SCOTUS divided over SSM

Which doesn't help those kids at all.
What doesn't help kids is having two mommies. If you pleasure seekers (male and female alike) would consider the "give and take" part of a working marriage you would not divorce left and right. When there is new "fuck" coming along you just divorce. Restraint and honoring the contract. Alien concept, huh?
No one is preventing gays from marrying each other Another fallacy popped.

Whole states have attempted to prevent just that.
Wrong. PLease show me the gay couples currently in custody for getting married.
You arent very good at this, are you?

That wasn't your claim- you aren't very good at this are you?

No one is preventing gays from marrying each other Another fallacy popped.

I just showed you that people are preventing gays from marrying each other.

Another of your lies exposed.
You havent shown anything, dumbshit. You asserted a fact that is simply untrue.
No state prevents gays from getting married. I live in TN. Gays get married here all the time. They're not doing it at the courthouse, of course. But they get married plenty.

You can't possibly not know these conversations are about civil marriage.
Apparently Syrius does not. He claims gay marriage is illegal in some places. Take it up with him.
Are you honestly trying to argue that because you have no right to rape you must therefore no right to any sort of sex whatsoever?


bed wetters

You really are obsessive about bed wetting.

You mention it in almost every post.

Pretty pathological.

Bed wetting is a symptom of emotional and developmental immaturity.

It appears an obsession with bed wetting is your symptom of emotional and developmental immaturity.

You obsess about bed wetting in every post.

Pretty pathological.
It appears an obsession with bed wetting is your symptom of emotional and developmental immaturity.

You obsess about bed wetting in every post.

Pretty pathological.

You're the one getting worked up about it.

Try plastic sheets.

Whole states have attempted to prevent just that.
Wrong. PLease show me the gay couples currently in custody for getting married.
You arent very good at this, are you?

That wasn't your claim- you aren't very good at this are you?

No one is preventing gays from marrying each other Another fallacy popped.

I just showed you that people are preventing gays from marrying each other.

Another of your lies exposed.
You havent shown anything, dumbshit. You asserted a fact that is simply untrue.
No state prevents gays from getting married. I live in TN. Gays get married here all the time. They're not doing it at the courthouse, of course. But they get married plenty.

You can't possibly not know these conversations are about civil marriage.
Apparently Syrius does not. He claims gay marriage is illegal in some places. Take it up with him. typically Rabbi- he gets caught lying- and then proceeds to double down and lie more.

Rabbi- you lied when you said this:

Rabbi: No one is preventing gays from marrying each other Another fallacy popped.

Me: Whole states have attempted to prevent just that.

Me: Alabama chief justice tells judges Refuse gay marriage licenses Online Athens

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore sent a letter Sunday evening to probate judges ordering them to refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses when the courts opened Monday morning. Moore wrote that the judges weren't bound by a federal judge's ruling Jan. 23 that the marriage ban was unconstitutional.

"Effective immediately, no probate judge of the state of Alabama nor any agent or employee of any Alabama probate judge shall issue or recognize a marriage license that is inconsistent with (the Alabama Constitution)," Moore wrote.

And you have lied when I said that gay marriage is illegal in some states.

Pretty much every thread you participate in devolves into you lying about what you and others have said.
Which doesn't help those kids at all.
What doesn't help kids is having two mommies. If you pleasure seekers (male and female alike) would consider the "give and take" part of a working marriage you would not divorce left and right. When there is new "fuck" coming along you just divorce. Restraint and honoring the contract. Alien concept, huh?

Says who?

Millions of American children have a single mommy- and no daddy.

You are correct in pointing out that marriage is not preventing my fellow heterosexuals from abandoning their children.

Meanwhile- preventing homosexuals from marrying does not help either the children being raised by single mom's or the children being raised by two mom's or the children being raised by a mommy and daddy.

It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right
Hey Don Juan, I think you need to muster all your carbines if you want to come over trying "to enter into sexual relationship with my wife -as another human being. See the stupidity of your remark?

You still haven't answered the question as to how my civil marriage destroys anyone's family as you claimed gays want to do.
The institution of marriage is the foundation of the family. In marriage a male>> husband and a female>> wife reproduce and the result is a child/children. You, two homosexuals want marriage but two of the same sex - no matter how many times enter into sexual activity, will not have children. Now, if two males get "married" who is the wife and who is the husband? Both of them are husbands? That should be the case if we look at he definition of husband>>>male and wife>>> female. I am against of redefining marriage and husband/wife. .


You apparently think that if a mom and a dad have two kids before they get married- they are not a family.

But the day they get married they suddenly become a family.

There are lots of families- millions of Americans get married with no intention or ability to reproduce with each other and have a child- yet their marriage is as valid as any marriage with children.

Millions of Americans marry and adopt children- and their marriages are just as valid as children where there are biological children.

And millions of Americans have children and live together without marriage and they still have a family.

If two men or two women marry- none of that changes.

Other than any children that they have, now have married parents.
If two men or two women marry- none of that changes.
But it does change. There are no distinct mother of father figures in that so called "family" Girls/boys would not have the affinity to their opposite sex
It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
Agree! You are coming to your senses.

So we are in agreement- denying marriage to homosexuals helps now one and just harms the children being raised by those two mommies.

So the question is- why do you want to harm those children?
Read your post. "It just harms the children being raised by two momies." You said that.

[B said:
"Syriusly, post: 11305976, member: 51902"]It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
You said it.
If two men or two women marry- none of that changes.
But it does change. There are no distinct mother of father figures in that so called "family" Girls/boys would not have the affinity to their opposite sex

I will review slower this time for you:
Family #1- Mom and Dad with 2 children- not married.
Family #2- Mom and Dad with 2 children- married
Family #3- Mom with 2 children- not married.
Family #4- Mom with 2 children- married but husband has abandoned family

Two women marrying doesn't change any of those families.

Family #5- Mom and Mommy with 2 children- not married.
Family #6- Mom and Mommy with 2 children- married.

When the couple in Family #5 marry, none of the above changes- other than their children now have married parents.
Of course you can...but its called rape.

Also, the act of sex is not what defines orientation.

Then it wouldn't be "screwing" it would be raping.

I'm pretty sure if I suck a dick willingly, that would make me a queer. If I decided I didn't like doing it, and never did it again maybe that is different. I dunno.

Still really don't care.

Can we finally pass a law keeping Miley Cyrus off the TV now?

Nope...even willingly doing it doesn't make you gay. It's not about the sex.
It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
Agree! You are coming to your senses.

So we are in agreement- denying marriage to homosexuals helps now one and just harms the children being raised by those two mommies.

So the question is- why do you want to harm those children?
Read your post. "It just harms the children being raised by two momies." You said that.

[B said:
"Syriusly, post: 11305976, member: 51902"]It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
You said it.

Perhaps you don't know what the word 'it' means? Or perhaps you are just a dishonest troll?

Meanwhile- preventing homosexuals from marrying(this is 'it') does not help either the children being raised by single mom's or the children being raised by two mom's or the children being raised by a mommy and daddy.

It [preventing homosexuals from marrying] just harms the children being raised by two momies.

Do you have a grammar issue- or an integrity issue?
If two men or two women marry- none of that changes.
But it does change. There are no distinct mother of father figures in that so called "family" Girls/boys would not have the affinity to their opposite sex

I will review slower this time for you:
Family #1- Mom and Dad with 2 children- not married.
Family #2- Mom and Dad with 2 children- married
Family #3- Mom with 2 children- not married.
Family #4- Mom with 2 children- married but husband has abandoned family

Two women marrying doesn't change any of those families.

Family #5- Mom and Mommy with 2 children- not married.
Family #6- Mom and Mommy with 2 children- married.

When the couple in Family #5 marry, none of the above changes- other than their children now have married parents.
Don't change the fact that you said:
It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
Agree! You are coming to your senses.

So we are in agreement- denying marriage to homosexuals helps now one and just harms the children being raised by those two mommies.

So the question is- why do you want to harm those children?
Read your post. "It just harms the children being raised by two momies." You said that.

[B said:
"Syriusly, post: 11305976, member: 51902"]It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
You said it.

Perhaps you don't know what the word 'it' means? Or perhaps you are just a dishonest troll?

Meanwhile- preventing homosexuals from marrying(this is 'it') does not help either the children being raised by single mom's or the children being raised by two mom's or the children being raised by a mommy and daddy.

It [preventing homosexuals from marrying] just harms the children being raised by two momies.

Do you have a grammar issue- or an integrity issue?
You have the issue. The sentence is double spaced from the main body of your response. Detached from the main body. Separate entry. Separate sentence. Public schooling, huh?
If two men or two women marry- none of that changes.
But it does change. There are no distinct mother of father figures in that so called "family" Girls/boys would not have the affinity to their opposite sex

I will review slower this time for you:
Family #1- Mom and Dad with 2 children- not married.
Family #2- Mom and Dad with 2 children- married
Family #3- Mom with 2 children- not married.
Family #4- Mom with 2 children- married but husband has abandoned family

Two women marrying doesn't change any of those families.

Family #5- Mom and Mommy with 2 children- not married.
Family #6- Mom and Mommy with 2 children- married.

When the couple in Family #5 marry, none of the above changes- other than their children now have married parents.
Don't change the fact that you said:
It just harms the children being raised by two momies.

Okay- thanks for confirming- you have an integrity issue- not a grammar issue

Meanwhile- preventing homosexuals from marrying(this is 'it') does not help either the children being raised by single mom's or the children being raised by two mom's or the children being raised by a mommy and daddy.

It [preventing homosexuals from marrying] just harms the children being raised by two momies.
It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
Agree! You are coming to your senses.

So we are in agreement- denying marriage to homosexuals helps now one and just harms the children being raised by those two mommies.

So the question is- why do you want to harm those children?
Read your post. "It just harms the children being raised by two momies." You said that.

[B said:
"Syriusly, post: 11305976, member: 51902"]It just harms the children being raised by two momies.
You said it.

Perhaps you don't know what the word 'it' means? Or perhaps you are just a dishonest troll?

Meanwhile- preventing homosexuals from marrying(this is 'it') does not help either the children being raised by single mom's or the children being raised by two mom's or the children being raised by a mommy and daddy.

It [preventing homosexuals from marrying] just harms the children being raised by two momies.

Do you have a grammar issue- or an integrity issue?
You have the issue. The sentence is double spaced from the main body of your response. Detached from the main body. Separate entry. Separate sentence. Public schooling, huh?

Clearly you have an integrity issue.

Meanwhile- preventing homosexuals from marrying does not help either the children being raised by single mom's or the children being raised by two mom's or the children being raised by a mommy and daddy.

It just harms the children being raised by two momies.

Meanwhile- preventing homosexuals from marrying(this is 'it') does not help either the children being raised by single mom's or the children being raised by two mom's or the children being raised by a mommy and daddy.

It [preventing homosexuals from marrying] just harms the children being raised by two momies.
Careful, when they get horny after years of cock deprivation you are in for ride, better eat well before engagement.

Yeah... I reckon after a while them rubber dicks lose their effectiveness.

Hmmmm...every third commercial on TV is for erectile dysfunction...

Our fingers and tongues have never let us down.
Males have fingers and tongues also in addition to male appendage.

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