Seattle Democrats Cancel Columbus Day. Replace It With "indigenous People's Day"

Why does that excuse him and warrant a holiday? He created that system in the americas when he didnt have to. By his own accounts the NA were not violent. As always its the white guys penchant for violence and mayhem.
I have no problem with the holiday. we should have more holidays.
I do have a major problem with willfully ignorant people who propagate the myth.

What myth?
the myth columbus did a good thing..

He did nothing good?
not for the americas for the next 200 hundred or so years.
danm you're an ignorant fuck.

Do you ever make any sense at all. Ever? He did nothing good for the Americas for at least the next 200 years after he sailed across the Atlantic?

You call me ignorant, you uneducated piece of liberal shit.

well it looks like the rewriting of History isn't going to stop

dear gawd just amazing he is called a mass murderer?

what are you going to label Obama for all these disease coming in the country under his watch?
I agree this is wrong, but I question if he was anything but a product of his society in that regard?

Why does that excuse him and warrant a holiday? He created that system in the americas when he didnt have to. By his own accounts the NA were not violent. As always its the white guys penchant for violence and mayhem.
I have no problem with the holiday. we should have more holidays.
I do have a major problem with willfully ignorant people who propagate the myth.

What myth?
the myth columbus did a good thing..

He did nothing good?
Nothing of note. He may have helped an old lady back in Europe but that doesnt warrant him a holiday and admiration.
well it looks like the rewriting of History isn't going to stop

dear gawd just amazing he is called a mass murderer?

what are you going to label Obama for all these disease coming in the country under his watch?
It's not about the man himself, it's about symbolizing when Europeans came to the continent and the dawning of turning a wilderness into organized societies with technology.
It doesnt symbolize when Europeans came to the continent. Europeans had already come before that. What kind of retard are you?

It's nearly impossible to have a conversation with you. You just constantly want to agitate and name call.

I'm not saying he was the first, I'm not saying he was a great person, I'm just saying that the holiday has always just been a symbol of Europeans coming to this continent. That's all.
Maybe if you stopped agitating and making stupid remarks like "e dawning of turning a wilderness into organized societies with technology". I would be easier to talk to.

You are not saying he is the first or he is a great person? What the hell are you celebrating him for?

His voyage is viewed as the founding voyage, it was documented better, and therefore is looked upon as the defining time when the Europeans began their transformation of this continent.

Not really. His voyage was viewed as an attempt to get to China. He was a clown that didn't realize he had even found new land. He thought he was in India.

The European transformation of this continent was one of the bloodiest times in the history of the world. Thats why I am glad they are bringing the truth about this toilet scum to light. If Europeans want to celebrate that it makes perfect sense.

Yes I know, he thought he landed in India, that's why the inhabitants were refered to as Indians. Blah blah blah, this is grade school stuff.
I'm just telling you, his voyage is considered a landmark in time, thus why the holiday is remembered.

Going beyond that though, it's one thing to rename the holiday to something else, but calling it "Indigenous People's Day" doesn't do that. This name implies that instead of celebrating the European landing, it is mourning what was done to the natives. So in effect, it's an anti-celebration.
I have no problem with the holiday. we should have more holidays.
I do have a major problem with willfully ignorant people who propagate the myth.

What myth?
the myth columbus did a good thing..

He did nothing good?
not for the americas for the next 200 hundred or so years.
danm you're an ignorant fuck.

Do you ever make any sense at all. Ever? He did nothing good for the Americas for at least the next 200 years after he sailed across the Atlantic?

You call me ignorant, you uneducated piece of liberal shit.

Your comment is risible in light of the fact he wiped out the NA's he encountered. Go back to school. Arent you the one that claimed you were getting your doctorate? This is why I dont believe you. They wouldnt let anyone this obviously ignorant near a college campus let alone get a doctorate. They have to create value in their schools not bring it down with intellectual inferiority such as yours.
It doesnt symbolize when Europeans came to the continent. Europeans had already come before that. What kind of retard are you?

It's nearly impossible to have a conversation with you. You just constantly want to agitate and name call.

I'm not saying he was the first, I'm not saying he was a great person, I'm just saying that the holiday has always just been a symbol of Europeans coming to this continent. That's all.
Maybe if you stopped agitating and making stupid remarks like "e dawning of turning a wilderness into organized societies with technology". I would be easier to talk to.

You are not saying he is the first or he is a great person? What the hell are you celebrating him for?

His voyage is viewed as the founding voyage, it was documented better, and therefore is looked upon as the defining time when the Europeans began their transformation of this continent.

Not really. His voyage was viewed as an attempt to get to China. He was a clown that didn't realize he had even found new land. He thought he was in India.

The European transformation of this continent was one of the bloodiest times in the history of the world. Thats why I am glad they are bringing the truth about this toilet scum to light. If Europeans want to celebrate that it makes perfect sense.

Yes I know, he thought he landed in India, that's why the inhabitants were refered to as Indians. Blah blah blah, this is grade school stuff.
I'm just telling you, his voyage is considered a landmark in time, thus why the holiday is remembered.

Going beyond that though, it's one thing to rename the holiday to something else, but calling it "Indigenous People's Day" doesn't do that. This name implies that instead of celebrating the European landing, it is mourning what was done to the natives. So in effect, it's an anti-celebration.
No dummy. It wasnt a holiday until 1930 when some catholic pedophiles wanted a symbol for their upstanding catholic religion.

Your observation regarding the renaming of the holiday is pretty much on point. However, that has nothing to do with the point. People are allowed to remember the atrocities committed. Some may even flip the script and celebate NA history totally disregarding the presence of columbus. Either way you cant do anything about it so stop whining over a mass murderer and pedophile.
The funny thing is how liberals, by accusing Columbus of atrocities, they insinuate that ALL of the Natives here were all peace loving people who never started wars or murdered.

Like I said, they would never ever want to learn how the transatlantic trade started. Should I show what war lords (BLACK WAR LORDS) conquered many tribes in West Africa? They were of course.....muslims (what else is new) and they captured, enslaved, murdered, and raped. They also began to trade these people, who they considered infidels and worthless, to Europe (mainly Portugal) for weapons as well as other resources. Mainly in order to expand the territory they conquered.

You want me to go into detail about the names of the tyrants? Should I mention the race of each of these tyrants? You know sure as shit the left would not want me to do that.

You see, this is just one example of how the left galvanizes and rally. They want to destroy what we have learned in our history and thereby destroy all of the things that happened that were good. As though Columbus never did anything good, or accomplished anything.

The funny thing is how they claim they simply want the truth out about the true Columbus. Fine, while we are at it, let us learn about the truth about the history and origins of the transatlantic slave trade. Fair?

Do you lefties want me to get into specifics about the origins of the transatlantic slave trade? Thought not.

false! oh ye of the shitty one is insinuating anything like that.
what columbus did was to destroy many cultures..
he and his spanish cohorts in no serious way tried to parlay or understand the peoples they encountered..
their extreme ethnocentricity
[eth-noh-sen-triz-uh m] Spell Syllables
Sociology. the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture.
a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own.
changed the world..

there is no hypocrisy in pointing out the facts
there is however, vast hypocrisy in denying them.

I would just love to know where I claimed Columbus tried to understand or "parlay" the people they encountered.

What does that comment have anything to do with my post?
learn to read shit head .
you never said that I did "he and his spanish cohorts in no serious way tried to parlay or understand the peoples they encountered.."
and you still got it wrong.
Columbus and co. could not be bothered to treat the Na's as equals..
get it?


I said there were things that were accomplished, and you claim he did nothing good.


Keep avoiding the truth about the transatlantic slave trade.
you never did you're still dodging..
what things? europe was in state of almost constant war at that time and the resources brought back from the new world mostly went for that purpose
as for the slave trade if columbus had done things a little differently it would have never gotten seem to conveniently forget the slave trade got it's start because the diseases brought by the europeans killed the native labor force.
It's nearly impossible to have a conversation with you. You just constantly want to agitate and name call.

I'm not saying he was the first, I'm not saying he was a great person, I'm just saying that the holiday has always just been a symbol of Europeans coming to this continent. That's all.
Maybe if you stopped agitating and making stupid remarks like "e dawning of turning a wilderness into organized societies with technology". I would be easier to talk to.

You are not saying he is the first or he is a great person? What the hell are you celebrating him for?

His voyage is viewed as the founding voyage, it was documented better, and therefore is looked upon as the defining time when the Europeans began their transformation of this continent.

Not really. His voyage was viewed as an attempt to get to China. He was a clown that didn't realize he had even found new land. He thought he was in India.

The European transformation of this continent was one of the bloodiest times in the history of the world. Thats why I am glad they are bringing the truth about this toilet scum to light. If Europeans want to celebrate that it makes perfect sense.

Yes I know, he thought he landed in India, that's why the inhabitants were refered to as Indians. Blah blah blah, this is grade school stuff.
I'm just telling you, his voyage is considered a landmark in time, thus why the holiday is remembered.

Going beyond that though, it's one thing to rename the holiday to something else, but calling it "Indigenous People's Day" doesn't do that. This name implies that instead of celebrating the European landing, it is mourning what was done to the natives. So in effect, it's an anti-celebration.
No dummy. It wasnt a holiday until 1930 when some catholic pedophiles wanted a symbol for their upstanding catholic religion.

Your observation regarding the renaming of the holiday is pretty much on point. However, that has nothing to do with the point. People are allowed to remember the atrocities committed. Some may even flip the script and celebate NA history totally disregarding the presence of columbus. Either way you cant do anything about it so stop whining over a mass murderer and pedophile.

Did I say we have been celebrating it since 1776 ?

Anyway, this of course isn't a surprise, frankly I'm surprised the libs didn't go after the day years ago.

Also, any time now, libs will be demanding the 4th of July be a national day of mourning.
well it looks like the rewriting of History isn't going to stop

dear gawd just amazing he is called a mass murderer?

what are you going to label Obama for all these disease coming in the country under his watch?
no need you repubs already have....
Good history teachers make sure they show the case for American exceptionalism in terms of Uncensored2008's arguments then rip them apart with the truth.

Ages 45 below increasingly are in the greater majorities for "a warts and all presentation of American history."

Yes, our history was inevitable they way it turned out, but Euro-American white success excuses nothing.

Meh. That's because people under 45 suffered from one of the worst education systems in the industrialized world. We who are over 45 attended one of the world's best.
Good history teachers make sure they show the case for American exceptionalism in terms of Uncensored2008's arguments then rip them apart with the truth.

Ages 45 below increasingly are in the greater majorities for "a warts and all presentation of American history."

Yes, our history was inevitable they way it turned out, but Euro-American white success excuses nothing.

Meh. That's because people under 45 suffered from one of the worst education systems in the industrialized world. We who are over 45 attended one of the world's best.
The students we have today to their older peers in their young thirties would trash the graduates of the eighties through 1995. Having been involved as a member of school boards, a school board president for many years, and advisory to charter schools here in SLC, I am aware that the level of awareness is amazingly good for the younger ones.

We are in good hands, and the millennials out number the social cons now, and all the millennials are eligible to vote as an entire group for the first time in 2016.
he brought several diseases that wiped out millions.
made slaves out of free peoples stole untold millions of dollars in gold
claimed that it was god's will.. is that enough for ya?

So he followed in the grand traditions of African and Islamic politics and business practices? So what's the problem? He learned from the best and most experienced.
Anybody ever read how these racists spin history? Ever notice how when they can't dance around the fact that Incas and Aztecs, and every other native American tribe in the western hemisphere, practiced slavery and genocide, it's always portrayed as 'different' from European practices, which mostly involve the Spanish, not northern Euros? They're claimed to be 'kind and gentle' slavers and murderers. It's hilarious.
The Northwest Indians were very advanced and made many contributions to their culture and ours. For example:

History Timeline of the Native Indians of Washington
10,000B.C.Paleo-Indian Era (Stone Age culture) the earliest human inhabitants of America who lived in caves and were Nomadic hunters of large game including the Great Mammoth and giant bison.
7000 BCArchaic Period in which people built basic shelters and made stone weapons and stone tools
1000 ADWoodland Period - homes were established along rivers and trade exchange systems and burial systems were established

Keep in mind, when the pilgrims came to America, they were starving and sick. They were dying like flies. They couldn't grow crops or avoid disease. It was the Native Indians who helped them learn how to grow crops here and prosper.
Golly, hunting mammoths was a great contribution to mankind. Who knew?

Stone weapons and tools? You're shittin' me. They obviously had a great export system since pretty much every stone age culture did that.

Homes and graveyards, who would have thought of that?

...wait...where was the wheel? That was invented what, 7,000 years ago?

The Pilgrims suffered from what we today call socialism. Once they were allowed to keep and sell their crops they prospered quite well.
Washington state is becoming California North. Jeez what a pack if moon bats!
Turn off your computer and never fly on an American made commercial airplane again.

Us "moon bats" as you call us developed and wrote the software you use on your computer to make it work. We also build the airplanes that you use to fly from point A to point B.
And Boeing is fleeing in bits and pieces because the commies greedy mitts are getting to be too much. You wrote the software I use? You mean Microshit, the very last OS I would use. I prefer Linux, Mac second.
Don't use a Nintendo product either. It's all developed here in Washington.
Never used it. I'm not about to start either.
Never shop at Costco, Nordstrom or REI because they started here in Washington, which are just a few companies that started here and are now all over the nation.
Same as everywhere else.
Never buy imported goods because most of them docked right here in Washington. Then were put on trucks to be shipped throughout the nation.
Fuck yea, we built the Puget Fucking Sound!
Those are just a few of the businesses that started here and branched out though out the nation.

Oh, and without the Boeing B-17 and B-29 bombers the air war during WWII would have had a very different outcome.

Boeing makes a lot of the military jets that are now being used to combat isis and the crazy terrorists you right wingers are so afraid of.

This country owes a lot to us "moon bats" here in Washington. I'm not surprised you spit in the faces of those who provided vital equipment that helped win WWIi and helps keep us free and safe.
...and libtards are doing everything they can to reverse those freedoms. They want us all sucking of mommy governments titties so she can order us around. Grow a backbone.
Here is a question for the holier than thou democrats who can't stand Columbus...

Could you enlightened people please tell 1492...where in the world were people not doing what happened when the Europeans encountered the Indians in the New World...Hmmmm...Europe...Asia...Africa...well...seems to me that you have to go to the stone age tribes in perhaps Australia, and the really barren parts of Africa...

The Turks...same as Columbus...The Japanese...same as Columbus...France, Britain, Germany....same as Columbus...Africa...Same as Columbus...China...Same as Columbus...

The new world...the same as Columbus...

So what exactly are you guys bitching about with Columbus...everyone, every where in the world were brutal to the weak...

You need to study history outside of the hate filled, democrat public education system...

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