Separation of powers is the best prevention of an over reaching government

Separation of powers is the best prevention of an over reaching government.
Our founding Fathers were brilliant in realizing that separation of powers is the best safeguard to a tyrannical government. That is what we need to focus on.
Those who focus on gun rights are missing the spirit of the the founding Fathers. Concerns on arms was not addressed until the amendments.
Let's focus on the heart of the Constitution.
What if the state government is the tyrant?
Republicans are stonewalling much of what he wants to do. The Supreme Court is checking congress. It needs to work better but it is working, dumbass.
Thank God the Republicsns are stonewalling Bisen' and radical Democrats' destruction of America.
Separation of powers is the best prevention of an over reaching government.
Our founding Fathers were brilliant in realizing that separation of powers is the best safeguard to a tyrannical government. That is what we need to focus on.
Those who focus on gun rights are missing the spirit of the the founding Fathers. Concerns on arms was not addressed until the amendments.
Let's focus on the heart of the Constitution.
agreed and thins is why the dems have been at war with the judicial branch

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