Sen Coburn: a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011

Republican Sen Tom Coburnon Tues told a reporter from the Tulsa World, "It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor", referring to his disgust with the debt ceiling vote. The remark was delivered at an event in OK. At another point, a man asked Coburn whether Obama wants to destroy America. Coburn responded by saying that Obama is a bright man, but, "as an African-American male," he received "tremendous advantage" from government programs.

So, not only did Coburn make extremely questionable remarks (especially considering the recent attack on Rep Giffords) about bringing guns to the Senate floor; he also managed to make some borderline racist remarks regarding Obama. Nice one, Tom. :clap2:

Tom Coburn Blasts Congress Over Debt Ceiling Deal, Makes Controversial Remarks About Obama

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) blasted Congress for America's financial troubles and predicted that the debt ceiling agreement would unravel this fall, calling his congressional colleagues "career elitists" and "cowards" at an event in Langley, Oklahoma on Tuesday.

"It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor," Coburn said, according to the Tulsa World.

The remark comes just weeks after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) returned to Congress to vote in favor of raising the nation's debt ceiling, seven months after she was shot in the head by a gunman in Tucson, Ariz.

In response to a man who asked whether President Barack Obama "wants to destroy America," Coburn also managed to both defend and insult the president, calling him a "very bright" man who loves his country but also someone who "as an African-American male," received "tremendous advantage" from government programs.

Obama's "intent is not to destroy, his intent is to create dependency because it worked so well for him," Coburn said.

Republican Sen Tom Coburnon Tues told a reporter from the Tulsa World, "It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor", referring to his disgust with the debt ceiling vote. The remark was delivered at an event in OK. At another point, a man asked Coburn whether Obama wants to destroy America. Coburn responded by saying that Obama is a bright man, but, "as an African-American male," he received "tremendous advantage" from government programs.

So, not only did Coburn make extremely questionable remarks (especially considering the recent attack on Rep Giffords) about bringing guns to the Senate floor; he also managed to make some borderline racist remarks regarding Obama. Nice one, Tom. :clap2:

Tom Coburn Blasts Congress Over Debt Ceiling Deal, Makes Controversial Remarks About Obama

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) blasted Congress for America's financial troubles and predicted that the debt ceiling agreement would unravel this fall, calling his congressional colleagues "career elitists" and "cowards" at an event in Langley, Oklahoma on Tuesday.

"It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor," Coburn said, according to the Tulsa World.

The remark comes just weeks after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) returned to Congress to vote in favor of raising the nation's debt ceiling, seven months after she was shot in the head by a gunman in Tucson, Ariz.

In response to a man who asked whether President Barack Obama "wants to destroy America," Coburn also managed to both defend and insult the president, calling him a "very bright" man who loves his country but also someone who "as an African-American male," received "tremendous advantage" from government programs.

Obama's "intent is not to destroy, his intent is to create dependency because it worked so well for him," Coburn said.

"...make extremely questionable remarks..."

* Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”
Who said that? - Atlas Shrugs
Seems like the pro gun republican controlled house would at least allow them to carry guns there?
And? Did Obama say that he wants to bring a gun to debates? And what about Coburn's remarks about Obama? You just ignore those, right?
It's hyperbole, man...just like the Obama statements.

True... but they were unacceptable hyperbole, in both cases... him and Obama. There should be no place for that type of remark. However, then you get into the whole 'free speech' thing, and it starts to get ugly.
Lame. We all know what Sen. Coburn meant. He's frustrated with Congress.

I'll admit the African-American stereotyping is bad, though.
In my humble opinion, the threat although only implied was uncalled for and I would have to ask JosefK, borderline?

Although, I am opposed to Affirmative Action because I do not believe you can defeat racism with racism, those comments were not borderline racist. They were racist.

And? Did Obama say that he wants to bring a gun to debates? And what about Coburn's remarks about Obama? You just ignore those, right?

1. (CNN) - Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle says two of her opponent's supporters "staged" the brawl that erupted Thursday at a candidate forum attended by her and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
"There were two women that were actually looking for a fight, trying to get that to be the top news story and they succeeded," Angle told national radio host Jerry Doyle on Friday. Audio of the exchange was posted online by well-known Nevada political journalist Jon Ralston.
Reid supporters ‘staged’ brawl, Angle says – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

2. DAYTON, Minn. -- Vice President Joe Biden has told Democrats at a Minnesota fundraiser that he'll "strangle" members of the GOP who complain about the federal budget. According to a pool report from Tuesday's event in Dayton, Biden was telling the crowd that Democrats know how to balance the budget. He said, "If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to strangle them."
Biden Says He'll 'Strangle' Republicans |

3. Reporting from Washington —
A Republican majority in Congress would mean "hand-to-hand combat" on Capitol Hill for the next two years, threatening policies Democrats have enacted to stabilize the economy, President Obama warned Wednesday.

Speaking on Michael Baisden's syndicated radio show, Obama also made a direct appeal to African Americans about the importance of the November vote, even though he's not on the ballot himself.

"The reason we won [in 2008] is because young people, African Americans, Latinos -- people who traditionally don't vote in high numbers -- voted in record numbers. We've got to have that same kind of turnout in this election," he said. Obama Hand To Hand Combat | GOP takeover of Congress would mean 'hand-to-hand combat,' Obama warns - Los Angeles Times

4. "I'm hope you're ready to fight," he told thousands of backers at Bowie State University who gathered on a large, sun-splashed campus quad. "There's an election coming up. It's going to say a lot about the future _ your future, but also the future of the country."

5. 10:10 organization advocates blowing up any opponents who don’ t believe in global warming:

[ame=]How to Cut Carbon Emissions - YouTube[/ame]

6. Has liberal North Carolina Congressman Bob Etheridge (Democrat, Second District) lost his ever-loving mind?
Read the Big Government story that provides some commentary to go along with the spliced-together video below if you must, but there really isn’t any additional context needed.
The footage clearly shows seventh-term Representative Bob Etheridge walking down a Washington, D.C., street towards two young men want to interview him and who are videotaping the meeting with a pair of cell phone cameras. The introductory text explains that the students are standing outside a fundraiser for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sometime last week.
Pajamas Media » Dem Congressman’s Assault on Student Reporter Deserves Censure

7. West Virginia Senate candidate Joe Manchin continues to shape the narrative of his campaign around direct opposition to the Obama administration with a new ad that pushes dual themes of gun rights and pro-coal legislation by taking aim -- literally, with a rifle -- at cap-and-trade legislation. The West Virginia Governor and Democratic candidate then shoots a hole through the middle of the bill, "because it's bad for West Virginia," Manchin concludes. Joe Manchin Shoots Cap-And-Trade Bill With Rifle In New Ad (VIDEO)

8. “…what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama: ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

9. “But they are going to be paying attention to this election and if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying we're going to punish our enemies…” Obama To Latinos: Republicans Are Our Enemy — Non Aviation Forum |

10. Incumbent on all Americans to create an atmosphere of civility and respect? Congressman heal thyself! Yesterday, I noted that, according to the Scranton Times, Kanjorski said this about Florida's new Republican Governor Rick Scott on October 23:
"That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida," Mr. Kanjorski said. "Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him.
Paul Kanjorski Pleads For Civility After Calling For Rick Scott To Be Shot

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Dem Congressman who called for GOP Gov. to be put against a wall and shot now pleads for civility | Mark Hemingway | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

11. WASHINGTON - Police are searching for suspects after someone shot-out windows at a Republican office in the District.
Police say the vandalism occurred Tuesday night. All of the windows of the officer were damaged.
Windows at Washington, D.C. Republican Office Shot Out

12. TRENTON — Senate President Stephen Sweeney went to bed furious Thursday night after reviewing the governor’s line-item veto of the state budget.
He woke up Friday morning even angrier.
"This is all about him being a bully and a punk," he said in an interview Friday.
"I wanted to punch him in his head."
Sweeney unleashes his fury as N.J. budget battle turns personal |

You do appear to be quite myopic.
The African in Obama did give him a tremendous advantage. There is nothing racist in saying that. It's a fact. The only thing racist about it is tge fact it exists, and the tremendous advantage exists because of Lefties.
In my humble opinion, the threat although only implied was uncalled for and I would have to ask JosefK, borderline?

Although, I am opposed to Affirmative Action because I do not believe you can defeat racism with racism, those comments were not borderline racist. They were racist.


In my humble opinion, I would like to see the whole comment - not the bits that the HuffPuff want to print - before I call anyone a racist.

I have found that - quite often - comments are taken out of context to make them appear racist or bigoted when they are not.

I'm skeptical about any of this kind of shit - particularly when it comes from a blatantly biased source.

Republican Sen Tom Coburnon Tues told a reporter from the Tulsa World, "It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor", referring to his disgust with the debt ceiling vote. The remark was delivered at an event in OK. At another point, a man asked Coburn whether Obama wants to destroy America. Coburn responded by saying that Obama is a bright man, but, "as an African-American male," he received "tremendous advantage" from government programs.

So, not only did Coburn make extremely questionable remarks (especially considering the recent attack on Rep Giffords) about bringing guns to the Senate floor; he also managed to make some borderline racist remarks regarding Obama. Nice one, Tom. :clap2:

Tom Coburn Blasts Congress Over Debt Ceiling Deal, Makes Controversial Remarks About Obama

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) blasted Congress for America's financial troubles and predicted that the debt ceiling agreement would unravel this fall, calling his congressional colleagues "career elitists" and "cowards" at an event in Langley, Oklahoma on Tuesday.

"It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor," Coburn said, according to the Tulsa World.

The remark comes just weeks after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) returned to Congress to vote in favor of raising the nation's debt ceiling, seven months after she was shot in the head by a gunman in Tucson, Ariz.

In response to a man who asked whether President Barack Obama "wants to destroy America," Coburn also managed to both defend and insult the president, calling him a "very bright" man who loves his country but also someone who "as an African-American male," received "tremendous advantage" from government programs.

Obama's "intent is not to destroy, his intent is to create dependency because it worked so well for him," Coburn said.

Face the facts, I know how hard it is for you liberals to do, but the fact is Obama is ..well... black and he did benefit by it via affirmative action. The quote about the gun means nothing unless it's put in context.
That's funny as hell!!

It's such a common phrase that they fact anyone gives a shit makes it even more funnahy!!

Yall lefties are lucky I don't know how to send computer plagues at yall. :rofl:

as far as big 0 got breaks b/c he's black. That's a no duh. don't like the truth, toss out AA and close the naacp.
In my humble opinion, the threat although only implied was uncalled for and I would have to ask JosefK, borderline?

Although, I am opposed to Affirmative Action because I do not believe you can defeat racism with racism, those comments were not borderline racist. They were racist.


In my humble opinion, I would like to see the whole comment - not the bits that the HuffPuff want to print - before I call anyone a racist.

I have found that - quite often - comments are taken out of context to make them appear racist or bigoted when they are not.

I'm skeptical about any of this kind of shit - particularly when it comes from a blatantly biased source.

True, but it is hard to imagine those comments not being racist in any context. However, you are right.

And? Did Obama say that he wants to bring a gun to debates? And what about Coburn's remarks about Obama? You just ignore those, right?

Did Colburn lie? Did Barry receive government substidies while he was in school? If the anwser to the latter is yes, than the anwser to the former is no.

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