Senate Republicans May Cancel August Recess and That’s Bad News for Democrats


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Sounds good but I don’t for a moment believe they’ll do it. Seems McConnell is meeting with Schumer, giving him the option of stopping the obstructionism or facing losing campaigning time.

Mealy-mouthed Mich has always discounted it in the past but he’s not so hot on stopping it this time. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.

More @ Senate Republicans May Cancel August Recess and That's Bad News for Democrats
The pubs will want the campaigning time, and they do not think much of Mitch's idea.
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It is not like Republicans have a legislative agenda

But better than having to go home and face irate constituents
Sounds good but I don’t for a moment believe they’ll do it. Seems McConnell is meeting with Schumer, giving him the option of stopping the obstructionism or facing losing campaigning time.

Mealy-mouthed Mich has always discounted it in the past but he’s not so hot on stopping it this time. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.

More @ Senate Republicans May Cancel August Recess and That's Bad News for Democrats

Yeah well, McTurtle threatens this kind of crap all the time -

But not to worry, he won't miss his vacation date with a lettuce patch.

The Republican Establishment is Playing Us

Of course it is. The last thing McConnell and his cronies want to see is President Trump carrying out what we voters elected him to do. They’ve had their own little Emerald City for decades and will do anything to keep it. And it isn’t just the DimocRATs who are slow walking everything. A number of Repugents are doing the same.

Regardless of the president’s words, a core of his supporters (myself included) realized the damage that had been done. The next spending bill was set for September. If there’s one thing that the GOPe members hate more than Trump and his deplorable voters from Fly-Over Country, it is the prospect of a government shutdown. McConnell is not certain that Trump’s promise never to support another windfall for Washington, D.C. again was simply for show or if he was serious. Though, given the public consternation displayed by most of Trump’s most ardent supporters, it is likely that Trump was being serious. He will not want to disappoint them again.

By keeping the Senate in session over the summer, McConnell is hoping to get the proverbial jump on Trump over the issue of government spending. Also, McConnell knows that the lack of confirmations for President Trump’s appointments is a terrible threat to Republican chances going into the midterm election.

So they desperately stay in D.C. while finding every way they can to keep their seats. And, what about the House? Will they hang around or will Ryan send them home?

Story @ The Republican Establishment is Playing Us - American Greatness

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