Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door

This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

It was unlawful, unconstitutional and purely incompetent. As McCain said, there was no proof that it yielded good information.

The Reagan Revolution started with a promise for freedom and small government, but it ended with torture and TARP.

The country was seized by crooks. They turned the housing market into a casino and distracted the people with color coded fear as they rolled the treasury and bankrupted the middle class.

God help us. They're going to retake the White House in 2016. If they get one more homeland attack, who knows how far they will expand their torture program. This is what the Soviets did. They started by torturing foreign "enemies of the state". Then they expanded the torture program to include any "enemies of the state", including domestic political enemies. It's called the law of unintended consequences. Once you allow the state to torture, you can't control how the program will evolve.

[Psst: don't try explaining this to a republican. They don't understand the "law of unintended consequences", especially when it comes to giving the state dangerous forms of expanded power. They trust their dear leader bureaucrats with the power to torture]

[Psst: Remember. The Bush administration and the GOP told us that they needed to waterboard and use extreme tactics to keep us safe. Now the same people are telling us that we have to keep their actions a secret from the sheeple . . . in order to keep the sheeple safe]

[Psst: "Hi, I'm from government and I'm here to protect you"]

God help us. The Republicans are coming back in 2016 and we are going to see a steroidal version of the War on Terrorism. If you thought the first Patriot Act was an unconstitutional farce, you ain't seen nothing yet.

They're coming back to feed in 2016. God help us.
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This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

It was unlawful, unconstitutional and purely incompetent. As McCain said, there was no proof that it yielded good information.

The Reagan Revolution started with a promise for freedom and small government, but it ended with torture and TARP.

The country was seized by crooks. They turned the housing market into a casino and distracted the people with color coded fear as they rolled the treasury and bankrupted the middle class.

God help us. They're going to retake the White House in 2016. If they get one more homeland attack, who knows how far they will expand their torture program. This is what the Soviets did. They started by torturing foreign enemies of the state. Then they expanded the torture program to include simply "enemies of the state" - enemies being vaguely defined to include anyone the leader feared.

The Republicans are coming back in 2016 and we are going to see a steroidal version of the War on Terrorism. If you thought the first Patriot Act was an unconstitutional farce, you ain't seen nothing yet.

They're coming back to feed in 2016. God help us.

Get some psychological help lunatic:cuckoo:
"Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door"

That you and most others on the right fear facts and the truth comes as no surprise, it's a time-honored conservative tradition dating back to Vietnam and Watergate; and that you attack facts and the truth with fear-mongering, demagoguery, and lies is consistent with most conservatives.
Read the report and ask yourself, "What was left out of this report?"

Then ask yourself, "Is the USA best served by releasing half-truths and lies by ommission and endangering our assets in the field?"

Will the comming deaths be worth the partisan quackery found in this document?

Then get back to us.
President George W. Bush was never briefed by the Central Intelligence Agency on the details of harsh interrogation techniques and secret detention of terror suspects for the first four years of its controversial program, and when he did find out the details, he was “uncomfortable” with some of the practices, according to a long-awaited report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The 500-page declassified executive summary of the majority staff’s 6,700-page investigation into CIA rendition, detention and interrogation practices after Sept. 11 states that despite agency efforts to keep the Bush administration informed about the program, top White House officials repeatedly resisted having the CIA brief cabinet-level figures about the details, and CIA officials were not permitted to brief Bush directly until mid-2006, more than four years after the president signed a broad executive order authorizing the program, according to Senate Democratic aides who briefed reporters ahead of today’s release.

CIA Torture Report Bush Was Kept in the Dark for Years - Bloomberg View
"Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door"

That you and most others on the right fear facts and the truth comes as no surprise, it's a time-honored conservative tradition dating back to Vietnam and Watergate; and that you attack facts and the truth with fear-mongering, demagoguery, and lies is consistent with most conservatives.
Read the report and ask yourself, "What was left out of this report?"

Then ask yourself, "Is the USA best served by releasing half-truths and lies by ommission and endangering our assets in the field?"

Will the comming deaths be worth the partisan quackery found in this document?

Then get back to us.

So you're saying we didn't waterboard people? That the CIA didn't lie about how long they did it?

You don't seem to have a problem with the torture and the cover up. Only that we got caught.
"Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door"

That you and most others on the right fear facts and the truth comes as no surprise, it's a time-honored conservative tradition dating back to Vietnam and Watergate; and that you attack facts and the truth with fear-mongering, demagoguery, and lies is consistent with most conservatives.
Read the report and ask yourself, "What was left out of this report?"

Then ask yourself, "Is the USA best served by releasing half-truths and lies by ommission and endangering our assets in the field?"

Will the comming deaths be worth the partisan quackery found in this document?

Then get back to us.

So you're saying we didn't waterboard people? That the CIA didn't lie about how long they did it?

You don't seem to have a problem with the torture and the cover up. Only that we got caught.

That was like ten years ago right? More recent news is civilians killed in Obamas drone strikes. But Hey, what happened ten years ago is much
more important to bring up when it can be used by our enemies in the PR side of the war right? I dont think so. And our enemies use real torture
just for the fun of making people suffer. Except for a few rouges, our interrogations were meant to get information from what we thought were combatants.
Its a huge difference though the Left will never admit that.

Its convenient for Obama that they dont have to interrogate any one anymore, He just has them killed with drone strikes. I think I would rather be taken
captive then taken out by a drone personally.

As far as that document goes, I wouldnt trust anything put out by those guys, Its a lot of pages, does anyone think Fienstien read the whole thing?
Seems to me the vetting process is much more thorough for a CIA agent than it is a US politician, who are often known for throwing people under
the bus for their political ends. If it comes down to someones word I would be more likely to believ the CIA than the Administration
So why has Feinstein donned her Guy Fawkes mask? Tension with the CIA? Simple stubbornness? The main reason, I suspect, is different. Democrats who approved of enhanced interrogation at the time (such as Feinstein) must now construct an elaborate fantasy world in which they were not knowledgeable and supportive. They postulate a new reality in which they were innocent and deceived — requiring a conspiracy from three former CIA directors, three former deputy directors and hundreds of others.

Occam would indicate a different answer: guilt, hypocrisy and betrayal. CDR Salamander
What's Obama and the libs have against Poland anyway?:dunno:.. Report outs Poland for helping us
The CIA prison in Poland was arguably the most important of all the black sites created by the agency after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. It was the first of a trio in Europe that housed the initial wave of accused Sept. 11 conspirators, and it was where Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-declared mastermind of the attacks, was waterboarded 183 times after his capture.

Much about the creation and operation of the CIA’s prison at a base in one of the young democracies of Central Europe remains cloaked in mystery, matters that the U.S. government has classified as state secrets. But what happened in Poland more than a decade ago continues to reverberate, and the bitter debate about the CIA’s interrogation program is about to be revisited.

an exhaustive 6,000-page report on the interrogation program, its value in eliciting critical intelligence and whether Congress was misled about aspects of the program.

The hidden history of the CIA s prison in Poland - The Washington Post

Polish president accuses Obama of betraying Poland


The Polish president has accused Barack Obama of betraying Poland by cancelling a promised missile defence system.

"Our mistake was that by accepting the American offer of a shield we failed to take into account the political risk associated with a change of president," said Mr Komorowski in a magazine interview. "We paid a high political price. We do not want to make the same mistake again. We must have a missile system as an element of our defences."

Mr Obama's decision to scrap George W Bush's original missile shield dismayed the Polish government, especially as many Poles saw it as an attempt to appease Russia, Poland's historical and Cold War foe.

As nations around the globe absorbed the details of harsh CIA interrogation strategies from the past, President Obama spoke this week with the leader of a country that has a particular interest: Poland.

The Polish government has been accused of having supplied a "black web-site" prison for use by CIA interrogators.

Two administration officials confirmed Tuesday that Obama brought up the Senate's CIA report through a Monday discussion with Poland Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz. The officials did not offer information, and spoke on condition of anonymity when discussing a presidential conversation with a foreign leader.

Obama and Kopacz also talked about Russian aggression in Ukraine, NATO, and military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan during the Monday phone contact, officials mentioned.

Earlier this year, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Poland had violated the rights of two terrorism suspects by enabling their transfer to a secret detention center run by the CIA.

Poland's government has never acknowledged the existence of a CIA prison in their nation.
Obama discusses CIA report with Poland PM
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This move will further damage our ability to collect counterintelligence. Other countries do not trust us anymore which means they will be more reluctant to work with us in the future:mad:

It was unlawful, unconstitutional and purely incompetent. As McCain said, there was no proof that it yielded good information.

The Reagan Revolution started with a promise for freedom and small government, but it ended with torture and TARP.

The country was seized by crooks. They turned the housing market into a casino and distracted the people with color coded fear as they rolled the treasury and bankrupted the middle class.

God help us. They're going to retake the White House in 2016. If they get one more homeland attack, who knows how far they will expand their torture program. This is what the Soviets did. They started by torturing foreign enemies of the state. Then they expanded the torture program to include simply "enemies of the state" - enemies being vaguely defined to include anyone the leader feared.

The Republicans are coming back in 2016 and we are going to see a steroidal version of the War on Terrorism. If you thought the first Patriot Act was an unconstitutional farce, you ain't seen nothing yet.

They're coming back to feed in 2016. God help us.

Get some psychological help lunatic:cuckoo:

A common theme of this thread seems to be to disrespect anyone who disagrees with the OP. I have to wonder just how compeling your argument is, when sticking out your tongue has become a requirement.
I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.

Republican politicians are liars and they demand that suckers like you defend them.

How many Republicans have been awarded Liar of the Year? Hint: Obama ain't a Republican.

I don't know, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-roll?

No matter how many examples I can ever post, there are 20,000,000 crap scandals and "57 States" you guys can always throw down to shame the left.

I don't even know why anyone is wasting their time in this thread trying to have a grown up discussion.
I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.

Republican politicians are liars and they demand that suckers like you defend them.

How many Republicans have been awarded Liar of the Year? Hint: Obama ain't a Republican.

Who awards the 'Liar of the Year'? Are you referring to politifacts 'lie of the year'? If so, then Romney won that in 2012.

Yes, and the Romney"lie" has been debunked.

It turns out that the Romney campaign was right to claim that Fiat, which owns Chrysler, would be making Jeeps in China instead of America, even though the media disparaged that case at the time with PolitiFact going so far as to declare the ad "Lie of the Year." According to PolitiFact, the campaign falsely implied the jobs would be outsourced, among other claims.

As ReutersreportedThursday: "Fiat (FIA.MI) and its U.S. unit Chrysler expect to roll out at least 100,000 Jeeps in China when production starts in 2014 as they seek to catch up with rivals in the world's biggest car market."
I guess that there are plenty of folks on the Right who feel that it is best that our own government lie to us, and the rest of the world as well, as routine government policy, because it is in our best interests not to know what our government is doing. These people are called "republicans".
After Gruber and Obama, don't talk about government lying.

Republican politicians are liars and they demand that suckers like you defend them.

How many Republicans have been awarded Liar of the Year? Hint: Obama ain't a Republican.

I don't know, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-roll?

No matter how many examples I can ever post, there are 20,000,000 crap scandals and "57 States" you guys can always throw down to shame the left.

I don't even know why anyone is wasting their time in this thread trying to have a grown up discussion.

It is hard to have a grown up discussion with someone who doesn't know anything.

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