Second Oregon judge ends wedding services :)

Second Oregon judge ends wedding services after gay marriage allowed

HAHA! Like dominoes...judges,clerks everyone that can do them are it.

In a country with as may judges as we have, a few will be homophobic jerks. If they can legally make that choice, then who cares?
Lol @ idiots need to come up with a different word...I have YET to find ANYONE afraid of faggots.
True I've been pointing out for a while that homophobe is not accurate. "Asshole" is a b etter word for you people. But oh well gays can marry now so HAHA fuck you "asshole!"
You hate assholes.....but you are one.......go figure......
Let the liberals continue to solve the problem. They are letting Muslims cross the border. Pretty soon there will be enough of them that they will just start killing the queers off. Liberals always fuck up, just let them be. They will eventually solve the problem.
It's here to stay, bigot. Get used to it.


Supreme Court rulings are the law of the land. What you call adorable, I call fact. Bitch and moan and rationalize to your heart's content; none of it will change the fact that gay marriage is constitutional and not going away.

When the judgment of God falls on this nation you'll be amazed at fast all of this will go "away"... permanently.

If you have a problem with gays, talk to your priest about it in his glory hole, I mean, confessional. But as far as public policy goes, it's none of your fucking business if two people of the same sex want to marry each other. Go pray to your god about something important.

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