Senator Kennedy grills Biden judicial nominee over child molester comments and sentencing

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is the fourth or fifth video I have seen like this in the past few weeks. If you want to know why we have so much violent crime in this country, why we have so much gun crime in this country, this is the reason. These are the kind of people who get elected or appointed to judgeships. There is an absolute lack of common sense among so many of these judges. Why does President Biden continue to nominate people this out of touch to the federal bench?

This is the fourth or fifth video I have seen like this in the past few weeks. If you want to know why we have so much violent crime in this country, why we have so much gun crime in this country, this is the reason. These are the kind of people who get elected or appointed to judgeships. There is an absolute lack of common sense among so many of these judges. Why does President Biden continue to nominate people this out of touch to the federal bench?

I guess you havent been watching how Joe Bribem is totally out of touch with the average US citizen. But he do love his illegals and trannies.
The idea is to fill the judicial system with these filthy, soulless animals before briben gets kicked to the curb in a few months.

They always look like this. EVERY.FUCKING.TIME......unfuckable, diseased cattle, you can bet the farm on it.

Sen. Kennedy is a national treasure.....I hope we take back the Senate so these lame-ass "judges" never see the inside of a federal court.

The "judge" in question is why I say judges should never be elected, only appointed by the state legislature.

When you have more right-leaning state districts than leftist ones such appointments are often squashed.
The idea is to fill the judicial system with these filthy, soulless animals before briben gets kicked to the curb in a few months.

They always look like this. EVERY.FUCKING.TIME......unfuckable, diseased cattle, you can bet the farm on it.

View attachment 965176
It's in the eyes....they all have it;
And what is it with the fuxxking horse teeth?
This is the fourth or fifth video I have seen like this in the past few weeks. If you want to know why we have so much violent crime in this country, why we have so much gun crime in this country, this is the reason. These are the kind of people who get elected or appointed to judgeships. There is an absolute lack of common sense among so many of these judges. Why does President Biden continue to nominate people this out of touch to the federal bench?

We don't know the details of the case but we do know:

"Lipez defended her actions in those cases and noted that she had support from the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence, and the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault."

So there must be more to it...
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We don't know the details of the case but we do know:

"Lipez defended her actions in those cases and noted that she had support from the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence, and the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault."

So there must be more to it...

Do you think a man who molests two small children has a lot of good in him?

Senator John Kennedy Asks Biden Judicial Nom About Her Decision To Cut Jail Sentence In Half For Man Who ‘Molested’ Kids

20 Jun 2024 ~~ Harold Hutchison
Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana asked a Biden judicial nominee during a Thursday hearing about her 2023 decision to slash the jail sentence in half for a man who “molested” two young girls.

President Joe Biden nominated Maine Superior Court Judge Julia Lipez to fill a vacancy on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on May 23. Kennedy questioned Lipez about the March 2023 sentencing of Michael Smith during the confirmation hearing held by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Lamentably, these are the types of nominees the Democrat Neo-Marxists are confirming at a fast pace...not a peep from the media giving them any scrutiny with these kinds of records. Some of them had already been practicing law for many years or even serving as lower court judges who could not answer even basic legal questions someone who never attended a day of law school could answer.
You have to applaud the method used by Senator Kennedy to exposes and displays how she is not capable of being appointed to a LIFETIME job.
IOW the esteemed Senator gave her the rope she could hang herself with.
Many "intelligentsia" simply cannot, CANNOT accept responsibility for their actions, no matter HOW accurately those actions are represented. We thank our national treasure Senator Kennedy for his diligence in exposing these frauds.
She should be barred for life. Molesting kids is an unforgivable crime that says that person can never be fit to be a part of American society, or any society that calls itself even decent.

Our society will only continue to crumble if this continues where we cease treating criminals, dopeheads and crazy people as less than what they are. Leniency will only breed more of them. Complacency will only embolden more of them. Everytime someone like her lowers the bar it's damned hard to move it back up.

Her and politicians like her disgust me to no end. She cares nothing for America or Americans.

There are 2 people that should be immediately and humanely executed as soon as they are found guilty. Child rapists/molesters and people who go out willingly, knowingly and intentionally murder others. No jail, no appeals, no nuthouse, just executed.

But God bless senator Kennedy. Our country needs a lot more like him. A lot.

Biden is dyeing of Dementia before our eyes. Biden does not pick these nominees. Whoever is behind Biden running the show should be prosecuted.

We need an investigation into what is going on.

Biden has been a lying goofball for decades, even Johnny Carson used to make jokes him being a numbskull.

Anyone that believes Biden, especially in his state for the past 4 years, is actually making decisions on his own needs to open their eyes. He is incapable of running an entire country with over 300 million people in it. Biden says and signs what he is told to by other politicians, corporations and foreign entities like George soros and the world economic forum. He was elected because he will push any agenda he is told to, even if it's bad for America and he does not care.

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