Senator Cory Booker introduces bill to legalize marijuana all across America

Just because someone is on the wrong side of the political divide doesn't mean they are always wrong. In this case, I support the legalization of Marijuana nation wide.

Every conservative I know feels the same way. Doesn't matter what side you're on many can come together for legalization.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!

Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can't handle drinking responsibly. Should they be banned from drinking?
Are you trying to deflect from the claim that potheads are non violent?

If rhe victim had a gun these potheads would not be beating anyone else up. Pot does not make someone peaceful. Potheads do not want to sit around and eat chips. They are violent killers.
Sometimes we eat crackers or cereal...Muffins if we must and plenty of peanut butter, yeah, I've killed a few jars of peanut butter....
Come on, admit it. You order pizza, and call the delivery driver, "DUUUDE!" at least seven times in two minutes.
I'm glad our elected officials are focusing on the important shit....


Useless tools running our country
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Yeah, it's not that important. We have TONS of issues that are in need of attention and pot is at the bottom of that list, if it's even on the list.
Most Americans don't care if your nasty habit is legal or not.

If Trump wants to create literally thousands of jobs just legalize Marijuana nationally.
Some people can't handle drinking responsibly. Should they be banned from drinking?
Are you trying to deflect from the claim that potheads are non violent?

If rhe victim had a gun these potheads would not be beating anyone else up. Pot does not make someone peaceful. Potheads do not want to sit around and eat chips. They are violent killers.

You list ONE case of violence involving pot. Now go ahead and share about 5,000 more and you might have a point. And before you go listing ones about gang members committing crimes while high... use some common sense, because the gang members are not committing crimes because of pot, it's because they are fucking gang members.
Every time a pothead smokes in public they are committing an act of violence by injecting a mind-altering poison into others' bodies in their vicinity. Children and babies included. Creepy. It's becoming epidemic with the decriminalization of pot. The public sphere is being held hostage by ignorance.
There are laws against smoking in public, especially in the far LW Nanny States.
They don't enforce them. I called 911 about a car of pot smokers filling my car with pot smoke. They've buried the incident and told me it is inevitable. So will it be inevitable when I sick MADD on them next week.
You are a poster child for punishing misuse of the 911 system with a public flogging (at least 500 lashes), a year in prison, and a $500,000 fine.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!
Disagreed. Just because alcohol is legal didn't create a nation of alcoholics as the authoritarian asshats forecast.

Drug use is way different than alcohol. An addict is an addict 100% of the time.

Employers are already complaining about the scarcity of employees that aren't addicts.

They didn't say addicts, employers said could not pass a drug test. You don't get addicted to marijuana. You do get addicted to alcohol.
The government should be less involved in the lives and destinies of addicts. Stop giving them medical care. Don't arrest anyone who is defending themselves against someone high on drugs. A simple tox screen of the deceased would justify even deadly force.

This rehab and narcan nonsense has to stop.

This thread is about marijuana, not drug addiction nor alcohol or harder drugs.
Would you let your kids smoke cigarettes? Where are those cigarette commercials?
My kids are 29 and 27 yo and I would let them and be more concerned about their judgement than their health.

And marijuana is not tobacco, so the cigarette commercial issue is irrelevant.

Marijuana has not been linked to lung cancer, has it?

No one puts tar in joints.

Plus one can get vaporizers for smoking pot, just like for smoking tobacco/nicotine, which basically eliminates the main hazards involved.

If it were legalized, and I was in a position that I could try it, I would do the edibles and not smoke. Of course I wouldn't want the ones that get you high with THC, I'd want the string that is just for pain, to replace the medicine I take for my fucked up back.

I had a little chocolate last night, took the pain away I experience just about every day. It had thc in it, had a little bags of chips and went to bed an hour later. Best nights sleep in a while.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!

Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can't handle drinking responsibly. Should they be banned from drinking?
Are you trying to deflect from the claim that potheads are non violent?

If rhe victim had a gun these potheads would not be beating anyone else up. Pot does not make someone peaceful. Potheads do not want to sit around and eat chips. They are violent killers.

I'm glad our elected officials are focusing on the important shit....


Useless tools running our country
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Is the drug safe or harmful?
Is tobacco? Is alcohol?
Harmful? Hell yes! So why legalize another harmful substance?

Is marijuana harmful? How so? You better make this good so I can tell a group of 70 year olds who smoke it a few times a week so they can quit.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!
Disagreed. Just because alcohol is legal didn't create a nation of alcoholics as the authoritarian asshats forecast.

Drug use is way different than alcohol. An addict is an addict 100% of the time.

Employers are already complaining about the scarcity of employees that aren't addicts.

They didn't say addicts, employers said could not pass a drug test. You don't get addicted to marijuana. You do get addicted to alcohol.
Addiction specialists don't agree with you.
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Is the drug safe or harmful?
Is tobacco? Is alcohol?
Harmful? Hell yes! So why legalize another harmful substance?
If a steak can harm a six month old baby, should I be barred from buying a steak?

The harmful argument applies to fire arms too.

The harmful argument applies to spray cans and automobiles and archery sets.
All good arguments for taking opiods. Good for you.

Don't bar anyone from taking anything.

End support. No more medical care. No rehab. Parents who throw addicts that are minors in the street cannot be prosecuted. No wefare, no ebt, no trip to the emergency room. Ban narcan. The right to use Deadly force against a druggie is unquestioned.
Then, maybe, we wouldn't have Rudy Eugene's crimes be compared to a paper cut.

Rudy Eugene: No Bath Salts, Only Marijuana Found In Face-Eater Toxicology Tests (VIDEO, PHOTOS) | HuffPost

You ever ate face? Some of the best meat you'll ever have. You can grill it, bake it or batter it and fry.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can become mentally obsessed with pot, but it is not physically or chemically addictive.

Can You Get Addicted To Weed? Is Marijuana Addictive?

The Surgeon General’s 1996 report entitled “Facing Addiction in America” describes marijuana as one of the “addictive drugs,”

Controversy over the recreational use of marijuana (cannabis) arises from the psychoactive properties of its primary ingredient–tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis also contains nearly 500 compounds that include 85 other cannabinoids and tetrahydrocannabivarins, which contribute to the acuteness of marijuana’s affect on the brain.

Marijuana is a dry, shredded green and brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves derived from the hemp plant, known as “cannabis sativa”. The active chemical in marijuana which provides the mind-altering effect is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

The most popular method of using marijuana is smoking it in hand-rolled cigarettes, known as a “joint”. It can also be smoked in small pipes or large water-filled devices called “bongs”. It can also be put into varies foods, like cookies or brownies. Marijuana smoke gives off a very pungent order.
According to the U.S. government statistics (SAMHSA)

Marijuana is the most-used drug after alcohol and tobacco in the United States. According to SAMHSA:
In 2014, about 22.2 million people ages 12 and up reported using marijuana during the past month.
Also in 2014, there were 2.6 million people in that age range who had used marijuana for the first time within the past 12 months. People between the ages of 12 and 49 report first using the drug at an average age of 18.5.
In the past year, 4.2 million people ages 12 and up met the criteria for a substance use disorder based on marijuana use.

These were the numbers 2-3 year ago and the laws have changed dramatically since then to make smoking pot much easier.

Marijuana over-stimulates the endocannabinoid system in the brain, leading to both psychological and physical dependency. In fact, nearly 10 percent of people who smoke marijuana will eventually develop a dependency. Further, of the seven million Americans addicted to drugs, over four million are hooked on “pot”.

Is Marijuana Addictive?
Today there still seems to be some debate about whether you can become addicted to cannabis, or not. However, make no mistake about it; marijuana is addictive. For too long, popular culture has cast it as a near harmless source of “mind-altering entertainment”. Simply put, that is untrue. Pot is the most widely used and abused illicit drug in the world. Clinical studies, diagnostic and laboratory research, as well as anecdotal evidence, has shown that marijuana use can and does lead to dependence, abuse and addiction.

Is Marijuana Addictive? Can You Get Addicted To Weed? | Addict Help

NO this kind of stupid shit without any science to back it up is exactly why it's illegal. It was also meant to keep the population taking their addictive pills to drive the drug companies.
I'm glad our elected officials are focusing on the important shit....


Useless tools running our country
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Yeah, it's not that important. We have TONS of issues that are in need of attention and pot is at the bottom of that list, if it's even on the list.
Most Americans don't care if your nasty habit is legal or not.
True there are more important issues, but this isn't just about people getting high. Pot is big business and, consequently, big taxes.

$1 Billion In Marijuana Taxes Is Addictive To State Governors
States are addicted to cannabis tax revenues. According to a new report from New Frontier Data, states with legalized marijuana are on track to generate approximately $655 million in state taxes on retail sales in 2017. Within that tax figure, $559 million will come just from cannabis taxes, much more than from alcohol taxes.

The report also forecasts that tax revenues in states with legalized marijuana will reach $1.8 billion, of which $1.4 billion will be from cannabis specific taxes. This money isn't easily replaceable if the Department of Justice reviews its current approach to marijuana. Plus, the Trump administration is calling for deep cuts in many programs with its proposed budget and this puts further pressure on state governors to continue providing services its residents have come to expect.
States are addicted to cannabis tax revenues. According to a new report from New Frontier Data, states with legalized marijuana are on track to generate approximately $655 million in state taxes on retail sales in 2017. Within that tax figure, $559 million will come just from cannabis taxes, much more than from alcohol taxes.

The report also forecasts that tax revenues in states with legalized marijuana will reach $1.8 billion, of which $1.4 billion will be from cannabis specific taxes. This money isn't easily replaceable if the Department of Justice reviews its current approach to marijuana. Plus, the Trump administration is calling for deep cuts in many programs with its proposed budget and this puts further pressure on state governors to continue providing services its residents have come to expect.
They tax the shit out of cigarette smokers too!

And they tax the shit out of marijuana.
Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can't handle drinking responsibly. Should they be banned from drinking?
Are you trying to deflect from the claim that potheads are non violent?

If rhe victim had a gun these potheads would not be beating anyone else up. Pot does not make someone peaceful. Potheads do not want to sit around and eat chips. They are violent killers.
Sometimes we eat crackers or cereal...Muffins if we must and plenty of peanut butter, yeah, I've killed a few jars of peanut butter....
Come on, admit it. You order pizza, and call the delivery driver, "DUUUDE!" at least seven times in two minutes.
I wish we did have pizza or chinese delivery here in the woods..
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can become mentally obsessed with pot, but it is not physically or chemically addictive.
Not true. Some people become physiologically dependent. You won't hear that from the pot lobby and they'll propagate obfuscation.
can you prove that?.....just asking....

No, he can't prove that. There are a couple far out articles on the net, probably written by tipsy that say it's very addictive.

There's a wide range of ages posting on this site and just about anyone my age almost 70 can be living specimens it's not addictive. We have smoked on and off for 50 years, yes it's become stronger but you can also still find what we had in the 60's. I used to smoke daily in the military, when I got out about every weekend. When my kids were teenagers didn't even mentioned it and quit for about 15 years. Man what a shock I discovered when I stated on and off again. Couldn't believe how much the price went up. Now it's every once in awhile. Had some medicinal chocolate last night with THC, no didn't go out of my mind and didn't think about killing anyone. I think I'd rather vape it.
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Is the drug safe or harmful?
Is tobacco? Is alcohol?
Harmful? Hell yes! So why legalize another harmful substance?
If a steak can harm a six month old baby, should I be barred from buying a steak?

The harmful argument applies to fire arms too.

The harmful argument applies to spray cans and automobiles and archery sets.
All good arguments for taking opiods. Good for you.

Don't bar anyone from taking anything.

End support. No more medical care. No rehab. Parents who throw addicts that are minors in the street cannot be prosecuted. No wefare, no ebt, no trip to the emergency room. Ban narcan. The right to use Deadly force against a druggie is unquestioned.
Then, maybe, we wouldn't have Rudy Eugene's crimes be compared to a paper cut.

Rudy Eugene: No Bath Salts, Only Marijuana Found In Face-Eater Toxicology Tests (VIDEO, PHOTOS) | HuffPost
There was once an idiot just like you. His name was Wayne Wheeler and he was the driving force behind the Temperance movement during the moronic Prohibition years.

At the government's urging, there was an effort to poison some liquor with industrial alcohol. Scores of people died as a result. Wheeler, ever the primary asshole of his day, said those deaths were deliberate suicides and no pity should be wasted on those unfortunate victims. Other pro-Prohibitionist were appalled by his callousness and the Prohibition movement began to lose steam.

It must be not only intellectually exhausting, but emotionally, physically, and possibly financially draining as well. How does a person like yourself with an almost preternatural ability to be a dick maintain your energy and self esteem?
Last edited:
Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can't handle drinking responsibly. Should they be banned from drinking?
Are you trying to deflect from the claim that potheads are non violent?

If rhe victim had a gun these potheads would not be beating anyone else up. Pot does not make someone peaceful. Potheads do not want to sit around and eat chips. They are violent killers.
Sometimes we eat crackers or cereal...Muffins if we must and plenty of peanut butter, yeah, I've killed a few jars of peanut butter....
Come on, admit it. You order pizza, and call the delivery driver, "DUUUDE!" at least seven times in two minutes.
You're a creepy dude who likes to harm children.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!

Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can't handle drinking responsibly. Should they be banned from drinking?
Are you trying to deflect from the claim that potheads are non violent?

If rhe victim had a gun these potheads would not be beating anyone else up. Pot does not make someone peaceful. Potheads do not want to sit around and eat chips. They are violent killers.

I'm glad our elected officials are focusing on the important shit....


Useless tools running our country
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Is the drug safe or harmful?
Is tobacco? Is alcohol?
Harmful? Hell yes! So why legalize another harmful substance?

Is marijuana harmful? How so? You better make this good so I can tell a group of 70 year olds who smoke it a few times a week so they can quit.
It causes excessive consumption of Doritos, anx use of the word, DUUUUUUDE"?
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!

Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can't handle drinking responsibly. Should they be banned from drinking?
Are you trying to deflect from the claim that potheads are non violent?

If rhe victim had a gun these potheads would not be beating anyone else up. Pot does not make someone peaceful. Potheads do not want to sit around and eat chips. They are violent killers.

I'm glad our elected officials are focusing on the important shit....


Useless tools running our country
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Is the drug safe or harmful?
Is tobacco? Is alcohol?
Harmful? Hell yes! So why legalize another harmful substance?

Is marijuana harmful? How so? You better make this good so I can tell a group of 70 year olds who smoke it a few times a week so they can quit.
Is shellfish harmful? Ask those who go into anaphylactic shock when it's introduced into their bodies. Do you have the right to force-feed shellfish to people?

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