Senator Cory Booker introduces bill to legalize marijuana all across America

A good friend of mine took Marinol for the nausea of chemotherapy. It didn't help at all. It did nothing. Her doctor suggested that she try marijuana just to see if it worked. Against her better judgment she did, it turned her nausea into full on Exorcist style explosive vomiting. So she just put up the nausea. She's okay now.

That happens with all chemical interactions in the human body. Some are allergic to peanuts and others have no issues with them. Some use hydrocodone and get addicted, others can use it all the time and not get addicted. Alcohol can make some people happy and some very tired and wanting there downright mean. So it is a case by case on many things.
Actually Marinol isn't very effective at the best of times.

Marinol is compared to m&ms
Does the Pot Pill Work?
you did not read what this guy said next did ya.....this is why cancer people want to smoke it....

Elton said he switched to marijuana, which he smokes through a vaporizer - a device that heats the active ingredients into a vapor instead of burning them. He said it allows him to keep down his food and regain some of the weight he lost while on Marinol.
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
The conversation might go better if you didn't assume he was an addict
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
thats not it at all,there plenty of anti pot people in these threads that dont agree with me and others,but unlike you,they dont put up the kind of bullshit that you put up and unlike you,many of them may have smoked it at one time and know better than to post the outlandish shit you have thrown up in these pot threads.....the crap you have thrown up about HOW POT IS, over the years in the pot threads, have proven to most here you have no idea about what you are talking about....but your tales have been quite entertaining and humorous....
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
The conversation might go better if you didn't assume he was an addict
she calls everyone an addict,but when she gets called an alcoholic in return she gets a little perturbed....
What you think of me won't change the truth. Pot is exceedingly dangerous. The narrative, right now, is controlled by drug addicts looking for their next high.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.

I don't use marijuana, never have. I have been reading research and what the medical community and the naturopathic community are saying.

It is a natural plant, created by God. While I don't think smoking it is healthy, the tinctures and skin creams have shown to be very positive. The cacao plant, where cocaine comes from has very positive attributes, including weight loss, pain control, and high altitude adaptation. The CBD which is in marijuana, does not produce the high and has been found effective in many areas of medicine.

The crap that pharmaceutical companies push has side effects that cause long term side effect and even death.

Again, if getting high is the purpose of marijuana, I'm against it. If it is for health reasons, I have little problem with it. It is safer than pharmaceutical drugs.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
The conversation might go better if you didn't assume he was an addict

He certainly sounds like an addict! Addicts constantly justify their addictions. That's one of the markers of addiction. The addictive substance is everything good in life, Conversely, point out how harmful pot is, the cause of stroke, heart attack, the addict goes on a tirade about how none of it is true. It's all a plot by alcoholics who are even worse. And, that is the true mark of the addict. Someone else is always worse.

So if our friend here does not like being called an addict, he can stop acting like one.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.

I don't use marijuana, never have. I have been reading research and what the medical community and the naturopathic community are saying.

It is a natural plant, created by God. While I don't think smoking it is healthy, the tinctures and skin creams have shown to be very positive. The cacao plant, where cocaine comes from has very positive attributes, including weight loss, pain control, and high altitude adaptation. The CBD which is in marijuana, does not produce the high and has been found effective in many areas of medicine.

The crap that pharmaceutical companies push has side effects that cause long term side effect and even death.

Again, if getting high is the purpose of marijuana, I'm against it. If it is for health reasons, I have little problem with it. It is safer than pharmaceutical drugs.

Do you know how many plants created by God can kill you?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
The conversation might go better if you didn't assume he was an addict

He certainly sounds like an addict! Addicts constantly justify their addictions. That's one of the markers of addiction. The addictive substance is everything good in life, Conversely, point out how harmful pot is, the cause of stroke, heart attack, the addict goes on a tirade about how none of it is true. It's all a plot by alcoholics who are even worse. And, that is the true mark of the addict. Someone else is always worse.

So if our friend here does not like being called an addict, he can stop acting like one.
maybe you should find out what an addict is.....stating how things actually are is not being an addict....stating things that are bullshit like you do time and time again is being a dishonest asswipe...
Heroin is a plant so I guess we should legalize that too!
Heroin is not a is made from the resin of poppy plants. Milky, sap-like opium is removed from the pod of the poppy flower. This opium is refined to make morphine, then further refined into different forms of heroin.......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
The conversation might go better if you didn't assume he was an addict

He certainly sounds like an addict! Addicts constantly justify their addictions. That's one of the markers of addiction. The addictive substance is everything good in life, Conversely, point out how harmful pot is, the cause of stroke, heart attack, the addict goes on a tirade about how none of it is true. It's all a plot by alcoholics who are even worse. And, that is the true mark of the addict. Someone else is always worse.

So if our friend here does not like being called an addict, he can stop acting like one.
maybe you should find out what an addict is.....stating how things actually are is not being an addict....stating things that are bullshit like you do time and time again is being a dishonest asswipe...
Anyone who disagrees with using drugs is an asswipe is one of the markers of an addict. It just is. Continual justification of a substance as harmful as marijuana is, comes from the addiction. Especially claiming that the addicting substance is actually GOOD for you.

What addicts tell themselves.

10 Most-Used Excuses for Hiding Addiction | Palm Beach Institute
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.

I don't use marijuana, never have. I have been reading research and what the medical community and the naturopathic community are saying.

It is a natural plant, created by God. While I don't think smoking it is healthy, the tinctures and skin creams have shown to be very positive. The cacao plant, where cocaine comes from has very positive attributes, including weight loss, pain control, and high altitude adaptation. The CBD which is in marijuana, does not produce the high and has been found effective in many areas of medicine.

The crap that pharmaceutical companies push has side effects that cause long term side effect and even death.

Again, if getting high is the purpose of marijuana, I'm against it. If it is for health reasons, I have little problem with it. It is safer than pharmaceutical drugs.

Do you know how many plants created by God can kill you?

Marijuana isn't one of them. I used to be dead set against marijuana however research is proving that marijuana has beneficial qualities and not as dangerous as prescription medications.
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
The conversation might go better if you didn't assume he was an addict
she calls everyone an addict,but when she gets called an alcoholic in return she gets a little perturbed....
Call me anything you like. I don't drink and never had the urge to justify the action. Which is the difference you see. I would never justify drinking, never even claim that alcohol in cough syrup worked. You on the other had defend pot with a rabid determination.
How many years have you used pot to know first hand the dangers you present to society?
you are asking a person who "claims" she had to be rushed to the ER because at a party she breathed in second hand smoke and she felt her heart was going to explode......and she believes if you smoked pot 30 years ago and havent touched any since you are still an addict,and if you smoke a joint today you are still high 2 weeks from now.....not a very credible person on this subject......
You might not be high Harry D but you would fail a drug test!
never said you would not....just talking about her credibility and knowledge when it comes to pot,which is pretty bad.....
Because I do not agree with you. Only you know the truth about miracle pot. Why? Because that is what addicts do. Their whole lives is justification for using. Everyone else is lying. No one knows how wonderful pot is but, oddly enough, other users.
thats not it at all,there plenty of anti pot people in these threads that dont agree with me and others,but unlike you,they dont put up the kind of bullshit that you put up and unlike you,many of them may have smoked it at one time and know better than to post the outlandish shit you have thrown up in these pot threads.....the crap you have thrown up about HOW POT IS, over the years in the pot threads, have proven to most here you have no idea about what you are talking about....but your tales have been quite entertaining and humorous....
A bit like watching an epileptic piss on an electric fence.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!
Disagreed. Just because alcohol is legal didn't create a nation of alcoholics as the authoritarian asshats forecast.

Drug use is way different than alcohol. An addict is an addict 100% of the time.

Employers are already complaining about the scarcity of employees that aren't addicts.
Do you save your bullshit in Word documents? I figure that would save time when you regurgitate it in the next twenty threads.

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