Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door

3 terrorist got water boarded, the information we got from it, helped get bin Laden. I not using shit for politics. A couple terrorist get water boarded, to get information to stop further attacks is not a bad thing. Hell those prisoners eat better than our kids do at school. With Michelle's school lunch program.

Oh, get your head out of your ass, already.

NO INFORMATION gathered from torture was responsible for catching Bin Laden.
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

Our brand of torture is only dangerous to our enemies. Everyone else does much, much worse. The techniques these Democrats feel uncomfortable with are used in the SERE Course at Ft Bragg every training cycle on our own soldiers.
Clearly the lesson to be learned is not to take prisoners, or allow our allies to do the necessary interrogations. This will prevent traitorous democrats from divulging every intelligence secret to the enemy.
3 terrorist got water boarded, the information we got from it, helped get bin Laden. I not using shit for politics. A couple terrorist get water boarded, to get information to stop further attacks is not a bad thing. Hell those prisoners eat better than our kids do at school. With Michelle's school lunch program.

Oh, get your head out of your ass, already.

NO INFORMATION gathered from torture was responsible for catching Bin Laden.

If you say so.
Hey Douchebag liberals, why aren't you all FUCKING UPSET about the over 500 Pakistani civilians KILLED by Obuma's DRONE STRIKES, with over 160 of them CHILDREN?.....Bunch of hypocritical pond scum, no wonder the VOTERS have had enough and got rid of a shit load of you mother fuckers last month!...Every Democrat, subversive Senator that voted for Obumacare and was up for election was BEATEN!
Well who didn't see the left taking the side of the Terrorist?

they always do and march in lockstep with their party

They have no shame they need to dredge up something from YEARS ago in order to hurt us and our country
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Well who didn't see the left taking the side of the Terrorist?

they always do and march in lockstep with their party

No, we did not side with the terrorist, you complete nincompoop.

Who said that??? I'm saying that we need to do better. You the one whining about upsetting the poor terrorist.
Hey Douchebag liberals, why aren't you all FUCKING UPSET about the over 500 Pakistani civilians KILLED by Obuma's DRONE STRIKES, with over 160 of them CHILDREN?.....Bunch of hypocritical pond scum, no wonder the VOTERS have had enough and got rid of a shit load of you mother fuckers last month!...Every Democrat, subversive Senator that voted for Obumacare and was up for election was BEATEN!

Who implied that we weren't upset? Where you upset or happy because it meant a whole new folder of memes and plenty of blame for the dems?
Clearly the lesson to be learned is not to take prisoners, or allow our allies to do the necessary interrogations. This will prevent traitorous democrats from divulging every intelligence secret to the enemy.
Taking prisoners for anything longer than a helicopter ride and a quick you better talk now motherfucker interrogation is stupid.
Russians knew how to interrogate Germans, just start shooting them one at a time.
Somebody ALWAYS talked.
Hey Douchebag liberals, why aren't you all FUCKING UPSET about the over 500 Pakistani civilians KILLED by Obuma's DRONE STRIKES, with over 160 of them CHILDREN?.....Bunch of hypocritical pond scum, no wonder the VOTERS have had enough and got rid of a shit load of you mother fuckers last month!...Every Democrat, subversive Senator that voted for Obumacare and was up for election was BEATEN!

Who implied that we weren't upset? Where you upset or happy because it meant a whole new folder of memes and plenty of blame for the dems!

Well I must admit Crabbie, that when you fucks, FUCK UP, and you subversives continue to on a regular basis, The MEMES just flow like water.... \\

Well who didn't see the left taking the side of the Terrorist?

they always do and march in lockstep with their party

No, we did not side with the terrorist, you complete nincompoop.

Who said that??? I'm saying that we need to do better. You the one whining about upsetting the poor terrorist.

you would be on in a million from the Democrat base. But this is OLD NEWS why are they bringing this out NOW? and why would you condone it?
Well who didn't see the left taking the side of the Terrorist?

they always do and march in lockstep with their party

No, we did not side with the terrorist, you complete nincompoop.

Who said that??? I'm saying that we need to do better. You the one whining about upsetting the poor terrorist.

you would be on in a million from the Democrat base. But this is OLD NEWS why are they bringing this out NOW? and why would you condone it?
Why do you condemn it?

If it is old news it does nothing to harm current operations. If it is tame behavior then no one should care.

I don't really care that the release is politically motivated - EVERYTHING that comes out of the government is politically motivated. I just don't understand all the vitriol with a damn report. We should be supporting transparency, not damning it because we don't like what it states.
I truly believe that the united states crossed the line here and needs to be held accountable.

Is it dangerous to declassify this information? Absolutely; just as it was dangerous to engage in torture in the first place. Unless we fix this debacle though, we are destined to repeat our own blunders.

The real prescription should be for the US to stay they hell out of foreign affairs - you know, like our founding fathers wanted us to.

Our brand of torture is only dangerous to our enemies. Everyone else does much, much worse. The techniques these Democrats feel uncomfortable with are used in the SERE Course at Ft Bragg every training cycle on our own soldiers.
Then why so much anger at the release of the report?

I see a shit tone of doublethink going on here.
Well who didn't see the left taking the side of the Terrorist?

they always do and march in lockstep with their party

No, we did not side with the terrorist, you complete nincompoop.

Who said that??? I'm saying that we need to do better. You the one whining about upsetting the poor terrorist.

you would be on in a million from the Democrat base. But this is OLD NEWS why are they bringing this out NOW? and why would you condone it?
Why do you condemn it?

If it is old news it does nothing to harm current operations. If it is tame behavior then no one should care.

I don't really care that the release is politically motivated - EVERYTHING that comes out of the government is politically motivated. I just don't understand all the vitriol with a damn report. We should be supporting transparency, not damning it because we don't like what it states.

this is why. there is a time for this. WHY NOW right before the Republicans take over the SENATE? you don't care the harm it can cause with the way things are now with people being beheaded left and right, etc


American facilities worldwide brace for release of Bush era ‘torture’ report
posted at 9:21 pm on December 8, 2014 by Noah Rothman

In August, the Republican members of the Senate Permanent Select Intelligence Committee (SPSCI) warned that the release of the committee’s report on the CIA’s Bush-era enhanced interrogation techniques could endanger American personnel abroad. Their warnings were dismissed at the time by Democrats who claimed that this investigation shouldn’t inspire a backlash because its likely conclusions are, for the most part, already widely assumed.

It turns out that Secretary of State John Kerry shared the concerns of the committee’s Republican members. A report in Bloomberg last week indicated that Kerry had asked the committee’s chair, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), to withhold the release of that report because it “could complicate relationships with foreign countries at a sensitive time and posed an unacceptable risk to U.S. personnel and facilities abroad.”

With the release of the committee’s long-awaited report set for Tuesday, U.S. facilities overseas are boosting security in anticipation of potentially violent anti-American demonstrations.

all of it here:
American facilities worldwide brace for release of Bush era torture report Hot Air
Our torturing of prisoners was what finally made me break with the GOP.
Horseshit, no sale. Our own troops get trained with those techniques and we are talking about three very guilty and dangerous people. And it saved no telling how many lives. Not all Republicans were for it and not all Democrats were against it.

Some countries stuck their necks out for us but political brownie points matter more to the small minded assholes leaving office.
Our torturing of prisoners was what finally made me break with the GOP.
Horseshit, no sale. Our own troops get trained with those techniques and we are talking about three very guilty and dangerous people. And it saved no telling how many lives. Not all Republicans were for it and not all Democrats were against it.

Some countries stuck their necks out for us but political brownie points matter more to the small minded assholes leaving office.

Democrats don't care how much danger this will put our troops in. they have become a danger to us and our country and all FOR WHAT REASON did they release this NOW?
Bringing it all together for today.....

Democrats Seize Opportunity to Rip the Country and George W. Bush on Jonathan Gruber Day
December 09, 2014

RUSH: I don't know, folks. Some days I just feel swamped. I just feel overwhelmed. I feel smothered by the left. I mean, look. Here we are almost at 2015, and this is the day that Jonathan Gruber is testifying before a House committee on all the things he said about the American people and Obamacare, and what's happening instead? The Democrats are blaming the Bush administration.
The Democrats, the main story, the lead story today, by design, is the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture, dumping on the Bush administration on "Jonathan Gruber Day." Gruber, what's happening out there is being dwarfed by what is happening with the release of how rotten and horrible this stinking country was when George Bush was president. And it still is, because Obama still hasn't been able to close Club Gitmo where all the torture went on, and may still be going on, even though Obama may not know about it and thinks he's tried to stop it.
And this is the picture being painted today. As we head into the Christmas season, once again, America sucks, and it really sucked during the Bush years, on the day Jonathan Gruber is being questioned about all of the lies that were told in order to pass Obamacare. I think Gruber just admitted here -- let me check something very, very, very quickly, 'cause I just got a flash note here. Gruber just said -- and we got some sound bites on this coming up, so hang in there, be tough. Gruber just said that he did not lie in anything that was shown on the Internet. He didn't lie. So everything he said on the Internet was true. They asked him today (paraphrasing), "Well, how much were you paid?"
"Well, paid, what's paid?"
"Well, how much money were you given for your services?"
"Well, I need to consult with counsel on this." ........

Democrats Seize Opportunity to Rip the Country and George W. Bush on Jonathan Gruber Day - The Rush Limbaugh Show
This party has sunk to new lows and all for their POWER and to cover their asses

people wake up is all I can say to this Democrat party
Our torturing of prisoners was what finally made me break with the GOP.
Horseshit, no sale. Our own troops get trained with those techniques and we are talking about three very guilty and dangerous people. And it saved no telling how many lives. Not all Republicans were for it and not all Democrats were against it.

Some countries stuck their necks out for us but political brownie points matter more to the small minded assholes leaving office.

Democrats don't care how much danger this will put our troops in. they have become a danger to us and our country and all FOR WHAT REASON did they release this NOW?
They believe in listening to their enemies, like ISIS or Hamas and trying to understand their side and come together, unless they are Republicans. That's the bigger enemy to what they want America to become.
Aaaaand liberals still wish saddam was still in power, all while they cry about the poor brown terrorists who were water boarded. All to the acknowledgement of their fucking democrats btw (hillary and pelosi to name a few).

Notice too how these fucking left wing hypocritical pieces of smelly shit never protest that our own soldiers are water boarded in training? They could not care less about that.

Do not get caught up in their feigned hysteria as they worhsip their traitorous god in the white house as he droned American citizens. As they pretend to care about the 5 sandniggers that planned 911.

The liberals are not worth your time. They are such fucking hypocrical cocksuckers that they believe all of their own bullshit. Just laugh in all of their fucking faces for being the brainwashed dickless moronic pawns they all are for their democrat socialist pigs.
In hindsight, all those deposed dictators are better than what is coming.

Wait until the last shred of order goes when Assad is deposed.

Arabs NEED dictators.

They LONG for dictators.

A select few spoiled children of the elite twittering and tweeting do not represent the Arab that just wants law and order has he knows it.

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