Second Amendment advocates would this change your mind?

Dr. Phyllis give it a fucking rest. I'm not angry.

You were pretty busy calling me a "Nazi" over and over and over. You really do sound angry as all hell. Now you're calling me "Dr. Phyllis".

And you're no doctor. If a person does not give a shit about their life do not try to force me to give a shit.

That's the compassion component. I have difficulty understanding people who carry so much hatred in them that they lash out against even common human decency. A person in pain is a universal experience. If one lacks compassion in the face of others pain (even hypothetical) it indicates that there's something more to the statement than just the hatred.

I don't know you. (I don't WANT to know you, you seem pretty unpleasant), but I am quite serious about the whole mental health thing. You're right, I'm not a psychotherapist. But your seething hatred bleeds through your posts.

I honestly and earnestly apologize if I have somehow offended you to the point where you unleash your hatred like this.

This place definitely engenders a certain degree of nastiness which we all scream at each other. But I'm actually afraid this particular interchange has gone a bit too far.

Again, my actual, honest, apologies.
You were pretty busy calling me a "Nazi" over and over and over. You really do sound angry as all hell. Now you're calling me "Dr. Phyllis".

That's the compassion component. I have difficulty understanding people who carry so much hatred in them that they lash out against even common human decency. A person in pain is a universal experience. If one lacks compassion in the face of others pain (even hypothetical) it indicates that there's something more to the statement than just the hatred.

I don't know you. (I don't WANT to know you, you seem pretty unpleasant), but I am quite serious about the whole mental health thing. You're right, I'm not a psychotherapist. But your seething hatred bleeds through your posts.

I honestly and earnestly apologize if I have somehow offended you to the point where you unleash your hatred like this.

This place definitely engenders a certain degree of nastiness which we all scream at each other. But I'm actually afraid this particular interchange has gone a bit too far.

Again, my actual, honest, apologies.
Nope wrong not my problem
Can I ask why you are such an unrelenting dick? I'm honestly curious. You just seem to be a dick. Is that how you are IRL?

Just fuck off.
Because you are a nosey little brown shirt
I have difficulty understanding people who carry so much hatred in them that they lash out against even common human decency.
People who have the right to have guns, who like guns, and who don't want someone to come and steal their guns, will get upset when people propose to do just that.
People who have the right to have guns, who like guns, and who don't want someone to come and steal their guns, will get upset when people propose to do just that.

That isn't really an excuse to make one lack compassion for others in pain.

No one is going to take anyone's guns. But it might be nice if we as a nation kind of tried to come to a common understanding of why we are the way we are in regards to guns.
No one is going to take anyone's guns.
That is true in the sense that the attempts will fail. But the attempts are in earnest. Progressives really are trying to take our guns. They don't even have a reason for doing it. Progressives just think that it's fun to violate people's civil liberties.

And even though we will defeat all of these attempts, it is still very aggravating to have someone come and try to violate your civil liberties.
That isn't really an excuse to make one lack compassion for others in pain.

No one is going to take anyone's guns. But it might be nice if we as a nation kind of tried to come to a common understanding of why we are the way we are in regards to guns.

That is easy...there are criminals, and there are governments that commit mass murder. We know this, we also understand human nature and human history.

The ability to protect ourselves from both criminals and an out of control government is why we own guns.........that you and the other leftists don't understand this is why you should never, ever, have power.......
That is true in the sense that the attempts will fail. But the attempts are in earnest. Progressives really are trying to take our guns. They don't even have a reason for doing it. Progressives just think that it's fun to violate people's civil liberties.

So long as you folks take that view there can be nothing done for the record breaking levels of gun violence in our society.

If you were to actually talk about the opposition in REALISTIC and RATIONAL ways maybe something could be worked out.

The problem is, when the sides get so polarized and the body count keeps rising it ultimately endangers YOUR rights. Enough Americans get fed up with the gun craziness and YOU WILL lose something.

If you actually try talking to the opposing side instead of making up stupid lies about them you might find that many of us are OK with guns being around. Just a few more controls on them.

And even though we will defeat all of these attempts, it is still very aggravating to have someone come and try to violate your civil liberties.

Oh please.
The ability to protect ourselves from both criminals and an out of control government is why we own guns

I'm genuinely curious about this particular fantasy. Let's say the US government went off the rails and we wound up with a crude fascist dictator in charge. And he, being Commander in Chief marshalled the US military to take your guns from you...exactly how long do you think you'd be able to hold out?

Ruby Ridge-long? Or Waco-long?

.........that you and the other leftists don't understand this is why you should never, ever, have power.......

It would be tough to have power over a nation in which a large chunk of people live active fantasy lives based on watching one too many John Wayne movies.
If you were to actually talk about the opposition in REALISTIC and RATIONAL ways maybe something could be worked out.
I do that all the time. It's the gun control people who never have any interest in talking.

The problem is, when the sides get so polarized and the body count keeps rising it ultimately endangers YOUR rights. Enough Americans get fed up with the gun craziness and YOU WILL lose something.
Not a chance. We have the gun control movement beaten. We will always win and they will always end up with nothing.

And rightly so. They are bad people and they deserve to lose.

If you actually try talking to the opposing side instead of making up stupid lies about them
I don't make anything up. Everything I say is true.

And like I said, I do plenty of talking. All they ever do in response to my talking is spout name-calling.

you might find that many of us are OK with guns being around. Just a few more controls on them.
Controls that violate our civil liberties. And for no reason other than the fact that progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.

Oh please.
You wanted to know why some people get very angry about gun control.
I do that all the time.

Except when you make up lies like characterizing Libs the way you did in the previous post.

It's the gun control people who never have any interest in talking.

LOL. And you guys do?

Not a chance. We have the gun control movement beaten. We will always win and they will always end up with nothing.

Uh huh.

I don't make anything up. Everything I say is true.

If that is what you think.

And like I said, I do plenty of talking. All they ever do in response to my talking is spout name-calling.

On this board I've been called any number of names. Rather nasty ones. One person calls me a Nazi, another a "shithead".

You guys are really pretty nice I guess.

You wanted to know why some people get very angry about gun control.

And now I know it's because they live in a fantasy world. Got it. Thanks.
So long as you folks take that view there can be nothing done for the record breaking levels of gun violence in our society.

If you were to actually talk about the opposition in REALISTIC and RATIONAL ways maybe something could be worked out.

The problem is, when the sides get so polarized and the body count keeps rising it ultimately endangers YOUR rights. Enough Americans get fed up with the gun craziness and YOU WILL lose something.

If you actually try talking to the opposing side instead of making up stupid lies about them you might find that many of us are OK with guns being around. Just a few more controls on them.

Oh please.

There is absolutely something that we can out the democrats.....the democrat party has damaged our police, and they keep releasing the most violent gun offenders over and over again...

If we stop them, we lower our gun crime rate by about 95%....
I'm genuinely curious about this particular fantasy. Let's say the US government went off the rails and we wound up with a crude fascist dictator in charge. And he, being Commander in Chief marshalled the US military to take your guns from you...exactly how long do you think you'd be able to hold out?

Ruby Ridge-long? Or Waco-long?

It would be tough to have power over a nation in which a large chunk of people live active fantasy lives based on watching one too many John Wayne movies.

A lot longer than the Vietnamese, and Afghanis...........since we have more guns, better resources, better trained, better educated people......
Facile argument lacking any rational support.

You really are an idiot....

Our gun crime problem is a direct result of democrat party policies.....without the democrats releasing violent gun offenders over and over again, and attacking the police, our gun crime would be at the low level it was in 2015...before the democrats went into over drive to drive up violent crime before the election...
A lot longer than the Vietnamese, and Afghanis

Really? Here's why I doubt that very highly: The Afghanis have known nothing but war and horror since the late 1970's. The fighters we helped develop in the 1980's turned into the Taliban and they do nothing but fight and hate. They live in CAVES. These people are far stronger than the US's "Gravy Seals". The guys who stormed the capital to overturn the election they actually believed was stolen could only hold out for one afternoon.


You think you can "hold out" against the US Military? LOL. Not very long before you'd be whining for a ceasefire so that beer and nacho chips could be shipped in

...........since we have more guns, better resources, better trained, better educated people......

First: you likely DON'T have better weapons since the Afghanis and Taliban had all the left over Soviet weapons and half of the US lost weapons. Yeah, the Americans are far more educated but that won't help for long-term. As for "better trained", well, let's see, the Gravy Seals tend to THINK they are training, but they aren't living in the high desert of Afghanistan 24/7/365. They really don't know what training is compared to people who have literally spent their entire lives shooting and killing people in realtime.
You really are an idiot....
At least I don't rest on simplistic arguments.

Our gun crime problem is a direct result of democrat party policies

Is that why it has been high regardless of who is charge of the US government?

.....without the democrats releasing violent gun offenders over and over again, and attacking the police, our gun crime would be at the low level it was in 2015...before the democrats went into over drive to drive up violent crime before the election...


It was under Clinton that the 3 strikes thing went into effect. Unless you forgot.

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