SCOTUS divided over SSM

What makes you so sure; are Christians as good as Spartans for the common Defense?

If we had to pick literary characters, I've always seen Judge Moore and the like more of a conservative Gandalf. Standing in the court house doors screaming 'You shall not pass!'
There is no appeal to ignorance of our supreme law of the law of the land.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
The 10th amendment reads: The powers not delegated to the Untied States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

You may want to take at look at the 14th. As that's the one the court is considering.
If Bob loves his sister and Frank loves Bob's sister why can't Bob marry his sister yet Frank can?

This is obviously discrimination.

Incest is not discrimination
There are laws against laws against homosexuality
And there is not one word about butt piracy, dykes, marriage or anything else that could be construed as SSM rights protected by the 14th A.

Try again bed wetter.

And there is not one word about butt piracy, dykes, marriage or anything else that could be construed as SSM rights protected by the 14th A.

Try again bed wetter.

"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

That was easy
Are you honestly trying to argue that because you have no right to rape you must therefore no right to any sort of sex whatsoever?


You're also one of the most egregiously stupid people I've ever seen. There is no right to sex, just like there's no right to food, cars, clothing or anything anyone else has to provide.

There is a right to carry guns specifically detailed in the COTUS, but mindless bed wetters like you have no problem rejecting that.


Of course there is a right to sex.....consensual sex. And is a total right to PURCHASE food, cars, clothing or of course don't get it for free....that's not what having a right to them means.

To NOT have the right means, no matter how much money you have, you don't get food.

To NOT have the right means you are not allowed no matter what.
"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
:cuckoo: What kind of protection homosexuals do not have?
In SOME states, soon to be no states, gay couples are not afforded equal treatment under marriage laws.
If you were satisfied with a contractual partnership - as marriage is one - and did not want to redefine "marriage" nobody would resist. You are pushing for the definition of marriage because you are embarrassed and ashamed to fill out certain questionnaire about marital status. You, deep down know homosexuality is wrong. It is against nature, it is against securing the survival of the human race by reproducing.
"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
:cuckoo: What kind of protection homosexuals do not have?
In SOME states, soon to be no states, gay couples are not afforded equal treatment under marriage laws.
If you were satisfied with a contractual partnership - as marriage is one - and did not want to redefine "marriage" nobody would resist. You are pushing for the definition of marriage because you are embarrassed and ashamed to fill out certain questionnaire about marital status. You, deep down know homosexuality is wrong. It is against nature, it is against securing the survival of the human race by reproducing.

Why should she have to accept a different legal relationship because of your hatred?
What makes you so sure; are Christians as good as Spartans for the common Defense?

If we had to pick literary characters, I've always seen Judge Moore and the like more of a conservative Gandalf. Standing in the court house doors screaming 'You shall not pass!'
There is no appeal to ignorance of our supreme law of the law of the land.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
The 10th amendment reads: The powers not delegated to the Untied States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Did you miss the concept and execution of the supremacy clause?
"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
:cuckoo: What kind of protection homosexuals do not have?
In SOME states, soon to be no states, gay couples are not afforded equal treatment under marriage laws.
If you were satisfied with a contractual partnership - as marriage is one - and did not want to redefine "marriage" nobody would resist. You are pushing for the definition of marriage because you are embarrassed and ashamed to fill out certain questionnaire about marital status. You, deep down know homosexuality is wrong. It is against nature, it is against securing the survival of the human race by reproducing.

Why should she have to accept a different legal relationship because of your hatred?
If one disagrees with you, you automatically conceive it as hatred? You are paranoid. Get some treatment. If I hated your kind I would take action accordingly regardless of the final outcome. Hate and love are passions equally strong. Love makes you blind, so does hate. I do not hate you however, I disagree with you.
What makes you so sure; are Christians as good as Spartans for the common Defense?

If we had to pick literary characters, I've always seen Judge Moore and the like more of a conservative Gandalf. Standing in the court house doors screaming 'You shall not pass!'

Nah- Gandalf opposed the orcs, not stood with them.

More like Sheriff Buford T. Justice.....

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Are you honestly trying to argue that because you have no right to rape you must therefore no right to any sort of sex whatsoever?
Yet another spinmeister. If you cannot see the difference between an unalienable right and a "right" granted by the state or other entity, I cannot help you.

The right to enter into a sexual relationship with another human is not what you people call an unalienable right?

You people need to get off the unalienable rights kick because you have no idea what you're talking about.
"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
:cuckoo: What kind of protection homosexuals do not have?

Are you married? If so, even if you're married to your 15 year old 1st cousin, your marriage is legal in all 50 states. I'm legally married and I need a map to know which states I'm married in. That's not equal application of laws.
They better stay out of this. This isn't a case for them as it had NOTHING to do with our Constitutional laws.

They rule on this we might as will hang it up and just turn over our Lives to the judges in Black robes.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dont understand how the country i live in works, so ill post something really stupid.

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