Secular extremism is killing Christianity in America

In my lifetime I've notice that anyone who publically says anything christian is instantly attacked by the left. The level of intimitadation reminds me of what it was like to live in Germany between the years 1933 and 1944.
No, you don't. I am a Christian. I don't see any jerk ass SA or SS doosh running up to me with a truncheon.

Open a bakery and see what happens when you refuse to bake a penis shaped cake or something for a couple of mentally ill homosexuals fetishists.
Why would he refuse and lose the income?

Businesses turn down customers all the time, and for many reasons. Jake probably is poor, though.
In my lifetime I've notice that anyone who publically says anything christian is instantly attacked by the left. The level of intimitadation reminds me of what it was like to live in Germany between the years 1933 and 1944.
No, you don't. I am a Christian. I don't see any jerk ass SA or SS doosh running up to me with a truncheon.

Open a bakery and see what happens when you refuse to bake a penis shaped cake or something for a couple of mentally ill homosexuals fetishists.
Why would he refuse and lose the income?

Businesses turn down customers all the time, and for many reasons. Jake probably is poor, though.
Not for dumbass religion dogma .
Thanks for playing!
We're all anxiously awaiting your excellent book on those decades. Thanks in advance for your valuable and definitive contribution to the issue. It promises to be right up there with Jake's lifetime opus, Friedrich Nietzche: The Musical.
I'll take that as a yes you're right there is no evidence to prove Jesus ever existed.
There is evidence. Lots of evidence. Like most halfwits, you don't know the difference between proof and evidence.
False there is nothing no evidence no proof
You're instance there is laughable!

God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs

The link is both evidence and proof.
Can you provide any (objective) non biblical or of non faith based evidence to corroborate your raving?
Your delusional opining is by no means any evidence of anything but your own belief.

So you're saying there is as much empirical evidence for Jesus as there is for evolution?

Here's a question: Why would a large group of scam artists go to so much trouble to make up a bunch of stuff that would only get them killed? Why build up such an elaborate fiction for the sake of a scam? You were there, so you should know, right?
Lol if there was 1 percent of the evidence for Jesus as there is for evolution, there might be a reason to look deeper into the Jesus myth.
The only person saying it's a scam is you.
Your shit reads like a particularly bad b movie plot.

So you're just blowing smoke and really have no idea, plus you don't know a thing about empirical methods. We all gathered that already. Your crap is just juvenile ranting and wishful thinking.
In my lifetime I've notice that anyone who publically says anything christian is instantly attacked by the left. The level of intimitadation reminds me of what it was like to live in Germany between the years 1933 and 1944.
No, you don't. I am a Christian. I don't see any jerk ass SA or SS doosh running up to me with a truncheon.

Open a bakery and see what happens when you refuse to bake a penis shaped cake or something for a couple of mentally ill homosexuals fetishists.
Why would he refuse and lose the income?

Businesses turn down customers all the time, and for many reasons. Jake probably is poor, though.
Not for dumbass religion dogma .
Thanks for playing!

That and all kinds of other dogma. Ever heard of Neo-Nazis suing a Jewish bakery for not baking them a Swastika cake, and winning?
In my lifetime I've notice that anyone who publically says anything christian is instantly attacked by the left. The level of intimitadation reminds me of what it was like to live in Germany between the years 1933 and 1944.
No, you don't. I am a Christian. I don't see any jerk ass SA or SS doosh running up to me with a truncheon.

Open a bakery and see what happens when you refuse to bake a penis shaped cake or something for a couple of mentally ill homosexuals fetishists.
If the bakery advertises that it crafts such stupid items, then, yes, it would have to sell the item.

Picara, your mind dwells perhaps where it should not. I would never come up with an idea like that.
There is no evidence that any of it happened so being there is a fantasy.
Btw the you weren't there defense is meaningless.

We're all anxiously awaiting your excellent book on those decades. Thanks in advance for your valuable and definitive contribution to the issue. It promises to be right up there with Jake's lifetime opus, Friedrich Nietzche: The Musical.
I'll take that as a yes you're right there is no evidence to prove Jesus ever existed.
There is evidence. Lots of evidence. Like most halfwits, you don't know the difference between proof and evidence.
False there is nothing no evidence no proof
You're instance there is laughable!

God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs

The link is both evidence and proof.
Can you provide any (objective) non biblical or of non faith based evidence to corroborate your raving?
Your delusional opining is by no means any evidence of anything but your own belief.

So you're saying there is as much empirical evidence for Jesus as there is for evolution?

Why would anyone ever say anything as ridiculous as that.?
In my lifetime I've notice that anyone who publically says anything christian is instantly attacked by the left. The level of intimitadation reminds me of what it was like to live in Germany between the years 1933 and 1944.
No, you don't. I am a Christian. I don't see any jerk ass SA or SS doosh running up to me with a truncheon.

Open a bakery and see what happens when you refuse to bake a penis shaped cake or something for a couple of mentally ill homosexuals fetishists.

I can name a dozen bakeries in my neighborhood who would refuse to bake a penis shaped cake- and they have absolutely no fear of breaking any law.

And I live in San Francisco.

However, if a bakery sells special event cakes and refuses to bake a cake for Easter or a Bar Mitzvah- they can and likely will be prosecuted.

Poor RWNJ- still unclear on what public accommodation laws are- and how they work.
No, you don't. I am a Christian. I don't see any jerk ass SA or SS doosh running up to me with a truncheon.

Open a bakery and see what happens when you refuse to bake a penis shaped cake or something for a couple of mentally ill homosexuals fetishists.
Why would he refuse and lose the income?

Businesses turn down customers all the time, and for many reasons. Jake probably is poor, though.
Not for dumbass religion dogma .
Thanks for playing!

That and all kinds of other dogma. Ever heard of Neo-Nazis suing a Jewish bakery for not baking them a Swastika cake, and winning?

Once again a RWNJ demonstrating your total lack of comprehension of public accommodation laws.

Or maybe you think that "Nazi" is a religion the same as Christianity?
The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.

The LGBT movement is a cult.

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

The result is that open war has been declared on Christianity in America.

As the attacks ratchet up, Christians urgently need to understand continued capitulation to the demands of the radicals who are pushing for the fringe demands of the LGBT movement means the death of religious freedom in America. It also means a cult’s radical doctrines replace Christian mores.

Articles: Killing Christianity in America
Didn't read your post. Couldn't get past the title. I'm pretty tired of "christians" acting like their path is the only path. It is not difficult to live an honorable life without being a God fearing man/woman. Kindness, honor & generosity are not exclusive to the religious only.
I don't claim to be any of those things but I will bitch slap any so called "christian" who thinks they are better than me because of some absurd belief in the unknown. And I say this as an ex DIEHARD believer who finally woke up to reality.
I don't begrudge your desire to live your life by the "word of god" as most of that word is honorable but when you place yourself on a pedestal as a persecuted human being my respect ends.
Your life, future & the impact you have on others is in your hands & deeds
not your imagination
The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.

The LGBT movement is a cult.

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

The result is that open war has been declared on Christianity in America.

As the attacks ratchet up, Christians urgently need to understand continued capitulation to the demands of the radicals who are pushing for the fringe demands of the LGBT movement means the death of religious freedom in America. It also means a cult’s radical doctrines replace Christian mores.

Articles: Killing Christianity in America

Poor, poor Christians.

Even though they are the largest group in America, and even though their freedom to worship is Constitutionally protected- and their rights as Customers are protected by Federal law-

Now that they are no longer able to pass laws to attack homosexuals- they were like Christianity is 'being killed'.

Apparently to the OP- Christianity itself depends on Christians being able to discriminate against homosexuals.

Poor babies.
The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.

The LGBT movement is a cult.

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

The result is that open war has been declared on Christianity in America.

As the attacks ratchet up, Christians urgently need to understand continued capitulation to the demands of the radicals who are pushing for the fringe demands of the LGBT movement means the death of religious freedom in America. It also means a cult’s radical doctrines replace Christian mores.

Articles: Killing Christianity in America

Poor, poor Christians.

Even though they are the largest group in America, and even though their freedom to worship is Constitutionally protected- and their rights as Customers are protected by Federal law-

Now that they are no longer able to pass laws to attack homosexuals- they were like Christianity is 'being killed'.

Apparently to the OP- Christianity itself depends on Christians being able to discriminate against homosexuals.

Poor babies.

What is wrong with a law that says that a person’s gender is “determined by anatomy and genetics at time of birth” and goes on to say that businesses can determine who is allowed to access bathrooms, dressing rooms and locker rooms.

What does that have to do with Christianity?

I missed the part of the Sermon on the Mount about bathrooms....

You missed a lot more than that.
I'll take that as a yes you're right there is no evidence to prove Jesus ever existed.
There is evidence. Lots of evidence. Like most halfwits, you don't know the difference between proof and evidence.
False there is nothing no evidence no proof
You're instance there is laughable!

God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs

The link is both evidence and proof.
Can you provide any (objective) non biblical or of non faith based evidence to corroborate your raving?
Your delusional opining is by no means any evidence of anything but your own belief.

So you're saying there is as much empirical evidence for Jesus as there is for evolution?

Here's a question: Why would a large group of scam artists go to so much trouble to make up a bunch of stuff that would only get them killed? Why build up such an elaborate fiction for the sake of a scam? You were there, so you should know, right?
Lol if there was 1 percent of the evidence for Jesus as there is for evolution, there might be a reason to look deeper into the Jesus myth.
The only person saying it's a scam is you.
Your shit reads like a particularly bad b movie plot.

So you're just blowing smoke and really have no idea, plus you don't know a thing about empirical methods. We all gathered that already. Your crap is just juvenile ranting and wishful thinking.
Damn funny and completely wrong .
My pov is based on objective empirical methods and evidence.
Yours is based on campfire tales about an imaginary sky farie.
Nothing more juvenile then that
No, you don't. I am a Christian. I don't see any jerk ass SA or SS doosh running up to me with a truncheon.

Open a bakery and see what happens when you refuse to bake a penis shaped cake or something for a couple of mentally ill homosexuals fetishists.
Why would he refuse and lose the income?

Businesses turn down customers all the time, and for many reasons. Jake probably is poor, though.
Not for dumbass religion dogma .
Thanks for playing!

That and all kinds of other dogma. Ever heard of Neo-Nazis suing a Jewish bakery for not baking them a Swastika cake, and winning?
Meaningless comparison.
In my lifetime I've notice that anyone who publically says anything christian is instantly attacked by the left. The level of intimitadation reminds me of what it was like to live in Germany between the years 1933 and 1944.

In my lifetime I have heard Christians calling for homosexuals to be put in prison- and that mixed race marriages are against God's will and should be illegal.

200 years of Christians using both the law and intimidation to oppress homosexuals- and when in a few instances the law protects homosexuals in EXACTLY the same way the law protects Christians- they feel persecuted.

How many homosexuals are in prison for being homosexual? Do you have any numbers, names or links for that?
The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.

The LGBT movement is a cult.

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

The result is that open war has been declared on Christianity in America.

As the attacks ratchet up, Christians urgently need to understand continued capitulation to the demands of the radicals who are pushing for the fringe demands of the LGBT movement means the death of religious freedom in America. It also means a cult’s radical doctrines replace Christian mores.

Articles: Killing Christianity in America
Didn't read your post. Couldn't get past the title. I'm pretty tired of "christians" acting like their path is the only path. It is not difficult to live an honorable life without being a God fearing man/woman. Kindness, honor & generosity are not exclusive to the religious only.
I don't claim to be any of those things but I will bitch slap any so called "christian" who thinks they are better than me because of some absurd belief in the unknown. And I say this as an ex DIEHARD believer who finally woke up to reality.
I don't begrudge your desire to live your life by the "word of god" as most of that word is honorable but when you place yourself on a pedestal as a persecuted human being my respect ends.
Your life, future & the impact you have on others is in your hands & deeds
not your imagination
Im pretty tired of authoritarians who think they have any say in the paths of others.

The idea that people can be forced to commit sacrilege by the state is typical of third world shitholes. Which is what flap handed entitlement junkies advocate. They parrot the state rhetoric as if that makes them intelligent and open minded...when in reality, they're just brainwashe, lazy and stupid.
In my lifetime I've notice that anyone who publically says anything christian is instantly attacked by the left. The level of intimitadation reminds me of what it was like to live in Germany between the years 1933 and 1944.

In my lifetime I have heard Christians calling for homosexuals to be put in prison- and that mixed race marriages are against God's will and should be illegal.

200 years of Christians using both the law and intimidation to oppress homosexuals- and when in a few instances the law protects homosexuals in EXACTLY the same way the law protects Christians- they feel persecuted.

How many homosexuals are in prison for being homosexual? Do you have any numbers, names or links for that?
Swing at shadows much?
The empirical truth is that humans do not possess the language, philosophy, or logic to disprove the existence of deity.

They can scam and scram all they can, and that the end of day all the have is a belief that deity does not exist, which is another defition of faith.
About 70% of Americans believe in some form of deity and are churched.

About 25% of American believe in spirituality even if they don't go to church or may be agnostic.

About 3% are atheists respectful of other peoples' beliefs.

About 2% range from being snarky anti-Godists to virulent anti-Godists, the latter which would kill their enemies if they deemed it so needed.
The empirical truth is that humans do not possess the language, philosophy, or logic to disprove the existence of deity.

They can scam and scram all they can, and that the end of day all the have is a belief that deity does not exist, which is another definition of faith.
That's also true for the opposing pov.
Thank you for agreeing with my opinion. I agree that the same applies to believers.
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