Second Amendment advocates would this change your mind?

I am struggling here to try to communicate to someone with a cartoon view of mental illness. I wish I could make this point more clear for you, but I doubt I will be able to.
As I am sure you know, none of this addresses the points I made.

How do you stop someone who has committed themselves to dying?
If they have committed themselves to dying, how does the absence of a gun prevent them from killing themselves?
If the absence of a gun will not prevent those people from killing themselves, what rational argument is there for making it harder for those who are NOT looking to kill themselves to get a gun?
How do you stop someone who has committed themselves to dying?

So you didn't read my post? Gosh. Does someone need to read it to you? Maybe help explain the words?

If the absence of a gun will not prevent those people from killing themselves, what rational argument is there for making it harder for those who are NOT looking to kill themselves to get a gun?

It really is like you didn't read a word I posted. Yet you REPLIED to my post.

I wish I could use more simple words. I can pass it through a filter to make sure I hit your reading level. Is it 5th or 6th grade? (4th?)
I wish I could use more simple words. I can pass it through a filter to make sure I hit your reading level. Is it 5th or 6th grade? (4th?)
Thank you for making it clear you want to make claims, but not defend them.
As such I need not worry about wasting any more time on you.
Feel free to ignore the science as you like.
The people who say follow the science. Also ignore science when it comes to gender Identity. Those people believe their are more than two genders.
So you didn't read my post? Gosh. Does someone need to read it to you? Maybe help explain the words?

It really is like you didn't read a word I posted. Yet you REPLIED to my post.

I wish I could use more simple words. I can pass it through a filter to make sure I hit your reading level. Is it 5th or 6th grade? (4th?)
How do you explain your utter refusal to read items that disagree with your dogma? Fear? Yes, that'd do it. Leftists operate on emotion.
I am struggling here to try to communicate to someone with a cartoon view of mental illness. I wish I could make this point more clear for you, but I doubt I will be able to.

Perhaps you have never been suicidal. It's not an easy space to navigate. Sometimes pain can be so intense and come up on you so quickly that you are rendered incapable of rational planning. If a person struggles with suicidal ideation and then one day the pain simply gets too great they might take actions that, without easy access to a truly lethal form, wouldn't become permanent.

Would it be too much to suggest you develop some compassion?
Let me help you
If you're unable to be trusted with a gun you should be locked up and have the key thrown away.
Shrugs it's not your concern Adolph

Not sure what the "Adolph" there relates to. I'm kind of intrigued but since I don't respect you I'm not sure I really want to dig down into it. Still, even looking into a sewer can be interesting from time to time.

Care to belch out your "deeper meaning"?
Not sure what the "Adolph" there relates to. I'm kind of intrigued but since I don't respect you I'm not sure I really want to dig down into it. Still, even looking into a sewer can be interesting from time to time.

Care to belch out your "deeper meaning"?
Adolph as in Hitler it's none of your business Nazi

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