Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door

I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.
This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

The imminent release of a Senate committee report on the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program could trigger violence against American citizens and interests abroad, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden are warning.

“This will be used by our enemies to motivate people to attack Americans and American facilities overseas,” Hayden told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

He also cautioned that the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report would likely reduce the likelihood of partner countries cooperating with U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in future for fear of being exposed.

Rogers called the planned release -- backed by committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) -- “a terrible idea.”

“Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Foreign leaders have approached the government and said ‘you do this, this will cause violence and deaths.’ Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News

Yes, we must maintain secrecy of the governments breach of both domestic and international law. Statists will throw themselves in front of just about anything to protect the omnipotent State.

Saving people's lives you get that right? Damn liberals don't have a problem lying to people to get their tyrannical, liberal policies enacted. You stupid libs dont know how, and don't care if we win a war or save american lives.

So you're more interested in the rule of men than the rule of law, huh? You'd choose safety over liberty any day, wouldn't you? I mean, we need to save lives! Just imagine how many we could save if we went full blown police state! Complete with a dictator and everything!

Fucking moron.
I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.

I feel kind of partial to this political satire....

I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.

I feel kind of partial to this political satire....


no kidding. unbelievable he even said that without one thought of it could harm our troops overseas from the mess they've stirred up in the middle east...
Well I guess that this question has been somewhat answered... just waiting on the other shoe...

Why stop with torture? Now, if we only had a secret national police, we could REALLY round up our enemies! But, we would need a name for it. Let me see.....How about "gestopo"?
This report puts the blame where it belongs.

And you assholes have the nerve to cite Israel's Supreme Court for precedence.

Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door

It was WRITTEN by DEMOCRATS, the ones that will throw Israel to the dog muslim's, you piece of shit!.... Only fucking Republican that stood up for it was that absolute idiot, Juan McLame.What You Need to Know About the Senate s CIA Torture Report - ABC News Shaky's HERO!

The Benghazi report was republican written. You have patent excusses by the score.
I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.

Republican politicians are liars and they demand that suckers like you defend them.
This Senator Feinstein should be arrested and tried for actions detrimental to the United States.
How could an American politician release sensitive classified information that could put Americans
in danger overseas.?!What is this woman trying to prove?.
Who are these Democrates to do something like this that will damage America overseas?!

Feinstein's speech today reminded me of John Kerry's testimony about American soldiers committing atrocities while they were still fighting and dying in Vietnam. I consider both of them traitors.
This Senator Feinstein should be arrested and tried for actions detrimental to the United States.
How could an American politician release sensitive classified information that could put Americans
in danger overseas.?!What is this woman trying to prove?.
Who are these Democrates to do something like this that will damage America overseas?!

Feinstein's speech today reminded me of John Kerry's testimony about American soldiers committing atrocities while they were still fighting and dying in Vietnam. I consider both of them traitors.

Of course you do. You're a soldier for the right and libs are your enimies.
Aaaaand liberals still wish saddam wad still in power, all while they cry about the poor brown terrorists who were water boarded. All to the acknowledgement of their fucking democrats btw (hillary and pelosi to name a few).

Notice too how these fucking left wing hypocritical pieces of smelly shit never protest that our own soldiets are water boarded in training? They could not care less about that.

Do not get caught up in their feigned hysteria as they worhsip their traitorous god in the white house as he droned American citizens. As they pretend to care about the 5 sandniggers that planned 911.

The liberals are not worth your time. They are such fucking hypocrical cocksuckers that they believe all of their own bullshit. Just laugh in all of their fucking faces for being the brainwashed dickless moronic pawns they all are for their democrat socialist pigs.

Don't forget republicans gnashing their teeth because terrorist were getting splattered by drones and now, NO ONE was safe or that we invaded a "sovereign" nation, only to kill Bin Laden without giving the poor man a fair trial.

A moment of silence, please....

No Republican was gnashing their teeth because terrorists were being killed by drones. We all joined you Democrats in rejoicing when the drone took out the bad guy along with his three wives, 7 children and 12 innocent neighbors.
Aaaaand liberals still wish saddam wad still in power, all while they cry about the poor brown terrorists who were water boarded. All to the acknowledgement of their fucking democrats btw (hillary and pelosi to name a few).

Notice too how these fucking left wing hypocritical pieces of smelly shit never protest that our own soldiets are water boarded in training? They could not care less about that.

Do not get caught up in their feigned hysteria as they worhsip their traitorous god in the white house as he droned American citizens. As they pretend to care about the 5 sandniggers that planned 911.

The liberals are not worth your time. They are such fucking hypocrical cocksuckers that they believe all of their own bullshit. Just laugh in all of their fucking faces for being the brainwashed dickless moronic pawns they all are for their democrat socialist pigs.

Don't forget republicans gnashing their teeth because terrorist were getting splattered by drones and now, NO ONE was safe or that we invaded a "sovereign" nation, only to kill Bin Laden without giving the poor man a fair trial.

A moment of silence, please....

No Republican was gnashing their teeth because terrorists were being killed by drones. We all joined you Democrats in rejoicing when the drone took out the bad guy along with his three wives, 7 children and 12 innocent neighbors.

Not true at all, republicans were much more concerned with painting Obama as an out of control lunitic.

So, the 450,000 children who died in Iraq from disintary in the first war alone because of the destroyed infrastructure, did not matter to you, eh? Dropping bombs was much more human?
Aaaaand liberals still wish saddam wad still in power, all while they cry about the poor brown terrorists who were water boarded. All to the acknowledgement of their fucking democrats btw (hillary and pelosi to name a few).

Notice too how these fucking left wing hypocritical pieces of smelly shit never protest that our own soldiets are water boarded in training? They could not care less about that.

Do not get caught up in their feigned hysteria as they worhsip their traitorous god in the white house as he droned American citizens. As they pretend to care about the 5 sandniggers that planned 911.

The liberals are not worth your time. They are such fucking hypocrical cocksuckers that they believe all of their own bullshit. Just laugh in all of their fucking faces for being the brainwashed dickless moronic pawns they all are for their democrat socialist pigs.

Don't forget republicans gnashing their teeth because terrorist were getting splattered by drones and now, NO ONE was safe or that we invaded a "sovereign" nation, only to kill Bin Laden without giving the poor man a fair trial.

A moment of silence, please....

No Republican was gnashing their teeth because terrorists were being killed by drones. We all joined you Democrats in rejoicing when the drone took out the bad guy along with his three wives, 7 children and 12 innocent neighbors.

Not true at all, republicans were much more concerned with painting Obama as an out of control lunitic.

So, the 450,000 children who died in Iraq from disintary in the first war alone because of the destroyed infrastructure, did not matter to you, eh? Dropping bombs was much more human?

The Allied coalition was made up of 39 countries: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark,Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Kuwait, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Oman,Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Syria, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.

August 2, 1990 -Iraq invades Kuwait. Reportedly,Iraqi leader Saddam Husseindecided to invade the small, oil-rich nation in order to pay off debts incurred during Iraq's eight year war withIran.

August 2, 1990 -TheU.N. passes a resolutiondenouncing Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

August 6, 1990 -The U.N. imposes sanctions on Iraq.

August 7, 1990 -U.S. President George H. W. Bushorder the start of Operation Desert Shield.

August 8, 1990 -Iraq formally annexes Kuwait.

August 25, 1990 -TheU.N. passes a resolutionto allow enforcement of the embargo by military means.

November 29, 1990 -The U.N. authorizes use of force after January 15, 1991.

January 16-17, 1991 -Operation Desert Storm begins.

February 24, 1991 -The allied ground assault begins.

February 27, 1991 -Baghdad radio announces that Iraq will comply withUnited Nationsresolutions.

February 27, 1991 -Kuwait is liberated.

February 28, 1991 -Coalition attacks against Iraq end.

March 14, 1991 -Kuwait's Emir returns home.

April 6, 1991 -Iraq accepts the terms of a cease-fire agreement.

April 11, 1991 -The U.N. declares an end to the war.

Where was the UN after they authorized the use of force?
When this great nation sinks to the level of the enemy, then the terrists have won. Too bad/sad the last repub Admin was too interested in cia contractors getting paid than doing whats right.
the left doesn't care about facts, the Democrats says it's bad and they march in lockstep. we knew this was coming
Fucking liberals are such deranged pathetic hypocriticals pawns for their lying socialists better known as democrats.

Fuck you liberals, you pathetic hypocritical morons.

I don't think hypocrisy means what you think it means. As revealing the truth behind CIA torture and lies isn't it.

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