Senator Cory Booker introduces bill to legalize marijuana all across America

They didn't say addicts, employers said could not pass a drug test. You don't get addicted to marijuana. You do get addicted to alcohol.
Addiction specialists don't agree with you.

Marijuana use can be problematic but only rarely leads to addiction

New Study Proves Marijuana Is Not Addictive
It's almost addictive as sex...

Only in brain sets like yours.
That's beyond my control as it is an inherent behavior...

Must be those two bottles of jack Daniels you swig down twice a week.

Patent US6630507 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants



Cannabis Cures Cancer and The Government Has Known Since 1974
Addiction specialists don't agree with you.

Marijuana use can be problematic but only rarely leads to addiction

New Study Proves Marijuana Is Not Addictive
It's almost addictive as sex...

Only in brain sets like yours.
That's beyond my control as it is an inherent behavior...

Must be those two bottles of jack Daniels you swig down twice a week.
Green or black label?
Marijuana use can be problematic but only rarely leads to addiction

New Study Proves Marijuana Is Not Addictive
It's almost addictive as sex...

Only in brain sets like yours.
That's beyond my control as it is an inherent behavior...

Must be those two bottles of jack Daniels you swig down twice a week.
Green or black label?

A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!

Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive and it destroys your lungs and finally it is a gateway drug to her substances. Every crack cocaine user started with marijuana.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!

Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive and it destroys your lungs and finally it is a gateway drug to her substances. Every crack cocaine user started with marijuana.

Dude it is not addictive, trust me back in my day I knew dozens of pot smokers they were not addicted. There is nothing addictive in it.

Check out the PATENT gov. has had on it, they've brainwashed the public into believing that there was so much money being made by fooling the people into thinking we needed the DEA, the WAR on drugs, .........etc

It was all a money maker for the FEDS think about how many are in the circle to make money

From the cops, the courts, the states, the FEDS.........etc

Hell our own military guards the poppy fields in Afghanistan
I grew up around people who smoked pot all the time they never ever had WITHDRAWS that these liberal medical sites try telling people it''s as addictive as booze that such fkn bs it is sickening.

But everyone is fine with those opiates being pushed by medical dr's. and nobody sees or says a dam thing when the medical gods are pushing those.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!
Marijuana is not addictive.
People have been smoking it for years but it's not addictive. Such nonsense.
Liberals want our citizens drug addicted and stupid so they'll vote for these idiot politicians.
There is really no way for a society to survive with a significant proportion of the population drug users.
Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can't handle drinking responsibly. Should they be banned from drinking?
Are you trying to deflect from the claim that potheads are non violent?

If rhe victim had a gun these potheads would not be beating anyone else up. Pot does not make someone peaceful. Potheads do not want to sit around and eat chips. They are violent killers.

You list ONE case of violence involving pot. Now go ahead and share about 5,000 more and you might have a point. And before you go listing ones about gang members committing crimes while high... use some common sense, because the gang members are not committing crimes because of pot, it's because they are fucking gang members.
Every time a pothead smokes in public they are committing an act of violence by injecting a mind-altering poison into others' bodies in their vicinity. Children and babies included. Creepy. It's becoming epidemic with the decriminalization of pot. The public sphere is being held hostage by ignorance.
Jack-assle thinks child abuse is funny.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
Some people can become mentally obsessed with pot, but it is not physically or chemically addictive.
Not true. Some people become physiologically dependent. You won't hear that from the pot lobby and they'll propagate obfuscation.
can you prove that?.....just asking....

No, he can't prove that. There are a couple far out articles on the net, probably written by tipsy that say it's very addictive.

There's a wide range of ages posting on this site and just about anyone my age almost 70 can be living specimens it's not addictive. We have smoked on and off for 50 years, yes it's become stronger but you can also still find what we had in the 60's. I used to smoke daily in the military, when I got out about every weekend. When my kids were teenagers didn't even mentioned it and quit for about 15 years. Man what a shock I discovered when I stated on and off again. Couldn't believe how much the price went up. Now it's every once in awhile. Had some medicinal chocolate last night with THC, no didn't go out of my mind and didn't think about killing anyone. I think I'd rather vape it.
And there are plenty of 60-plus who can't go a day without it.

And why should they? They are living life and it's none of your GD business. If anyone or myself want to do anything short of murder in the confines of my own house it's my business, not yours. That's the problem we have too many do gooders, stay the fuck out of my life.
Some people can become mentally obsessed with pot, but it is not physically or chemically addictive.
Not true. Some people become physiologically dependent. You won't hear that from the pot lobby and they'll propagate obfuscation.
can you prove that?.....just asking....

No, he can't prove that. There are a couple far out articles on the net, probably written by tipsy that say it's very addictive.

There's a wide range of ages posting on this site and just about anyone my age almost 70 can be living specimens it's not addictive. We have smoked on and off for 50 years, yes it's become stronger but you can also still find what we had in the 60's. I used to smoke daily in the military, when I got out about every weekend. When my kids were teenagers didn't even mentioned it and quit for about 15 years. Man what a shock I discovered when I stated on and off again. Couldn't believe how much the price went up. Now it's every once in awhile. Had some medicinal chocolate last night with THC, no didn't go out of my mind and didn't think about killing anyone. I think I'd rather vape it.
you mean dr tipsy,the one who speaks from experience?...
You've smoked pot for 50 years. That's how you know it's not addictive.

Do you know how absurd that sounds?

Did you not read my post? Did I smoke pot everyday? Nope, even in the military probably a couple times a week. Then weekends then didn't for quite a few years. In past year have had 3 joints and two pieces of chocolate medicinal.

What give you the right to tell me what I can and cannot do?
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!
Marijuana is not addictive.
People have been smoking it for years but it's not addictive. Such nonsense.
Liberals want our citizens drug addicted and stupid so they'll vote for these idiot politicians.
There is really no way for a society to survive with a significant proportion of the population drug users.
Funny thing is, it's been going on for thousands of years...Yes, alcohol is a drug...
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!

Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive and it destroys your lungs and finally it is a gateway drug to her substances. Every crack cocaine user started with marijuana.

Dude it is not addictive, trust me back in my day I knew dozens of pot smokers they were not addicted. There is nothing addictive in it.

Check out the PATENT gov. has had on it, they've brainwashed the public into believing that there was so much money being made by fooling the people into thinking we needed the DEA, the WAR on drugs, .........etc

It was all a money maker for the FEDS think about how many are in the circle to make money

From the cops, the courts, the states, the FEDS.........etc

Hell our own military guards the poppy fields in Afghanistan

Might as well give it up with some of these people. They are hell bent on telling everyone what they can and cannot do in the confines of their home.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!
Marijuana is not addictive.
People have been smoking it for years but it's not addictive. Such nonsense.
People have been eating hamburgers for years. Are burgers addictive too? People have been wearing cologne for years. Is cologne addictive? Please, if you are able, eminent addiction.

Now, I love my burgers. I might just be addicted.

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