Senator Cory Booker introduces bill to legalize marijuana all across America

A good friend of mine took Marinol for the nausea of chemotherapy. It didn't help at all. It did nothing. Her doctor suggested that she try marijuana just to see if it worked. Against her better judgment she did, it turned her nausea into full on Exorcist style explosive vomiting. So she just put up the nausea. She's okay now. she was contrary to thousands of others in clinical trials were it worked well.....coming from you its just another one of your "stories"....
A good friend of mine took Marinol for the nausea of chemotherapy. It didn't help at all. It did nothing. Her doctor suggested that she try marijuana just to see if it worked. Against her better judgment she did, it turned her nausea into full on Exorcist style explosive vomiting. So she just put up the nausea. She's okay now. she was contrary to thousands of others in clinical trials were it worked well.....coming from you its just another one of your "stories"....
That's because all the potties protect is what supports the pro potty.
A good friend of mine took Marinol for the nausea of chemotherapy. It didn't help at all. It did nothing. Her doctor suggested that she try marijuana just to see if it worked. Against her better judgment she did, it turned her nausea into full on Exorcist style explosive vomiting. So she just put up the nausea. She's okay now. she was contrary to thousands of others in clinical trials were it worked well.....coming from you its just another one of your "stories"....
That's because all the potties protect is what supports the pro potty.
no its because you have nothing but stories that are contrary to to the actual truth,dont forget many here have read your fantastic stories you have told about what happens with pot or are so far and few in between its kinda pointless to mention it......but then the anti-potties protect what supports their anti pot bullshit....and you have your reputation as being someone not very credible on this with it....
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I've seen folks puke after smoking weed, yet they didn't the second time...I've also seen people puke on alcohol, smoking, chewing terbacco, too much to eat,porn, narcotics and other regurgitative tales..
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
It will never be legal everywhere... because it will never be legal on my property, in my car, or at any property I have control over.

In those places, possession will continue to be a Capitol offense.
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
It will never be legal everywhere... because it will never be legal on my property, in my car, or at any property I have control over.

In those places, possession will continue to be a Capitol offense.
Don't worry, I don't invite you to holiday dinners...
A good friend of mine took Marinol for the nausea of chemotherapy. It didn't help at all. It did nothing. Her doctor suggested that she try marijuana just to see if it worked. Against her better judgment she did, it turned her nausea into full on Exorcist style explosive vomiting. So she just put up the nausea. She's okay now.

That happens with all chemical interactions in the human body. Some are allergic to peanuts and others have no issues with them. Some use hydrocodone and get addicted, others can use it all the time and not get addicted. Alcohol can make some people happy and some very tired and wanting there downright mean. So it is a case by case on many things.
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
Don't worry, I don't invite you to holiday dinners...

I wouldn't accept, even if you did. I rarely accept invites from friends or acquaintances, nevermind strangers or those whose lifestyle I disapprove if.
It's probably a deformed goiter..

Deformed since birth and proud of it, Moonglow. One if less than 3000 +/- people in the world with my specific issue. I exhibit every single symptom of the deformity and almost none of the major disabilities of it.
A good friend of mine took Marinol for the nausea of chemotherapy. It didn't help at all. It did nothing. Her doctor suggested that she try marijuana just to see if it worked. Against her better judgment she did, it turned her nausea into full on Exorcist style explosive vomiting. So she just put up the nausea. She's okay now.

That happens with all chemical interactions in the human body. Some are allergic to peanuts and others have no issues with them. Some use hydrocodone and get addicted, others can use it all the time and not get addicted. Alcohol can make some people happy and some very tired and wanting there downright mean. So it is a case by case on many things.
Actually Marinol isn't very effective at the best of times.

Marinol is compared to m&ms
Does the Pot Pill Work?
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