Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Nothing tops the irony or the brass balls of Ken Starr, standing up on the dias, and decrying the divisive horror of a baseless impeachment, and its wasteful destructiveness to the nation.

Republicans truly have no shame.

Can you believe the balls of sending up Ken Starr to argue about baseless impeachment’s?

How can SNL even parody something like that?? I feel like I'm watching a sham trial in a Banana Republic.

Republicans have truly lost all sense of shame.
The President's Dream Team is wiping the floor with Bug-eyed Schiff and Fat Jerry.

They didn't bring up KKK Byrd. Rush Limbaugh wouldn't have made a mistake like that. Running the rightwingnuts greatest hits and not mention Byrd? Amateurs. This Dream Team is a nightmare for GOP Senators.

Trump shouldn't have stiffed so many law firms in the past. If he weren't famous for not paying his bills, maybe he could have gotten someone decent.
Ok which one of you guys wrote this idiot's talking points? While in an impeachment hearing for Trump, he's stated very few facts, said Schiff is a lying criminal, and is blaming everything on Obama. He's not said ANY facts to defend Trump.

This is a fucking joke. The Republican Senators should feel outraged this got in front of them.

It's disappointing. It's also odd that he keeps asking where the house manager's were after citing things about Obama. The democrats weren't in power. That would have been up to Boehner. I doubt very much that the republicans would have let an impeachment of Obama go by if they thought what he was doing was impeachable. I guess they are hoping people will not do much independent research.

Now he is bringing up Fast & the Furious... WTF does that have to do with Trump?
Perhaps the fact Barry Hussein invoked Executive Privilege when he got Congressional subpoenas.

Are you just acting this dumb, or is it for real?

Now that's not nice. So the previous president refused all subpoenas? He invoked executive privilege on all congressional investigations and inquiries? Are you sure about that.......
Where did I make that claim? Quote my post where I said previous Presidents refused all subpoenas?

You aren't very good at this.
Ok which one of you guys wrote this idiot's talking points? While in an impeachment hearing for Trump, he's stated very few facts, said Schiff is a lying criminal, and is blaming everything on Obama. He's not said ANY facts to defend Trump.

This is a fucking joke. The Republican Senators should feel outraged this got in front of them.

It's disappointing. It's also odd that he keeps asking where the house manager's were after citing things about Obama. The democrats weren't in power. That would have been up to Boehner. I doubt very much that the republicans would have let an impeachment of Obama go by if they thought what he was doing was impeachable. I guess they are hoping people will not do much independent research.

Now he is bringing up Fast & the Furious... WTF does that have to do with Trump?
Perhaps the fact Barry Hussein invoked Executive Privilege when he got Congressional subpoenas.

Are you just acting this dumb, or is it for real?

Now that's not nice. So the previous president refused all subpoenas? He invoked executive privilege on all congressional investigations and inquiries? Are you sure about that.......
Where did I make that claim? Quote my post where I said previous Presidents refused all subpoenas?

You aren't very good at this.

It's your avatar's eyes. They're freaking me out.

I may have embellished my response a bit but that's how your comment hit me. As a dramatic embellishment. No other president that I am aware has taken the extraordinary acts to keep information from the American people then this President and this Administration. Selectively invoking executive privilege is not abuse. Refusing all subpoenas...........I'd say, yep, it stinks.
This guy is boring the shit out of me, the other attorneys today at least had new stuff.

This guy is doing his job, I get it, but it’s not juicy like the Biden stuff.

I can’t believe we are spending months and millions of dollars over a 5 minute or so phone call.

Obama should have been impeached for his hot mic moment. He colluded with Putin to give him room so he could get re-elected.

That’s colluding with a foreign power to impact and election.
It's disappointing. It's also odd that he keeps asking where the house manager's were after citing things about Obama. The democrats weren't in power. That would have been up to Boehner. I doubt very much that the republicans would have let an impeachment of Obama go by if they thought what he was doing was impeachable. I guess they are hoping people will not do much independent research.

Now he is bringing up Fast & the Furious... WTF does that have to do with Trump?
Perhaps the fact Barry Hussein invoked Executive Privilege when he got Congressional subpoenas.

Are you just acting this dumb, or is it for real?

Now that's not nice. So the previous president refused all subpoenas? He invoked executive privilege on all congressional investigations and inquiries? Are you sure about that.......
Where did I make that claim? Quote my post where I said previous Presidents refused all subpoenas?

You aren't very good at this.

It's your avatar's eyes. They're freaking me out.

I may have embellished my response a bit but that's how your comment hit me. As a dramatic embellishment. No other president that I am aware has taken the extraordinary acts to keep information from the American people then this President and this Administration. Selectively invoking executive privilege is not abuse. Refusing all subpoenas...........I'd say, yep, it stinks.
The subpoenas from the House were invalid, as the Trump lawyers have explained. That's why the House Clowns withdrew them and refused to challenge them in court, as is normal protocol when a subpoena is challenged.

In short, YOUR House Clowns threw in the towel because they knew their subpoenas were invalid.
IMHO, the revelations from Bolton's manuscript does bolster the case that he did want an investigation into Burisma and the Bidens by the Ukraine gov't, and did want to withhold the military aid from them until they complied. But did he do so purely for his own political benefit, or did he really believe that situation should be looked into considering that Joe Biden was running for president? We do have an agreement with Ukraine with regard to fighting corruption, and Trump is within his authority as president to do so even if the subject is a political foe. In fact, Biden should be thoroughly investigated and either cleared of indicted if the evidence supports that. So far as I know at this point, Trump did not ask for dirt or evidence, but merely an investigation; personally I have no problem with that because that is within his purview as president, and in fact that is what he should do, no matter who the investigated person is.

The other thing is, the House did their inquiry and based on the existing information at the time they did impeach Trump. That being the case, the trial in the Senate should focus on that information. New evidence such as Bolton's testimony or anything else shouldn't be included in this trial, otherwise the democrats could bring new information forward at their convenience to extend the trial for quite some time, possibly months. Instead, the Senate should consider only the same information that the house used in their Impeachment Articles. If warranted, the House can impeach Trump a 2nd time if new information comes to light. But we do not need a political circus going on or an extended period of time; I believe this trial should end by the end of this week with no witnesses.
Now he is bringing up Fast & the Furious... WTF does that have to do with Trump?
Perhaps the fact Barry Hussein invoked Executive Privilege when he got Congressional subpoenas.

Are you just acting this dumb, or is it for real?

Now that's not nice. So the previous president refused all subpoenas? He invoked executive privilege on all congressional investigations and inquiries? Are you sure about that.......
Where did I make that claim? Quote my post where I said previous Presidents refused all subpoenas?

You aren't very good at this.

It's your avatar's eyes. They're freaking me out.

I may have embellished my response a bit but that's how your comment hit me. As a dramatic embellishment. No other president that I am aware has taken the extraordinary acts to keep information from the American people then this President and this Administration. Selectively invoking executive privilege is not abuse. Refusing all subpoenas...........I'd say, yep, it stinks.
The subpoenas from the House were invalid, as the Trump lawyers have explained. That's why the House Clowns withdrew them and refused to challenge them in court, as is normal protocol when a subpoena is challenged.

In short, YOUR House Clowns threw in the towel because they knew their subpoenas were invalid.

Whoa there C Nostra - no where have I said I was a democrat. I'm an American and most of my views back in simpler times (3 years ago) would have been considered moderate republican but my peeps have been hijacked and taken prisoner. I'm a drifter now.....with no where to call home.

My understanding as to why the subpoena was withdrawn was due to the timeline in which the court would make a decision. I also think the house wanted to avoid an unfavorable decision.
Ok which one of you guys wrote this idiot's talking points? While in an impeachment hearing for Trump, he's stated very few facts, said Schiff is a lying criminal, and is blaming everything on Obama. He's not said ANY facts to defend Trump.

This is a fucking joke. The Republican Senators should feel outraged this got in front of them.

It's disappointing. It's also odd that he keeps asking where the house manager's were after citing things about Obama. The democrats weren't in power. That would have been up to Boehner. I doubt very much that the republicans would have let an impeachment of Obama go by if they thought what he was doing was impeachable. I guess they are hoping people will not do much independent research.

I'm pretty sure that Obama invoked executive privilege quite often when his administration was subpoenaed, if not every time. But the House didn't cry 'Obstruction of Congress' for that and impeach him, because they knew it wasn't an impeachable offense. It isn't an impeachable offense for Trump either, especially considering the House itself never voted to have an Inquiry, which was the case for every other presidential impeachment in the House. That issue should have been challenged by the Dems in court and resolved one way or the other, which is the Right Way things are supposed to be done. Had Trump still dened access to witnesses and documents, THEN the Dems would have had a case for obstruction. As it is now, they don't.

It is possible the Dems feared an unfavorable decision regarding the subpoenas, maybe because there is no crime for Trump to try to hide. They should have taken the time like every other impeachment process did, and done the job the right way.
Jeff Epstein’s lawyer and frequent Lolita Express traveler is speaking.
Ok which one of you guys wrote this idiot's talking points? While in an impeachment hearing for Trump, he's stated very few facts, said Schiff is a lying criminal, and is blaming everything on Obama. He's not said ANY facts to defend Trump.

This is a fucking joke. The Republican Senators should feel outraged this got in front of them.

It's disappointing. It's also odd that he keeps asking where the house manager's were after citing things about Obama. The democrats weren't in power. That would have been up to Boehner. I doubt very much that the republicans would have let an impeachment of Obama go by if they thought what he was doing was impeachable. I guess they are hoping people will not do much independent research.

I'm pretty sure that Obama invoked executive privilege quite often when his administration was subpoenaed, if not every time. But the House didn't cry 'Obstruction of Congress' for that and impeach him, because they knew it wasn't an impeachable offense. It isn't an impeachable offense for Trump either, especially considering the House itself never voted to have an Inquiry, which was the case for every other presidential impeachment in the House. That issue should have been challenged by the Dems in court and resolved one way or the other, which is the Right Way things are supposed to be done. Had Trump still dened access to witnesses and documents, THEN the Dems would have had a case for obstruction. As it is now, they don't.

It is possible the Dems feared an unfavorable decision regarding the subpoenas, maybe because there is no crime for Trump to try to hide. They should have taken the time like every other impeachment process did, and done the job the right way.

No, I disagree. Obama invoked executive privilege once that I'm aware of for Fast and Furious and the courts rejected it. What other times did he invoke it? Maybe you are thinking of executive orders. I would agree that he abused the use of the executive order.
Ok which one of you guys wrote this idiot's talking points? While in an impeachment hearing for Trump, he's stated very few facts, said Schiff is a lying criminal, and is blaming everything on Obama. He's not said ANY facts to defend Trump.

This is a fucking joke. The Republican Senators should feel outraged this got in front of them.

It's disappointing. It's also odd that he keeps asking where the house manager's were after citing things about Obama. The democrats weren't in power. That would have been up to Boehner. I doubt very much that the republicans would have let an impeachment of Obama go by if they thought what he was doing was impeachable. I guess they are hoping people will not do much independent research.

I'm pretty sure that Obama invoked executive privilege quite often when his administration was subpoenaed, if not every time. But the House didn't cry 'Obstruction of Congress' for that and impeach him, because they knew it wasn't an impeachable offense. It isn't an impeachable offense for Trump either, especially considering the House itself never voted to have an Inquiry, which was the case for every other presidential impeachment in the House. That issue should have been challenged by the Dems in court and resolved one way or the other, which is the Right Way things are supposed to be done. Had Trump still dened access to witnesses and documents, THEN the Dems would have had a case for obstruction. As it is now, they don't.

It is possible the Dems feared an unfavorable decision regarding the subpoenas, maybe because there is no crime for Trump to try to hide. They should have taken the time like every other impeachment process did, and done the job the right way.

The President has lost every one of the cases that Congress has taken to court, but the Courts are just deciding the cases based on requests for documents/witnesses which were filed early last year, once the Democrats started getting stonewalled. And every case that Trump has lost, he has appealled, so they still haven't received any of the documents or witnesses requested.

This is Trump's standard legal tactics in dealing with the over 3000 business law suits. He obstructs, delays, appeals and drags out the proceedings for years, until the other side either runs out of money, or gives up.

Trump is a danger to the country the longer he stays in office, because he cheated on the last election, and he'll cheat on this one. He's already put out the word that he'll be very helpful to governments that help him, and punish those who don't.
Perhaps the fact Barry Hussein invoked Executive Privilege when he got Congressional subpoenas.

Are you just acting this dumb, or is it for real?

Now that's not nice. So the previous president refused all subpoenas? He invoked executive privilege on all congressional investigations and inquiries? Are you sure about that.......
Where did I make that claim? Quote my post where I said previous Presidents refused all subpoenas?

You aren't very good at this.

It's your avatar's eyes. They're freaking me out.

I may have embellished my response a bit but that's how your comment hit me. As a dramatic embellishment. No other president that I am aware has taken the extraordinary acts to keep information from the American people then this President and this Administration. Selectively invoking executive privilege is not abuse. Refusing all subpoenas...........I'd say, yep, it stinks.
The subpoenas from the House were invalid, as the Trump lawyers have explained. That's why the House Clowns withdrew them and refused to challenge them in court, as is normal protocol when a subpoena is challenged.

In short, YOUR House Clowns threw in the towel because they knew their subpoenas were invalid.

Whoa there C Nostra - no where have I said I was a democrat. I'm an American and most of my views back in simpler times (3 years ago) would have been considered moderate republican but my peeps have been hijacked and taken prisoner. I'm a drifter now.....with no where to call home.

My understanding as to why the subpoena was withdrawn was due to the timeline in which the court would make a decision. I also think the house wanted to avoid an unfavorable decision.

My understanding as to why the subpoena was withdrawn was due to the timeline in which the court would make a decision. I also think the house wanted to avoid an unfavorable decision.


Neither of those constitutes "obstruction of Congress" on the part of the White House. Being in a hurry, and being afraid you will lose isn't an excuse for ignoring protocol.

Now you know why the House Clowns showed up at their Senate trial without their homework. That isn't on Trump. That isn't on the Senate.

The House Clowns fucked up, and now they are trying to blame the Senate for their fuck up. It's as simple as that.
Now that's not nice. So the previous president refused all subpoenas? He invoked executive privilege on all congressional investigations and inquiries? Are you sure about that.......
Where did I make that claim? Quote my post where I said previous Presidents refused all subpoenas?

You aren't very good at this.

It's your avatar's eyes. They're freaking me out.

I may have embellished my response a bit but that's how your comment hit me. As a dramatic embellishment. No other president that I am aware has taken the extraordinary acts to keep information from the American people then this President and this Administration. Selectively invoking executive privilege is not abuse. Refusing all subpoenas...........I'd say, yep, it stinks.
The subpoenas from the House were invalid, as the Trump lawyers have explained. That's why the House Clowns withdrew them and refused to challenge them in court, as is normal protocol when a subpoena is challenged.

In short, YOUR House Clowns threw in the towel because they knew their subpoenas were invalid.

Whoa there C Nostra - no where have I said I was a democrat. I'm an American and most of my views back in simpler times (3 years ago) would have been considered moderate republican but my peeps have been hijacked and taken prisoner. I'm a drifter now.....with no where to call home.

My understanding as to why the subpoena was withdrawn was due to the timeline in which the court would make a decision. I also think the house wanted to avoid an unfavorable decision.

My understanding as to why the subpoena was withdrawn was due to the timeline in which the court would make a decision. I also think the house wanted to avoid an unfavorable decision.


Neither of those constitutes "obstruction of Congress" on the part of the White House. Being in a hurry, and being afraid you will lose isn't an excuse for ignoring protocol.

Now you know why the House Clowns showed up at their Senate trial without their homework. That isn't on Trump. That isn't on the Senate.

The House Clowns fucked up, and now they are trying to blame the Senate for their fuck up. It's as simple as that.

The Senate has a responsibility to hold a trial, not the House. Additionally, the silliness of having each side hold position arguments doesn't get us any closer to the truth. It's simply posturing. We already know how they are going to argue. What we need are witnesses and documents.

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