SCOTUS divided over SSM

Are you honestly trying to argue that because you have no right to rape you must therefore no right to any sort of sex whatsoever?


bed wetters

You really are obsessive about bed wetting.

You mention it in almost every post.

Pretty pathological.

Bed wetting is a symptom of emotional and developmental immaturity.

There are no people on earth more obviously lacking emotional maturity than liberals.

For example the treasonous little queer Bradley Manning was reported to have pissed his rack in basic and managed to fall though the cracks in spite of military policy that weeds people out for it. This is why I refer to libtards as bed wetters.

No go turn your matress back over.

"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
:cuckoo: What kind of protection homosexuals do not have?

Are you married? If so, even if you're married to your 15 year old 1st cousin, your marriage is legal in all 50 states. I'm legally married and I need a map to know which states I'm married in. That's not equal application of laws.

We used to have a national ban on gay weddings didn't we? It was the Defense of Marriage act I think (correct me if I'm wrong) but your moonbat messiah refused to defend the law. It's his fault you're confused. We will have to get the nationwide ban reinstated for you.

What makes you so sure; are Christians as good as Spartans for the common Defense?

If we had to pick literary characters, I've always seen Judge Moore and the like more of a conservative Gandalf. Standing in the court house doors screaming 'You shall not pass!'

Nah- Gandalf opposed the orcs, not stood with them.

More like Sheriff Buford T. Justice.....


I can't believe they used Sally Field in that flick.

"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
:cuckoo: What kind of protection homosexuals do not have?

Are you married? If so, even if you're married to your 15 year old 1st cousin, your marriage is legal in all 50 states. I'm legally married and I need a map to know which states I'm married in. That's not equal application of laws.

We used to have a national ban on gay weddings didn't we? It was the Defense of Marriage act I think (correct me if I'm wrong) but your moonbat messiah refused to defend the law. It's his fault you're confused. We will have to get the nationwide ban reinstated for you.

President Obama's Justice Department did not defend the section of DOMA that was challenged (and subsequently struck down). That section had to do with Federal recognition. The part of DOMA that violates FF&C will be struck down in June.

I'm correcting you, you're wrong.
The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right
Hey Don Juan, I think you need to muster all your carbines if you want to come over trying "to enter into sexual relationship with my wife -as another human being. See the stupidity of your remark?
The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right
Hey Don Juan, I think you need to muster all your carbines if you want to come over trying "to enter into sexual relationship with my wife -as another human being. See the stupidity of your remark?

You still haven't answered the question as to how my civil marriage destroys anyone's family as you claimed gays want to do.
President Obama's Justice Department did not defend the section of DOMA that was challenged (and subsequently struck down). That section had to do with Federal recognition. The part of DOMA that violates FF&C will be struck down in June.

I'm correcting you, you're wrong.

Well like I said, I really don't give a shit about this issue either way.

I just like screwing around with dykes.

President Obama's Justice Department did not defend the section of DOMA that was challenged (and subsequently struck down). That section had to do with Federal recognition. The part of DOMA that violates FF&C will be struck down in June.

I'm correcting you, you're wrong.

Well like I said, I really don't give a shit about this issue either way.

I just like screwing around with dykes.


Why? Because they aren't interested in screwing you? Those are some serious self esteem issues you have.
You still haven't answered the question as to how my civil marriage destroys anyone's family as you claimed gays want to do.

I don't think anyone can, because it doesn't really. At least not IMO.

I think a lot of people do believe the openly gay lifestyle in general marginalizes the religious morality of the society, and I can say I suspect that's truly the entire point. Criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths don't give a fuck about people's freedom.

I hope it remains a state's rights issue.

Otherwise I'll be happy when the issue goes away so we can resolve more important problems like assholes who take 15 minutes to get through a goddamned McDonald's drive thru.

Then There's Miley Cyrus.

:puke: :puke3:
The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right
Hey Don Juan, I think you need to muster all your carbines if you want to come over trying "to enter into sexual relationship with my wife -as another human being. See the stupidity of your remark?

You still haven't answered the question as to how my civil marriage destroys anyone's family as you claimed gays want to do.
The institution of marriage is the foundation of the family. In marriage a male>> husband and a female>> wife reproduce and the result is a child/children. You, two homosexuals want marriage but two of the same sex - no matter how many times enter into sexual activity, will not have children. Now, if two males get "married" who is the wife and who is the husband? Both of them are husbands? That should be the case if we look at he definition of husband>>>male and wife>>> female. I am against of redefining marriage and husband/wife. So there, the definition of family (as we understand it and not the Manson "Family", Cosa Nostra Family, etc..) being destroyed and disrespected by defiling the institution of marriage.
The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right
Hey Don Juan, I think you need to muster all your carbines if you want to come over trying "to enter into sexual relationship with my wife -as another human being. See the stupidity of your remark?

You still haven't answered the question as to how my civil marriage destroys anyone's family as you claimed gays want to do.
The institution of marriage is the foundation of the family. In marriage a male>> husband and a female>> wife reproduce and the result is a child/children. You, two homosexuals want marriage but two of the same sex - no matter how many times enter into sexual activity, will not have children. Now, if two males get "married" who is the wife and who is the husband? Both of them are husbands? That should be the case if we look at he definition of husband>>>male and wife>>> female. I am against of redefining marriage and husband/wife. So there, the definition of family (as we understand it and not the Manson "Family", Cosa Nostra Family, etc..) being destroyed and disrespected by defiling the institution of marriage.

That doesn't explain anything. Will straights stop marrying and having kids? I've been married since 2008...nobody's family harmed, but our family has been helped immeasurably.
"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
:cuckoo: What kind of protection homosexuals do not have?

Are you married? If so, even if you're married to your 15 year old 1st cousin, your marriage is legal in all 50 states. I'm legally married and I need a map to know which states I'm married in. That's not equal application of laws.

We used to have a national ban on gay weddings didn't we? It was the Defense of Marriage act I think (correct me if I'm wrong) but your moonbat messiah refused to defend the law. It's his fault you're confused. We will have to get the nationwide ban reinstated for you.

:lol: Not going to happen. :lol:
Of course you can...but its called rape.

Also, the act of sex is not what defines orientation.

Then it wouldn't be "screwing" it would be raping.

I'm pretty sure if I suck a dick willingly, that would make me a queer. If I decided I didn't like doing it, and never did it again maybe that is different. I dunno.

Still really don't care.

Can we finally pass a law keeping Miley Cyrus off the TV now?

President Obama's Justice Department did not defend the section of DOMA that was challenged (and subsequently struck down). That section had to do with Federal recognition. The part of DOMA that violates FF&C will be struck down in June.

I'm correcting you, you're wrong.

Well like I said, I really don't give a shit about this issue either way.

I just like screwing around with dykes.

Careful, when they get horny after years of cock deprivation you are in for ride, better eat well before engagement.
The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right
Hey Don Juan, I think you need to muster all your carbines if you want to come over trying "to enter into sexual relationship with my wife -as another human being. See the stupidity of your remark?

You still haven't answered the question as to how my civil marriage destroys anyone's family as you claimed gays want to do.
The institution of marriage is the foundation of the family. In marriage a male>> husband and a female>> wife reproduce and the result is a child/children. You, two homosexuals want marriage but two of the same sex - no matter how many times enter into sexual activity, will not have children.

You do realize that Seawitch has kids, right? That denying marriage to Seawitch doesn't mean her kids magically have opposite sex parents. It only guarantees they will never have married parents.

Which doesn't help those kids at all.

Now, if two males get "married" who is the wife and who is the husband? Both of them are husbands? That should be the case if we look at he definition of husband>>>male and wife>>> female.

Its actually pretty simple. Each just refer to the other as 'my husband'.

Grand conundrum solved.

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