Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door

Not only are you a hypocrite (fuck you if you think for one second if you think I will ever think you give one shit about the 3 sandniggers that were water boarded), not only are you fucking liar, but but you are an unreal pussy.

Take your double talking, homosexual, left wing shit and jam it right up your ass.

No one believes you, except the other fucking socialist pawns. You fucking moron.

Do you kiss Glen Beck's asshole with that mouth?

Seriously, dude - get a fucking grip already.

If I lied, please feel free to point it out, otherwise, you are acting like the impetuous, spoiled, teen-aged D&D pot-head that you are.

Fuck you, you hypocrite. Tell us again how you care so much about the 3 water boarded sandnigggers that planned 911, and let me call you a liar again, you piece of American hating shit.

You fucking pawn. You fucking liar.

Now, plan on voting for hillary even though she approved of these things.

We already know you voted twice for the worst president in history even though he droned American citizens.

You fucking unreal, piece shit hypocrite, whose god actually called all of you morons.

You fucking liar.
Fuck you, you hypocrite. Tell us again how you care so much about the 3 water boarded sandnigggers that planned 911, and let me call you a liar again, you piece of American hating shit.

You fucking pawn. You fucking liar.

Now, plan on voting for hillary even though she approved of these things.

We already know you voted twice for the worst president in history even though he droned American citizens.

You fucking unreal, piece shit hypocrite, whose god actually called all of you morons.

You fucking liar.


Fuck you, you hypocrite. Tell us again how you care so much about the 3 water boarded sandnigggers that planned 911, and let me call you a liar again, you piece of American hating shit.

You fucking pawn. You fucking liar.

Now, plan on voting for hillary even though she approved of these things.

We already know you voted twice for the worst president in history even though he droned American citizens.

You fucking unreal, piece shit hypocrite, whose god actually called all of you morons.

You fucking liar.



You fucking liar.
"The dungeon
The CIA began the establishment of a specialised detention centre, codenamed DETENTION SITE COBALT, in April 2002. Although its location is not identified in the report it has been widely identified as being in Afghanistan. Conditions at the site were described in the report as poor 'and were especially bleak early in the program'.

"The CIA chief of interrogations described COBALT as 'a dungeon'.

"There were 20 cells, with blacked-out windows.

"Detainees were 'kept in complete darkness and constantly shackled in isolated cells with loud music and only a bucket to use for human waste'.

"It was cold, something the report says likely contributed to the death of a detainee.

"Prisoners were walked around naked or were shackled with their hands above their heads for extended periods of time..."
Now you know why they hate US.

Rectal rehydration and broken limbs the grisliest findings in the CIA torture report US news The Guardian
Well who didn't see the left taking the side of the Terrorist?

they always do and march in lockstep with their party

No, we did not side with the terrorist, you complete nincompoop.

Who said that??? I'm saying that we need to do better. You the one whining about upsetting the poor terrorist.

you would be on in a million from the Democrat base. But this is OLD NEWS why are they bringing this out NOW? and why would you condone it?
Why do you condemn it?

If it is old news it does nothing to harm current operations. If it is tame behavior then no one should care.

I don't really care that the release is politically motivated - EVERYTHING that comes out of the government is politically motivated. I just don't understand all the vitriol with a damn report. We should be supporting transparency, not damning it because we don't like what it states.

Sounds good.

How bout spilling our guts on the IRS, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the Veterans Administration, Amnesty for illegals, killing bystanders with the drone program, Obamacare, sequestration, bribes and blackmail against members of the media, the government shutdown, the takeover of GM and Chrysler, the BP oil-spill, campaign finance during the last 7 years, releasing 5 terrorist generals for one traitor, the gutting of our nuclear deterrent, the gutting of the military, Occupy Wallstreet, Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, releasing Obama's college transcripts, etc.

How bout some transparency.
Not really, but I am a bigot when it comes to canada and Germany. You should pay attention, you might learn something.

All I pretty much have to go on is the Klan outfit.

Pay attention to what? You just joined this site yesterday.
Screw the UN, screw what the world thinks or trusts. What has any other nation done for the US outside of criticism and taking advantage of our benevolence.
Oh, I am not a big fan of self hating wetbacks either.
Great, another racist asshole.
Not really, but I am a bigot when it comes to canada and Germany. You should pay attention, you might learn something.

Maybe I can learn to quote myself?
"The dungeon
The CIA began the establishment of a specialised detention centre, codenamed DETENTION SITE COBALT, in April 2002. Although its location is not identified in the report it has been widely identified as being in Afghanistan. Conditions at the site were described in the report as poor 'and were especially bleak early in the program'.

"The CIA chief of interrogations described COBALT as 'a dungeon'.

"There were 20 cells, with blacked-out windows.

"Detainees were 'kept in complete darkness and constantly shackled in isolated cells with loud music and only a bucket to use for human waste'.

"It was cold, something the report says likely contributed to the death of a detainee.

"Prisoners were walked around naked or were shackled with their hands above their heads for extended periods of time..."
Now you know why they hate US.

Rectal rehydration and broken limbs the grisliest findings in the CIA torture report US news The Guardian

Just a little payback for 911.
Next stupid question
Ask Stupid.

"As Schieffer innocently asked Hayden a few days ago: 'Do you know of anybody from the CIA, in your view, who lied to Congress about what was going on there?' Hayden’s name appears in the torture report more than 200 times, and most of the references document the various times he knowingly misled one government body or another.

"As media organizations continue turning to Hayden for comment time and again, they should understand the Senate report indicates that basically every time he’s opened his mouth about 'enhanced interrogation' over the past decade, he’s has been lying."

Stop believing the lies America tortured more than some folks and covered it up Trevor Timm Comment is free The Guardian
Screw the UN, screw what the world thinks or trusts. What has any other nation done for the US outside of criticism and taking advantage of our benevolence.
Oh, I am not a big fan of self hating wetbacks either.
Great, another racist asshole.
Not really, but I am a bigot when it comes to canada and Germany. You should pay attention, you might learn something.

Maybe I can learn to quote myself?
Yeah...this forum layout is screwie and there is some sort of script or something that makes my computer run slow.
Next stupid question
Ask Stupid.

"As Schieffer innocently asked Hayden a few days ago: 'Do you know of anybody from the CIA, in your view, who lied to Congress about what was going on there?' Hayden’s name appears in the torture report more than 200 times, and most of the references document the various times he knowingly misled one government body or another.

"As media organizations continue turning to Hayden for comment time and again, they should understand the Senate report indicates that basically every time he’s opened his mouth about 'enhanced interrogation' over the past decade, he’s has been lying."

Stop believing the lies America tortured more than some folks and covered it up Trevor Timm Comment is free The Guardian

So you link to an opinion piece that Gruberizes our intelligence chief.

Way to throw the inlel guys under the bus BTW.

Let me ask you this; Is not revealing classfied information a lie to you?

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