SCOTUS Lifts Injunction Against Most of Travel Ban.

It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

No you did not read the opinion or you would know that the only things they changed are going to be implemented, and they will stand just after more argument. It just shows you try to make a lie out of FACT you are told

Obviously too much CNN Fake News for that one. ;)
I don't follow cnn, msnbc, huffpost. But thanks for your utterly worthless comment. Pull your head put of Trumps ass.
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

No you did not read the opinion or you would know that the only things they changed are going to be implemented, and they will stand just after more argument. It just shows you try to make a lie out of FACT you are told
First of all, stop bastardizing the word lie. To lie is to intentionally tell mistruths. Get it right. I don't intentionally tell mistruths like your bro trump and some of your troll pals here.

Second, only 3 justices endorsed the opinion of a total stay of injunctions. Which is different than the decision. Meaning Trump was spanked again. And the 90 day ban now only consists of refugees or visitors with no familial or official institutional relations to the us. That's not trumps ban. That's what the 9 scotus judges decided. Did YOU read the decision and opinion?

In summation, you're absolutely fucking wrong! And I'm right! Trump tried again and failed to block all those darn muslims for a whelming 90 days.

We'll see what they say when they come back in October but this IS the scotus's revised travel ban. The 72 hour countdown has begun.

wow youre dumb.....he will have his travel ban..and 90 days it will go away......then the supreme court can look at it, oh itll be expired already.

trump.won big, showed how partisan those lower courts were.
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

His action is Constitutional. It always has been. The Democrat activist Judges who ruled against him, are dishonorable folks.
Based on what?
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

His action is Constitutional. It always has been. The Democrat activist Judges who ruled against him, are dishonorable folks.
Your comment reads like a Trump tweet. Is that where you get your news and opinion?

Justice wins over crying and moaning at the end.

The reinstating of the travel restriction isn't really going to restrict much of anything. The Islamist migrants will just contact US mosques, give their names and the Imams will have their flock claim that those migrants are relatives. It's long overdue that the US needs to end all immigration across the board.
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

His action is Constitutional. It always has been. The Democrat activist Judges who ruled against him, are dishonorable folks.
Based on what?

His action was always Constitutional. But not just that, it's a perfectly reasonable and logical action. A 90 day pause on Immigration from these chaotic Terror-Haven nations, is very prudent and wise. It may save American lives.

My big complaint is, it doesn't go far enough. 90 days isn't long enough to really reassess the System. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. Our Immigration System is in shambles. And i truly thank Trump for recognizing that. It's time for serious Immigration reform.
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

No you did not read the opinion or you would know that the only things they changed are going to be implemented, and they will stand just after more argument. It just shows you try to make a lie out of FACT you are told
First of all, stop bastardizing the word lie. To lie is to intentionally tell mistruths. Get it right. I don't intentionally tell mistruths like your bro trump and some of your troll pals here.

Second, only 3 justices endorsed the opinion of a total stay of injunctions. Which is different than the decision. Meaning Trump was spanked again. And the 90 day ban now only consists of refugees or visitors with no familial or official institutional relations to the us. That's not trumps ban. That's what the 9 scotus judges decided. Did YOU read the decision and opinion?

In summation, you're absolutely fucking wrong! And I'm right! Trump tried again and failed to block all those darn muslims for a whelming 90 days.

We'll see what they say when they come back in October but this IS the scotus's revised travel ban. The 72 hour countdown has begun.

wow youre dumb.....he will have his travel ban..and 90 days it will go away......then the supreme court can look at it, oh itll be expired already.

trump.won big, showed how partisan those lower courts were.
No he didnt. Stop reading his tweets like facts. He's a business man that would take a victory lap for finishing his milk even if he spilled half. His language is inherently dishonest as it's about selling perception rather than honesty.

You made statements completely ignoring what the temporary decision was and what I laid out.

His ban is NOT in place. The supreme court's doctored version goes into effect likely at the end of this 72 hours and only bars travel of people with no family or institution here.

He was smacked again. And not surprisingly, his stolen sc justice was in his pocket.
It's a constitutional win against the flakey left and their assnine therory that the Constitution "lives and breathes" what ever that is suppose to mean.

If the Constitution lives and breathes, then it just took a nasty dump on the Left and the Democratic Party. :clap2:

Really? They gave Trump a small part of what he wanted, and will think about the rest next fall. You call that winning?
Yup. Even the Leftie commentators are saying it was a good day for Trump, and horrible day for the Left. Poor Democrats. Ha ha ha.
Which "Leftie commentators"?
Your beloved CNN AND MSNBC.

A little more specific? Who, when? Looks like you can't answer the question. Why?
If the Constitution lives and breathes, then it just took a nasty dump on the Left and the Democratic Party. :clap2:

Really? They gave Trump a small part of what he wanted, and will think about the rest next fall. You call that winning?
Yup. Even the Leftie commentators are saying it was a good day for Trump, and horrible day for the Left. Poor Democrats. Ha ha ha.
Which "Leftie commentators"?
Your beloved CNN AND MSNBC.

A little more specific? Who, when? Looks like you can't answer the question. Why?
I flipped through those channels yesterday, and that's all they were whining about..."clear undeniable victory for Trump". Look up Jeffrey Toubin
Really? They gave Trump a small part of what he wanted, and will think about the rest next fall. You call that winning?
Yup. Even the Leftie commentators are saying it was a good day for Trump, and horrible day for the Left. Poor Democrats. Ha ha ha.
Which "Leftie commentators"?
Your beloved CNN AND MSNBC.

A little more specific? Who, when? Looks like you can't answer the question. Why?
I flipped through those channels yesterday, and that's all they were whining about..."clear undeniable victory for Trump". Look up Jeffrey Toubin

Got it. You can't back up your claim. The court struck down the majority of Trump's silly plan by saying anyone with a connection to the US is not effected by the ban, and only 3 of 9 judges wanted Trump's entire plan approved, They told him "come back next fall, and we will look at it again. Doesn't sound like much victory to me. Sounds like he got a few scraps and was told to check back later, and they would think about it.
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

His action is Constitutional. It always has been. The Democrat activist Judges who ruled against him, are dishonorable folks.
Based on what?

His action was always Constitutional. But not just that, it's a perfectly reasonable and logical action. A 90 day pause on Immigration from these chaotic Terror-Haven nations, is very prudent and wise. It may save American lives.

My big complaint is, it doesn't go far enough. 90 days isn't long enough to really reassess the System. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. Our Immigration System is in shambles. And i truly thank Trump for recognizing that. It's time for serious Immigration reform.
You're wrong to think It's by default constitutional following challenges by lower courts and even this partial block by the sc. If it were by default constutional, none of this would have happened.

There's no precedent for the breadth, depth, and previously exclaimed intent for trumps ban. Hence, the injunctions. The power has been invoked before numerous times but in much more specific ways and never, I repeat NEVER on the initial grounds of targeting a religious group, muslims.
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The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored a group, they can get a visa.
Yes, but now we won't have any more terrorist attacks inside the U.S. from anyone from any of those nations.
---------------------------------------------------------- future attacks don't eally matter , mrobama has already seeded the USA with terrorists . And nothing is 100 percent a sure thing but Trump is having his powers clarified by the Supreme Court and that should be handy for the future Faun .
Great. So tell me how many attacks there have been here by a refugee from one of those seven nations...
theres been a few attacks by muslims , see Orlando , see San Bernadino and there have been other attacks at ' recruiting offices' and there have been have been other attacks on individuals . My BAN would be on 'muslims' [to start] because i see 'islam' as being incompatible with USA and Western society . And thats only muslims but my BAN would be on most ALL third world countries and their peoples Faun . They have countries that they come from , let them build up their countries . Keep in mind that if common sense on immigration doesn't eventually happen , your little jkds will pay the price in the future Faun .
The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored a group, they can get a visa.
Yes, but now we won't have any more terrorist attacks inside the U.S. from anyone from any of those nations.
---------------------------------------------------------- future attacks don't eally matter , mrobama has already seeded the USA with terrorists . And nothing is 100 percent a sure thing but Trump is having his powers clarified by the Supreme Court and that should be handy for the future Faun .
Great. So tell me how many attacks there have been here by a refugee from one of those seven nations...
Ask the Brits, Danes, French, Swedes, Spanish, Germans....
as far as 'mrobama' seeding the USA . Well see the murders of American school kids by 'ms13' youthful gang members in NewYork , Texas and other states Faun .
The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored a group, they can get a visa.
Yes, but now we won't have any more terrorist attacks inside the U.S. from anyone from any of those nations.
---------------------------------------------------------- future attacks don't eally matter , mrobama has already seeded the USA with terrorists . And nothing is 100 percent a sure thing but Trump is having his powers clarified by the Supreme Court and that should be handy for the future Faun .
Great. So tell me how many attacks there have been here by a refugee from one of those seven nations...
Ask the Brits, Danes, French, Swedes, Spanish, Germans....
Why? We're talking about the U.S..
other countries problems with muslims are the same thing that you and your kids will eventually see in the USA Faun .
other countries problems with muslims are the same thing that you and your kids will eventually see in the USA Faun .
I take it by that diversion, you know the answer to my question is -- zero
The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored a group, they can get a visa.
Yes, but now we won't have any more terrorist attacks inside the U.S. from anyone from any of those nations.
---------------------------------------------------------- future attacks don't eally matter , mrobama has already seeded the USA with terrorists . And nothing is 100 percent a sure thing but Trump is having his powers clarified by the Supreme Court and that should be handy for the future Faun .
Great. So tell me how many attacks there have been here by a refugee from one of those seven nations...
Ask the Brits, Danes, French, Swedes, Spanish, Germans....
Why? We're talking about the U.S..
Yep. So why does the left want European immigration policies?

Afraid to answer what's going inside this nations? Why is that?

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