Senator Cruz grills FBI Deputy Director over Biden Bribery recordings !

Gee. No recordings. Just a bunch of monkey poo being flung about.

And the fake Republicans hoaxing the rubes are hoping the tard herd doesn't notice they have provided no proof Joe Biden has ever done anything for Burisma.

It would be blissfully serendipitous for both Biden and Trump to fall at the same time to the same thing; justice. Both won their Presidencies because, at reversed moments in national sympathies, they had the other as opponents, not because anyone thought they were the most qualified for the post. It would be delightful to see both banished definitively from public life.
it appears that Grassley's claims about recordings may indeed be true ..

It’s not really a “grilling” when the witness feels free to refuse to answer. Cruz may be right in whole or in part. But the witness did get away with stonewalling.

And I don’t know where any government agent gets off with refusing the obligation to provide answers to Congress when Congress is supposed to be providing oversight and checks and balances.

If it was. GOP controlled Senate, that assistant director could be and ought to be held in contempt of Congress. And since the DOJ would refuse to prosecute (obviously), the Senate would have to rely on its inherent powers to jail the agent.
Still and all, just to be clear:

I’m not sure that Sen. Grassly said that the FBI had ever obtained any of the alleged Hunter and Joe taped-telephone conversations.
Gee. No recordings. Just a bunch of monkey poo being flung about.

And the fake Republicans hoaxing the rubes are hoping the tard herd doesn't notice they have provided no proof Joe Biden has ever done anything for Burisma.

Exactly. If there are recordings then let’s hear them already or shut the hell up.
It’s not really a “grilling” when the witness feels free to refuse to answer. Cruz may be right in whole or in part. But the witness did get away with stonewalling.

And I don’t know where any government agent gets off with refusing the obligation to provide answers to Congress when Congress is supposed to be providing oversight and checks and balances.

If it was. GOP controlled Senate, that assistant director could be and ought to be held in contempt of Congress. And since the DOJ would refuse to prosecute (obviously), the Senate would have to rely on its inherent powers to jail the agent.
Gee, where was your outrage when Trump refused to answer Congressional subpoenas?

Selective outrage does not look pretty on you tards.

How about all those erased January 6 Secret Service records? Where is your outrage?

You all should know the FBI looked into these bribery allegations a while ago and found them to be baseless.

Your Republican hoaxsters are pulling a fast one on you. Don't get caught up in their bullshit claims with too much zeal.
After all the fake hoaxes which have blown up in Comer's face, you'd think the tard herd would have some "boy who cried wolf" skepticism at this point.

Comer is getting desperate now. He's grasping for anything he can dig up. Anything at all.

All in the name of protecting a traitor named Donald J. Trump.

It is all about making as much noise as possible to distract the rube herd from paying attention to Trump's criminal behavior.
Gee, where was your outrage when Trump refused to answer Congressional subpoenas?

More ^ whataboutism from the typical libtarded suspects.

And of course, you miss the point anyway. :itsok:
Selective outrage does not look pretty on you tards.

But you think it looks good on you imbeciles? :cuckoo:

Two points.

1. I’m not advancing any selective outrage. That’s all on you, boo boo.

2. A mere FBI agent might be able (properly so) to refuse to comment about any ongoing criminal investigation. But that’s not the basis for his refusal to answer.

By contrast, a sitting President has a right — and, in many cases, a duty — to refuse to answer such questions from the legislative branch, on a variety of valid legal bases.

Retards like you can’t help but to conflate apples and oranges.
Still waiting on those recordings!

And proof Joe Biden did anything on behalf of Burisma.

Gotta show the play as well as the pay, rubes.

FBI guy could have easily said the claims are unverified, but he didn't.

I work in a very large hospital. Lets say I was asked if we had a document. There are hundreds of desks in our hospital. Can I say for sure that we don't have it?

You don't want to say "no" and have the answer be "yes".
lol ! i pasted the wrong thing .heres something for you to laugh at .

dude wants to rise in the FBI

by imitating Wray... "I can't answer that question"

"that's an open investigation so I cant comment"

and other such BS
yeah i stayed off for over a month ... but after watching the left immediately go on the warpath against the 1st amendment i decided to come back
So you welched on a bet. And you're going to try to lecture others on morality? Yeah...make me laugh harder bitch.
. no Trump didnt win the election even though there were major problems with election integrity i still believe the lefts social media banning and censorship of a sitting POTUS had the biggest impact on the election! the lefts msm [theso called 4 th estate] and the intelligence community covered and lied about Biden business dealings and called Hunters laptop Russian disinformation ... lies ,censorship , banning , and cover ups won the dems the WH ! if the shoe were on the other foot the left would be rioting till this day ! as far as your weak trolling threat against me ! ok ! ya want int ? well here it comes ! i'm one of the best trash talkers on this board !
No. You're just trash.
Gee. No recordings. Just a bunch of monkey poo being flung about.

And the fake Republicans hoaxing the rubes are hoping the tard herd doesn't notice they have provided no proof Joe Biden has ever done anything for Burisma.

Poor little retarded coward. They have the evidence. Unlike you pissants and your allegations about Trump which you swear are the gospel. Proof has been shown hundreds of times here dumbfuck. You just refuse to look at it. You want a rube, just look in a mirror.
rube herd ? coming from a party that thinks men can be women ..
I'm an Independent former Republican Never Trumper.

I'm still a Never Trumper but changed my lifelong Republican membership to Independent after Trump was elected.

None of which has anything to do with the fact Comer has been hoaxing you rubes so many times, you should have learned to be skeptical by now.

But you rubes never do learn. You just keep going back for more lies from your propagandists no matter how many hundreds of times they have lied to you.

Scientists will be studying this for a long time.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Poor little retarded coward. They have the evidence. Unlike you pissants and your allegations about Trump which you swear are the gospel. Proof has been shown hundreds of times here dumbfuck. You just refuse to look at it. You want a rube, just look in a mirror.
The audio recording of Biden being bribed has been shown hundreds of times?


Please link to it. Thanks ahead of time.

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