Seattle Democrats Cancel Columbus Day. Replace It With "indigenous People's Day"

he brought several diseases that wiped out millions.
In little vials that he dropped into wells?

Made slaves out of free peoples stole untold millions of dollars in gold

Ah, two direct lies. You tying to sink to the level of Asslips?

claimed that it was god's will.. is that enough for ya?


Columbus is the most influential man since Paul of Tarsus. Columbus never enslaved anyone and put his Governor of Hispaniola in Irons for enslaving the natives of Haiti.

If you leftists are right, why do you need to lie?
the liar here is you or to be more accurate the believer in the lies is you...
How Columbus sickened the New World: Why were native Americans so vulnerable to the diseases European settlers brought with them?
<img height="1" width="1" border="0" alt="" style="display:none" src="">

It is often said that in the centuries after Columbus landed in the New World on 12 October 1492, more native North Americans died each year from infectious diseases brought by European settlers than were born. They fell victim to epidemic waves of smallpox, measles, influenza, bubonic plague, diphtheria, typhus, cholera, scarlet fever, chicken pox, yellow fever, and whooping cough. Just how many died may never be known. For North America alone, estimates of native populations in Columbus's day range from 2 to 18 million. By the end of the 19th century the population had shrunk to about 530 000.

Staggering losses. But why, asked a perplexed French missionary working among the Mississippi Valley's Natchez in the 1700s, should 'distempers that are not very fatal in other parts of the world make dreadful ravages among them'? The answer seems obvious enough: because native Americans had no immunity to the imported ...

Sign in to read How Columbus sickened the New World Why were native Americans so vulnerable to the diseases European settlers brought with them - 10 October 1992 - New Scientist

Monday October 13th. Columbus Day 2014.

Let's celebrate! I say we all get into a wooden sailing ship, sail it over to Seattle and beat liberals senseless! You know, like Chris would have done.

I have a couple friends up there, think I'll ask them to put out "Happy Columbus Day" signs in their yards.
Nothing of note. He may have helped an old lady back in Europe but that doesnt warrant him a holiday and admiration.

But a drunken racist pervert who never accomplished anything gets his own holiday. I speak of MLK, of course.

Black history month cracks me up. Only black Americans would be proud that everything their race has accomplished can be celebrated in 29 days. :rofl:

Blacks have produced very few great scientists or businessmen or military leaders. All blacks can do is crime, welfare, and sports. A useless people if there ever was one.
Anybody ever read how these racists spin history? Ever notice how when they can't dance around the fact that Incas and Aztecs, and every other native American tribe in the western hemisphere, practiced slavery and genocide,

Hell yes. The whole idea of "indigenous rights" is only about a century old. Prior to that the philosophy had always been "the strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must".
Nothing of note. He may have helped an old lady back in Europe but that doesnt warrant him a holiday and admiration.

But a drunken racist pervert who never accomplished anything gets his own holiday. I speak of MLK, of course.
He wasnt a pedophile like columbus so I guess he actually is a better role model or do you think columbus sets the standard for you?
Maybe if you stopped agitating and making stupid remarks like "e dawning of turning a wilderness into organized societies with technology". I would be easier to talk to.

You are not saying he is the first or he is a great person? What the hell are you celebrating him for?

His voyage is viewed as the founding voyage, it was documented better, and therefore is looked upon as the defining time when the Europeans began their transformation of this continent.

Not really. His voyage was viewed as an attempt to get to China. He was a clown that didn't realize he had even found new land. He thought he was in India.

The European transformation of this continent was one of the bloodiest times in the history of the world. Thats why I am glad they are bringing the truth about this toilet scum to light. If Europeans want to celebrate that it makes perfect sense.

Yes I know, he thought he landed in India, that's why the inhabitants were refered to as Indians. Blah blah blah, this is grade school stuff.
I'm just telling you, his voyage is considered a landmark in time, thus why the holiday is remembered.

Going beyond that though, it's one thing to rename the holiday to something else, but calling it "Indigenous People's Day" doesn't do that. This name implies that instead of celebrating the European landing, it is mourning what was done to the natives. So in effect, it's an anti-celebration.
No dummy. It wasnt a holiday until 1930 when some catholic pedophiles wanted a symbol for their upstanding catholic religion.

Your observation regarding the renaming of the holiday is pretty much on point. However, that has nothing to do with the point. People are allowed to remember the atrocities committed. Some may even flip the script and celebate NA history totally disregarding the presence of columbus. Either way you cant do anything about it so stop whining over a mass murderer and pedophile.

Did I say we have been celebrating it since 1776 ?

Anyway, this of course isn't a surprise, frankly I'm surprised the libs didn't go after the day years ago.

Also, any time now, libs will be demanding the 4th of July be a national day of mourning.
If it was such a legit holiday why did it take almost 5 centuries for whites to start celebrating it? You may be a fool but I'm not. You guys got snowed by some pedophiles and are cheering for a man that would molest your boys and girls without a guilty conscious. You are some of the dumbest sheep alive.
When is Columbus Day anyway? I never celebrated it before but I'll have to have a drink or two in his honor this time. I'll toast to Columbus, wear my Redskins t shirt, and carry my concealed weapon all at the same time. Maybe I'll then go to Chic-Fil-A, get a sandwich and go home and watch Duck Dynasty.

Anything else I can do to make liberals cry?
Liberals do not give a shit about what sorry fucks like you do. Do not flatter yourself, you are worthless.

All evidence to the contrary numb nuts.
Dream on. You are delusional.

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