Senate Republicans block bill that establishes right to IVF across the US

I am beyond understanding the stupidity of these clowns. Because embryos are babies apparently.
So families are denied the chance of a family because of some cultists. say so.

The federal govt can not become involved. Try comprehending the constitution. Oh.....never mind.
Citizens have a right to privacy in the Constitution. The Feds nor the State governments have a roll to play in reproduction medicine, except perhaps regulating the clinics for the safety concerns of the Citizens.

We have a niece and 2 nephews thanks to IVF.

They absolutely have a role to play in reproductive medicine. I pointed out the IVF doctor who impregnated over 20 unsuspecting women with his own sperm. The offspring started dating each other not knowing they might have committed incest.

Holy molly, think about that.

IVF needs to be highly regulated
They absolutely have a role to play in reproductive medicine. I pointed out the IVF doctor who impregnated over 20 unsuspecting women with his own sperm. The offspring started dating each other not knowing they might have committed incest.

Holy molly, think about that.

IVF needs to be highly regulated
No, it does not. Professional standards and the law need to be enforced.
The federal government isn't good at regulating or deregulating or even dealing with this stuff. Hell, the federal government can't even regulate something as basic as border security. It's better to leave it up to the states.
IVF one more unforced error by the GOP.

I think the issue is what to do with the fertilized but not implanted embryos.
If the couple are having IVF those eggs aint getting fertilised any time soon. Both sides should find a solution and work together.
Please show the part of the Constitution that covers IVF. I'll give you a hint since you are an ignorant British lefty loon. The procedure can be found nowhere in the Constitution of the United States of America. The 10th Amendment applies to this issue it is for the States to decide. A little research on the topic would have stopped you from being a moron.

For the record I don't have an issue with IVF.
And yet you oppose IVF.
No one is denied the chance to use IVF.
Just go to a state where its legal.
Its an expensive procedure, so travel isn't an issue.
Its free over here. Everyone should be entirled to it. Ive got a nephew and a niece thru it. Denying it is just cruelty.
Where is that in the Constitution?

Laws can be passed that allow IVF nationwide without fear of prosecution

Because if its not in the constitution its not legal. It's an "all encompassing document" meaning, if the constitution says the gov't can do it, they can, otherwise they CANNOT. There is no assumption that unless the constitution bans it, its legal. Not the way it works.

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