SCOTUS Lifts Injunction Against Most of Travel Ban.

wonder if this will finally kill off ruth?
She sided with Trump
thats crazy. I really didnt have faith in her to be honest..

The lower court decision was seriously that bad. I mean national security isn't a secular purpose?
It was driven entirely by partisan hatred of Trump with nary a consideration to jurisprudence.
they made that quit obvious!
BearFlakey, as long as you guys can't ban based on religion, you have lost. Everyone told you he could ban based on the origin of country. And the ban cannot prevent people with legitimate rights to be in this country. Sounds like good SCOTUS ruling.

No one tried to ban anyone based on religion
Considering one can purchase a Syrian passport for a measly 2 grand the temporary ban in order to truly and properly vette sp? individuals from those hot spots made sense.

PASSPORT TO TERROR: MailOnline reporter buys Syrian papers being sold to ISIS fighters sneaking into Europe hidden among refugees
  • Reporter bought $2,000 Syrian passport, ID card and driving licence in Turkey under the name of a real man who was killed in the conflict
  • Forger boasted that ISIS fighters are using documents to travel to Europe to start terror sleeper cells or live under false name free of past crimes
  • Also being used by economic migrants from other countries exploiting generosity of Europe to Syrian refugees
  • Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee told MailOnline the scam was 'deeply disturbing' and should be 'addressed immediately'
  • The blank documents are genuine, having been stolen from government offices by militias fighting regime of Bashar Al-Assad
  • EU border official admits fraud is rising and bigger than first thought

Read more: MailOnline reporter buys Syrian papers being sold to ISIS fighters sneaking into Europe with the refugees | Daily Mail Online
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The Most Important Fact About Trump's Travel Ban That Everyone Is Missing

In this video, we go over the latest breaking news surrounding Donald Trump's executive order on a travel ban from predominantly Muslim countries. We give you context about this major decision and its proceeds him with actions from Barack Obama and George W. Bush. Share this video if it resonated with you and support us on WeAreChange is creating A Plan To Destroy The Main Stream Media | Patreon

The Most Important Fact About Trump's Travel Ban That Everyone Is Missing

In this video, we go over the latest breaking news surrounding Donald Trump's executive order on a travel ban from predominantly Muslim countries. We give you context about this major decision and its proceeds him with actions from Barack Obama and George W. Bush. Share this video if it resonated with you and support us on WeAreChange is creating A Plan To Destroy The Main Stream Media | Patreon

This is the video Luke was talking about where Gen. Wesely Clark is mentioned

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
Case won't be heard til October, when they reconvene.

By then, there may be a new Justice.

(or two)
I don't know what parts of the ban are now allowed, but most of it, it sounds like, so wouldn't that mean by October a case is no longer needed? It will have been more than 90 days?
I'm a little confused how this will work. Will definitely need to watch PBS Newshour tonight. I'm sure they'll explain it.
P.S. Not surprised by this. I think most everyone knew the S.C. would rule in the President's favor on this one.

Travel ban: Full text of Supreme Court ruling -


Nutjob lefties must be eating their soiled underwear now that the Supreme Court pissed on the liberal loony 9th circuit ruling.

Supreme Court revives Trump travel ban

The Supreme Court revived President Trump’s extreme vetting travel ban Monday, ruling that much of it can go into effect — and along the way delivering an implicit rebuke to the army of lower-court judges who’d blasted the president as anti-Muslim.

The unanimous decision said Mr. Trump can impose a 90-day pause on most admissions from six terrorist-connected countries, and a 120-day halt in all refugees admissions. The exceptions are citizens of those countries who already have ties to the U.S., such as relatives living here, or participation in a student program.

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Hitler's said the Atlantic Wall was impregnable...the came D-Day. Remember June, 26th, 2017...the day conservatives began the operation to " Make America Great Again."
I just want to bask in the brilliance of this decision. It really is an amazing ruling. Let the travel ban go forward part but not in all.

Think about it. It's a temporary travel ban. If they allowed the entire ban to go as ordered by the time October comes around, the ban would expire making any decision moot and eliminating any jurisdiction they had to hear the case.

But by allowing part of it it keeps the issue alive for the October hearing, lets the president benefit from the bans effects, and no matter how they ruled then the effect is more for future controversies than this one.

It's quite shrewed.

I hope they let Gorsuch write the opinion. I'm petty like that
Well you have jihadists from over 86 countries fighting with ISIS in Syria and Iraq's so called civil wars and sorry as sorry as I can be I call that freaking invasions not civil wars and those fighters will be needing to get the hell out of dodge because they are losing now big time and a temporary ban is the most sensible thing America can do.

It's a fine decision.

It upholds Trump's presidential power as it circumscribes what he can do.

Good on SCOTUS.
The left are a bunch of losers. Geaux to California a suck a fags wang. Happy trails

This has been heading to the SC since Day 1. The libs thought they were being sly bringing this through the 9th Circuit which, predictably, saw things however they were sold to.

They got their cheap shill victories. Now it's on to the adults.

FU 9th Circuit....

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