Secular extremism is killing Christianity in America

Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word 'persecution.'

Persecution among other things is denying, or attempting to deny, people their rights because they fall into a certain category.

Kim Davis tried that with her religion as the justification.

Now go fuck yourself for being so stupid.

Go bake a cake for a gay couple. You may get a free blow job for doing it.
As if on cue...

An example of the ignorance, stupidity, hate, and bigotry common to many on the Christian right.

You apparently think that it is not persecution of Christians by having the government tell them who they have to associate with and cater too. If telling a man to get a blow job from another man is ignorant, stupid, hateful or bigoted, you must absolutely hate gay men.
In public in accordance with PA laws, etc. No, it is not persecution of Christians if they have a public service to all, then they have to serve anyone. Stand up in a public meeting or town hall and continually yell or scream or tell someone to go get a blow job or scream, "breeders' etc., you are all going to jail.

You pricks on both sides fail to understand that free speech does not mean freedom of expression anytime anywhere anyhow you want to do it.

That law protects everyone.
Tell the judge, guys, that you are a Christian or a LGBT so therefore you have the right to scream at people in public.

Tell you what. Try screaming at the judge.
From Picara's link. Pincara thinks it is Alinskyist. It seems common sense framing to me. If I were a Christiam missionary in Saudi Arabia, I would keep the advice in mind.

Well, see, Jake, you don't possess common sense, which is why you're so susceptible to buying the lies and propaganda campaigns in the first place.
Ad hom to my correction of your silliness.

It's only an ad hom if it's false, Jake, and we know in your case my statement is 100% correct.
The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.

The LGBT movement is a cult.

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

The result is that open war has been declared on Christianity in America.

As the attacks ratchet up, Christians urgently need to understand continued capitulation to the demands of the radicals who are pushing for the fringe demands of the LGBT movement means the death of religious freedom in America. It also means a cult’s radical doctrines replace Christian mores.

Articles: Killing Christianity in America

Define secular extremism.

you're looking at it: the LBGT cult....."A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad."
:) Get over it. You cannot in rational society substitute your banal nonsense definition for one based on reality.
As a lifelong practicing devout christian I can say the gay thing is of zero threat to my traditional marriage and my religion. My faith is stronger than ever, my Christianity is more stable and stronger than ever. Fear mongering that is.

A Christian narcissist who thinks it's all about them personally? Wonderful.
In my lifetime I've notice that anyone who publically says anything christian is instantly attacked by the left. The level of intimitadation reminds me of what it was like to live in Germany between the years 1933 and 1944.
No, you don't. I am a Christian. I don't see any jerk ass SA or SS doosh running up to me with a truncheon.
Good religion doesn't need to push itself and lets it's virtues speak for itself? Really? Then why is it that during the spring and summer months, I have many people coming up to my door to minister to me and ask me to their church?

Were they offering to sue you if you wouldn't bake them a cake? No? Then you get what I'm talking about.
That's okay, Christianity always grows stronger when it's under attack.

People are dying in India, Iraq, and China for their Christian beliefs..and the faith is growing by leaps and bounds there. Because people realize, when they are subjected to the heinous acts of authoritarians, that Jesus truly does save, in every sense of the word.
Jesus has never stopped or saved anything or anyone.
that YOU know of....
False !But you had to say something.
you know Jesus well enough to make such a statement.....?
There is no evidence corroborating Jesus ever did or said anything.
There are no first hand non biblical sources ,
Everything Jesus is credited with saying or doing is from second or third person accounts many decades or hundreds of years after the fact.
The odds that my statement is correct are exponentially high.
Your unproven belief is just that.

Yes. We all keep forgetting you were there and saw the whole thing. Our bad.
That's okay, Christianity always grows stronger when it's under attack.

People are dying in India, Iraq, and China for their Christian beliefs..and the faith is growing by leaps and bounds there. Because people realize, when they are subjected to the heinous acts of authoritarians, that Jesus truly does save, in every sense of the word.
Jesus has never stopped or saved anything or anyone.
that YOU know of....
False !But you had to say something.
you know Jesus well enough to make such a statement.....?

Of course; he was there the entire time, and knows the real story.
From Picara's link. Pincara thinks it is Alinskyist. It seems common sense framing to me. If I were a Christiam missionary in Saudi Arabia, I would keep the advice in mind.

Well, see, Jake, you don't possess common sense, which is why you're so susceptible to buying the lies and propaganda campaigns in the first place.
Ad hom to my correction of your silliness.

It's only an ad hom if it's false, Jake, and we know in your case my statement is 100% correct.
100 percent wrong.
But it's not only in the churches. Over the past 12 years or so, preachers have become more and more vocal about their political stance and have been encouraging their parish to follow their lead politically.

Besides.................I thought there was SUPPOSED to be a separation between Church and State.
who said....?

Thomas Jefferson said it.

No, Thomas Helwys said it, and the Constitution only prohibits the Federal Government from favoring one sect over another; the states remained free to favor the sects that founded them, until demographics superseded their majorities of the populations and they followed with state constitutional changes, Massachusetts I think was the last, in 1833 or so.

And, it didn't ban 'Christianity' or its symbols or displays from public buildings or anywhere else, either, despite current mythology. Church services were routinely held in Federal buildings in Washington, D.C. until long after Jefferson's last term in office as President, actually.

I'll also add there are absolutely no restrictions on a church or its pastors on their free speech and speaking out on social issues, either, despite the ignorant superstition there is about that.
Pastors and priests certainly can speak from the pulpit on such issues.

Why could they not?

Picara, tell us something that we all don't know.

I'm glad you Googled it up before answering, Jake; now inform all your buddies here that it isn't a violation of the Constitution for them to do so and all about how it doesn't have anything to do with a church's tax excepted status when they do speak out.
From Picara's link. Pincara thinks it is Alinskyist. It seems common sense framing to me. If I were a Christiam missionary in Saudi Arabia, I would keep the advice in mind.

Well, see, Jake, you don't possess common sense, which is why you're so susceptible to buying the lies and propaganda campaigns in the first place.
Ad hom to my correction of your silliness.

It's only an ad hom if it's false, Jake, and we know in your case my statement is 100% correct.
That you are wrong is accurate. It is common sense framing. You have trouble with it, OK. Look it up.
who said....?

Thomas Jefferson said it.

No, Thomas Helwys said it, and the Constitution only prohibits the Federal Government from favoring one sect over another; the states remained free to favor the sects that founded them, until demographics superseded their majorities of the populations and they followed with state constitutional changes, Massachusetts I think was the last, in 1833 or so.

And, it didn't ban 'Christianity' or its symbols or displays from public buildings or anywhere else, either, despite current mythology. Church services were routinely held in Federal buildings in Washington, D.C. until long after Jefferson's last term in office as President, actually.

I'll also add there are absolutely no restrictions on a church or its pastors on their free speech and speaking out on social issues, either, despite the ignorant superstition there is about that.
Pastors and priests certainly can speak from the pulpit on such issues.

Why could they not?

Picara, tell us something that we all don't know.

I'm glad you Googled it up before answering, Jake; now inform all your buddies here that it isn't a violation of the Constitution for them to do so and all about how it doesn't have anything to do with a church's tax excepted status when they do speak out.
Picara, you must be the one doing the googling. I have been instructing you all day. Some argue it is a tax violation, but only a few cases have been upheld as such. Look it up.
Keep researching, Picara, and you will gain in nuance and context.

Keep posting. I am glad I can help you learn.
Jesus has never stopped or saved anything or anyone.
that YOU know of....
False !But you had to say something.
you know Jesus well enough to make such a statement.....?
There is no evidence corroborating Jesus ever did or said anything.
There are no first hand non biblical sources ,
Everything Jesus is credited with saying or doing is from second or third person accounts many decades or hundreds of years after the fact.
The odds that my statement is correct are exponentially high.
Your unproven belief is just that.

Yes. We all keep forgetting you were there and saw the whole thing. Our bad.
There is no evidence that any of it happened so being there is a fantasy.
Btw the you weren't there defense is meaningless.
I don't understand why some so called Christians have trouble dealing with non-believers.
that YOU know of....
False !But you had to say something.
you know Jesus well enough to make such a statement.....?
There is no evidence corroborating Jesus ever did or said anything.
There are no first hand non biblical sources ,
Everything Jesus is credited with saying or doing is from second or third person accounts many decades or hundreds of years after the fact.
The odds that my statement is correct are exponentially high.
Your unproven belief is just that.

Yes. We all keep forgetting you were there and saw the whole thing. Our bad.
There is no evidence that any of it happened so being there is a fantasy.
Btw the you weren't there defense is meaningless.

We're all anxiously awaiting your excellent book on those decades. Thanks in advance for your valuable and definitive contribution to the issue. It promises to be right up there with Jake's lifetime opus, Friedrich Nietzche: The Musical.
The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.

The LGBT movement is a cult.

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

The result is that open war has been declared on Christianity in America.

As the attacks ratchet up, Christians urgently need to understand continued capitulation to the demands of the radicals who are pushing for the fringe demands of the LGBT movement means the death of religious freedom in America. It also means a cult’s radical doctrines replace Christian mores.

Articles: Killing Christianity in America
There is no ‘secular extremism,’ the notion is true idiocy.

Indeed, extremism exists for the most part with Christians, such as those hostile to the privacy right of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, and settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence consistent with the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
Actually, there is secular extremism.

"Another form of extremism however, is one that remains just as common but is rarely if ever discussed; I’m talking of course, about secular extremism. A perfect example would be the recent hostage taking at the Discovery Channel building courtesy of James Lee. Seemingly fed up with the concepts of religion and personal freedoms, James Lee decided to take innocent people hostage in his cause to save the environment. "

Think Religious Extremists Are Scary -- How About Secular Extremists? | Fox News

"When Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Anabaptists, he was assuring them that they could worship in their church free from any interference from the national government.
"Jefferson, who personally attended religious services in the Capitol, envisioned a wall with a door through which churchgoers could pass to go to church, where they would be safe from governmental interference with their religious opinions (but not necessarily every act prompted by religious opinion), or from church to the public square, where they could freely exercise their religion as well as their freedoms of speech and press.
"Jefferson never said that religious people could not proceed to the public square and there acknowledge God and advocate public policy consistent with their religious beliefs.
"And the people who wrote and ratified the Constitution and the First Amendment overwhelmingly expected government to acknowledge God with humble gratitude instead of ungratefully refrain out of greater respect for atheist attitude."

Secular extremism is the grave danger, not religious expression in public square

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