Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding is not Torture

The neo-cons who pretend to be Republicans are really slimy characters here.

The liberoidals who pretend to be "progressives" or who pretend to be conservatives or who, like you, Jokey, pretend to be a rational human beings are the slimey ones.
The bigger question here is why Sean Hannity has not kept his word and is going to back up what he said? Why not get waterboarded for charity? I mean, if it's NOT torture then he should have no problem? :confused:
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The bigger question here is why Sean Hannity has not kept his word and is going to back up what he said? Why not get waterboarded for charity? I mean, if it's NOT torture then he should have no problem? :confused:

Because he will only last about a second and a half. The amount of money that goes to charity is based on how long he makes it. He will make pocket change for charity and look like a huge fool in the process. The moment the water hits his face he will instantly squirm and drop whatever object they have him hold to get them to stop.

The guy may be a loud mouthed coward but he's not a fool.
Because he will only last about a second and a half. The amount of money that goes to charity is based on how long he makes it. He will make pocket change for charity and look like a huge fool in the process. The moment the water hits his face he will instantly squirm and drop whatever object they have him hold to get them to stop.

The guy may be a loud mouthed coward but he's not a fool.

It's too bad. I'm sure one of those "Hollywood Liberals" would give $10,000 in general to see Sean Hannity willingly be waterboarded. Hell, I know I would if I had the money. Heck, I'd throw $25,000 guaranteed just for doing it. :lol:
Liability, you are a nitwit.

Your denial of anything doesn't mean a thing.

Hitler denied that Jews were entitled to human decency and dignity. So what.

You deny the waterboarding is torture. So what.

You and Hitler are both wrong, nit wit.

If you were in a college class, the prof and class would laugh their butts off, then s/he would turn to the two biggest class members and say, "Take this nit wit, and turn his butt out into the alley with Sean Hannitty and California Girl until they really do learn about negatives."

If anyone had a doubt about your reasoning ability being pathetic, you, my man, have cleared it up for all time.
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Dogbert wants someone to prove a negative? LMFAO!

Again, the second winger to enter this thread attacks me instead of addressing the topic. Nice trend we have going here. However, looking at the topic title, this is about Sean Hannity. And since Dogbert is not Sean Hannity, you're posting in the wrong place. :cool:

They seem to do that alot eh?..:cuckoo:

Yea, whereas the liberals here NEVER, EVER attack the poster.

And Si happens to be right, but don't let that stop you whining.
Yea, whereas the liberals here NEVER, EVER attack the poster.

And Si happens to be right, but don't let that stop you whining.

Just curious, would you get waterboarded for charity?

That would be an interesting poll question thinking about it.
Dogbert wants someone to prove a negative? LMFAO!

Again, the second winger to enter this thread attacks me instead of addressing the topic. Nice trend we have going here. However, looking at the topic title, this is about Sean Hannity. And since Dogbert is not Sean Hannity, you're posting in the wrong place. :cool:

Dog, you were the one who claimed that Hannity has yet to 'prove waterboarding is not torture'. You cannot prove a negative. Surely you understand that?

But, I am wondering.... if Hannity went ahead and was waterboarded and managed it come out unscathed, would the liberals then accept that waterboarding is not torture? Would anyone change their mind just because Hannity did it?
California Girl, waterboarding is torture. There is no negative involved. You do understand that, my darling girl? Man, that avatar of yours stirs me!
Whether or not he ever volunteers to get waterboarded is a side issue for those who enjoy hatin' on the guy.

The real issue is how on earth anybody could prove the negative.


The problem you guys have is that nobody has ever proved that waterboarding IS "torture."

You can torture the meaning of the word "torture," I suppose, to try to squeeze your square-peg argument into the round hole of reality, but THAT (ironically) would only support the contention that one is not assured of a truthful answer given via torture. :cool:

You following this camera guy?

So no comment on him saying he would do it for the troops, then him of course not doing it.

Everyone loves my choppped nuts. :lol: Lets see if anyone catches that
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Whether or not he ever volunteers to get waterboarded is a side issue for those who enjoy hatin' on the guy.

The real issue is how on earth anybody could prove the negative.


The problem you guys have is that nobody has ever proved that waterboarding IS "torture."

You can torture the meaning of the word "torture," I suppose, to try to squeeze your square-peg argument into the round hole of reality, but THAT (ironically) would only support the contention that one is not assured of a truthful answer given via torture. :cool:

You following this camera guy?

So basically you just typed up a bunch of bullshit and decided to post it? :confused:

Fact: Sean Hannity said Waterboarding is not Torture.

Fact: Sean Hannity said he would be waterboarded for not only charity but the troops.

Fact: 250 days later, Sean Hannity has not been waterboarded.

Fact: Any right wing person in the media who has taken the challenge has admitted it's torture.

Now I'm using facts, you're using bullshit, which one is going to stand above the other?

This is probably the finest example of ...making Liability look like an I have seen in a while. Nicely done.
Dog, you were the one who claimed that Hannity has yet to 'prove waterboarding is not torture'. You cannot prove a negative. Surely you understand that?

But, I am wondering.... if Hannity went ahead and was waterboarded and managed it come out unscathed, would the liberals then accept that waterboarding is not torture? Would anyone change their mind just because Hannity did it?

It's funny how you won't answer one of my questions but you expect me to answer yours.

Again, if Waterboarding is not torture then surely Sean Hannity would be waterboarded for charity. ESPECIALLY if it's for the troops, no? :eusa_eh:

Hannity is being a coward, that was my point and it still stands. And to answer your question, Hannity won't come out unscathed. Take a gander at the numerous videos out there of those in the right wing media who thought they'd back up their talk and all say it's torture despite strongly saying it wasn't before that.

I doubt anyone would change their mind if Hannity did it, however he would no longer be a coward in that aspect.

And to ask my earlier question to you again, would you be waterboarded for charity? Think you could go a full minute?
Waterboarding is torture.

Hannitty is a coward.

The neo-cons have lost another discussion.
As the title of the thread says, Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding isn't torture. This being 250 days later.

Sean Hannity Volunteers to Get Waterboarded -- Politics Daily

GRODIN: Would you consent to be waterboarded? We can waterboard you?


GRODIN: Are you busy on Sunday?

HANNITY: I'll do it for charity. I'll let you do it. I'll do it for the troops' families.

We're waiting Sean.

Though in the meantime, you can use this guy as a basis:

BlueOregon: Trying to prove waterboarding isn't torture, right-wing radio jock tries it, and...

Hannity will never do it, he is all hat and no cattle.
Many months ago last year, as I was watching Sean Hannity on FOXNews. I got so pissed I decided to join his blog/website.

I got banned on my first post.

The first post I made was a thread asking the question..."Why Hasn't Sean Hannity Accepted Keith Olbermann's Challenge To Be Waterboarded For Charity?"

They said I was trolling.

I tried in vain to rejoin under different names and ip addresses...about 3 -4 times actually...none of them lasted over 2 days.

Many months ago last year, as I was watching Sean Hannity on FOXNews. I got so pissed I decided to join his blog/website.

I got banned on my first post.

He too. :lol: I am so proud of myself.
Dogbert wants someone to prove a negative? LMFAO!

Again, the second winger to enter this thread attacks me instead of addressing the topic. Nice trend we have going here. However, looking at the topic title, this is about Sean Hannity. And since Dogbert is not Sean Hannity, you're posting in the wrong place. :cool:

Dog, you were the one who claimed that Hannity has yet to 'prove waterboarding is not torture'. You cannot prove a negative. Surely you understand that?

But, I am wondering.... if Hannity went ahead and was waterboarded and managed it come out unscathed, would the liberals then accept that waterboarding is not torture? Would anyone change their mind just because Hannity did it?

Hannity would not come away unscathed, while in the military I was assigned a detail where I was a guard at a SERE school for a few days, the instructors waterboarded the pilots/students, one of them signed a confession to war crimes against the people of PRONA(People's Republic of North America) These students were already experienced Marine Corps pilots not middle aged right wing shock jocks and they found the procedure as awful.

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