Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door

I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.

Republican politicians are liars and they demand that suckers like you defend them.

How many Republicans have been awarded Liar of the Year? Hint: Obama ain't a Republican.
This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

The imminent release of a Senate committee report on the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program could trigger violence against American citizens and interests abroad, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden are warning.

“This will be used by our enemies to motivate people to attack Americans and American facilities overseas,” Hayden told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

He also cautioned that the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report would likely reduce the likelihood of partner countries cooperating with U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in future for fear of being exposed.

Rogers called the planned release -- backed by committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) -- “a terrible idea.”

“Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Foreign leaders have approached the government and said ‘you do this, this will cause violence and deaths.’ Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News

They won't trust us because we did untrustworthy torturing people. And lying about it.

Odd you don't object to the untrustworthy behavior. Only being caught doing it. Which speaks volumes.
We should do what we have to protect our people and our allies, Screw these islamonazi nutjobs...."Torture" what a bunch of wuses:rolleyes:
All politics with these idiots anyway democrat party , partisan ,report, released on the same day as the Grubber testimony. these libs are pathetic really, and our enemies laugh at there stupidity.

Hmmmm ... I thought that we were supposed to be kissing the terrorist's assholes so that they wouldn't attack us again? Releasing this report was suppossed to bring a wave of attacks, right? I'm corn-fused ...

If we didn't release the report, the terrorist are going to be happy, which is a good thing? Help me out here....
Phony issue all politics.... My view is to kill terrorist, yours?
All politics with these idiots anyway democrat party , partisan ,report, released on the same day as the Grubber testimony. these libs are pathetic really, and our enemies laugh at there stupidity.

Hmmmm ... I thought that we were supposed to be kissing the terrorist's assholes so that they wouldn't attack us again? Releasing this report was suppossed to bring a wave of attacks, right? I'm corn-fused ...

If we didn't release the report, the terrorist are going to be happy, which is a good thing? Help me out here....
Phony issue all politics.... My view is to kill terrorist, yours?

I would kill a douch bag like Bin Laden with my bare hands if I had the chance.

I would feel good about it, too. I imagine that you would do the same.
Well who didn't see the left taking the side of the Terrorist?

they always do and march in lockstep with their party

No, we did not side with the terrorist, you complete nincompoop.

Who said that??? I'm saying that we need to do better. You the one whining about upsetting the poor terrorist.
Yeah, kill many more of them:thup:
This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

The imminent release of a Senate committee report on the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program could trigger violence against American citizens and interests abroad, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden are warning.

“This will be used by our enemies to motivate people to attack Americans and American facilities overseas,” Hayden told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

He also cautioned that the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report would likely reduce the likelihood of partner countries cooperating with U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in future for fear of being exposed.

Rogers called the planned release -- backed by committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) -- “a terrible idea.”

“Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Foreign leaders have approached the government and said ‘you do this, this will cause violence and deaths.’ Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News

They won't trust us because we did untrustworthy torturing people. And lying about it.

Odd you don't object to the untrustworthy behavior. Only being caught doing it. Which speaks volumes.
We should do what we have to protect our people and our allies, Screw these islamonazi nutjobs...."Torture" what a bunch of wuses:rolleyes:

So we should do untrustworthy things like torture people and then lie about it?

Um....wouldn't that make us untrustworthy?
Our torturing of prisoners was what finally made me break with the GOP.
Horseshit, no sale. Our own troops get trained with those techniques and we are talking about three very guilty and dangerous people. And it saved no telling how many lives. Not all Republicans were for it and not all Democrats were against it.

Some countries stuck their necks out for us but political brownie points matter more to the small minded assholes leaving office.

Democrats don't care how much danger this will put our troops in. they have become a danger to us and our country and all FOR WHAT REASON did they release this NOW?
They believe in listening to their enemies, like ISIS or Hamas and trying to understand their side and come together, unless they are Republicans. That's the bigger enemy to what they want America to become.

This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

The imminent release of a Senate committee report on the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program could trigger violence against American citizens and interests abroad, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden are warning.

“This will be used by our enemies to motivate people to attack Americans and American facilities overseas,” Hayden told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

He also cautioned that the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report would likely reduce the likelihood of partner countries cooperating with U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in future for fear of being exposed.

Rogers called the planned release -- backed by committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) -- “a terrible idea.”

“Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Foreign leaders have approached the government and said ‘you do this, this will cause violence and deaths.’ Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News

They won't trust us because we did untrustworthy torturing people. And lying about it.

Odd you don't object to the untrustworthy behavior. Only being caught doing it. Which speaks volumes.
We should do what we have to protect our people and our allies, Screw these islamonazi nutjobs...."Torture" what a bunch of wuses:rolleyes:

So we should do untrustworthy things like torture people and then lie about it?

Um....wouldn't that make us untrustworthy?

Join the boy scouts .We are at war with islamonzi nut jobs who would just assume cut off your heads genuis:slap:
When this great nation sinks to the level of the enemy, then the terrists have won. Too bad/sad the last repub Admin was too interested in cia contractors getting paid than doing whats right.
Great nations don't stay great by being weak. Thought you lived in Canada?:dunno:
This Senator Feinstein should be arrested and tried for actions detrimental to the United States.
How could an American politician release sensitive classified information that could put Americans
in danger overseas.?!What is this woman trying to prove?.
Who are these Democrates to do something like this that will damage America overseas?!

Feinstein's speech today reminded me of John Kerry's testimony about American soldiers committing atrocities while they were still fighting and dying in Vietnam. I consider both of them traitors.

Some American soldiers did commit atrocities in Vietnam, and denial of such makes you look like a jackbooted thug.

Denial by the CIA that prisoners were tortured, at least one died from hypothermia, etc., and hiding behind fabricated "it's legal to torture" memos so one can say "I was only following orders," violates the moral and virtuous principles of the Constitution and American law.

You would have fit in well with the SS or the Gestapo in Nazi Germany, TooTall.
This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

The imminent release of a Senate committee report on the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program could trigger violence against American citizens and interests abroad, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden are warning.

“This will be used by our enemies to motivate people to attack Americans and American facilities overseas,” Hayden told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

He also cautioned that the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report would likely reduce the likelihood of partner countries cooperating with U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in future for fear of being exposed.

Rogers called the planned release -- backed by committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) -- “a terrible idea.”

“Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Foreign leaders have approached the government and said ‘you do this, this will cause violence and deaths.’ Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News

They won't trust us because we did untrustworthy torturing people. And lying about it.

Odd you don't object to the untrustworthy behavior. Only being caught doing it. Which speaks volumes.
We should do what we have to protect our people and our allies, Screw these islamonazi nutjobs...."Torture" what a bunch of wuses:rolleyes:

So we should do untrustworthy things like torture people and then lie about it?

Um....wouldn't that make us untrustworthy?

Join the boy scouts .We are at war with islamonzi nut jobs who would just assume cut off your heads genuis:slap:

So, how many have killed so far?
Jroc and his gang now know that there will be mass infusion of American troops in Iraq, so there plans for a ground invasion of Iran are over.

Be proud of torture, Jroc. Send a letter to the editor at the New York Times with your name boldly and proudly signed.
I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.

Republican politicians are liars and they demand that suckers like you defend them.

How many Republicans have been awarded Liar of the Year? Hint: Obama ain't a Republican.

Who awards the 'Liar of the Year'? Are you referring to politifacts 'lie of the year'? If so, then Romney won that in 2012.
Join the boy scouts .We are at war with islamonzi nut jobs who would just assume cut off your heads genuis:slap:

You're the one lamenting about how other countries won't trust us. My solution is simple: don't do untrustworthy things.

Your solution is to lie about our untrustworthy acts. Do you see the inherent contradiction with lying in order to earn trust?
This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

Democrats Insist on Releasing CIA Report That Could Harm Americans CNS News

They won't trust us because we did untrustworthy torturing people. And lying about it.

Odd you don't object to the untrustworthy behavior. Only being caught doing it. Which speaks volumes.
We should do what we have to protect our people and our allies, Screw these islamonazi nutjobs...."Torture" what a bunch of wuses:rolleyes:

So we should do untrustworthy things like torture people and then lie about it?

Um....wouldn't that make us untrustworthy?

Join the boy scouts .We are at war with islamonzi nut jobs who would just assume cut off your heads genuis:slap:

So, how many have killed so far?
Not enough:thup:
They won't trust us because we did untrustworthy torturing people. And lying about it.

Odd you don't object to the untrustworthy behavior. Only being caught doing it. Which speaks volumes.
We should do what we have to protect our people and our allies, Screw these islamonazi nutjobs...."Torture" what a bunch of wuses:rolleyes:

So we should do untrustworthy things like torture people and then lie about it?

Um....wouldn't that make us untrustworthy?

Join the boy scouts .We are at war with islamonzi nut jobs who would just assume cut off your heads genuis:slap:

So, how many have killed so far?
Not enough:thup:

Translation = "none, I'm even afraid to bait my own hook, those poor worms...."
Join the boy scouts .We are at war with islamonzi nut jobs who would just assume cut off your heads genuis:slap:

You're the one lamenting about how other countries won't trust us. My solution is simple: don't do untrustworthy things.

Your solution is to lie about our untrustworthy acts. Do you see the inherent contradiction with lying in order to earn trust?

:rolleyes:Trustworthy... Join the boy scouts....No need to be trustworthy with islamonazis

I embrace the report...I am so proud of the CIA efforts against killer muslims to protect the American people, I could cry. Who cares if we tortured terrorists who wack off the heads of people who put themselves in harms way to help their fellow muslims. We should post pics of the terrorist who was chained and froze to death...just to let the world and killer muslims know that we will do what is necessary to protect the American people. They started this war, not us!
Maybe he could become a body builder and spend all day looking in the mirror at how pretty he is!!!
Screw the UN, screw what the world thinks or trusts. What has any other nation done for the US outside of criticism and taking advantage of our benevolence.

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