Secularists...Hoist By Their Own Petard

Thanks for reminding me.
You're correct. Participating here is senseless.

OK....ok....stop begging for an education....

  1. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.
    1. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.
  2. It is more than passing interesting that liberals, whose history is that of the French Revolution, attempt to hide this by trying to portray the American Revolution as their inception. Let’s see, the American Revolution had the Minutemen, the ride of Paul Revere, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell.
  3. The French Revolution is identified by the Great Fear, the storming of the Bastille, the food riots, the march on Versailles, the Day of the Daggers, the de-Christianization campaign, the September Massacres, the beheading of Louis XVI, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, then the guillotining of one revolutionary after another, until Robespierre got the “national razor.” That is, not including various lynchings, assassinations, insurrections….this was the four-year period known as the French Revolution.
  4. The rabble, led by the Jacobins proceeded to smash every trace of the past- religion, law, the social order, even the weights and measures system, and even the calendar.
    1. On November 2, 1789, the Assembly declared everything owned by the Catholic Church to be property of the state. Shortly after, the Assembly severed the French Catholic Church’s with the pope, dismissed 50 bishops, dissolved all clerical vows, reorganized the church so that priests were to be elected by popular vote, and required all the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state.
  5. When the mob stormed the Tuileries, the weak King Louis XVI, a kind of David Dinkins of kings, actually ordered his Swiss guards who were defending him to surrender. (This strategy, known as “unilateral surrender” would later become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s national security policies). Of course, upon surrender, the mob massacred over 600 of the guards, ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses, and marched around with their heads on pikes.
  6. The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.
    1. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal. See chapter six of "Demonic," by Coulter

"The Lion Monument (German: Löwendenkmal), or the Lion of Lucerne, is a rock relief in Lucerne,Switzerland, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen and hewn in 1820–21 by Lukas Ahorn. It commemorates the Swiss Guards who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution, when revolutionaries stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris.

Mark Twain praised the sculpture of a mortally-wounded lion as "the most mournful and moving piece of stone in the world."
Lion Monument - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't ya' just love it when the villains get what they deserve, a dose of their own medicine?
I sure do.

1. Can you imagine....secularists squealing like stuck pigs when their own methods are used against them!
'...a consummation devoutly to be wished....'

First.....those methods....then that example.

2. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real. Therefore, emotions, such as love, are no more than chemistry. And it suggests that it is only genes and environment that determine our actions, and free will plays no role. And, of course, God and religious beliefs are nonsense.

That's why the hatred comes out whenever they see folks who are religious.

3. The change in America, from a spiritual to a materialist entity, is largely due to the efforts of the 32nd President. He promised all sorts of material rewards, if America would only give up the individualism, and freedoms that the Founders embodied in the Constitution.
He promised rewards such as

· Employment(right to work)

· Food, clothing and leisure, viaenough income to support them

· Farmers' rights to a fair income

· Freedom fromunfair competitionandmonopolies

· Housing

· Medical care

· Social security
FDR’s Second Bill of Rights
Kind of a 'worker's paradise,' huh?
I wonder where he got that idea.

4. And for these material benefits, all Americans had to do was give up our birthright...Individuals who have had the benefit of an education recognize this.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

5. While America was founded on this view:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams has become inculcated with this one:

" Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. One manifestation of secularism is asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people. Another manifestation of secularism is the view that public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs and/or practices."
Secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

....the very antithesis of 'a moral and religious people.'
The Founders wouldn't be welcome in a secular nation, would they.
it happens to you all the time ... why just the other day you were so squealing like a pig, after I got done with ya ....:lol:
Thanks for reminding me.
You're correct. Participating here is senseless.

OK....ok....stop begging for an education....

  1. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.
    1. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.
  2. It is more than passing interesting that liberals, whose history is that of the French Revolution, attempt to hide this by trying to portray the American Revolution as their inception. Let’s see, the American Revolution had the Minutemen, the ride of Paul Revere, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell.
  3. The French Revolution is identified by the Great Fear, the storming of the Bastille, the food riots, the march on Versailles, the Day of the Daggers, the de-Christianization campaign, the September Massacres, the beheading of Louis XVI, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, then the guillotining of one revolutionary after another, until Robespierre got the “national razor.” That is, not including various lynchings, assassinations, insurrections….this was the four-year period known as the French Revolution.
  4. The rabble, led by the Jacobins proceeded to smash every trace of the past- religion, law, the social order, even the weights and measures system, and even the calendar.
    1. On November 2, 1789, the Assembly declared everything owned by the Catholic Church to be property of the state. Shortly after, the Assembly severed the French Catholic Church’s with the pope, dismissed 50 bishops, dissolved all clerical vows, reorganized the church so that priests were to be elected by popular vote, and required all the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state.
  5. When the mob stormed the Tuileries, the weak King Louis XVI, a kind of David Dinkins of kings, actually ordered his Swiss guards who were defending him to surrender. (This strategy, known as “unilateral surrender” would later become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s national security policies). Of course, upon surrender, the mob massacred over 600 of the guards, ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses, and marched around with their heads on pikes.
  6. The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.
    1. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal. See chapter six of "Demonic," by Coulter
Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering ...
Thanks for reminding me.
You're correct. Participating here is senseless.

OK....ok....stop begging for an education....

  1. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.
    1. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.
  2. It is more than passing interesting that liberals, whose history is that of the French Revolution, attempt to hide this by trying to portray the American Revolution as their inception. Let’s see, the American Revolution had the Minutemen, the ride of Paul Revere, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell.
  3. The French Revolution is identified by the Great Fear, the storming of the Bastille, the food riots, the march on Versailles, the Day of the Daggers, the de-Christianization campaign, the September Massacres, the beheading of Louis XVI, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, then the guillotining of one revolutionary after another, until Robespierre got the “national razor.” That is, not including various lynchings, assassinations, insurrections….this was the four-year period known as the French Revolution.
  4. The rabble, led by the Jacobins proceeded to smash every trace of the past- religion, law, the social order, even the weights and measures system, and even the calendar.
    1. On November 2, 1789, the Assembly declared everything owned by the Catholic Church to be property of the state. Shortly after, the Assembly severed the French Catholic Church’s with the pope, dismissed 50 bishops, dissolved all clerical vows, reorganized the church so that priests were to be elected by popular vote, and required all the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state.
  5. When the mob stormed the Tuileries, the weak King Louis XVI, a kind of David Dinkins of kings, actually ordered his Swiss guards who were defending him to surrender. (This strategy, known as “unilateral surrender” would later become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s national security policies). Of course, upon surrender, the mob massacred over 600 of the guards, ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses, and marched around with their heads on pikes.
  6. The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.
    1. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal. See chapter six of "Demonic," by Coulter
Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering ...

"Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering .."

Because there is no straight line from the Greeks, Romans and Mongols to the political masters in America today.

There is one from Marx, Lenin, Stalin to the Liberals, Progressives and Democrats.

And your political forebears slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children.

You know that.....

....don't you?
Don't ya' just love it when the villains get what they deserve, a dose of their own medicine?
I sure do.

1. Can you imagine....secularists squealing like stuck pigs when their own methods are used against them!
'...a consummation devoutly to be wished....'

First.....those methods....then that example.

2. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real. Therefore, emotions, such as love, are no more than chemistry. And it suggests that it is only genes and environment that determine our actions, and free will plays no role. And, of course, God and religious beliefs are nonsense.

That's why the hatred comes out whenever they see folks who are religious.

3. The change in America, from a spiritual to a materialist entity, is largely due to the efforts of the 32nd President. He promised all sorts of material rewards, if America would only give up the individualism, and freedoms that the Founders embodied in the Constitution.
He promised rewards such as

· Employment(right to work)

· Food, clothing and leisure, viaenough income to support them

· Farmers' rights to a fair income

· Freedom fromunfair competitionandmonopolies

· Housing

· Medical care

· Social security
FDR’s Second Bill of Rights
Kind of a 'worker's paradise,' huh?
I wonder where he got that idea.

4. And for these material benefits, all Americans had to do was give up our birthright...Individuals who have had the benefit of an education recognize this.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

5. While America was founded on this view:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams has become inculcated with this one:

" Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. One manifestation of secularism is asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people. Another manifestation of secularism is the view that public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs and/or practices."
Secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

....the very antithesis of 'a moral and religious people.'
The Founders wouldn't be welcome in a secular nation, would they.
it happens to you all the time ... why just the other day you were so squealing like a pig, after I got done with ya ....:lol:

Everyone recognizes you as a mental midget....

....and now they see that you are a liar, as well.
Thanks for reminding me.
You're correct. Participating here is senseless.

OK....ok....stop begging for an education....

  1. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.
    1. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.
  2. It is more than passing interesting that liberals, whose history is that of the French Revolution, attempt to hide this by trying to portray the American Revolution as their inception. Let’s see, the American Revolution had the Minutemen, the ride of Paul Revere, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell.
  3. The French Revolution is identified by the Great Fear, the storming of the Bastille, the food riots, the march on Versailles, the Day of the Daggers, the de-Christianization campaign, the September Massacres, the beheading of Louis XVI, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, then the guillotining of one revolutionary after another, until Robespierre got the “national razor.” That is, not including various lynchings, assassinations, insurrections….this was the four-year period known as the French Revolution.
  4. The rabble, led by the Jacobins proceeded to smash every trace of the past- religion, law, the social order, even the weights and measures system, and even the calendar.
    1. On November 2, 1789, the Assembly declared everything owned by the Catholic Church to be property of the state. Shortly after, the Assembly severed the French Catholic Church’s with the pope, dismissed 50 bishops, dissolved all clerical vows, reorganized the church so that priests were to be elected by popular vote, and required all the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state.
  5. When the mob stormed the Tuileries, the weak King Louis XVI, a kind of David Dinkins of kings, actually ordered his Swiss guards who were defending him to surrender. (This strategy, known as “unilateral surrender” would later become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s national security policies). Of course, upon surrender, the mob massacred over 600 of the guards, ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses, and marched around with their heads on pikes.
  6. The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.
    1. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal. See chapter six of "Demonic," by Coulter
Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering ...

"Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering .."

Because there is no straight line from the Greeks, Romans and Mongols to the political masters in America today.

There is one from Marx, Lenin, Stalin to the Liberals, Progressives and Democrats.

And your political forebears slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children.

You know that.....

....don't you?
So no right wing form of government have ever existed? Without blood upon their hands?
Thanks for reminding me.
You're correct. Participating here is senseless.

OK....ok....stop begging for an education....

  1. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.
    1. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.
  2. It is more than passing interesting that liberals, whose history is that of the French Revolution, attempt to hide this by trying to portray the American Revolution as their inception. Let’s see, the American Revolution had the Minutemen, the ride of Paul Revere, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell.
  3. The French Revolution is identified by the Great Fear, the storming of the Bastille, the food riots, the march on Versailles, the Day of the Daggers, the de-Christianization campaign, the September Massacres, the beheading of Louis XVI, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, then the guillotining of one revolutionary after another, until Robespierre got the “national razor.” That is, not including various lynchings, assassinations, insurrections….this was the four-year period known as the French Revolution.
  4. The rabble, led by the Jacobins proceeded to smash every trace of the past- religion, law, the social order, even the weights and measures system, and even the calendar.
    1. On November 2, 1789, the Assembly declared everything owned by the Catholic Church to be property of the state. Shortly after, the Assembly severed the French Catholic Church’s with the pope, dismissed 50 bishops, dissolved all clerical vows, reorganized the church so that priests were to be elected by popular vote, and required all the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state.
  5. When the mob stormed the Tuileries, the weak King Louis XVI, a kind of David Dinkins of kings, actually ordered his Swiss guards who were defending him to surrender. (This strategy, known as “unilateral surrender” would later become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s national security policies). Of course, upon surrender, the mob massacred over 600 of the guards, ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses, and marched around with their heads on pikes.
  6. The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.
    1. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal. See chapter six of "Demonic," by Coulter
Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering ...

"Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering .."

Because there is no straight line from the Greeks, Romans and Mongols to the political masters in America today.

There is one from Marx, Lenin, Stalin to the Liberals, Progressives and Democrats.

And your political forebears slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children.

You know that.....

....don't you?
So no right wing form of government have ever existed? Without blood upon their hands?

When one begins a sentence with "So....," it implies that the sentence to follow flows from the material to which you are responding.

As that is not the post is a form of lying.

Try to be both more honest, and grammatically correct.
Thanks for reminding me.
You're correct. Participating here is senseless.

OK....ok....stop begging for an education....

  1. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.
    1. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.
  2. It is more than passing interesting that liberals, whose history is that of the French Revolution, attempt to hide this by trying to portray the American Revolution as their inception. Let’s see, the American Revolution had the Minutemen, the ride of Paul Revere, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell.
  3. The French Revolution is identified by the Great Fear, the storming of the Bastille, the food riots, the march on Versailles, the Day of the Daggers, the de-Christianization campaign, the September Massacres, the beheading of Louis XVI, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, then the guillotining of one revolutionary after another, until Robespierre got the “national razor.” That is, not including various lynchings, assassinations, insurrections….this was the four-year period known as the French Revolution.
  4. The rabble, led by the Jacobins proceeded to smash every trace of the past- religion, law, the social order, even the weights and measures system, and even the calendar.
    1. On November 2, 1789, the Assembly declared everything owned by the Catholic Church to be property of the state. Shortly after, the Assembly severed the French Catholic Church’s with the pope, dismissed 50 bishops, dissolved all clerical vows, reorganized the church so that priests were to be elected by popular vote, and required all the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state.
  5. When the mob stormed the Tuileries, the weak King Louis XVI, a kind of David Dinkins of kings, actually ordered his Swiss guards who were defending him to surrender. (This strategy, known as “unilateral surrender” would later become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s national security policies). Of course, upon surrender, the mob massacred over 600 of the guards, ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses, and marched around with their heads on pikes.
  6. The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.
    1. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal. See chapter six of "Demonic," by Coulter
Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering ...

"Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering .."

Because there is no straight line from the Greeks, Romans and Mongols to the political masters in America today.

There is one from Marx, Lenin, Stalin to the Liberals, Progressives and Democrats.

And your political forebears slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children.

You know that.....

....don't you?
So no right wing form of government have ever existed? Without blood upon their hands?

When one begins a sentence with "So....," it implies that the sentence to follow flows from the material to which you are responding.

As that is not the post is a form of lying.

Try to be both more honest, and grammatically correct.
France was not the first nation to throw of Papal control and financial gains through religion..
The 14th requires equal protection under the law. That, OBVIOUSLY, means that it is unlawful to bar people of one religion, or no religion, from holding office, all else being equal.

Religious tests to hold office are clearly banned by the 14th amendment.

Why do you keep wondering off track......

Jillhag, the moron was commenting on the founders.

When was the 14th ratified ?

all of which is irrelevant, idiota. and therein lies your fail.

but i think it's cute that you can't distinguish between a cut and paste queen and someone who's told you the status of the law.

what people said over 200 years ago is lovely....but ultimately not relevant.
Is that why you idiots quote a fucking letter by Thomas Jefferson like it is a Supreme Court ruling?
Actually you’re the idiot, because what’s being quoted is a Supreme Court ruling.

In case you missed it:

“[T]he First Amendment's language, properly interpreted, had erected a wall of separation between Church and State.”

Illinois ex rel. McCollum v. Board of Education of School District
Jefferson wrote a letter in the 1940s?

Are you retarded?

At most they used the letter(erroneously) to justify their position, and that means nothing when it comes to the lawful authority of the letter itself.

Yes, they are retarded.......that much is abundantly clear.

But, let's just get clear on this one.

1. A left-wing diploma mill product makes claims about what the founders wanted.....
2. She get's her ass handed to her over her claim (that she tries to back up by making up stuff about what other people say).
3. She calls on her moron boyfriend C_Clayton_Jones to bail her out.
4. He shows up and starts using SCOTUS Decisions From 1947 to support these claims about the founders.

Dispute the connection and all you hear is that it is irrelevant and the right won't acknowledged case law.

Which was never the case. Nobody on this thread said that case law did not apply.

But somehow this is supposed to support the moronic idea "wanted religious nutters as far away from government as possible".

It's comical and, at the same time, sad.

Now, I suggest you go back and read through the post....

What you'll find is that Jillihag, the self-proclaimed legal expert, can't make an argument to save her worthless life. She rarely posts more than two lines and, almost invariably, her little turds contain two or three words from her 100 word vocabulary....nutter, wingnut, troll.

I don't agree with PC on many things. But the other twit only continues to cloud threads with her 3rd grade commentary.


If you don't agree with PC, why aren't you debating her?

And since you are challenging people to debate, why is it that you won't encourage your moron team-mate lawyer wannabe to provide proof of her claims when asked to do so ?

I'm challenging you to debate the OP since you admitted you disagree with her.

I said I don't agree with her on many things.....I never said one way or the other on the OP.

So you don't disagree with her preposterous assertion that the French Revolution was bloodier than the American Revolution because of Christianity here and not there.

Great. You're as stupid as she is.

I have not read the premise of the OP.....

I think I said....I had not made a comment one way or the other on the OP.

Are you always this prone to make stuff up to argue against.....or has Jillihag been giving you lessons ?
How do you classify this argument (the one you supposedly just made) ?

"Normal debates" ? That's a good start.

"People present facts"....pray they ? What facts did you just present.

"Right wingers just lie" ? Really ? That is a fact (one you can readily prove without sounding like it is a wet dream on your part ?) ?

Great argument....RDean.

You may be a moron...but at least you are consistent.
Right wingers lying.

I have one word for you.



Didn't you know that it was begun by Bill's wife????
A Democrat/Liberal/Progressive.....

"Bombshell: ‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement
...the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.
As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton.

Everything began in March of 2007 when Hillary’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, wrote a now-infamous campaign memo laying out his overall plan to win the election.
[Penn] wrote, “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.”Penn proposed targeting Obama’s “lack of American roots.”
Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

You've become the best friend the Right can have.
Thanks a bunch.

Hillary Clinton did not start the birther movement. Breitbart and PoliticalChic are incapable of telling the truth.

But it's Politico that said this.....

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.

Read more: Birtherism: Where it all began
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I would like one quote of Hillary Clinton ever making the charge, ever telling others to make the charge, ever confirming that she believed the charge, ever saying she approved of using this in the campaign.

Yes, and I'd like you to post something reasonable.

Neither of us is going to get his wish.

Hillary, the liar, didn't survive this long by admitting anything.
Yeah....but what is that strange smell coming from the basement....?

Why don't you ask him where he got the stuff to make a sandwich.

You might get it for free....but the stuff didn't just show up.

It's likely his mother got it from a Wal-Mart.....and I don't expect that was free.
I didn't say it was free for me to supply his free lunch.

You said free lunches exist.

Apparently, you (like most left wingers) see it as free as long as it means free to you.

Just like "freedom" to most right wingers means "freedom to enforce my point of view".
I just finished saying that it isn't free for me to provide that free lunch for him.

You're kinda stupid, aren't you?

He asked if free lunches exist.

You said..."sure they do".

I was just pointing that out.

I don't need to ask you if you are's very apparent.

Of course free lunches exist. Doesn't Christian charity pride itself, at least in many cases, in provide free meals to the needy?
OK....ok....stop begging for an education....

  1. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.
    1. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.
  2. It is more than passing interesting that liberals, whose history is that of the French Revolution, attempt to hide this by trying to portray the American Revolution as their inception. Let’s see, the American Revolution had the Minutemen, the ride of Paul Revere, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell.
  3. The French Revolution is identified by the Great Fear, the storming of the Bastille, the food riots, the march on Versailles, the Day of the Daggers, the de-Christianization campaign, the September Massacres, the beheading of Louis XVI, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, then the guillotining of one revolutionary after another, until Robespierre got the “national razor.” That is, not including various lynchings, assassinations, insurrections….this was the four-year period known as the French Revolution.
  4. The rabble, led by the Jacobins proceeded to smash every trace of the past- religion, law, the social order, even the weights and measures system, and even the calendar.
    1. On November 2, 1789, the Assembly declared everything owned by the Catholic Church to be property of the state. Shortly after, the Assembly severed the French Catholic Church’s with the pope, dismissed 50 bishops, dissolved all clerical vows, reorganized the church so that priests were to be elected by popular vote, and required all the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state.
  5. When the mob stormed the Tuileries, the weak King Louis XVI, a kind of David Dinkins of kings, actually ordered his Swiss guards who were defending him to surrender. (This strategy, known as “unilateral surrender” would later become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s national security policies). Of course, upon surrender, the mob massacred over 600 of the guards, ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses, and marched around with their heads on pikes.
  6. The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.
    1. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal. See chapter six of "Demonic," by Coulter
Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering ...

"Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering .."

Because there is no straight line from the Greeks, Romans and Mongols to the political masters in America today.

There is one from Marx, Lenin, Stalin to the Liberals, Progressives and Democrats.

And your political forebears slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children.

You know that.....

....don't you?
So no right wing form of government have ever existed? Without blood upon their hands?

When one begins a sentence with "So....," it implies that the sentence to follow flows from the material to which you are responding.

As that is not the post is a form of lying.

Try to be both more honest, and grammatically correct.
France was not the first nation to throw of Papal control and financial gains through religion..

But that is religion's fault ?
OK....ok....stop begging for an education....

  1. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.
    1. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.
  2. It is more than passing interesting that liberals, whose history is that of the French Revolution, attempt to hide this by trying to portray the American Revolution as their inception. Let’s see, the American Revolution had the Minutemen, the ride of Paul Revere, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence and the Liberty Bell.
  3. The French Revolution is identified by the Great Fear, the storming of the Bastille, the food riots, the march on Versailles, the Day of the Daggers, the de-Christianization campaign, the September Massacres, the beheading of Louis XVI, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Reign of Terror, then the guillotining of one revolutionary after another, until Robespierre got the “national razor.” That is, not including various lynchings, assassinations, insurrections….this was the four-year period known as the French Revolution.
  4. The rabble, led by the Jacobins proceeded to smash every trace of the past- religion, law, the social order, even the weights and measures system, and even the calendar.
    1. On November 2, 1789, the Assembly declared everything owned by the Catholic Church to be property of the state. Shortly after, the Assembly severed the French Catholic Church’s with the pope, dismissed 50 bishops, dissolved all clerical vows, reorganized the church so that priests were to be elected by popular vote, and required all the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the state.
  5. When the mob stormed the Tuileries, the weak King Louis XVI, a kind of David Dinkins of kings, actually ordered his Swiss guards who were defending him to surrender. (This strategy, known as “unilateral surrender” would later become the cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s national security policies). Of course, upon surrender, the mob massacred over 600 of the guards, ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses, and marched around with their heads on pikes.
  6. The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.
    1. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal. See chapter six of "Demonic," by Coulter
Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering ...

"Gee, why don't you play guilt by association and throw in the Greeks, Romans and Mongols..They had no problem slaughtering .."

Because there is no straight line from the Greeks, Romans and Mongols to the political masters in America today.

There is one from Marx, Lenin, Stalin to the Liberals, Progressives and Democrats.

And your political forebears slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children.

You know that.....

....don't you?
So no right wing form of government have ever existed? Without blood upon their hands?

When one begins a sentence with "So....," it implies that the sentence to follow flows from the material to which you are responding.

As that is not the post is a form of lying.

Try to be both more honest, and grammatically correct.
France was not the first nation to throw of Papal control and financial gains through religion..

What does this have to do with post #346.....or, have you retreated from that issue?

It appears that many of your posts are more of the 'throw it at the wall and see what sticks' variety.

But....If I'm simply helping you fatten up your post totals.....well, at least it prevents you from hanging out on the street corner.
If you don't agree with PC, why aren't you debating her?

And since you are challenging people to debate, why is it that you won't encourage your moron team-mate lawyer wannabe to provide proof of her claims when asked to do so ?

I'm challenging you to debate the OP since you admitted you disagree with her.

I said I don't agree with her on many things.....I never said one way or the other on the OP.

So you don't disagree with her preposterous assertion that the French Revolution was bloodier than the American Revolution because of Christianity here and not there.

Great. You're as stupid as she is.

I have not read the premise of the OP.....

I think I said....I had not made a comment one way or the other on the OP.

Are you always this prone to make stuff up to argue against.....or has Jillihag been giving you lessons ?

Is that a confession that you are in this thread in total disregard of the topic of this thread?
Why don't you ask him where he got the stuff to make a sandwich.

You might get it for free....but the stuff didn't just show up.

It's likely his mother got it from a Wal-Mart.....and I don't expect that was free.
I didn't say it was free for me to supply his free lunch.

You said free lunches exist.

Apparently, you (like most left wingers) see it as free as long as it means free to you.

Just like "freedom" to most right wingers means "freedom to enforce my point of view".
I just finished saying that it isn't free for me to provide that free lunch for him.

You're kinda stupid, aren't you?

He asked if free lunches exist.

You said..."sure they do".

I was just pointing that out.

I don't need to ask you if you are's very apparent.

Of course free lunches exist. Doesn't Christian charity pride itself, at least in many cases, in provide free meals to the needy?

Oh good grief......

I don't know what Christian charity prides itself on ?

Do people give other things to people "for free" ? yes.

Did it cost to produce and purchase....yes.
And since you are challenging people to debate, why is it that you won't encourage your moron team-mate lawyer wannabe to provide proof of her claims when asked to do so ?

I'm challenging you to debate the OP since you admitted you disagree with her.

I said I don't agree with her on many things.....I never said one way or the other on the OP.

So you don't disagree with her preposterous assertion that the French Revolution was bloodier than the American Revolution because of Christianity here and not there.

Great. You're as stupid as she is.

I have not read the premise of the OP.....

I think I said....I had not made a comment one way or the other on the OP.

Are you always this prone to make stuff up to argue against.....or has Jillihag been giving you lessons ?

Is that a confession that you are in this thread in total disregard of the topic of this thread?

I am in this thread because a left wing jackass made claims about the founders.
Don't ya' just love it when the villains get what they deserve, a dose of their own medicine?
I sure do.

1. Can you imagine....secularists squealing like stuck pigs when their own methods are used against them!
'...a consummation devoutly to be wished....'

First.....those methods....then that example.

2. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real. Therefore, emotions, such as love, are no more than chemistry. And it suggests that it is only genes and environment that determine our actions, and free will plays no role. And, of course, God and religious beliefs are nonsense.

That's why the hatred comes out whenever they see folks who are religious.

3. The change in America, from a spiritual to a materialist entity, is largely due to the efforts of the 32nd President. He promised all sorts of material rewards, if America would only give up the individualism, and freedoms that the Founders embodied in the Constitution.
He promised rewards such as

· Employment(right to work)

· Food, clothing and leisure, viaenough income to support them

· Farmers' rights to a fair income

· Freedom fromunfair competitionandmonopolies

· Housing

· Medical care

· Social security
FDR’s Second Bill of Rights
Kind of a 'worker's paradise,' huh?
I wonder where he got that idea.

4. And for these material benefits, all Americans had to do was give up our birthright...Individuals who have had the benefit of an education recognize this.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

5. While America was founded on this view:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams has become inculcated with this one:

" Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. One manifestation of secularism is asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people. Another manifestation of secularism is the view that public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs and/or practices."
Secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

....the very antithesis of 'a moral and religious people.'
The Founders wouldn't be welcome in a secular nation, would they.
it happens to you all the time ... why just the other day you were so squealing like a pig, after I got done with ya ....:lol:

That you think you could make anyone funny.

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