Senator Sanders: America must be prepared for when Trump refuses to leave office

Crazy Bernie is crazy.

If Donald J. Trump were to legitimately lose and the people really elected Slow Joe, he'd be moved out of the WH by Thanksgiving. The Presidency is a tremendous burden, one that Trump took to improve the country. But if the people decide they would prefer failure, and division , lawlessness and economic collapse, not to mention the Long Term national shutdown for COVID that Biden has promised- he'd be cool with it.
It seems almost unimaginable that any president would try to seize power but then again most of the shit he has pulled was once unimaginable as well. Sadly I am sure the bulk of his followers are totally willing to follow him out on the authoritarian limb.
If Democrats pull shenanigans like using mail in votes to cheat, Trump would be completely justified to declare martial law, and fight the Democrats who resorted to fraudulant tactics for ill gotten gain.
16 more years!

Get'em Bernie ! Whoop dat ass !!!
Democrats say this every election. It's more likely that communists would force Chicom Biden into war.

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