Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding is not Torture

I think the problem lays in the definition of 'waterboarding'. The way it was undertaken by the Japs during WWII is, without doubt, torture in any sane individuals definition. However, what the US use as 'waterboarding' is not the same thing. Therein lies the argument - is the way we used it torture. Having heard from those who have been waterboarded, it is "scary shit" but torture? No.

But that is how Libs win blurring the facts and rationalizing the shit out of everything.

Get a bunch of them repeating the same fallacy and they feel they're just repeating fact.

Their problem is they aren't very smart.
I think the problem lays in the definition of 'waterboarding'. The way it was undertaken by the Japs during WWII is, without doubt, torture in any sane individuals definition. However, what the US use as 'waterboarding' is not the same thing. Therein lies the argument - is the way we used it torture. Having heard from those who have been waterboarded, it is "scary shit" but torture? No.

But that is how Libs win blurring the facts and rationalizing the shit out of everything.

Get a bunch of them repeating the same fallacy and they feel they're just repeating fact.

Their problem is they aren't very smart.

I think they're mostly closed-minded.

They repeat this nonsense like it's believable.

They'll never admit that they are being tricked. That would mean they were if not the very least pretty damned gullible.
It's amazing how the shoe is on the other foot now.

We're questioning what passes for proper authority in Washington and we're supposedly the dumbasses.

Yet they mindlessly believe everything thing these liars in Washington feed them....even when they admit they're all liars.

It would be funny if it wasn't so disastrous to our welfare.
You loons are fun to watch, jibbering and jabbering, opining and whining for the good old days.

Obama is still more popular than the GOP, more moderates and conservative democrats are moving into our party, which means the wingnut reactionary influence will be declining.

You guys might as well cry here, because this is the only place anyone will listen to you.
It WAS torture until DICK and W decided it wasn't. The Japanese did precisely what we did. Water does travel into the lungs during the torture, usually not enough to kill.

But the Tea Baggers have found a new definition for torture. Their Golden Rule is to do unto others but not unto me. Waterboarding has become a MAJOR recruitment tool and has lead many moderate Muslims into extremism. Thanks DICK!
It WAS torture until DICK and W decided it wasn't. The Japanese did precisely what we did. Water does travel into the lungs during the torture, usually not enough to kill.

But the Tea Baggers have found a new definition for torture. Their Golden Rule is to do unto others but not unto me. Waterboarding has become a MAJOR recruitment tool and has lead many moderate Muslims into extremism. Thanks DICK!

That is just not true. You are either mistaken or lying. I will not judge which but what we did is not what the Japs did. Two completely different techniques. You can argue the opposite from now until doomsday but you will still be either wrong or lying.
It WAS torture until DICK and W decided it wasn't. The Japanese did precisely what we did. Water does travel into the lungs during the torture, usually not enough to kill.

But the Tea Baggers have found a new definition for torture. Their Golden Rule is to do unto others but not unto me. Waterboarding has become a MAJOR recruitment tool and has lead many moderate Muslims into extremism. Thanks DICK!

"Tea partiers" you idiot gasbag, one of blame America first freaks

Mohammed, Islam, the sheiks, and imams are innocent huh? :cuckoo:
You loons are fun to watch, jibbering and jabbering, opining and whining for the good old days.

Obama is still more popular than the GOP, more moderates and conservative democrats are moving into our party, which means the wingnut reactionary influence will be declining.

You guys might as well cry here, because this is the only place anyone will listen to you.

And you're living in a dream world.

Obama's poll numbers are cratering. He's looking more and more like a buffoon every day.

He is personally destroying his party and we're all watching it unfold.

It's all over the place, not just here.
It WAS torture until DICK and W decided it wasn't. The Japanese did precisely what we did. Water does travel into the lungs during the torture, usually not enough to kill.

But the Tea Baggers have found a new definition for torture. Their Golden Rule is to do unto others but not unto me. Waterboarding has become a MAJOR recruitment tool and has lead many moderate Muslims into extremism. Thanks DICK!

This isn't a Tea Party issue. They were concerned with the spending.

This is a national defense issue everyone is concerned about.

Waterboarding is being used by our own media to help Muslims trick new recruits. Personally I think radicals will use any excuse, real or imagined, to recruit new pun intended....because it's THEIR blood that will be spilled....not the leader's blood.
Here, chew on this you dopey libs.

58% Favor Waterboarding of Plane Terrorist To Get Information - Rasmussen Reports™
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters say waterboarding and other aggressive interrogation techniques should be used to gain information from the terrorist who attempted to bomb an airliner on Christmas Day.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% oppose the use of such techniques, and another 12% are not sure.

Don't you morons EVER get tired of being on the wrong side?

Don't you morons EVER get tired of being duped by your fearless leaders?

No, I don't think that you do. :rolleyes:

so what???
my guess is that 58% of the white folks south of the mason dixon line were against abolishing slavery and, a hundred years later, were against the passage of the civil rights act. Thank goodness our constitution protects basic human rights from the whims of the ignorant bigoted mob.

Again... it is quite telling that, by and large, military and retired military are against waterboarding. makes you wonder why.
It WAS torture until DICK and W decided it wasn't. The Japanese did precisely what we did. Water does travel into the lungs during the torture, usually not enough to kill.

But the Tea Baggers have found a new definition for torture. Their Golden Rule is to do unto others but not unto me. Waterboarding has become a MAJOR recruitment tool and has lead many moderate Muslims into extremism. Thanks DICK!

"Tea partiers" you idiot gasbag, one of blame America first freaks

Mohammed, Islam, the sheiks, and imams are innocent huh? :cuckoo:

Don't let the 'teabaggers' term upset you Pix. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Two completely different techniques. You can argue the opposite from now until doomsday but you will still be either wrong or lying.

absolutely NOT true. strapping the subject to an inclined board, wrappng a towel around the nose and mouth and pouring water over the towel has the same effect today as it did in WWII: it is torture.
It WAS torture until DICK and W decided it wasn't. The Japanese did precisely what we did. Water does travel into the lungs during the torture, usually not enough to kill.

But the Tea Baggers have found a new definition for torture. Their Golden Rule is to do unto others but not unto me. Waterboarding has become a MAJOR recruitment tool and has lead many moderate Muslims into extremism. Thanks DICK!

"Tea partiers" you idiot gasbag, one of blame America first freaks

Mohammed, Islam, the sheiks, and imams are innocent huh? :cuckoo:

Don't let the 'teabaggers' term upset you Pix. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Thanks CG
Yeah these lefties on this forum and elsewhere are so out numbered on a national level, they have no idea how bad the next election will be for them :lol:
You loons are fun to watch, jibbering and jabbering, opining and whining for the good old days.

Obama is still more popular than the GOP, more moderates and conservative democrats are moving into our party, which means the wingnut reactionary influence will be declining.

You guys might as well cry here, because this is the only place anyone will listen to you.

And you're living in a dream world.

Obama's poll numbers are cratering. He's looking more and more like a buffoon every day.

He is personally destroying his party and we're all watching it unfold.

It's all over the place, not just here.

Loony statements from you, and you know it.
Here, chew on this you dopey libs.

58% Favor Waterboarding of Plane Terrorist To Get Information - Rasmussen Reports™
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters say waterboarding and other aggressive interrogation techniques should be used to gain information from the terrorist who attempted to bomb an airliner on Christmas Day.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% oppose the use of such techniques, and another 12% are not sure.

Don't you morons EVER get tired of being on the wrong side?

Don't you morons EVER get tired of being duped by your fearless leaders?

No, I don't think that you do. :rolleyes:

so what???
my guess is that 58% of the white folks south of the mason dixon line were against abolishing slavery and, a hundred years later, were against the passage of the civil rights act. Thank goodness our constitution protects basic human rights from the whims of the ignorant bigoted mob.

Again... it is quite telling that, by and large, military and retired military are against waterboarding. makes you wonder why.

The first example of race-baiting on this thread.

Congratulations dude.

You get the award for "USMB member most likely to play the victim".
Last edited:
Two completely different techniques. You can argue the opposite from now until doomsday but you will still be either wrong or lying.

absolutely NOT true. strapping the subject to an inclined board, wrappng a towel around the nose and mouth and pouring water over the towel has the same effect today as it did in WWII: it is torture.

Whine whine :cuckoo:
Obama and his ilk is torturing the American people.

Torture is subjective, I say this administration is subjecting the American people to a torture technique

I would rather be strapped to a board and have water poured over my face than to be subjected to this obamamania. Do you guys miss the Bush days or something? Because you keep revisiting those days
"Tea partiers" you idiot gasbag, one of blame America first freaks

Mohammed, Islam, the sheiks, and imams are innocent huh? :cuckoo:

Don't let the 'teabaggers' term upset you Pix. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Thanks CG
Yeah these lefties on this forum and elsewhere are so out numbered on a national level, they have no idea how bad the next election will be for them :lol:

:razz::razz::razz::razz::razz: Here, this will help you with your fluency: Learn to Speak Tea Bag | Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site
Don't let the 'teabaggers' term upset you Pix. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Thanks CG
Yeah these lefties on this forum and elsewhere are so out numbered on a national level, they have no idea how bad the next election will be for them :lol:

:razz::razz::razz::razz::razz: Here, this will help you with your fluency: Learn to Speak Tea Bag | Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site

Sounds like a Classic Case of Lefist Repressed Projection...

Dreamin' about it, are ya Joke?...


Thanks CG
Yeah these lefties on this forum and elsewhere are so out numbered on a national level, they have no idea how bad the next election will be for them :lol:

:razz::razz::razz::razz::razz: Here, this will help you with your fluency: Learn to Speak Tea Bag | Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site

Sounds like a Classic Case of Lefist Repressed Projection...

Dreamin' about it, are ya Joke?...



:razz::razz::razz::razz::razz: Here, this will help you with your fluency: Learn to Speak Tea Bag | Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site

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