Senate's latest attempt at a gun control deal falls apart

We do not need Gun control, we need more mental health options, and facilities. We have a lot of mentally ill people who use guns to harm others. That is at the root of these shootings. We are focusing on the wrong issue. The problem is not Guns, but mentally ill people with guns.
There are firearm regulatory measures which are perfectly appropriate and warranted – such as UBCs.
We do not need Gun control, we need more mental health options, and facilities. We have a lot of mentally ill people who use guns to harm others. That is at the root of these shootings. We are focusing on the wrong issue. The problem is not Guns, but mentally ill people with guns.
There are firearm regulatory measures which are perfectly appropriate and warranted – such as UBCs.
Nope. Go fuck yourself. Repeal it all.
How come THOUSANDS of existing Gun control laws are not enough for you?
If there were thousands of gun control laws, there would hardly be any shootings.
Jack, there is nothing funnier than a clueless putz like you trying to act smart about something you obviously know nothing about! There are so many gun laws that it is hard for anyone to accurately count them all! Part of the problem is that already, many of them are simply not enforced, and the other problem is that most shootings occur by people who don't care a thing about the law!
what did you expect from the do-nothing Congress?

You mean the do nothing Republicans who are useless and the do nothing moderate Democrats who are too spineless to take a stand. :)

How come THOUSANDS of existing Gun control laws are not enough for you?

If there were thousands of gun control laws, there would hardly be any shootings. Because almost no one would be able to own a gun. :)
Yet, mass shootings still happen frequently. Why? Well, when you have a gun proliferation problem with almost no checks, no national registration
database, and a free flow of guns from gun friendly states into urban areas (which are supposed to be gun free zones), you get chaos.
This has been documented multiple times. All you have to do is search. :)
More die from abortions, which Democrats approve of. If the issue of guns is to save lives, more would be saved by banning abortions.
what did you expect from the do-nothing Congress?

It's about the same old chestnut of background checks. They have NOT tried to restrict the purchases as you are suggesting.
In your crusade to ensure your right to weapons comes the addition of nut cases joining your ranks. Mass slaughters are now regarded as collateral damage to preserve the right to include nut cases in the your ranks. It hasn't even dawned in you guys yet that to eliminate idiots with guns would give you cause respectability and demonstrate your concern for the remainder of innocent people who die from guns.
But I don't expect any gun owners to think like that.
But wait, we already have background checks. Why another law? Because this isn't just about background checks. Is it? It's about gun bans and registration. You curiously left that part out.
Colin norris

Nothing is going to be perfect. A 100% ban on gun ownership wouldn't stop murders. Actually, a 100% ban would cause all violent crimes to increase. Look at Australia.

Gun control helps criminals and hurts law abiding citizens and that's the long and short of it.
Wild Bill Kelsoe
Who said anything on banning gun ownership?
He's talking about gun registry forcing people to declare what weapons they own and where they are.

In Australia, the last mass slaughter was in Tasmania. The guns were bought back by the government and destroyed. It hasn't stopped gun ownership nor did it try.

It stopped the ratbags which America is full of, getting access to guns at will.
Not one mass slaughter since. Plenty of bikies and drug dealers getting whacked but who cares about them.
Wild Bill Kelsoe
Who said anything on banning gun ownership?
He's talking about gun registry forcing people to declare what weapons they own and where they are.

In Australia, the last mass slaughter was in Tasmania. The guns were bought back by the government and destroyed. It hasn't stopped gun ownership nor did it try.

It stopped the ratbags which America is full of, getting access to guns at will.
Not one mass slaughter since. Plenty of bikies and drug dealers getting whacked but who cares about them.

And how will this "registry" stop gun killings?

The same way the sex offender "registry" has stopped child molestations and rapes?
Wild Bill Kelsoe
Who said anything on banning gun ownership?
He's talking about gun registry forcing people to declare what weapons they own and where they are.

In Australia, the last mass slaughter was in Tasmania. The guns were bought back by the government and destroyed. It hasn't stopped gun ownership nor did it try.

It stopped the ratbags which America is full of, getting access to guns at will.
Not one mass slaughter since. Plenty of bikies and drug dealers getting whacked but who cares about them.
That's incorrect. There have been several mass slaughters since the gun ban. The gun ban didn't prevent massacres.
Wild Bill Kelsoe
The gun buy back was instigated by a 32 person massacre.
There has never been anywhere near that since. Count the deaths singularly.

You have a pathetic justification for guns.
Without embarrassing you further, read some statistics about gun deaths in America. It's absolutely breathtaking.
Colin norris

You said: there have been no mass slaughters since the Port Arthur massacre and that's not true. There have been 37. There have been as many massacres in the 25 years since the gun ban and forced confiscation as there were in 156 years before. Australia's violent crime rate jumped 300% after the ban and confiscation. In other words, the gun ban and forced confiscation accomplished exactly nothing. If anything, things got worse since.

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