Senate Votes to Side With the Middle Class, Gauntlet Thrown Down to House Repubs.

All the Republicans voted against the middle class.
This doesn't go over well in an election year.

lol, you people have been wailing about the Bush tax cuts for so many years you don't think the "middle class" don't see the game...

man you people are desperate

also, look at all the NEW taxes you all will get with ObamaCare...and don't forget folks, Obama signed one the largest cigarette tax increases of any President...
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[ame=]Milton Friedman: Why soaking the rich won't work. - YouTube[/ame]
Oh for christsake, your graph shows revenues increasing dramatically after 2003. Making up your own reality doesn't help you case.
I'm going to use big letters here so we can get on the same page.

I'm talking about 2001 to 2003.

Those were the years Bush cut tax rates and those were the years revenue went down. Again, evidence.


Now, this is very simple. Either you agree revenue went down those three years, or you don't agree.

Do you agree it went down?
Oh for christsake, your graph shows revenues increasing dramatically after 2003. Making up your own reality doesn't help you case.
I'm going to use big letters here so we can get on the same page.

I'm talking about 2001 to 2003.

Those were the years Bush cut tax rates and those were the years revenue went down. Again, evidence.


Now, this is very simple. Either you agree revenue went down those three years, or you don't agree.

Do you agree it went down?

9/11 2001...Stupid:eusa_eh:
Oh for christsake, your graph shows revenues increasing dramatically after 2003. Making up your own reality doesn't help you case.
I'm going to use big letters here so we can get on the same page.

I'm talking about 2001 to 2003.

Those were the years Bush cut tax rates and those were the years revenue went down. Again, evidence.


Now, this is very simple. Either you agree revenue went down those three years, or you don't agree.

Do you agree it went down?

9/11 2001...Stupid:eusa_eh:

And there we go.


I'd ask you to explain how, but I know you won't.
I'm going to use big letters here so we can get on the same page.

I'm talking about 2001 to 2003.

Those were the years Bush cut tax rates and those were the years revenue went down. Again, evidence.


Now, this is very simple. Either you agree revenue went down those three years, or you don't agree.

Do you agree it went down?

9/11 2001...Stupid:eusa_eh:

And there we go.


I'd ask you to explain how, but I know you won't.

Bush's tax cuts lessened the economic effects of the attack of course the ecomomy will slow a bit from such an attack on our homeland

The stock market closed for four trading days after the attacks, the first time since the Great Depression. (In March 1933, President Roosevelt closed the markets for two days, as part of a bank holiday to prevent a run on the banks.) The stock market reopened on September 17, 2001. The Dow promptly fell 7.13%, closing at 8,920.70. The 617.78 point loss was the Dow's worst one-day drop ever.

The 9/11 attacks aggravated the 2001 recession, which started in March 2001. The economy had contracted 1.3% in the first quarter, but had bounced up 2.7% in the second quarter. The attacks made the economy contract 1.1% in the third quarter, extending the recession. The 2001 recession was caused by the Y2K scare, which created a boom and subsequent bust in internet businesses.

Although the recession was officially over by November 2001, threats of war drove the Dow down for another year, until October 9, 2002, when it closed at 7,286.27, a 37.8% decline from its peak. No one knew for sure if the bull market had begun until the Dow hit a higher low on March 11, 2003, closing at 7,524.06. Unemployment continued to climb until June 2003, when it reached 6% -- the peak for that recession.

9/11 Attacks Economic Impact
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Why would the House of Representatives even care? They can ignore this bill with impunity.

The Senate cannot write tax law, nor write law dealing with taxation or spending.

They can ONLY vote on tax and spending bills passed to them FROM the House.
Oh for christsake, your graph shows revenues increasing dramatically after 2003. Making up your own reality doesn't help you case.
I'm going to use big letters here so we can get on the same page.

I'm talking about 2001 to 2003.

Those were the years Bush cut tax rates and those were the years revenue went down. Again, evidence.


Now, this is very simple. Either you agree revenue went down those three years, or you don't agree.

Do you agree it went down?

It did go down until such time as the full extent of the tax cuts kicked in...then it went up, way up. Why are limiting your "analysis" to 2001 through 2003, especially when the most significant of the cuts occurred in 2003?

Look, I am man enough to admit that while I (and Dr Laffer) suspect tax revenues would go down following a tax rate increase on the richest Americans (especially given their fiscal flexibility), I cannot state with 100% certainty which direction it would go. That you proclaim to be 100% sure revenues will increase only goes to show what a fool you are. You're guessing, nothing more.
Why would the House of Representatives even care? They can ignore this bill with impunity.

The Senate cannot write tax law, nor write law dealing with taxation or spending.

They can ONLY vote on tax and spending bills passed to them FROM the House.

the Democrats believe they have hit big with another new game they are playing on the American people..

and our fellow citizens who vote Democrat are cheering them for it...this is how sad things are
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Well that's typical. When you can't argue with logic and reason, attack the source.

What source? You HAD no fucking source. That was his point. You can't play the fucking martyr when you're just being called out for what the reality of the situation is. The fact that you'd still not answer the direct challenge to provide a source just proves his point MORE. suck at this. Really badly.
$250,000 houshold income is rich? Only is Obama's world

Fuck you. In just about everyone's world.

Not everyone lives in Manhattan, L.A., San Fran or The Hamptoms, dummy.

Friken hater... People like you are pathetic. $250,000? how about if they have 5 kids? How about if they have a small buisness? You're a joke, get lost loser
obama is special, he will let all those who don't make above 250,000 not have TAXES RAISED on them

come on people...he's being generous

now go out and vote for the KING again
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Increasing government revenue will do nothing if the government just spends it...the notion that raising taxes will reduce the debt only holds true if all new taxes go towards paying off the debt. The probability of that happening is virtually zero.
Middle-Class Tax Cuts Preserved For A Year In Bill Passed By Senate

So the Senate killed the GOP plan, passed the Democrats' (which will extend cuts to over 90% of Americans ...probably more like 95-99%) plan. And now the House Republicans will be forced to show their cards. America will get to see them literally choose to punish EVERYONE to protect the 1%.

Good jerb, Grrvrrr Nrrqrrrst.

This was inevitable. It will be interesting to see how the GOP handles it. If they're smart, they won't hand the Democrats more ammunition. The GOP has a major shot at getting the Senate back; they shouldn't fool around with that.
I could easily raise a family of four on 250k.

good then, your taxes should be raised so you have less to give to that family or that small business you wanted to start
vote for obama
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