Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding is not Torture

Sounds like a Classic Case of Lefist Repressed Projection...

Dreamin' about it, are ya Joke?...



:razz::razz::razz::razz::razz: Here, this will help you with your fluency: Learn to Speak Tea Bag | Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site

Steven mocks you :lol: and so do I
Jokey has a new line!


As he wears that one into the ground, as is his SOP, let us all point at Jokey and laugh derivsively.

Two completely different techniques. You can argue the opposite from now until doomsday but you will still be either wrong or lying.

absolutely NOT true. strapping the subject to an inclined board, wrappng a towel around the nose and mouth and pouring water over the towel has the same effect today as it did in WWII: it is torture.

No. It isn't.

It's unpleasant as all get-out, but falls short of being "torture."

See how that works? YOU (and your fellow believers) can keep SAYING it, and that doesn't make it any more the truth than my repeated denial (and the denial of those similarly inclined) makes it false.

In reality, it is not a settled question.

I can see how it could qualify as "torture," depending on the definition employed.*

But, I can also see how it falls short of qualifying as torture, regardless of the fact that it sucks big time.

* For example, one MIGHT be persuaded by defintion 2 in Merriam Webster. And, if so, a fair argument can be made that "waterboarding" fails to quite qualify.
Main Entry: 1tor·ture
Pronunciation: \ˈtȯr-chər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Old French, from Late Latin tortura, from Latin tortus, past participle of torquēre to twist; probably akin to Old High German drāhsil turner, Greek atraktos spindle
Date: 1540
1 a : anguish of body or mind : agony b : something that causes agony or pain
2 : the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure
* * * *
torture - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
No, lieability: under law and international convention it is torture.

Your uninformed opinion changes nothing. :lol:
Here, chew on this you dopey libs.

58% Favor Waterboarding of Plane Terrorist To Get Information - Rasmussen Reports™

Don't you morons EVER get tired of being on the wrong side?

Don't you morons EVER get tired of being duped by your fearless leaders?

No, I don't think that you do. :rolleyes:

so what???
my guess is that 58% of the white folks south of the mason dixon line were against abolishing slavery and, a hundred years later, were against the passage of the civil rights act. Thank goodness our constitution protects basic human rights from the whims of the ignorant bigoted mob.

Again... it is quite telling that, by and large, military and retired military are against waterboarding. makes you wonder why.

The first example of race-baiting on this thread.

Congratulations dude.

You get the award for "USMB member most likely to play the victim".

Your comprehension abilities make lead look like anemic hummingbird feathers. Do you understand the fallacy of argumentum ad populum?
Why don't you get that dick out of your mouth long enough to look it up.

from above:

"This included waterboarding, by the method of binding or holding down the victim on his back, placing a cloth over his mouth and nose, and pouring water onto the cloth."


that is what we did to KSM.


thanks for the great quote.

We did not beat him forcing him to answer questions thus using gravity to force water into his lungs.

These sessions were videotaped. There were no beatings reported.

Torture can be classified as your spouse withholding sex.

Torture can be classified as handing over the remote to the wife during the Super Bowl.

So if you want to rationalize this....just about anything that is mentally harsh can be considered torture. But I really don't give a flying F about hurting their feelings or taking away their dignity. After they decided to start killing us they lost my compassion.

So when you are proven wrong you change your (c)lame and hope nobody will notice? Wtf is wrong with you?
Here, chew on this you dopey libs.

58% Favor Waterboarding of Plane Terrorist To Get Information - Rasmussen Reports™

Don't you morons EVER get tired of being on the wrong side?

Don't you morons EVER get tired of being duped by your fearless leaders?

No, I don't think that you do. :rolleyes:

so what???
my guess is that 58% of the white folks south of the mason dixon line were against abolishing slavery and, a hundred years later, were against the passage of the civil rights act. Thank goodness our constitution protects basic human rights from the whims of the ignorant bigoted mob.

Again... it is quite telling that, by and large, military and retired military are against waterboarding. makes you wonder why.

The first example of race-baiting on this thread.

Congratulations dude.

You get the award for "USMB member most likely to play the victim".

Race-baiting.... the last resort of the 'I can't win by legitimate argument' stance.

You.... race-baiting.... :lol::lol::lol: They don't know how stupid that is. :lol:
I think the problem lays in the definition of 'waterboarding'. The way it was undertaken by the Japs during WWII is, without doubt, torture in any sane individuals definition. However, what the US use as 'waterboarding' is not the same thing. Therein lies the argument - is the way we used it torture. Having heard from those who have been waterboarded, it is "scary shit" but torture? No.

Maybe the water we use is magical and doesn't cause the same effects of simulated drowing? American exceptionalism now trumps physics!
so what???
my guess is that 58% of the white folks south of the mason dixon line were against abolishing slavery and, a hundred years later, were against the passage of the civil rights act. Thank goodness our constitution protects basic human rights from the whims of the ignorant bigoted mob.

Again... it is quite telling that, by and large, military and retired military are against waterboarding. makes you wonder why.

The first example of race-baiting on this thread.

Congratulations dude.

You get the award for "USMB member most likely to play the victim".

Race-baiting.... the last resort of the 'I can't win by legitimate argument' stance.

You.... race-baiting.... :lol::lol::lol: They don't know how stupid that is. :lol:

There was no race baiting you sooper dumbass. He was pointing out a majority approval doesn't equate to ethical approval.
Why don't you get that dick out of your mouth long enough to look it up.

from above:

"This included waterboarding, by the method of binding or holding down the victim on his back, placing a cloth over his mouth and nose, and pouring water onto the cloth."


that is what we did to KSM.


thanks for the great quote.

We did not beat him forcing him to answer questions thus using gravity to force water into his lungs.

These sessions were videotaped. There were no beatings reported.

Torture can be classified as your spouse withholding sex.

Torture can be classified as handing over the remote to the wife during the Super Bowl.

So if you want to rationalize this....just about anything that is mentally harsh can be considered torture. But I really don't give a flying F about hurting their feelings or taking away their dignity. After they decided to start killing us they lost my compassion.


Whack off or cheat if your wife is withholding sex.

Go watch the Super Bowl at the bar if you aren't man enough to maintain control of the remote during the freakin' Super Bowl.

Srsly, shogun already addressed this faulty logic PAGES ago.
from above:

"This included waterboarding, by the method of binding or holding down the victim on his back, placing a cloth over his mouth and nose, and pouring water onto the cloth."


that is what we did to KSM.


thanks for the great quote.

We did not beat him forcing him to answer questions thus using gravity to force water into his lungs.

These sessions were videotaped. There were no beatings reported.

Torture can be classified as your spouse withholding sex.

Torture can be classified as handing over the remote to the wife during the Super Bowl.

So if you want to rationalize this....just about anything that is mentally harsh can be considered torture. But I really don't give a flying F about hurting their feelings or taking away their dignity. After they decided to start killing us they lost my compassion.


Whack off or cheat if your wife is withholding sex.

Go watch the Super Bowl at the bar if you aren't man enough to maintain control of the remote during the freakin' Super Bowl.

Srsly, shogun already addressed this faulty logic PAGES ago.

Since Waterboarding leaves not Lasting Physical Damage, or any at all for that Matter, it falls under the Mental Category of "Torture"...

Define that.


We did not beat him forcing him to answer questions thus using gravity to force water into his lungs.

These sessions were videotaped. There were no beatings reported.

Torture can be classified as your spouse withholding sex.

Torture can be classified as handing over the remote to the wife during the Super Bowl.

So if you want to rationalize this....just about anything that is mentally harsh can be considered torture. But I really don't give a flying F about hurting their feelings or taking away their dignity. After they decided to start killing us they lost my compassion.


Whack off or cheat if your wife is withholding sex.

Go watch the Super Bowl at the bar if you aren't man enough to maintain control of the remote during the freakin' Super Bowl.

Srsly, shogun already addressed this faulty logic PAGES ago.

Since Waterboarding leaves not Lasting Physical Damage, or any at all for that Matter, it falls under the Mental Category of "Torture"...

Define that.



If it was just "mental" torture then there wouldn't be a need to physically do anything to you get the job done.

Besides what you say isn't true, waterboarding can leave the most lasting physical damage possible; it can kill you.
Article 15, tha malcontent is not interest in accuracy but propaganda advantage only.

Whack off or cheat if your wife is withholding sex.

Go watch the Super Bowl at the bar if you aren't man enough to maintain control of the remote during the freakin' Super Bowl.

Srsly, shogun already addressed this faulty logic PAGES ago.

Since Waterboarding leaves not Lasting Physical Damage, or any at all for that Matter, it falls under the Mental Category of "Torture"...

Define that.



If it was just "mental" torture then there wouldn't be a need to physically do anything to you get the job done.

Besides what you say isn't true, waterboarding can leave the most lasting physical damage possible; it can kill you.

"can" is a Hypothetical...

Restraining someone upright and keeping the lights up and temp down with Loud Music is "Physical" and "Mental"...

Is that "Torture"?...

Is the Cops Interrogating you for 10 Hours Torture?... Mentally?...


Article 15, tha malcontent is not interest in accuracy but propaganda advantage only.

Let the Grown-ups have their Talking Time, Child... A15 are just Fine without your Distractions. :lol:


Mal, you know what torture is and waterboarding is torture. Your opinion does not count as fact and your argumentation has grown and gone increasingly lame.
do you want to get information or "revenge"?

if you want information, why do you think the information from "enhanced interrogation" is reliable?

the green bay packers defensive line are not jihadist, or are they?

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