Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door

Obama and his party has become a REAL DANGER to us.

this is SICK and there is no good reason to release this NOW

where's all you libs now who were wailing over a waste of money and time like you were over Benghazi, trying to have OScamCare repealed, etc
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I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.

If we weren't meddling in everyone else's business we wouldn't need to worry about all of this to begin with.
I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
saw this on another site about this:

American facilities worldwide brace for release of Bush era ‘torture’ report

Report on CIA interrogation methods
The Pentagon is telling US military commanders around the world to be on high alert for the release of a Senate Intelligence Committee report on the use of ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ by the CIA – @thehill
Report on CIA interrogation methods
Senate Intelligence Committee plans to release CIA torture report on Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says – @JTSTheHill
End of alert

American facilities worldwide brace for release of Bush era torture report Hot Air
I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".

and you're a partisan hack
FOX Reports on What Speaker Pelosi Knew & When She Knew It

This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

The imminent release of a Senate committee report on the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program could trigger violence against American citizens and interests abroad, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden are warning.

“This will be used by our enemies to motivate people to attack Americans and American facilities overseas,” Hayden told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

He also cautioned that the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report would likely reduce the likelihood of partner countries cooperating with U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in future for fear of being exposed.

Rogers called the planned release -- backed by committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) -- “a terrible idea.”

“Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Foreign leaders have approached the government and said ‘you do this, this will cause violence and deaths.’ Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News

They won't trust us because we did untrustworthy torturing people. And lying about it.

Odd you don't object to the untrustworthy behavior. Only being caught doing it. Which speaks volumes.

Obama Blamed For Decline In U.S. Global Leadership: Poll
Posted 12/08/2014 06:53 PM ET

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The U.S. standing in the world is in decline, and the public blames President Obama. That's the unambiguous finding of the December IBD/TIPP Poll.
The poll comes amid a growing list of global crises that the U.S. appears unwilling or unable to control, from the rise of the Islamic State, Russia's defiance over Ukraine and stalled nuclear talks with Iran.
When asked whether they agree that "America's global influence is on the decline," 69% said yes. That's up from 65% in March, which was the first time IBD/TIPP asked this question.
IBD/TIPP's Standing in the World Index — based on ongoing foreign policy questions — is also at all-time lows. For all of 2014, the index averaged 36.1, down sharply from 55.6 in Obama's first year in office. The December index was 36.5. A reading below 50 signals pessimism.
The public's belief in America's decline is incredibly widespread, with majorities in every age, demographic and ideological group. Even among Democrats, more than half (53%), see the country's influence falling. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of independents do. Among Republicans, it's 83%.
Broken down by age, the young are the most downbeat, with 80% of those age 18-24 saying the U.S. is in decline. That compares with 69% of those age 45-64.
The latest poll also finds that among those who say U.S. influence is waning, 75% say Obama's policies are responsible, while just 23% say they're not.
This sentiment, too, is widespread. Among Democrats, 57% blame Obama, as do 73% of independents.
Only liberals give Obama a pass — with just 46% holding his policies responsible.

ALL of it here:
Read More At Investor's Business Daily:Obama Blamed For Decline In U.S. Global Leadership IBD TIPP Poll Finds -
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Obama and his party has become a REAL DANGER to us.

this is SICK and there is no good reason to release this NOW

where's all you libs now who were wailing over a waste of money and time like you were over Benghazi, trying to have OScamCare repealed, etc

Thanks for pointing out Beghazi and the ACA as way to inadvertently shine the spotlight on what I consider to be a very important reminder of that purple cow that Americans keep on buying, regardless of how many times we get taken.

Every time it rains, that purple paint stains the driveway and exposes these stupid, partisan, lies for what they are. How unfortunate, that the lying liars who are telling the lies and barking at us that they have a purple cow for sale, are too hypnotized to even get that, they themselves were sold that same cow before they tried to unload it on us.

What's REALLY a hoot, is that they blame us poor, stupid, libs who can't see that the purple cow was REAL and the fault was not in the deception, but rather the acknowledgement that THERE IS NO PURPLE COW.
It figures the lib/dems wouldn't find a damn thing wrong with this

PARTY over country
All politics with these idiots anyway democrat party , partisan ,report, released on the same day as the Grubber testimony. these libs are pathetic really, and our enemies laugh at there stupidity.

Hmmmm ... I thought that we were supposed to be kissing the terrorist's assholes so that they wouldn't attack us again? Releasing this report was suppossed to bring a wave of attacks, right? I'm corn-fused ...

If we didn't release the report, the terrorist are going to be happy, which is a good thing? Help me out here....
It figures the lib/dems wouldn't find a damn thing wrong with this

PARTY over country

Wrong again, Tokyo Rose; I care about America and fervently believe that the US needs to live up to 'we the people's' standards of what is acceptable.
Fucking liberals are such deranged pathetic hypocriticals pawns for their lying socialists better known as democrats.

Fuck you liberals, you pathetic hypocritical morons.
Fucking liberals are such deranged pathetic hypocriticals pawns for their lying socialists better known as democrats.

Fuck you liberals, you pathetic hypocritical morons.

Kind of early in the day to be slamming boilermakers?

I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

You're an idiot. We need intelligence in order to stop attacks before they happen. Our foreign policy should be to do what in the best interest of this country and our allies, not to withdrawal into isolationism so our enemies our adversaries can fill the void .You don't make any sense. Obama is the only "leader" who doesn't do whats in the best interest of his own country. Which is why our enemies are on the move.
When sleep deprivation is called torture, the sheeple will buy anything.

This is all about Feinstein getting her feelings hurt, and her willingness to put people at risk to vent her vindictiveness.

When somebody shows me American soldiers beheading hostages, I will start to worry a little bit.

Fuckers whining about waterboarding, and sleep deprivation, taunting, etc would sing a different tune if their child was beheaded, or died in a terror attack.

Fuckin' hypocrites.
A couple of terrorist are water boarded the left freaks out. Well you know what makes me mad. Thinking of all the americans that had to choose wether to burn to death or jump to their death's on 911. Those prisoners who liberals are sticking up for, had something to do with it. Liberals hate America and this proves it. Anyway we already know all of this, nothing to see here. Oh and any American that suffers from this are on all liberals.
A couple of terrorist are water boarded the left freaks out. Well you know what makes me mad. Thinking of all the americans that had to choose wether to burn to death or jump to their death's on 911. Those prisoners who liberals are sticking up for, had something to do with it. Liberals hate America and this proves it. Anyway we already know all of this, nothing to see here. Oh and any American that suffers from this are on all liberals.

Liberals were all GLAD that those infidels were killed on 9/11!!! They had a big party that day and burned all of their American flags!!!

Real Americans like you are respectful and would never use those who died that day to prove how swell of a guy you are or to SHAME the other side in a political debate!

God bless you, good sir!

Keep up the unfounded liberal hatred and remember - all the people who died that day are now REPUBLICANS!!!

A couple of terrorist are water boarded the left freaks out. Well you know what makes me mad. Thinking of all the americans that had to choose wether to burn to death or jump to their death's on 911. Those prisoners who liberals are sticking up for, had something to do with it. Liberals hate America and this proves it. Anyway we already know all of this, nothing to see here. Oh and any American that suffers from this are on all liberals.

Liberals were all GLAD that those infidels were killed on 9/11!!! They had a big party that day and burned all of their American flags!!!

Real Americans like you are respectful and would never use those who died that day to prove how swell of a guy you are or to SHAME the other side in a political debate!

God bless you, good sir!

Keep up the unfounded liberal hatred and remember - all the people who died that day are now REPUBLICANS!!!

3 terrorist got water boarded, the information we got from it, helped get bin Laden. I not using shit for politics. A couple terrorist get water boarded, to get information to stop further attacks is not a bad thing. Hell those prisoners eat better than our kids do at school. With Michelle's school lunch program.

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