Senate vote to defund Planned Parenthood fails

If people don't get feed up and take action after the latest revelations, they never will.

I am afraid that much of the American public are just too fat, dumb, and happy to give a shit.

What revelations would those be? That women donate tissues and organs from their abortions? That PP recoups the costs of those donations?
PP makes big profits off selling aborted baby parts, which they then use to buy D pols. I suppose you see nothing wrong with that, so you and I can't ever find common ground.

It has never been establish that any profit was made
Yeah they do things out of the kindness of their hearts. How can one be so blind?

We are talking about one specific area, that of tissue and organ donation. Try and stick with that.

And Organ

This is nonsense; This is simplistic twaddle, like saying if you hate slavery don't own one.

It's a false derivative analogy. Slavery is illegal, abortion is not.

Those who wish to use Big Government to intrude on a person's right to choose are right wing Progressives who are statists on such issues. Quit pretending, social Christian statists, that you are conservatives.
At one time slavery was legal however, just as abortion is now. Just because something is legal doesn't make it moral or just.
And the people that advocated for slavery used the very same rationales and arguments that abortionists do now and it all comes down to the same morally hollow claim: slaves (and the unborn) aren't human beings and therefore not entitled to protection under the law.

It was a lie then and it's a lie now. The human being that passes through the birth canal and out of the womb is exactly the same person that, only a moment before, was considered less than human by abortionists (and perfectly okay to kill). That's twisted and sick.

What ethical zeros abortionists are.

your 'argument' is dishonest tripe that completely ignores the constitutional rationale...

pro-choice citizens, who are capable of setting emotion aside and recognizing such, are NOT 'abortionists', liar.

it is UNETHICAL AND UNconstitutional to support government jurisdiction in the womb.
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This is nonsense; This is simplistic twaddle, like saying if you hate slavery don't own one.

It's a false derivative analogy. Slavery is illegal, abortion is not.

Those who wish to use Big Government to intrude on a person's right to choose are right wing Progressives who are statists on such issues. Quit pretending, social Christian statists, that you are conservatives.
At one time slavery was legal however, just as abortion is now. Just because something is legal doesn't make it moral or just.
And the people that advocated for slavery used the very same rationales and arguments that abortionists do now and it all comes down to the same morally hollow claim: slaves (and the unborn) aren't human beings and therefore not entitled to protection under the law.

It was a lie then and it's a lie now. The human being that passes through the birth canal and out of the womb is exactly the same person that, only a moment before, was considered less than human by abortionists (and perfectly okay to kill). That's twisted and sick.
Please give us the evidence that slaves were not recognized as human beings under American law. Don't take too long to look it up, because you will find the answer quickly.
Saving lives makes one a "bleeding heart dunce"? What does that make you? A remorseless Nazi killing machine?
If women didn't get their vaginas "probed" indiscriminately they wouldn't need to terminate the lives they are responsible for but that's why they want the right to murder, I suppose.

the word dunce was introduced to this 'discussion' by the person i was responding to.

and i'm sure you imagine yourself 'saving lives' but the truth is that Planned Parenthood saves lives. ;)
I hate no one. I do hate abortion...but you being a simpleton, can't decipher the difference.

if you hate abortion, then don't have one... and make sure all of the women in your life are surrounded by the necessary support to properly nurture a child, so more woman have optimal reproductive choices to make.

Only in the mind of dunce is wanting the holocaust known as abortion ended, considered hard hearted.

only the mind of a dunce wouldn't comprehend the oppressive legal ramifications of that fairy tale...
Once again protecting the act of murder thinking it is fair and just, but those demanding the end of murder are oppressive.

That is Nazi thinking...taught throughout America. CRAZY!!!

nope, you're the bleeding heart dunce who needs big daddy government to probe vaginas.


Murdering babies is cool...wanting to stop the murder, is probing vaginas...only in American full of brainwashed dunces.
Ignorant nonsense.

Abortion is not "murder."

An embryo/fetus is not a "baby."
What ethical zeros abortionists are.

your 'argument' is dishonest tripe that completely ignores the constitutional rationale...

pro-choice citizens, who are capable of setting emotion aside and recognize such, are NOT 'abortionists', liar.

it is UNETHICAL AND UNconstitutional to support government jurisdiction in the womb.
Yeah...blah, blah, blah. Killing is good. Saving life is bad.
Slave owners were capable of setting emotion aside to achieve their means too.

By the way, debate master...we already have government jurisdiction in the womb and abortions are only legal under certain strict conditions. In time abortions will become a relic of our time the same way gladiator contests, slavery and child labor was the norm for society in the long buried past.

Splitting up dead children and selling off their organs and tissue will only accelerate the process. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
Another twaddle statement: "abortions will become a relic of our time the same way gladiator contests, slavery and child labor was the norm for society in the long buried past." Once again a false derivative analogy, and, also, 80% of American believe in some form of regulated abortion.
Yeah...blah, blah, blah. Killing is good. Saving life is bad.
Slave owners were capable of setting emotion aside to achieve their means too.

By the way, debate master...we already have government jurisdiction in the womb and abortions are only legal under certain strict conditions. In time abortions will become a relic of our time the same way gladiator contests, slavery and child labor was the norm for society in the long buried past.

Splitting up dead children and selling off their organs and tissue will only accelerate the process. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?

your slavery strawman only distracts emotional dunces who don't know how to think...

constitutional precedent of reproductive privacy in the first trimester has been set in stone and reaffirmed over and over again.

abortion will never be illegal, so GOP dunces should step aside and stop holding the GOP hostage to your emotions.
Abortion is not "murder."
It is state sanctioned murder, no different morally than the slave master's right to kill his slave if it so pleased him.
That was "pro choice" in the mid 19th century.

An embryo/fetus is not a "baby."
The child that emerges from the mother's vagina is no different than or distinguishable from the child that
was fully enclosed in it only a few seconds earlier. The difference is purely technical so the killing of children can be considered legal. It's sick Nazi morality.
Another twaddle statement: "abortions will become a relic of our time the same way gladiator contests, slavery and child labor was the norm for society in the long buried past." Once again a false derivative analogy,
So you claim but of course, you cannot demonstrate why. That's the mark of a failed childish argument.
Claim your prize.

and, also, 80% of American believe in some form of regulated abortion
Why Are Fewer Women Getting Abortions in the U.S. - The Atlantic
And for the last 25 years it's become less and less popular. Society is slowly moving away from such barbarity and selling off baby organs for profit cannot help but move the trend along. Sorry.
In a 7-2 decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun (who was chosen because of his prior experience as counsel to the Mayo Clinic), the Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws...

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade 1973 PBS
Truly a Dred Scott-like decision from the Supreme Court for our times, right? Good thing the court is infallible and never ever gets things wrong.
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Eric, your failed analogies don't work. We have shown you why they don't work, but you refuse to accept your reasoning is not logical, and then try to spin it to your morals.

80% of Americans believe in some form of regulated abortion, thus it is not going away in our lifetimes.
Part of the problem is that Americans from left to right won't support prenatal to postnatal health care of mother and baby now, much less into the future.
Eric, your failed analogies don't work. We have shown you why they don't work, but you refuse to accept your reasoning is not logical, and then try to spin it to your morals.
Let's see...why did you say slavery was not analogous to abortion. Oh, right! Because abortion is legal but slavery is not. But slavery was legal at one time...right (just like unfettered abortion)?

So at one time people accepted that slaves were not quit fully human (just like the unborn) and therefore not deserving of protections (just like the unborn). And why did people eventually come to see Negroes as fully realized human beings?
Because they obviously were! With the Emancipation Proclamation and winning of the Civil War people could no longer deny the truth.
Segments of our society realized a gross moral injustice that no longer could be denied.

And why are people now realizing that a baby in the womb is just as human as the twin that may have exited the birth canal a few seconds before
hand? Because he obviously is!
It would be no more just to kill the latter twin than it would be to let a slave holder kill a slave that displeased him. Whether you see that or not, or will admit to seeing it, is immaterial. It's all true.

80% of Americans believe in some form of regulated abortion, thus it is not going away in our lifetimes.
It will go the way of other great moral injustices at some point.
Eric, your failed analogies don't work. We have shown you why they don't work, but you refuse to accept your reasoning is not logical, and then try to spin it to your morals.
Let's see...why did you say slavery was not analogous to abortion. Oh, right! Because abortion is legal but slavery is not. But slavery was legal at one time...right (just like unfettered abortion)?

So at one time people accepted that slaves were not quit fully human (just like the unborn) and therefore not deserving of protections (just like the unborn). And why did people eventually come to see Negroes as fully realized human beings?
Because they obviously were! With the Emancipation Proclamation and winning of the Civil War people could no longer deny the truth.
Segments of our society realized a gross moral injustice that no longer could be denied.

And why are people now realizing that a baby in the womb is just as human as the twin that may have exited the birth canal a few seconds before
hand? Because he obviously is!
It would be no more just to kill the latter twin than it would be to let a slave holder kill a slave that displeased him. Whether you see that or not, or will admit to seeing it, is immaterial. It's all true.

80% of Americans believe in some form of regulated abortion, thus it is not going away in our lifetimes.
It will go the way of other great moral injustices at some point.
I know you believe that. Abortion has been with mankind as long as pregnancy.
Mitch McConnell is a traitor to Conservatives, as it was his action that helped prevent the de-funding of the butchering of babies, being cut into pieces, and then sold for profit (cash, lamborginis,...), while getting over $500 BILLION in tax dollars per year to do it. McConnell can't be held completely to blame, as many Democrats protected this barbaric organization founded by the early works of Maragret Sanger and the 'Negro Project'. For anyone who actually believes PP was created to give women access to health care (which is the ACA's job), researh Sanger and the Negro Project. The basis behind PP had everything to do with black poulation control and nothing to do with 'health care'. And if 'black lives matter' blacks today would not be allowing Liberals to continue to maniulate them and walk them into 'near genocide' through a program that targets blacks.

Keep telling yourself that

Did you bother to look up 'Margaret Sanger' and the 'Negro Project'? You actually have to do some work to learn and become more educated, refusing to accept others' opinions as facts. I don't ask you to believe my opinion...I ask you to do some research.
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Eric, your failed analogies don't work. We have shown you why they don't work, but you refuse to accept your reasoning is not logical, and then try to spin it to your morals.
Let's see...why did you say slavery was not analogous to abortion. Oh, right! Because abortion is legal but slavery is not. But slavery was legal at one time...right (just like unfettered abortion)?

So at one time people accepted that slaves were not quit fully human (just like the unborn) and therefore not deserving of protections (just like the unborn). And why did people eventually come to see Negroes as fully realized human beings?
Because they obviously were! With the Emancipation Proclamation and winning of the Civil War people could no longer deny the truth.
Segments of our society realized a gross moral injustice that no longer could be denied.

And why are people now realizing that a baby in the womb is just as human as the twin that may have exited the birth canal a few seconds before
hand? Because he obviously is!
It would be no more just to kill the latter twin than it would be to let a slave holder kill a slave that displeased him. Whether you see that or not, or will admit to seeing it, is immaterial. It's all true.

80% of Americans believe in some form of regulated abortion, thus it is not going away in our lifetimes.
It will go the way of other great moral injustices at some point.
I know you believe that. Abortion has been with mankind as long as pregnancy.
About as long as slavery, I expect.

PP has revealed itself to be a lying thieving murderous organization long ago.

Lets recap:
- they lie about the damaging health affects of abortion.
- they lie about the damaging psychological affects of abortion.
- they lie about what abortion is...murder.
- they lie about the non-abortion services they perform.
- they lie about the profits they make.
- they lie about the goal of limit black american population...EUGENICS!!!
- they lie about fetal development.
- lies, lies, and more lies...but some Americans are so jaded and brainwashed they willfully believe the lies.
Just because you scream it is not proof to back up your argument....

And just because you flee moral responsibility does not mean you have none.
This isn't about me, it's about you and your delivery style...

1. I did not write what you responded to.

2. I neither deliver nor abort delivery.
Do you need a hearing aid to hear what I am saying?

No, you are too far away to hear you anyway.


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