.

Fucking that's crazy. Give the poor people a raise.
Poor Zeke. Dumb as a rock.
Hey, Zeke, why do you think unions constatntly push for higher min wage? You think it's because they represent "the working man"?? ROFL!
It serves a purpose. It allows politicians to give people a "raise" at someone else's expense and get re-elected.
What would happen if we just eliminated the minimum wage today? You think every employer would suddenly start paying $2/hr?

No, but they would try to keep wages where they are for a much longer period of time, which would lead to less income after inflation for everyone. .
How does that work exactly?
Do you even read the English language? Walker is claiming employers will pay HIGHER wages if we remove the minimum wage

Defend it
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Can you explain why there are any jobs that pay more than the minimum wage? In fact, 97% of all jobs pay more than minimum wage.


Do you understand how fucking stupid that make the MW haters sound. 3% of the lowest paid workers have all this tremendous monetary/pricing power. The ability to change the economy you all say.

Fucking that's crazy. Give the poor people a raise.
Poor Zeke. Dumb as a rock.
Hey, Zeke, why do you think unions constatntly push for higher min wage? You think it's because they represent "the working man"?? ROFL!

You really are a silly fucking rabbit.

SO go ahead rabbit, why do unions push for higher minimum wage?
Maybe they want to expand the numbers of union members. I wish they could. I wish we had the same amount of union representation that we had in the 50ties and 60ties. Back when the middle class was succeeding, growing, prospering and driving the consumer economy.

Of course, you being the white piece of trash you are have never enjoyed prosperity at any level. You a bankrupt fuck. If not actually, certainly morally.
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Can you explain why there are any jobs that pay more than the minimum wage? In fact, 97% of all jobs pay more than minimum wage.


Do you understand how fucking stupid that make the MW haters sound. 3% of the lowest paid workers have all this tremendous monetary/pricing power. The ability to change the economy you all say.

Fucking that's crazy. Give the poor people a raise.
Poor Zeke. Dumb as a rock.
Hey, Zeke, why do you think unions constatntly push for higher min wage? You think it's because they represent "the working man"?? ROFL!

You really are a silly fucking rabbit.

SO go ahead rabbit, why do unions push for higher minimum wage?
Maybe they want to expand the numbers of union members. I wish they could. I wish we had the same amount of union representation that we had in the 50ties and 60ties. Back when the middle class was succeeding, growing, prospering and driving the consumer economy.

Of course, you being the white piece of trash you are have never enjoyed prosperity at any level. You a bankrupt fuck. If not actually, certainly morally.
Yeah, Zeke. That's wrong. How would union membership increase by raising min wage? It wont.
Guess again. Or maybe go do some research.
He's being under attack for saying stuff that is completely true.

“I want jobs that pay two or three times the minimum wage,” Walker said, adding, “The way you do that is not by (setting) an arbitrary amount by the state.”
Does that mean the first-term Republican governor opposes a minimum wage on principle?

During Tuesday's meeting with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel'sEditorial Board, Walker was asked to clarify his position. He didn't hesitate.

“I'm not going to repeal it,” Walker said. “But I don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. I want people to make, like I said the other night, two or three times that.”

Walker said he wants to help people get the skills they need to find careers that pay many times the current minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour.

“The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we put in place is not for people to get minimum wage jobs,” he said.

Liberal groups and labor organizations immediately went on the attack, tearing into the governor for saying he doesn’t think the minimum wage “serves a purpose.”

First out of the box was American Bridge — a Democratic Super PAC — which had video of the quote posted before the Editorial Board had concluded.

Then Walker came under fire from his campaign foe, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke. She has said she wants to raise the minimum wage in three stages to $10.10 an hour.

“Well, I disagree with it entirely,” Burke told Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber in response to Walker’s comment earlier in the day. “It's important that people who are working fulltime are able to support themselves without government assistance. That's just sort of common sense.”

She said that reducing the number of people on the public dole would reduce the state budget and improve the economy, adding that many business owners she knows supporting increasing the minimum wage.

“I want to make sure people are able to have the pride of having a full-time job and supporting themselves,” Burke said.

A number of liberal websites — such as Talking Points Memo, Huffington Post and Think Progress — jumped on Walker’s comment.

Finally, a top labor official tried to take the governor to task.

“For nearly a century, American workers have relied on minimum wage protections,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. “Now is not the time to take away these important laws,” she continued. “Now is the time to raise the minimum wage so that people who get up and go to work every day can have a decent standard of living.”

This is the second remark from the debate for which Walker has come under strong criticism.

In the first, the governor said, “We don’t have a jobs problem in this state. We have a work problem.”

Burke and other Democrats ripped the statement, suggesting he is ignoring the fact that Wisconsin trails other states in job growth.

Walker countered in a 30-second ad earlier this week.

He has said the statement at the debate concerned the so-called “skills gap,” the notion that good jobs in the state aren’t being filled because of a lack of trained workers.

“Mary Burke is distorting my comments on jobs,” Walker said in the commercial. “It’s no wonder. The tax-and-spend policies she supports drove out good-paying manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin.”

The two candidates for the state’s top office will square off again Friday, sparking a second round of debate — and TV ads — over what is meant and said.​

Scott Walker says he doesn t believe minimum wage serves a purpose - JSOnline

Does the min. wage serve a purpose or should companies be allowed to pay what the market dictates?

I think minimum wage is essential so people don't get taken advantage of. I also don't think it should be set too high because it can just lead to prices rising.

However a look at the UK which brought in the Minimum wage in April 1999 shows that actually inflation and the value of the pound dropped far more slowly than before hand.


He's being under attack for saying stuff that is completely true.

“I want jobs that pay two or three times the minimum wage,” Walker said, adding, “The way you do that is not by (setting) an arbitrary amount by the state.”
Does that mean the first-term Republican governor opposes a minimum wage on principle?

During Tuesday's meeting with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel'sEditorial Board, Walker was asked to clarify his position. He didn't hesitate.

“I'm not going to repeal it,” Walker said. “But I don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. I want people to make, like I said the other night, two or three times that.”

Walker said he wants to help people get the skills they need to find careers that pay many times the current minimum wage, which is $7.25 an hour.

“The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we put in place is not for people to get minimum wage jobs,” he said.

Liberal groups and labor organizations immediately went on the attack, tearing into the governor for saying he doesn’t think the minimum wage “serves a purpose.”

First out of the box was American Bridge — a Democratic Super PAC — which had video of the quote posted before the Editorial Board had concluded.

Then Walker came under fire from his campaign foe, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke. She has said she wants to raise the minimum wage in three stages to $10.10 an hour.

“Well, I disagree with it entirely,” Burke told Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber in response to Walker’s comment earlier in the day. “It's important that people who are working fulltime are able to support themselves without government assistance. That's just sort of common sense.”

She said that reducing the number of people on the public dole would reduce the state budget and improve the economy, adding that many business owners she knows supporting increasing the minimum wage.

“I want to make sure people are able to have the pride of having a full-time job and supporting themselves,” Burke said.

A number of liberal websites — such as Talking Points Memo, Huffington Post and Think Progress — jumped on Walker’s comment.

Finally, a top labor official tried to take the governor to task.

“For nearly a century, American workers have relied on minimum wage protections,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. “Now is not the time to take away these important laws,” she continued. “Now is the time to raise the minimum wage so that people who get up and go to work every day can have a decent standard of living.”

This is the second remark from the debate for which Walker has come under strong criticism.

In the first, the governor said, “We don’t have a jobs problem in this state. We have a work problem.”

Burke and other Democrats ripped the statement, suggesting he is ignoring the fact that Wisconsin trails other states in job growth.

Walker countered in a 30-second ad earlier this week.

He has said the statement at the debate concerned the so-called “skills gap,” the notion that good jobs in the state aren’t being filled because of a lack of trained workers.

“Mary Burke is distorting my comments on jobs,” Walker said in the commercial. “It’s no wonder. The tax-and-spend policies she supports drove out good-paying manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin.”

The two candidates for the state’s top office will square off again Friday, sparking a second round of debate — and TV ads — over what is meant and said.​

Scott Walker says he doesn t believe minimum wage serves a purpose - JSOnline

Does the min. wage serve a purpose or should companies be allowed to pay what the market dictates?

I think minimum wage is essential so people don't get taken advantage of. I also don't think it should be set too high because it can just lead to prices rising.

However a look at the UK which brought in the Minimum wage in April 1999 shows that actually inflation and the value of the pound dropped far more slowly than before hand.


How does min wage prevent people from getting taken advantage of? Are people so stupid they cannot look at two job offers and figure out which one pays more?
The charts are classic post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies.
the consequences of NOT paying anyone a living wage for working 8 hours a day.
You mean, "the consequences of a worker trying to support himself (and possibly a family) by doing only work that does not create the revenue it takes to pay for it", don't you?

Blaming the victim does not resolve the problem.

Corporate Welfare is the problem.

Give me sound fiscal reasons why any corporation is entitled to the benefits of subsidized employees. Your desire for a cheap Big Mac is not a sound fiscal reason.
The problem you have is that you don't know who the victim is.

Here is a hint. It is NOT the employee.

Still crickets from the right when it comes to answering this question.

Give me sound fiscal reasons why any corporation is entitled to the benefits of subsidized employees.
You post a fallacious talking point and then expect people to take it seriously enough to actually try to respond?

It is like trying to answer the question, "When did you stop beating your wife" when in fact, you never have beat your wife.

Now, lets see you prove that an employee is chained to a job and is unable to improve their earnings by going to another job and the employer is forcing them "By any kind of threat" to work for minimum wage which then facilitates the need for subsidies from the government?

Give it a shot.
I doubt anyone that works for minimum wages would say that the minimum wage serves no purpose.

Anyone that makes more than minimum wage is in no position to suggest what purpose MW has on the worker that depends on minimum wage.

I make well above the minimum and I do so for one reason. If the only job someone has he skills to do pays the minimum, the problem is with them not the one doing the paying. Since those being forced to pay someone with minimum skills more than those skills are worth on the open market in many cases and labor costs affect what the rest of us that make above it pay, we very much have a say.

Someone on minimum wage that has the skills to only make that wage is the problem.

Actually the biggest problem is China. Within a decade China is going to have so many workers who have more skills than many Americans, and this is going to change everything.

The US should be changing the way education is focused so that it can deal with the modern world. It's not and the kids of today are going to suffer.

People should be paid a wage that they can live on, without frills and stuff. But with education and skills then you can have a workforce that will be able to compete, to set itself up as more about quality than about quantity etc.

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