SCOTUS Lifts Injunction Against Most of Travel Ban.

The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored by a group, they can get a visa.
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The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored a group, they can get a visa.
Yes, but now we won't have any more terrorist attacks inside the U.S. from anyone from any of those nations.
The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored a group, they can get a visa.
Making it harder and not easier for wanna be jihadis to enter this country, is a great first step. Lefties want this country to turn into UK or France, where it's literally too late.
The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored a group, they can get a visa. opposed to no criteria? Yeah, it's a big win. Obamabots aren't known for their brains.
The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored by a group, they can get a visa.
----------------------------------------------- as can be seen , its a long and slow road and path . there are almost 7 and 3 quarter years to go in Trumps Presidency and Trump doesn't seem to be the type to be defeated by you or Surs sort PJ.
The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored a group, they can get a visa.
Yes, but now we won't have any more terrorist attacks inside the U.S. from anyone from any of those nations.
Swedes, Germans, Brits, French, Danes all wish they had such restrictions in place the last few years.
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
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Temporarily reinstating a temporary travel ban? Huh?
Agreed, it should be a permanent ban on all Islamists.
Can't do that. How times do you people need to go through that?
Why didn't the 9th circus court rule that way Jake the fake? Like we said those fucking tards was not ruling on the Constitution but by "feelings" and campaign rhetoric..
Well, alt flakey, SCOTUS did not do that, did it? You are not going to get than ban. Go to your safe space right now.
The ban is allowed to ban people from the listed 6 countries barring they have a proven relationship already in the US. Guess what that means no one is getting in dumb ass and that includes Muslims.
Ever notice that even though the right supposedly rules all three branches of government, the left are the ones still calling the shots hence the reason the travel ban was tied up this long by some lower court deep state appointee of Obama's?

Well just in...the Supreme court has voted to uphold Trump's travel ban. And to no surprise the left are already planning to use a loop hole to help them go around and gain access by claiming each is related to someone already living in the U.S. And also not surprising lawsuits are already being drafted which will no doubt overload the court system that of course American tax payers will end up paying for.

And then there's this Mueller crap who should actually recuse himself, but instead is being allowed to run amuck hiring every slick democrat power attorney he can to try and impeach this administration. And all that while Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, and God knows how many aides and who else that are literally allowed to slide after committing virtually every crime on the books.

I'm sorry but to any of you left supporters that aren't seeing what a cancer your party is by now there really is no hope for you.
Which is why the Congress and Trump need to move on those 132 judicial vacancies. Now that the filibuster is ended on those seats, there is no reason why these seats should be empty.
McConnell is going to go very carefully.

You realize under the rules a Democrati Senate and President would simply eliminate the districts, and then create new ones?

McConnell will be careful.
NO they can not. It takes a Presidential signature to change the make up of Courts.
The Right trumpets this as a win.
Truth is, anyone from those countries who have relatives, have a job, or go to school in the US can get visas. In addition if one is sponsored by a group, they can get a visa.

It's a constitutional win against the flakey left and their assnine therory that the Constitution "lives and breathes" what ever that is suppose to mean.

It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

No you did not read the opinion or you would know that the only things they changed are going to be implemented, and they will stand just after more argument. It just shows you try to make a lie out of FACT you are told
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

No you did not read the opinion or you would know that the only things they changed are going to be implemented, and they will stand just after more argument. It just shows you try to make a lie out of FACT you are told
First of all, stop bastardizing the word lie. To lie is to intentionally tell mistruths. Get it right. I don't intentionally tell mistruths like your bro trump and some of your troll pals here.

Second, only 3 justices endorsed the opinion of a total stay of injunctions. Which is different than the decision. Meaning Trump was spanked again. And the 90 day ban now only consists of refugees or visitors with no familial or official institutional relations to the us. That's not trumps ban. That's what the 9 scotus judges decided. Did YOU read the decision and opinion?

In summation, you're absolutely fucking wrong! And I'm right! Trump tried again and failed to block all those darn muslims for a whelming 90 days.

We'll see what they say when they come back in October but this IS the scotus's revised travel ban. The 72 hour countdown has begun.
Just heard the perfect description of he ruling.

The court didn't say Trump could have a pony, and they didn't say he couldn't have a pony. They just said that if he still wants a pony next fall, they will look at it again we'll see.

Just substitute travel ban for pony, and you got what was decided.

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