Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding is not Torture

Would I be? Probably, yeah. I have a done a lot of things that scare the crap out of me so I think I would do it.

My brothers have been waterboarded. All survived the experience with no ill effect. Each says it was scary but not torturous. But they are Marines so they're courageous men.

Do you dream up these idiotic comparisons all by yourself?

What comparison? I made no comparison. I stated a couple of facts: My brothers are USMC so they are courageous and they have been waterboarded with no ill effect.

If there is an idiot around, it ain't me. The evidence suggests it is you and a few others.

Then I'm sure you and Sean Hannity should have no prob having it done to you..right?
I would love to see Sean, Rush, Savage, Levin and any other Rethug get waterboarded..For some reason, I think they would change their views on this matter.

Interesting concept. Waterboard anyone you disagree with. Gee, how very liberal of you.

Only 15 and yet well on your way to being a complete idiot.

Did I in anyway say It would be a forced waterboarding?? Hell no..I was suggesting THEY CONSENT to have it done since its not really torture..

Thank's, Your already there.
Question for the waterboarding is torture crowd: Bamboo shoots under your nails? A 4x4 age? Or waterboarding?

rather, a question for you:

The iron maiden, being drawn and quartered, salem water dunked, skin flayed from your body? Making a choice indicating a desire for lesser pain doesn't suggest that an action is not torture.

That's just it! Knowing what I now know about waterboarding - which is what the entire terrorist community knows - I would welcome it as the technique of choice of my interrogators, because I would know going in that I am going to come out of it just fine. No broken bones, no internal injury, no pain.

I bet that I could make you insist otherwise with less than 5 seconds of waterboarding.
I would love to see Sean, Rush, Savage, Levin and any other Rethug get waterboarded..For some reason, I think they would change their views on this matter.

Interesting concept. Waterboard anyone you disagree with. Gee, how very liberal of you.

Only 15 and yet well on your way to being a complete idiot.

it's a matter of putting your face where your mouth is. If you feel strongly enough to insist it's not torture, as Hannity has, then you should have no problem putting up or shutting the fuck up. Maybe you can ponder this during your next bukkake experiment.
That's just it! Knowing what I now know about waterboarding - which is what the entire terrorist community knows - I would welcome it as the technique of choice of my interrogators, because I would know going in that I am going to come out of it just fine. No broken bones, no internal injury, no pain.

so you would be okay with months long isolation, barking of dogs at you from close up, benign animals and insects being sent in a cell with you, having to listen to nickelback, and other things that leave emotional pain (which is way worse than anything physical)?
California Girl it is true is not a Republican but a Republithug, yes. She displays all the characteristics of a neo-con, so unwanted in my party. However, I fail to see the need for such a word; I had to look it up to make sure I understood it correctly. Why you use such language that does not further the discussion in any favorabley way escapes me.
That's just it! Knowing what I now know about waterboarding - which is what the entire terrorist community knows - I would welcome it as the technique of choice of my interrogators, because I would know going in that I am going to come out of it just fine. No broken bones, no internal injury, no pain.

so you would be okay with months long isolation, barking of dogs at you from close up, benign animals and insects being sent in a cell with you, having to listen to nickelback, and other things that leave emotional pain (which is way worse than anything physical)?

One does not need broken bone or internal injury to suffer pain. Any who avers such manifests an extreme ignorance on the subject or a malignant perversion of knowledge in denying such.
Do you dream up these idiotic comparisons all by yourself?

What comparison? I made no comparison. I stated a couple of facts: My brothers are USMC so they are courageous and they have been waterboarded with no ill effect.

If there is an idiot around, it ain't me. The evidence suggests it is you and a few others.

Then I'm sure you and Sean Hannity should have no prob having it done to you..right?

You know that people who use colored text have a tendancy towards psychopathic behavior, right?

I've already been asked that on this thread and answered accordingly. Would I be waterboarded for charity. Answer - probably yes. I cannot offer any comment about Hannity. I don't speak on behalf of others..... it's a conservative thing. I tend to speak for myself and allow others the same respect. Of course, liberals struggle with that concept - since y'all tend to think in borglike agreement.
California Girl it is true is not a Republican but a Republithug, yes. She displays all the characteristics of a neo-con, so unwanted in my party. However, I fail to see the need for such a word; I had to look it up to make sure I understood it correctly. Why you use such language that does not further the discussion in any favorabley way escapes me.

I see you still struggle with the 'quote' button, joke. You display the all the characteristics of an idiot.

Fuck off you sexist little man.

Medical Definition of Torture

Torture: An act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person, for a purpose such as obtaining information or a confession, punishment, intimidation or coercion, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind. Survivors of torture often suffer from physical and psychological symptoms and disabilities. There may be specific forms of physical injury including broken bones, neurological damage, and musculoskeletal problems. Torture may results in psychological symptoms of depression (most common), post-traumatic stress disorder, marked sleep disturbances and alterations in self-perceptions together with feelings of powerlessness, fear, guilt and shame.

P.S - Sean is a pussy
What comparison? I made no comparison. I stated a couple of facts: My brothers are USMC so they are courageous and they have been waterboarded with no ill effect.

If there is an idiot around, it ain't me. The evidence suggests it is you and a few others.

Then I'm sure you and Sean Hannity should have no prob having it done to you..right?

You know that people who use colored text have a tendancy towards psychopathic behavior, right?

I've already been asked that on this thread and answered accordingly. Would I be waterboarded for charity. Answer - probably yes. I cannot offer any comment about Hannity. I don't speak on behalf of others..... it's a conservative thing. I tend to speak for myself and allow others the same respect. Of course, liberals struggle with that concept - since y'all tend to think in borglike agreement.

perhaps you should worry less about "borg-like agreement" and focus more on saying less dumb shit than your bat shit crazy assumption about colored text.

I would love to see Sean, Rush, Savage, Levin and any other Rethug get waterboarded..For some reason, I think they would change their views on this matter.

Interesting concept. Waterboard anyone you disagree with. Gee, how very liberal of you.

Only 15 and yet well on your way to being a complete idiot.

Did I in anyway say It would be a forced waterboarding?? Hell no..I was suggesting THEY CONSENT to have it done since its not really torture..

Thank's, Your already there.

That's not what you said. You said you would love to see them waterboarded. You did not state or even imply consent.

I'm a lot of things, kid, but idiot isn't one of them. That's a lib trait. Live with it.
What comparison? I made no comparison. I stated a couple of facts: My brothers are USMC so they are courageous and they have been waterboarded with no ill effect.

If there is an idiot around, it ain't me. The evidence suggests it is you and a few others.

Then I'm sure you and Sean Hannity should have no prob having it done to you..right?

You know that people who use colored text have a tendancy towards psychopathic behavior, right?
I've already been asked that on this thread and answered accordingly. Would I be waterboarded for charity. Answer - probably yes. I cannot offer any comment about Hannity. I don't speak on behalf of others..... it's a conservative thing. I tend to speak for myself and allow others the same respect. Of course, liberals struggle with that concept - since y'all tend to think in borglike agreement.

LMAO, I'm sure you have lots of facts behind that well-informed post...right?

Ok, *Waits for Cali Girl to be waterboarded for Charity...* (Please post pictures):lol:
Then I'm sure you and Sean Hannity should have no prob having it done to you..right?

You know that people who use colored text have a tendancy towards psychopathic behavior, right?

I've already been asked that on this thread and answered accordingly. Would I be waterboarded for charity. Answer - probably yes. I cannot offer any comment about Hannity. I don't speak on behalf of others..... it's a conservative thing. I tend to speak for myself and allow others the same respect. Of course, liberals struggle with that concept - since y'all tend to think in borglike agreement.

perhaps you should worry less about "borg-like agreement" and focus more on saying less dumb shit than your bat shit crazy assumption about colored text.


This would be fine if it was an assumption, but it's researched. :lol::lol::lol: I kid you not... researchers found that people who use colored text display more pyschopathic tendancies.
You know that people who use colored text have a tendancy towards psychopathic behavior, right?

I've already been asked that on this thread and answered accordingly. Would I be waterboarded for charity. Answer - probably yes. I cannot offer any comment about Hannity. I don't speak on behalf of others..... it's a conservative thing. I tend to speak for myself and allow others the same respect. Of course, liberals struggle with that concept - since y'all tend to think in borglike agreement.

perhaps you should worry less about "borg-like agreement" and focus more on saying less dumb shit than your bat shit crazy assumption about colored text.


This would be fine if it was an assumption, but it's researched. :lol::lol::lol: I kid you not... researchers found that people who use colored text display more pyschopathic tendancies.

I would love to see that link............
You know that people who use colored text have a tendancy towards psychopathic behavior, right?

I've already been asked that on this thread and answered accordingly. Would I be waterboarded for charity. Answer - probably yes. I cannot offer any comment about Hannity. I don't speak on behalf of others..... it's a conservative thing. I tend to speak for myself and allow others the same respect. Of course, liberals struggle with that concept - since y'all tend to think in borglike agreement.

perhaps you should worry less about "borg-like agreement" and focus more on saying less dumb shit than your bat shit crazy assumption about colored text.


This would be fine if it was an assumption, but it's researched. :lol::lol::lol: I kid you not... researchers found that people who use colored text display more pyschopathic tendancies.

well then.. I look forward to seeing you cite your evidence then.

Would I be? Probably, yeah. I have a done a lot of things that scare the crap out of me so I think I would do it.

My brothers have been waterboarded. All survived the experience with no ill effect. Each says it was scary but not torturous. But they are Marines so they're courageous men.

Do you dream up these idiotic comparisons all by yourself?

What comparison? I made no comparison. I stated a couple of facts: My brothers are USMC so they are courageous and they have been waterboarded with no ill effect.

If there is an idiot around, it ain't me. The evidence suggests it is you and a few others.

Your affinity for being dishonest is well known so why reinforce it even more?
Question for the waterboarding is torture crowd: Bamboo shoots under your nails? A 4x4 age? Or waterboarding?

Just because one thing is worse does not make the original thing better. What you're conducting along with several others is a logical fallacy.

That's like saying to a woman that being raped two times is better than being raped three times. No matter what, she's still being raped. And no matter what here, whether it be bamboo or waterboarding, the people are still being tortured.

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