SCOTUS will hear Trump's IMMUNITY claim over criminal election interference charges

The fact that this question is even being discussed is something I never thought I would see.
First impressions of the oral arguments earlier today?

It doesn’t look good for Brandon and his henchthugs or for The Not Very Special Persecutor, Smith.
To stack the court while Biden is president? Yes.
Right, you admit that he can't do it under the rules every other president works with, so he has to change them while he himself will benefit. I understand that's democrat SOP, but it's still wrong to do, and will only unleash the next president wiping it out with his own additions. Stupid democrats can never figure these things out.
He should do it immediately.
And should get slapped down by Congress, immediately. There should be enough sane democrats in the Senate left to refuse to allow him to do it. Then he should be impeached for trying.
And if he does, I don't want to hear a goddamn peep out of you. Don't make me say it twice.
Why wouldn't I rightly note that Quid Pro would be blatantly admitting he can't get what he wants so he's changing the rules in the middle of the game? I'll make you say it as often as I want to, he has no business monkeying with the number of Justices on the Court, and if he does, he deserves a big slap-down and the next president to simply put his additional Justices on to get the rulings HE wants. The way it takes so long for cases to get to the SC, the next president would have his Justices in place by the time the cases got there anyway. That would be a real hoot, watching him and you rant and rave because his Justices were nullified before they could do anything.
Seating three judges and increasing the number to 12 is not unconstitutional at all.
Oh, it's constitutional, which is why if Quid Pro opens the door, there's nothing stopping future presidents with a friendly Senate from doing the exact same thing their first day in office. Right now, precedent is holding him back, along with the glaringly obvious de-legitimizing of future Court decisions. They would rightly be seen as nothing more than democrats changing the rules to get the rulings they want.
OK. We will make Schumer and the newly elected Senator Schiff two of the new justices with Lisa Murkowski. That'll fix em.
Yeah, that would be great. It would get Schumer out of the hair of the American people and he would be totally neutered before he could do much damage, because TRUMP! would just appoint a bunch more of his own. Open the door, democrats, and watch it be used against you. You never learn.
I thought Kagan was the least stupid of the liberal hacks. Boy was I wrong. She apparently believes there is a time in which there is no commander in chief. We are doomed if liberals ever get the Supreme Court.
Oops, wrong. It's perfectly within the rules.
It's changing the rules in the middle of the game. You're not even advocating that he make the new number of Justices take effect AFTER he leaves office, you want him to blatantly stack the deck so he can get the rulings you want right now. It would be fun, though, to watch him put some more on the court, only to watch even more get put on by TRUMP! next year before they can hear any big cases, and see them nullified.
Like I said, not a peep from you, if it happens.
Like I said, I'll continue to condemn any effort by Quid Pro and the democrats (horrible name for a rock band) to stack the Court because they're mad they're not getting the rulings they want. And, should they do it, I'll champion TRUMP! adding his own to nullify what they did. The court would lose its legitimacy as soon as Quid Pro added them anyway, so why not just keep adding as many Justices as needed to overcome the blatant democrat bias?
And there’s nothing fraudulent about it.

Trumpers just don’t like it
Oh, no one's denying that the constitution allows the president to stack the court however he wants to as long as the Senate allows him to do it. What I'm pointing out is that the Court would become illegitimate overnight if Quid Pro Joe blatantly added Justices simply because he didn't like the rulings the Court was putting out. If he added 3 new Justices, for example, there would be no reason to accept the Court's rulings as fair and judicial.
Wrong again. It's perfectly within the rules. Sorry.

Not a peep from you. I mean it.
Nope, if he tries it, I will call him and all of those supporting him on it. If he wants to change the rules, expect TRUMP! to do the same when he's back in office, and of course, you won't say a word about it, because you're not a hypocrite, right? You'll stand by silently as he adds another 5, 7, or 9 Justices just to make sure he gets the rulings he wants.

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