Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Yep Trump in his private life when being sued for not paying his bills would just keep things tied up in court until the people suing couldn't afford to fight anymore. He would make sure others knew he would do that to them too, so they wouldn't sue him. What I don't understand is why ANYONE would ever do a contract job for him unless you got paid upfront.

You destroyed your own dishonest argument, saving me the trouble. This is where you say but but but and walk away mumbling to yourself.

Sorry, but records show that Trump has refused to pay MANY MANY MANY contractors and others. You destroyed nothing.
Ok which one of you guys wrote this idiot's talking points? While in an impeachment hearing for Trump, he's stated very few facts, said Schiff is a lying criminal, and is blaming everything on Obama. He's not said ANY facts to defend Trump.

This is a fucking joke. The Republican Senators should feel outraged this got in front of them.

It's disappointing. It's also odd that he keeps asking where the house manager's were after citing things about Obama. The democrats weren't in power. That would have been up to Boehner. I doubt very much that the republicans would have let an impeachment of Obama go by if they thought what he was doing was impeachable. I guess they are hoping people will not do much independent research.
Republicans were NEVER going to impeach the first Back President. He probably could have shoot somebody on 5th ave and gotten away with it!

They would have impeached him in a heartbeat if they thought they could have gotten away with it. 7 Benghazi Investigations. None of the Faux News Scandals had any traction at all because they weren't based on actual events, they were based on FOX News rumours, distortions and lies. None of the House Investigations confirmed a single one of the main FOX talking points: the purported "stand down order", that the Administration attempted to cover-up the motices for the attack, or that US forces could have reached the Embassy in time to prevent any of the deaths. Hillary Clinton did not lie, and the Administration was not responsible for what happened.
Hillary didn't lie, Obama wasn't responsible... Yeah, that was pretty much their attitude. Quite a Contrast with Trump when they started jacking around with our Embassy in Iraq.

How long do you think it takes a fighter jet to get from our bases in Italy to Benghazi?

At least an hour just for air time, plus time for the pilots to suit up, get to the planes, fuel up and take off. And what can a fighter jet do against a ground raid? Strafe the building and risk hitting Americans? Fire rockets at the attackers and risk hitting the Embassy. Air transport would take even longer. The Americans were killed within the first few minutes of the attack.
That's simply not true.

The attack began at 9:40 p.m. At around 4:00 a.m. on September 12, the terrorist group launched the mortar attack that finally killed CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty.
... Not once ever have I heard a Republican suggest that it was unwise of the Ambassador to go to Benghazi on September 11th. Certainly the State Department told him this, and advised him not to go. It was the Ambassador's choice to go to Benghazi, even knowing that all diplomatic posts were on high alert for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, especially those in Muslim countries.
Yet our nearby Base, only an hour flight away, was not prepped for emergency operations?
Nothing tops the irony or the brass balls of Ken Starr, standing up on the dias, and decrying the divisive horror of a baseless impeachment, and its wasteful destructiveness to the nation.

Republicans truly have no shame.

Can you believe the balls of sending up Ken Starr to argue about baseless impeachment’s?

How can SNL even parody something like that?? I feel like I'm watching a sham trial in a Banana Republic.

Republicans have truly lost all sense of shame.
The President's Dream Team is wiping the floor with Bug-eyed Schiff and Fat Jerry.

No, they're not. These guys aren't the "Dream Team". These hacks are the only people who would sink low enough to try to defend this President. No one wants to work for Trump, except criminals and those seeking access to corruptible power.
Oh sure, and the folks who oppose him are all saints! Might be easy to choose sides when it's the Saints vs the Devils!
Nothing tops the irony or the brass balls of Ken Starr, standing up on the dias, and decrying the divisive horror of a baseless impeachment, and its wasteful destructiveness to the nation.

Republicans truly have no shame.

Can you believe the balls of sending up Ken Starr to argue about baseless impeachment’s?

How can SNL even parody something like that?? I feel like I'm watching a sham trial in a Banana Republic.

Republicans have truly lost all sense of shame.
The President's Dream Team is wiping the floor with Bug-eyed Schiff and Fat Jerry.

They didn't bring up KKK Byrd. Rush Limbaugh wouldn't have made a mistake like that. Running the rightwingnuts greatest hits and not mention Byrd? Amateurs. This Dream Team is a nightmare for GOP Senators.

Trump shouldn't have stiffed so many law firms in the past. If he weren't famous for not paying his bills, maybe he could have gotten someone decent.
I just watched Dershowitz' presentation and my goodness, it was top notch. That guy, 81 and sharp as tack, energetic, and what a case he laid out.
Nothing tops the irony or the brass balls of Ken Starr, standing up on the dias, and decrying the divisive horror of a baseless impeachment, and its wasteful destructiveness to the nation.

Republicans truly have no shame.

Can you believe the balls of sending up Ken Starr to argue about baseless impeachment’s?

How can SNL even parody something like that?? I feel like I'm watching a sham trial in a Banana Republic.

Republicans have truly lost all sense of shame.
The President's Dream Team is wiping the floor with Bug-eyed Schiff and Fat Jerry.

They didn't bring up KKK Byrd. Rush Limbaugh wouldn't have made a mistake like that. Running the rightwingnuts greatest hits and not mention Byrd? Amateurs. This Dream Team is a nightmare for GOP Senators.

Trump shouldn't have stiffed so many law firms in the past. If he weren't famous for not paying his bills, maybe he could have gotten someone decent.
I just watched Dershowitz' presentation and my goodness, it was top notch. That guy, 81 and sharp as tack, energetic, and what a case he laid out.

Dersch look and sounded old, out of touch, and like he thinks he's the cat's ass. He's not. I'm pretty sure Harvard wishes he would STFU.
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The trial is about Trump using the position of President to blackmail another country to help him win an election. Perhaps it was you then that wrote that fucking stupid defense today in the Senate?

Every elected politician in the country co-mingles personal benefit to win re-election in the execution of their duties. Your clean as a fresh winter snow standard for politicians is absurd.


I never said all politicians are clean. What has happened here with Trump is not what you are alluding to. He was caught red-handed by people who aren't exactly good people, and even they were disgusted by Trump's actions. That says a lot. Trump was let off the hook on the Russian investigation and all it did was embolden him to be even less discrete about his illegal actions. This time he's gone to far and will forever be remembered for it.

You obviously are not watching the defense present their case. Today they highlighted multiple similar examples by dozens of former presidents who were not impeached. :itsok:
Yep Trump in his private life when being sued for not paying his bills would just keep things tied up in court until the people suing couldn't afford to fight anymore. He would make sure others knew he would do that to them too, so they wouldn't sue him. What I don't understand is why ANYONE would ever do a contract job for him unless you got paid upfront.

You destroyed your own dishonest argument, saving me the trouble. This is where you say but but but and walk away mumbling to yourself.

Sorry, but records show that Trump has refused to pay MANY MANY MANY contractors and others. You destroyed nothing.

First I'll laugh in your face :21: then demand that you produce actual numbers of contractors not paid vs paid and specifics on each case. To see if you can back up your vague broad brushing. You can run away and hide now.
The trial is about Trump using the position of President to blackmail another country to help him win an election. Perhaps it was you then that wrote that fucking stupid defense today in the Senate?

Every elected politician in the country co-mingles personal benefit to win re-election in the execution of their duties. Your clean as a fresh winter snow standard for politicians is absurd.


I never said all politicians are clean. What has happened here with Trump is not what you are alluding to. He was caught red-handed by people who aren't exactly good people, and even they were disgusted by Trump's actions. That says a lot. Trump was let off the hook on the Russian investigation and all it did was embolden him to be even less discrete about his illegal actions. This time he's gone to far and will forever be remembered for it.

You obviously are not watching the defense present their case. Today they highlighted multiple similar examples by dozens of former presidents who were not impeached. :itsok:

Yes, I am. Even Republican Senators are saying privately how AWFUL the defense is and how badly they screwed this up.
Yep Trump in his private life when being sued for not paying his bills would just keep things tied up in court until the people suing couldn't afford to fight anymore. He would make sure others knew he would do that to them too, so they wouldn't sue him. What I don't understand is why ANYONE would ever do a contract job for him unless you got paid upfront.

You destroyed your own dishonest argument, saving me the trouble. This is where you say but but but and walk away mumbling to yourself.

Sorry, but records show that Trump has refused to pay MANY MANY MANY contractors and others. You destroyed nothing.

First I'll laugh in your face :21: then demand that you produce actual numbers of contractors not paid vs paid and specifics on each case. To see if you can back up your vague broad brushing. You can run away and hide now.

You are either ignorant or trolling. Trump has bragged about how often he has been sued... then bragged that he never settles cases... right before he settled the case on Trump University. You might want to start taking some Ginkgo biloba. Do you also need me to tell you what that is?
It's disappointing. It's also odd that he keeps asking where the house manager's were after citing things about Obama. The democrats weren't in power. That would have been up to Boehner. I doubt very much that the republicans would have let an impeachment of Obama go by if they thought what he was doing was impeachable. I guess they are hoping people will not do much independent research.

Now he is bringing up Fast & the Furious... WTF does that have to do with Trump?
Perhaps the fact Barry Hussein invoked Executive Privilege when he got Congressional subpoenas.

Are you just acting this dumb, or is it for real?

Obama isn't on trial. The trial is about Trump using the position of President to blackmail another country to help him win an election. Perhaps it was you then that wrote that fucking stupid defense today in the Senate?
Never said Obama was on trial, Dimwit.

I correctly pointed out Obama did the same thing you clowns think you can remove Trump from office for.


You didn't have to, because I was watching the trial today and Trump's defense was acting like Obama was the one on trial, not Trump.

Maybe you should actually watch and pay attention to what you make posts about so you don't look like a bigger idiot than you already are.
I know I didn't have to say Obama was on trial because you were obviously making it up. Your lies are too easy to expose.
The trial is about Trump using the position of President to blackmail another country to help him win an election. Perhaps it was you then that wrote that fucking stupid defense today in the Senate?

Every elected politician in the country co-mingles personal benefit to win re-election in the execution of their duties. Your clean as a fresh winter snow standard for politicians is absurd.


I never said all politicians are clean. What has happened here with Trump is not what you are alluding to. He was caught red-handed by people who aren't exactly good people, and even they were disgusted by Trump's actions. That says a lot. Trump was let off the hook on the Russian investigation and all it did was embolden him to be even less discrete about his illegal actions. This time he's gone to far and will forever be remembered for it.

You obviously are not watching the defense present their case. Today they highlighted multiple similar examples by dozens of former presidents who were not impeached. :itsok:

Yes, I am. Even Republican Senators are saying privately how AWFUL the defense is and how badly they screwed this up.

Watch this........
Lindsey Graham may support impeaching Trump if 'quid pro quo' proven

"The transcript speaks for itself – no quid pro quo," Graham tweeted Sept. 26.

"If you could show me that Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing."

Lindsey Scarlett Graham has a huge staff of goalpost-movers who make sure he remains undisturbed.

As the testimony established, EVERYTHING is conditioned on the "investigations". Of course there was a quid pro quo. The memorandum of the phone call most clearly establishes the quid pro quo for everyone with above-fourth-grade reading comprehension - and you can bet your last dime, the Ukrainians analyzed the phone call of primary importance to their nation's fate until they were absolutely convinced they missed not even the most minuscule nuance. And that's in the face of every blockhead, sitting across a public official and having asked for the performance of an official act, and being confronted with the demand for "a favor", that would constitute a quid pro quo, even if that expression was as new to him as it was to Trump.
Lindsey Graham may support impeaching Trump if 'quid pro quo' proven

"The transcript speaks for itself – no quid pro quo," Graham tweeted Sept. 26.

"If you could show me that Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing."

Lindsey Scarlett Graham has a huge staff of goalpost-movers who make sure he remains undisturbed.

As the testimony established, EVERYTHING is conditioned on the "investigations". Of course there was a quid pro quo. The memorandum of the phone call most clearly establishes the quid pro quo for everyone with above-fourth-grade reading comprehension - and you can bet your last dime, the Ukrainians analyzed the phone call of primary importance to their nation's fate until they were absolutely convinced they missed not even the most minuscule nuance. And that's in the face of every blockhead, sitting across a public official and having asked for the performance of an official act, and being confronted with the demand for "a favor", that would constitute a quid pro quo, even if that expression was as new to him as it was to Trump.

Absolutely, and everyone was in on it. Sadly, Lindsey and R Senators have a medical condition that prevents them absorbing any evidence that would be "disturbing".
Absolutely, and everyone was in on it. Sadly, Lindsey and R Senators have a medical condition that prevents them absorbing any evidence that would be "disturbing".

Yep. You have to admit, though, it is somewhat disturbing to find your head on a pike.
Absolutely, and everyone was in on it. Sadly, Lindsey and R Senators have a medical condition that prevents them absorbing any evidence that would be "disturbing".

Yep. You have to admit, though, it is somewhat disturbing to find your head on a pike.

I read a story on FOX yesterday, and then read the Comments. The R Senators whose extremely-delicate sensibilities flared when Schiff mentioned the CBS Report, would be shocked to find that FOX readers want the heads of any R who votes for witnesses on a pike. At minimum. Drawn, quartered and burned would have be too good for them.
The GOP Senators are PISSED at Trump and the White House because they knew what Bolton had written in his book, putting not only Trump but Barr and Pompeo out on a ledge... all while the White House didn't give his defense team nor the Senators a heads up it was out there. So now all the GOP Senators that planned to rush things through and get it over with and not remove Trump, now can't do that without allowing more information or witnesses. If they don't they will be forced to answer to the voters back home in their state why they didn't do their job and why they should be re-elected if they are nothing but partisan sycophants.
What's really awesome about this impeachment nonsense is the way the idiot Democrats have stepped in their own shit and smeared it all over their leading candidate.

It started with a phone call between President Trump and President Zelensky, which we would have heard virtually nothing about had it not been for Schiff's "whistleblower". So these fools in the House decide they've finally got the goods on Trump. And they decide to impeach him for having the temerity to ask Zelensky to look into corruption involving Burisma and Hunter Biden. Unknown to the Ukrainans at the time, Trump had placed a hold on an aid package for Ukraine.

Now we get to the Senate Trial and we have Pam Bondi on the floor of the Senate laying out the case for why we should have been looking into corruption involving Burisma and Hunter Biden since 2014. Imagine that. The Democrats demanded and received a 30 minute presentation on the floor of the Senate in Prime Time, describing dirt on Joe Biden. Cool. Maybe Trump planned it this way.

And for a little icing on the cake, check this out. An extremely credible and well documented book by Peter Schweizer which devotes a chapter to the Biden Crime Family dating back to when that filthy sonofabitch first ran for the Senate. Enjoy.

The only witnesses we need to see, if any at all, are those that can attest to Biden's corruption. That is the one thing that is central to this entire impeachment scam.
The GOP Senators are PISSED at Trump and the White House because they knew what Bolton had written in his book, putting not only Trump but Barr and Pompeo out on a ledge... all while the White House didn't give his defense team nor the Senators a heads up it was out there. So now all the GOP Senators that planned to rush things through and get it over with and not remove Trump, now can't do that without allowing more information or witnesses. If they don't they will be forced to answer to the voters back home in their state why they didn't do their job and why they should be re-elected if they are nothing but partisan sycophants.

Sounds like you are claiming you have read a manuscript that is still being vetting by the DOJ.

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