Senate Votes to Side With the Middle Class, Gauntlet Thrown Down to House Repubs.

The op is factually incorrect. Dems could never throw down the gauntlet. Gauntlets are for men. Perhaps the dems threw own their parasols, or thir handbags, douchebags, or their Malibu Barbies. But definitely no a gauntlet.
Idiot Dems are dead when the people awake now see how Mitt gives business capital gains tax breaks, lower income tax, and other positives to generate growth the Dems are done then you'd think. They know this I think look at Obama, he's trying like hell to hurt us he may do anything.
America will get to see them literally choose to punish EVERYONE to protect the 1%.

Not true. The Bush tax cuts were only for the rich. The Democrats have been saying so for the last ten years.
Middle-Class Tax Cuts Preserved For A Year In Bill Passed By Senate

So the Senate killed the GOP plan, passed the Democrats' (which will extend cuts to over 90% of Americans ...probably more like 95-99%) plan. And now the House Republicans will be forced to show their cards. America will get to see them literally choose to punish EVERYONE to protect the 1%.

Good jerb, Grrvrrr Nrrqrrrst.

well tell me something asshole. why don't 100% of us deserve protection? Aren't we all the same under the law? fuck you and your fucking class warfare.

Oh sure, Republicans can keep the best interests of the 1% as their primary concern, that's fine. But we on the Left are just trying to get them (and their clueless electorate) to own it, that's all. Just own the fact that you've sold out EVERYONE else for people who have more money than God and could literally pay off our national debt and keep the government running completely tax free for six months. But sure, they need four more cents per dollar. Okay!

does this mean you don't think we're all equal under the law?
When the top 1% start giving a shit about the other 99% I'll give a shit about them.
LIBOR is a perfect example of the benevolent thoughts of the 1%
well tell me something asshole. why don't 100% of us deserve protection? Aren't we all the same under the law? fuck you and your fucking class warfare.

Oh sure, Republicans can keep the best interests of the 1% as their primary concern, that's fine. But we on the Left are just trying to get them (and their clueless electorate) to own it, that's all. Just own the fact that you've sold out EVERYONE else for people who have more money than God and could literally pay off our national debt and keep the government running completely tax free for six months. But sure, they need four more cents per dollar. Okay!

does this mean you don't think we're all equal under the law?

Sure. If you're a complete fucking idiot and don't understand big kid words.
Outstanding work by the democrats fighting for the middle class :up:

Bad when Bush signed them into being,good now that an political trap trying to be set.

Integrity is lost too so many.

What fucking trap? The Senate voted to extend the cuts to those who need them most and end them for those who need them less. Jesus Christ. You Tea Baggers and your conspiracy theories...

LOL you don't know much about politics and strategies do you. Can't even figure out where I stand.
Bad when Bush signed them into being,good now that an political trap trying to be set.

Integrity is lost too so many.

What fucking trap? The Senate voted to extend the cuts to those who need them most and end them for those who need them less. Jesus Christ. You Tea Baggers and your conspiracy theories...

LOL you don't know much about politics and strategies do you. Can't even figure out where I stand.

No, I don't think you understand much about life works. I don't give a fuck where you stand, old man. Yes, you are right that the Senate has passed something that will force the House Republicans hand, but all they have to do is agree with the Senate that the Middle and Lower income families in this country need more help right now than the rich do, and this won't be an issue anymore.
I'm still waiting for our resident Lefties to explain WHY they believe raising taxes on anyone is a good thing. I've yet to hear a coherent response.

Raising tax rates will lead to increase revenue which will help lower the deficit.

You're welcome.

$106,000,000.00 is going to make a huge difference in that $1,000,000,000,000.00 deficit we have been running for the last 5 years.

You are stupid.
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Bad when Bush signed them into being,good now that an political trap trying to be set.

Integrity is lost too so many.

What fucking trap? The Senate voted to extend the cuts to those who need them most and end them for those who need them less. Jesus Christ. You Tea Baggers and your conspiracy theories...

LOL you don't know much about politics and strategies do you. Can't even figure out where I stand.
Conservaderrrrps is.....challenged. In most every way. Developmentally, emotionally, intellectually. His testicles have yet to descend, and that is what causes that high pitched shrill squawk with every word he posts.

Shit, that dumbphuck is convinced that the ACA will actually be a money makin entitlement, and the proof of that is in the first A.
I'm still waiting for our resident Lefties to explain WHY they believe raising taxes on anyone is a good thing. I've yet to hear a coherent response.

Raising tax rates will lead to increase revenue which will help lower the deficit.

You're welcome.

no it won't

Yes, it will.

Bush cut taxes three times over three years and in all three years revenue dropped. This proved we are on the left side of the Laffer Curve, and therefore any increase in tax rates will result in increased revenue.
Middle-Class Tax Cuts Preserved For A Year In Bill Passed By Senate

So the Senate killed the GOP plan, passed the Democrats' (which will extend cuts to over 90% of Americans ...probably more like 95-99%) plan. And now the House Republicans will be forced to show their cards. America will get to see them literally choose to punish EVERYONE to protect the 1%.

Good jerb, Grrvrrr Nrrqrrrst.

But, but... the Bush tax cuts are only for the wealthiest among us... WTF?
I'm still waiting for our resident Lefties to explain WHY they believe raising taxes on anyone is a good thing. I've yet to hear a coherent response.

Raising tax rates will lead to increase revenue which will help lower the deficit.

You're welcome.

First, you have absolutely no evidence that raising tax rates will result in more revenue to the government. In fact, many would argue LESS revenue would be realized, include Dr Laffer, who spelled out this theory in the famous Laffer Curve. You may disagree with Laffer but one thing is for sure, there is no way you can proclaim more revenue would occur following tax rate increases. No way. This is especially true when you talk of raising tax rates on the richest Americans, who posses the ability to either defer their income or use tax loopholes to avoid the higher rates.

Secondly, what makes you think the deficit would be lowered? Given government's track record, it is far more likely that if more revenue was realized, it would only be spent, not used to lower the deficit. Certainly, there is no guarantee it would.

You're welcome too I suppose.

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