Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding is not Torture

What comparison? I made no comparison. I stated a couple of facts: My brothers are USMC so they are courageous and they have been waterboarded with no ill effect.

If there is an idiot around, it ain't me. The evidence suggests it is you and a few others.

Can you prove you have brothers in the USMC who were waterboarded? It's a meritless claim without proof.

It doesn't matter if what she said is true or not. Nobody can honestly compare a voluntary simulation to actual waterboarding.

So is this an admission that only what the detainee was thinking made any difference on how he was treated or simply *felt* he was being treated?

Waterboarding is a mind-game...nothing more. You think you're gonna drown. It's an involuntary response to panic when this happens....and the fact that KSM thought he was gonna drown at the hands of these evil Americans he literally spilled his guts in 90 seconds. The fact libs hate the technique is a testament to it's effectiveness.

And what literally galls me is that Americans are so damned worried about the feelings of a terrorist in the first place. It makes me sick to my stomach to call you a fellow American.
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We already know waterboarding is torture. It's already been defined and signed long ago. There is no debate, only attempts at rationalization from those who are for using this method of torture to extract information from our captive enemies.


We don't "know" any such thing.

In reality, waterboarding appears NOT to qualify as "torture" under a VALID and appropriate defintion of the term.

So, yes, there IS a debate.

Nice try. No points.

I do support the use of this rather extreme technique to extract necessary information from the barbarians who are content beheading their "enemies" while alive and conscious are to send them hurtling at 500+ mph into occupied skyscrapers. You can falsely procalim that to be a rationalization all you wish. But your saying it doesn't make it so.

That's exactly what it is: Rationalizion.

And Liability you know full well from Dogbert's post above that our country has signed the UN Conventions Against Torture which defines waterboarding as torture. We have prosecuted and executed the Japanese for using this method against our soldiers in WWII.

Then there is always this:

Cases of waterboarding have occurred on U.S. soil, as well. In 1983, Texas Sheriff James Parker was charged, along with three of his deputies, for handcuffing prisoners to chairs, placing towels over their faces, and pouring water on the cloth until they gave what the officers considered to be confessions. The sheriff and his deputies were all convicted and sentenced to four years in prison.
Waterboarding: A Tortured History : NPR
mudwhistle, you are wrong. There is no reasonable-person standard for debate here. Waterboarding is torture.
So basically if you want to believe in your own mind that is isn't torture, that's fine. I'll take signed treaties and legal precedent over your opinion in this case.
We already know waterboarding is torture. It's already been defined and signed long ago. There is no debate, only attempts at rationalization from those who are for using this method of torture to extract information from our captive enemies.


We don't "know" any such thing.

In reality, waterboarding appears NOT to qualify as "torture" under a VALID and appropriate defintion of the term.

So, yes, there IS a debate.

Nice try. No points.

I do support the use of this rather extreme technique to extract necessary information from the barbarians who are content beheading their "enemies" while alive and conscious are to send them hurtling at 500+ mph into occupied skyscrapers. You can falsely procalim that to be a rationalization all you wish. But your saying it doesn't make it so.

That's exactly what it is: Rationalizion.

And Liability you know full well from Dogbert's post above that our country has signed the UN Conventions Against Torture which defines waterboarding as torture. We have prosecuted and executed the Japanese for using this method against our soldiers in WWII.

Then there is always this:

Cases of waterboarding have occurred on U.S. soil, as well. In 1983, Texas Sheriff James Parker was charged, along with three of his deputies, for handcuffing prisoners to chairs, placing towels over their faces, and pouring water on the cloth until they gave what the officers considered to be confessions. The sheriff and his deputies were all convicted and sentenced to four years in prison.
Waterboarding: A Tortured History : NPR

Fuck NPR....they're hacks for the Democrats. They're paid to lie to us by Democraps using our tax-dollars.
Fuck NPR....they're hacks for the Democrats. They're paid to lie to us by Democraps using our tax-dollars.

NPR is paid to lie to Americans?

OK, there went your creditibility on this issue and on NPR.

They arrived at Ft. Campbell a couple of years ago wanting to do a documentary on battle-fatigue with guys in my former unit. They were dressed like Viet Cong with their black pajamas and their long greasy hair. Classic left-wingers.
Mudwhistle, I don't believe the comments about the NPR interview @ Campbell. You will have to do far better than that. NPR paid to lie to Americans? You are :cuckoo:. That you don't like that waterboarding is torture is irrelevant. By law, by internation convention, and by a reasonable-person standard, it has always been and always will be torture.
Mudwhistle, I don't believe the comments about the NPR interview @ Campbell. You will have to do far better than that. NPR paid to lie to Americans? You are :cuckoo:. That you don't like that waterboarding is torture is irrelevant. By law, by internation convention, and by a reasonable-person standard, it has always been and always will be torture.


In SOME instances internationAL agreements do call it torture. By "law" it may or may not be torture. Depends on the law and the context. And you have absolutely no concept of what any REASONABLE person would think.
SOME instances internationAL agreements do call it torture. By "law" it may or may not be torture. Depends on the law and the context. .....

Now you are backing up, getting ready to turn and run scared. Yeah, waterboarding is torture,
Mudwhistle, I don't believe the comments about the NPR interview @ Campbell. You will have to do far better than that. NPR paid to lie to Americans? You are :cuckoo:. That you don't like that waterboarding is torture is irrelevant. By law, by internation convention, and by a reasonable-person standard, it has always been and always will be torture.

NPR is left-leaning...and taxpayer funded. They support in effect they are paid to lie about Republicans and cover for the Dems plain and simple.

I really don't care if you believe me about what they were doing at Ft. Campbell. I told you what they looked like....many of the guys told me the kind of questions they were asking them. Leading questions hoping that someone at 5th Group would complain about being worn out or tired of war.

This only happened a few months after Walter Reed. Reporters were flooding our military facilities looking everywhere for dirt. They wanted to nail Bush for anything....and the only reason was to help the Dems take back Congress and the White House. And...a secret motive was to run up the deficit by causing the Bush Administration to overract by spending for new equipment...armored vests....uparmored HUMVEEs.....etc. Billions were spent over fake stories about peeling paint and mildew.

I saw NPR trying to generate a story of pain and suffering of the troops and nobody fell for their Bull shit. I don't care if you believe me. I saw it with my own eyes.
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SOME instances internationAL agreements do call it torture. By "law" it may or may not be torture. Depends on the law and the context. .....

Now you are backing up, getting ready to turn and run scared. Yeah, waterboarding is torture,

Wrong AGAIN, ya assbite! It's amazing that someone with your brains

can even breathe!

If you had bothered to read some of my earlier posts (not that you would; "Why bother knowing what you're talking about?" could be written in Latin on your family crest), you would have seen that I conceded the possibility yesterday.

But that's not "backing up," you idiot. That's called honesty.

No wonder you wouldn't recognize it.
Lieability and Mudwhistle have learned how to entertain others with their fumbling and bumbling and stumbling and mumbling on this thread.

They bring a smile to each of us who reads them.

Thanks, you two.
SOME instances internationAL agreements do call it torture. By "law" it may or may not be torture. Depends on the law and the context. .....

Now you are backing up, getting ready to turn and run scared. Yeah, waterboarding is torture,

Wrong AGAIN, ya assbite! It's amazing that someone with your brains

can even breathe!

If you had bothered to read some of my earlier posts (not that you would; "Why bother knowing what you're talking about?" could be written in Latin on your family crest), you would have seen that I conceded the possibility yesterday.

But that's not "backing up," you idiot. That's called honesty.

No wonder you wouldn't recognize it.

as I said... every American who has ever been waterboarded by an enemy has called it torture. The US prosecuted japanese officers who waterboarded American GIs during WWII. The UN treaty that the US signed over and above the Geneva Conventions makes it illegal in any case.
Lieability and Mudwhistle have learned how to entertain others with their fumbling and bumbling and stumbling and mumbling on this thread.

They bring a smile to each of us who reads them.

Thanks, you two. just show everyone here that no matter what, regardless of the evidence that you asked for, you're still gonna insist on living in denial.

You're what Obama assumes at least 60% of us are. Folks that are so biased that nothing will change your mind. Thank God you only make up about 20%. Some of you don't even think it's wrong for them to conspire against us with the media.

Regardless of how your media sources try to assure you that it's not all slipping away public opinion is shifting because the Dems have exposed themselves as the liars and the cheats many of us knew they are.

Let's face it....nothing the media, the Democrats in Washington, or Obama says is worth a bucket of piss. There has been a concerted effort in the past to deceive us and now they don't even try to hide it anymore ...because they feel we can't stop them. And besides....there's always enough closed-minded partisans out there to help bail them out, so why worry.

They're power hungry. They're dishonest and corrupt. I dare you to deny that.

They know they are in trouble and a purge is on in an attempt to rid the party of easy targets like Chris Dodd. This is what happens to power hungry people. They go too far, and in a free least the one we used to live in...that can come back to haunt you.
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Liability, you are so full of crap, it is painful to even look at your posts. We prosecuted Japnese after WWII for Waterboarding. It was a decided issue until DICK talked his chimp W into authorizing it again. So, a recovering alcoholic was the "Decider" and made a very lame decision.

When our military is captured in the future, they will certainly be Waterboarded, probably to and beyond the point of death, all because W and DICK felt it was legal and got some "yes" man attorney to write that decision. Where is that guy working now, by the way? How did that go for him?
Liability, you are so full of crap, it is painful to even look at your posts. We prosecuted Japnese after WWII for Waterboarding. It was a decided issue until DICK talked his chimp W into authorizing it again. So, a recovering alcoholic was the "Decider" and made a very lame decision.

When our military is captured in the future, they will certainly be Waterboarded, probably to and beyond the point of death, all because W and DICK felt it was legal and got some "yes" man attorney to write that decision. Where is that guy working now, by the way? How did that go for him?

Maybe you need to learn know what you're talking about before you start making a fool of yourself.

The kind of waterboarding the japs used was totally different.

They forced water into their victims lungs. We just wet a towel that's covering their faces. They need to change the name because the technique we use doesn't even resemble the one the Japanese used.
Can you prove you have brothers in the USMC who were waterboarded? It's a meritless claim without proof.

It doesn't matter if what she said is true or not. Nobody can honestly compare a voluntary simulation to actual waterboarding.

So is this an admission that only what the detainee was thinking made any difference on how he was treated or simply *felt* he was being treated?

Waterboarding is a mind-game...nothing more. You think you're gonna drown. It's an involuntary response to panic when this happens....and the fact that KSM thought he was gonna drown at the hands of these evil Americans he literally spilled his guts in 90 seconds. The fact libs hate the technique is a testament to it's effectiveness.

And what literally galls me is that Americans are so damned worried about the feelings of a terrorist in the first place. It makes me sick to my stomach to call you a fellow American.

I'm flattered. I am greatly honored that such an ass grease slime shit stick like you hates to see me as an American. When ***** like you speak about policies it is always clear your hypocrisy rules over all other principles. The day a fuckwad like yourself is proud to call me an American is the day i'd rather drown in a porta-potty versus standing next to you.

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