Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding is not Torture

Again, the second winger to enter this thread attacks me instead of addressing the topic. Nice trend we have going here. However, looking at the topic title, this is about Sean Hannity. And since Dogbert is not Sean Hannity, you're posting in the wrong place. :cool:

Dog, you were the one who claimed that Hannity has yet to 'prove waterboarding is not torture'. You cannot prove a negative. Surely you understand that?

But, I am wondering.... if Hannity went ahead and was waterboarded and managed it come out unscathed, would the liberals then accept that waterboarding is not torture? Would anyone change their mind just because Hannity did it?

Hannity would not come away unscathed, while in the military I was assigned a detail where I was a guard at a SERE school for a few days, the instructors waterboarded the pilots/students, one of them signed a confession to war crimes against the people of PRONA(People's Republic of North America) These students were already experienced Marine Corps pilots not middle aged right wing shock jocks and they found the procedure as awful.

And they KNEW they werent going to die. Yet they would have confessed to killing Jesus if asked to.

hannity is a hack. Period. His fans are just dumb fox watchers.

Righty's, represent!
Hannity would not come away unscathed, while in the military I was assigned a detail where I was a guard at a SERE school for a few days, the instructors waterboarded the pilots/students, one of them signed a confession to war crimes against the people of PRONA(People's Republic of North America) These students were already experienced Marine Corps pilots not middle aged right wing shock jocks and they found the procedure as awful.

Exactly, there is no way that Hannity could come away unscathed. I have a better chance of winning the powerball three weeks in a row.

Although some of his theories are a bit out there, Jesse Ventura has said a lot of interesting and correct things on waterboarding.

Jesse Ventura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

t's a good thing I'm not president because I would prosecute every person that was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it. I would prosecute the people that ordered it. Because torture is against the law. ... [Waterboarding] is drowning. It gives you the complete sensation that you are drowning. It is no good, because you — I'll put it to you this way, you give me a water board, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders. ... If it's — if it's done wrong, you certainly could drown. You could swallow your tongue. You could do a whole bunch of stuff. If it's it done wrong or — it's torture, Larry. It's torture.[48
As the title of the thread says, Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding isn't torture. This being 250 days later.

Sean Hannity Volunteers to Get Waterboarded -- Politics Daily

GRODIN: Would you consent to be waterboarded? We can waterboard you?


GRODIN: Are you busy on Sunday?

HANNITY: I'll do it for charity. I'll let you do it. I'll do it for the troops' families.

We're waiting Sean.

Though in the meantime, you can use this guy as a basis:

BlueOregon: Trying to prove waterboarding isn't torture, right-wing radio jock tries it, and...

Hannity will never do it, he is all hat and no cattle.

The problem you guys have is that nobody has ever proved that waterboarding IS "torture."
and then the reference to Al Gore not proving "His shit" one assumes the poster means global warming.
Ok first of all the United states has prosecuted and put to death waterboarders for torture- now maybe in right wing wackadoodle world putting someone who waterboarded another isn't proof that its torture but for those of us who live in the real world it is clearly proof and then there is the Geneva convention. as for Al gore all any of your dimwits need do is take a look at the pictures of the shrinking polar ice caps and those two icebergs the ice of manhattan that melted and broke off to see the truth- or you could be lead down the path by a brain damaged Imhoff who is the laughing stock of the world.
Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing the victim on his or her back with the head inclined downwards, and then pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages, causing the captive to believe he or she is dying.[1] Forced suffocation and water inhalation cause the subject to experience the sensation of drowning.[2] Waterboarding is considered a form of torture by legal experts,[3][4] politicians, war veterans,[5][6] medical experts in the treatment of torture victims,[7][8] intelligence officials,[9] military judges[10] and human rights organizations.[11][12] Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I got nothing against Hannity. He's okay, but as conservative talkers go, I consider him a lightweight. The left seems to pay far, far more attention to him than I or any of my conservative co-conspirators.
Whether or not he ever volunteers to get waterboarded is a side issue for those who enjoy hatin' on the guy.

The real issue is how on earth anybody could prove the negative.


The problem you guys have is that nobody has ever proved that waterboarding IS "torture."

You can torture the meaning of the word "torture," I suppose, to try to squeeze your square-peg argument into the round hole of reality, but THAT (ironically) would only support the contention that one is not assured of a truthful answer given via torture. :cool:

You following this camera guy?

The guy not keeping his word is a side issue to hating him? Eek. Don't peek just totally missed why hating him is justified. Then you claim nobody has ever proven waterboarding is torture? Is this kind of stupid dishonesty worth it?
Sinatra is engaged in the same lying stupidity in another thread right now.

These neo-cons deserved getting thrown out of office. The American public deservedly hate the excesses of the Bush neo-conservative administration.
Hannity would not come away unscathed, while in the military I was assigned a detail where I was a guard at a SERE school for a few days, the instructors waterboarded the pilots/students, one of them signed a confession to war crimes against the people of PRONA(People's Republic of North America) These students were already experienced Marine Corps pilots not middle aged right wing shock jocks and they found the procedure as awful.

Exactly, there is no way that Hannity could come away unscathed. I have a better chance of winning the powerball three weeks in a row.

Although some of his theories are a bit out there, Jesse Ventura has said a lot of interesting and correct things on waterboarding.

Jesse Ventura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

t's a good thing I'm not president because I would prosecute every person that was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it. I would prosecute the people that ordered it. Because torture is against the law. ... [Waterboarding] is drowning. It gives you the complete sensation that you are drowning. It is no good, because you — I'll put it to you this way, you give me a water board, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders. ... If it's — if it's done wrong, you certainly could drown. You could swallow your tongue. You could do a whole bunch of stuff. If it's it done wrong or — it's torture, Larry. It's torture.[48

Jesse was Navy Seal so he knows what he is talking about regarding waterboarding and probably experienced it some where in his training.
Jesse was Navy Seal so he knows what he is talking about regarding waterboarding and probably experienced it some where in his training.

That's my point. It's also why I'm willing to put more weight into his opinion on the matter than chickenhawk Cheney.
The problem you guys have is that nobody has ever proved that waterboarding IS "torture."

You can torture the meaning of the word "torture," I suppose, to try to squeeze your square-peg argument into the round hole of reality, but THAT (ironically) would only support the contention that one is not assured of a truthful answer given via torture. :cool:

It's defined as torture under both American and international law.
The problem you guys have is that nobody has ever proved that waterboarding IS "torture."
and then the reference to Al Gore not proving "His shit" one assumes the poster means global warming.
Ok first of all the United states has prosecuted and put to death waterboarders for torture- now maybe in right wing wackadoodle world putting someone who waterboarded another isn't proof that its torture but for those of us who live in the real world it is clearly proof and then there is the Geneva convention. as for Al gore all any of your dimwits need do is take a look at the pictures of the shrinking polar ice caps and those two icebergs the ice of manhattan that melted and broke off to see the truth- or you could be lead down the path by a brain damaged Imhoff who is the laughing stock of the world.

What are you talking about?

What do you mean by "prove?"

It has already been defined as torture...only neo-cons, at this point, still fight that definition.

Why is this?

What further "proof" do you need?
Neo-cons are only about power, not informed democracy. Keep them out of power, and where possible arrest and try them for war crimes, such as waterboarding. There is a reason Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and others are not flying to Europe these days. Very, very wise on their part.
The problem you guys have is that nobody has ever proved that waterboarding IS "torture."
and then the reference to Al Gore not proving "His shit" one assumes the poster means global warming.
Ok first of all the United states has prosecuted and put to death waterboarders for torture- now maybe in right wing wackadoodle world putting someone who waterboarded another isn't proof that its torture but for those of us who live in the real world it is clearly proof and then there is the Geneva convention. as for Al gore all any of your dimwits need do is take a look at the pictures of the shrinking polar ice caps and those two icebergs the ice of manhattan that melted and broke off to see the truth- or you could be lead down the path by a brain damaged Imhoff who is the laughing stock of the world.

What are you talking about?

What do you mean by "prove?"

It has already been defined as torture...only neo-cons, at this point, still fight that definition.

Why is this?

What further "proof" do you need?

It has already been defined as torture by shitheads who don't care that words are supposed to have actual meanings.

It has never been validly defined as torture.

And, no. I'm not a neo-con.
Making people think their drowning to death isn't torture...No way :cuckoo::lol:
Yeah, yeah, no one can prove a negative.

Hannity is still a mega-pussy for writing a check with his fat mouth that his ass couldn't cash.

I'll bet his pucker factor went up when he saw the Mancow video.
Making people think their drowning to death isn't torture...No way :cuckoo::lol:


Simulating that ol' drowning sensation is as unpleasant as hell, no doubt; but not all things that are unpleasant constitute "torture." *
Young morons like you may not yet grasp it, so I'll give you an assist:

Words have actual meaning regardless of how very much a given subject makes you all emotional.

* Thus, for example, sub-moronic bleatings like the shit you just spewed may be unpleasant to have to see time and time again (yes, that's right, moron, you are not the first one to use that mindless sarcasm to bleat out your sentimental opinion); but although your insufferable crap may be unpleasant to have to be again subjected to, it isn't quite "torture.

Simulating that ol' drowning sensation is as unpleasant as hell, no doubt; but not all things that are unpleasant constitute "torture." *
Young morons like you may not yet grasp it, so I'll give you an assist:

Words have actual meaning regardless of how very much a given subject makes you all emotional..

So you'd be willing to be waterboarded for charity then? How does a full minute sound?

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