Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

As my wife and I sat down to our first cup of coffee this morning we discussed the looming sequester and agreed that the first thing Obama and his Bots. would do would be to look for a way to try and blame the GOP for it. You guys are so predictable.

Considering that Obama keeps asking the GOP-led House to substitute a bill with targeted cuts etc, and the GOP refuses, it's not a hard sell.

Alas, just like I stated in my previous post, both sides are going to make an argument that the other side is to blame (or at least, primarily to blame) ala the gov't shut down of the 90's. As I recall, that didn't work out too well for Newt and the GOP.

But even if the GOP does get most of the blame, I'm frankly sick of all this candy ass nonsense. For one, it doesn't do the country any good. And for another thing, nobody seems to learn from the mistakes. They'll just blunder into the next 'created' crisis, thinking that they can leverage it into political advantage.

It's childish. We deserve better than that. ALL of us, regardless of political affiliation, deserve better from our representatives than these childish games. This is NOT how to run a great country.

What do you think about getting Harry and the Senate to pass a fucking budget eh?

What does that have to do with anything? A Continuing Resolution IS essentially a spending authorization which provides funding at current or reduced levels and certainly doesn't authorize massive increases in spending for new programs.

Conservatives need to encourage their reps to get off their talking points. Instead, they need to work together with the opposition in order to solve problems instead of perpetuating them (or making them worse) both through inaction and obstinance because all that manages to accomplish is to cue them up for the next election cycle with a ginned up base. In other words, what politicians are doing is pursuing THEIR interests in the expense of the country's interests. People are foolish to keep falling for it over and over again.
As my wife and I sat down to our first cup of coffee this morning we discussed the looming sequester and agreed that the first thing Obama and his Bots. would do would be to look for a way to try and blame the GOP for it. You guys are so predictable.

Considering that Obama keeps asking the GOP-led House to substitute a bill with targeted cuts etc, and the GOP refuses, it's not a hard sell.

Alas, just like I stated in my previous post, both sides are going to make an argument that the other side is to blame (or at least, primarily to blame) ala the gov't shut down of the 90's. As I recall, that didn't work out too well for Newt and the GOP.

But even if the GOP does get most of the blame, I'm frankly sick of all this candy ass nonsense. For one, it doesn't do the country any good. And for another thing, nobody seems to learn from the mistakes. They'll just blunder into the next 'created' crisis, thinking that they can leverage it into political advantage.

It's childish. We deserve better than that. ALL of us, regardless of political affiliation, deserve better from our representatives than these childish games. This is NOT how to run a great country.

What do you think about getting Harry and the Senate to pass a fucking budget eh?

Harry won't do it. Obama won't do it. Democrats won't do it.

It sounds good, but it's not going to happen.
Why is it the first thing a liberal thinks of when faced with mandatory spending cuts is that instead they need to soak the rich for more revenue? How many times do you think you can go to that well before the economy is negatively impacted? How many new businesses will not be opened, or existing businesses not expanded? How many will move part or all of their companies offshore, or close al together cuz the ROI isn't good enough? How many rich guys will say screw this, I'm investing my money elsewhere? Gotta say, this ain't the way to get a sluggish economy growing.

Stop shilling for the wealthy elites. These are loopholes that only the wealthy get.

Let's get something straight first off, I don't give a damn about the wealthy elites. They certainly don't need my help to take care of themselves, I'm more concerned with the effects of tax hikes on them or anyone else.

These loopholes, they ain't only for the wealthy. For the past 30 years or so I've been able to take a mortgage deduction and I've never been close to rich. Do you think deductions for charitable donations are a bad thing? Question: what do you think will happen when you close off all these loopholes?

What is up with the alarmist bs? Most wealthy elites do not create jobs. This isn't about the economy for the GOP, it's about Obama and the Democrats kicking GOP butt last election. Sequestration is GOP electioneering:evil:

Alarmist? Seriously? Obama and the dems talk about police and firefighters and EM first responders losing their jobs, teachers getting laid off and kids not getting a decent education, and all sorts of other personal calamities. Where's the talk about the wasted money on high speed rail and the alternative energy companies that are not economically viable and are going out of business every 5 minutes? Why don't we get the $85 billion in this years' sequestration cuts there? What, we can't find better places to cut than the disingenuous crap we heard from Obama yesterday?

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

Why should we raise taxes again when we already did, to the tune of some $600 billion? I thought we were supposed to be balanced, but so far what I hear is the taxes outweigh the spending cuts by 46 to 1, where's the balance in that? Obama and the democrats talk all the time about reducing the deficits, but they cannot bring themselves to cut anything from the budget or reform the entitlement programs to make less expensive and more sustanable.
As my wife and I sat down to our first cup of coffee this morning we discussed the looming sequester and agreed that the first thing Obama and his Bots. would do would be to look for a way to try and blame the GOP for it. You guys are so predictable.

Considering that Obama keeps asking the GOP-led House to substitute a bill with targeted cuts etc, and the GOP refuses, it's not a hard sell.

Alas, just like I stated in my previous post, both sides are going to make an argument that the other side is to blame (or at least, primarily to blame) ala the gov't shut down of the 90's. As I recall, that didn't work out too well for Newt and the GOP.

But even if the GOP does get most of the blame, I'm frankly sick of all this candy ass nonsense. For one, it doesn't do the country any good. And for another thing, nobody seems to learn from the mistakes. They'll just blunder into the next 'created' crisis, thinking that they can leverage it into political advantage.

It's childish. We deserve better than that. ALL of us, regardless of political affiliation, deserve better from our representatives than these childish games. This is NOT how to run a great country.

Obama is the POTUS. His job is to lead. He suggested the sequester and signed it into law. When is HE going to present his plan of targeted cuts that have been asked for repeatedly? When is he going to lead?

Obama is not a member of the House of Representatives where all spending bills are supposed to originate. It's up to the leaders of the House to work together to reach a compromise that a majority of members will support with an affirmative vote and that the president is willing to sign.

Anything other than that kind of legislative solution is merely rhetorical nonsense.
Considering that Obama keeps asking the GOP-led House to substitute a bill with targeted cuts etc, and the GOP refuses, it's not a hard sell.

Alas, just like I stated in my previous post, both sides are going to make an argument that the other side is to blame (or at least, primarily to blame) ala the gov't shut down of the 90's. As I recall, that didn't work out too well for Newt and the GOP.

But even if the GOP does get most of the blame, I'm frankly sick of all this candy ass nonsense. For one, it doesn't do the country any good. And for another thing, nobody seems to learn from the mistakes. They'll just blunder into the next 'created' crisis, thinking that they can leverage it into political advantage.

It's childish. We deserve better than that. ALL of us, regardless of political affiliation, deserve better from our representatives than these childish games. This is NOT how to run a great country.

Obama is the POTUS. His job is to lead. He suggested the sequester and signed it into law. When is HE going to present his plan of targeted cuts that have been asked for repeatedly? When is he going to lead?

Obama is not a member of the House of Representatives where all spending bills are supposed to originate. It's up to the leaders of the House to work together to reach a compromise that a majority of members will support with an affirmative vote and that the president is willing to sign.

Anything other than that kind of legislative solution is merely rhetorical nonsense.

Obama wasn't in Congress when his signature legislation, often referred to as OBAMACARE, got taped together, either.

Yet there's no doubt that he designed that shit. And if it turns out to be the massive cluster fuck that many of us see it as becoming, then he entirely owns it, too. Well, him and the liberal Democrats in congress who passed the bill for Obama's signature. Denying that won't change it from being true.

Denying that sequestration is a mess that was a team Obama notion (in which the GOP leadership was complicit) is similarly devoid of honesty.
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Why is everybody so determined to blame the other side for sequester?

Instead of spending time and effort doing that, how about just coming up with a budget which addresses the issues and avoid sequester altogether?

Naw...can't do that, can we? That might actually require working together for the good of the nation.

Considering that Obama keeps asking the GOP-led House to substitute a bill with targeted cuts etc, and the GOP refuses, it's not a hard sell.

Alas, just like I stated in my previous post, both sides are going to make an argument that the other side is to blame (or at least, primarily to blame) ala the gov't shut down of the 90's. As I recall, that didn't work out too well for Newt and the GOP.

But even if the GOP does get most of the blame, I'm frankly sick of all this candy ass nonsense. For one, it doesn't do the country any good. And for another thing, nobody seems to learn from the mistakes. They'll just blunder into the next 'created' crisis, thinking that they can leverage it into political advantage.

It's childish. We deserve better than that. ALL of us, regardless of political affiliation, deserve better from our representatives than these childish games. This is NOT how to run a great country.

Obama is the POTUS. His job is to lead. He suggested the sequester and signed it into law. When is HE going to present his plan of targeted cuts that have been asked for repeatedly? When is he going to lead?

Obama is not a member of the House of Representatives where all spending bills are supposed to originate. It's up to the leaders of the House to work together to reach a compromise that a majority of members will support with an affirmative vote and that the president is willing to sign.

Anything other than that kind of legislative solution is merely rhetorical nonsense.

Do you have any idea how many bills the House has sent to the Senate that Harry Reid is sitting on? The House has been doing their job all along. Get your guys to play ball and put them up for a vote and if they pass, send them to Obama to sign or veto. It's really simple.
Why is everybody so determined to blame the other side for sequester?

Instead of spending time and effort doing that, how about just coming up with a budget which addresses the issues and avoid sequester altogether?

Naw...can't do that, can we? That might actually require working together for the good of the nation.


Beats me.......because even Jay Carney admits it came from Obama. Why the left keeps disputing that fact is beyond me. Since Obama and Reid have rejected everything the House has ever come up with, we're waiting for them to step up to the plate and take a swing. Instead, they say it's all the Republicans fault. Even though they have a complicit media, do they realize just how stoopid they look to the American people who've watched this all unfold in real time?
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Why is everybody so determined to blame the other side for sequester?

Instead of spending time and effort doing that, how about just coming up with a budget which addresses the issues and avoid sequester altogether?

Naw...can't do that, can we? That might actually require working together for the good of the nation.


They lack the political will or courage to do anything that common sense derived.

And so that only leaves finger pointing and churlish childish behavior. I blame Obama and his mentors, Frank and Saul.
Why is everybody so determined to blame the other side for sequester?

Instead of spending time and effort doing that, how about just coming up with a budget which addresses the issues and avoid sequester altogether?

Naw...can't do that, can we? That might actually require working together for the good of the nation.


It's kind of like you guys blaming Bush for all of Obama's fuck ups.
Pretty sure sequestration was the president's idea, Dainty, and I support the sequester cuts.
Obama: he's not about leadership, he's all about blame
Obama is the POTUS. His job is to lead. He suggested the sequester and signed it into law. When is HE going to present his plan of targeted cuts that have been asked for repeatedly? When is he going to lead?

Obama is not a member of the House of Representatives where all spending bills are supposed to originate. It's up to the leaders of the House to work together to reach a compromise that a majority of members will support with an affirmative vote and that the president is willing to sign.

Anything other than that kind of legislative solution is merely rhetorical nonsense.

Do you have any idea how many bills the House has sent to the Senate that Harry Reid is sitting on? The House has been doing their job all along. Get your guys to play ball and put them up for a vote and if they pass, send them to Obama to sign or veto. It's really simple.

Passing a bill in the House that you KNOW either can't pass in the Senate or won't be signed by the president is little more than posturing. It certainly is NOT legislating or governing.
Obama is not a member of the House of Representatives where all spending bills are supposed to originate. It's up to the leaders of the House to work together to reach a compromise that a majority of members will support with an affirmative vote and that the president is willing to sign.

Anything other than that kind of legislative solution is merely rhetorical nonsense.

Do you have any idea how many bills the House has sent to the Senate that Harry Reid is sitting on? The House has been doing their job all along. Get your guys to play ball and put them up for a vote and if they pass, send them to Obama to sign or veto. It's really simple.

Passing a bill in the House that you KNOW either can't pass in the Senate or won't be signed by the president is little more than posturing. It certainly is NOT legislating or governing.

Are you saying that the Senate Democrats are incapable of compromising with the House Republicans?
Do you have any idea how many bills the House has sent to the Senate that Harry Reid is sitting on? The House has been doing their job all along. Get your guys to play ball and put them up for a vote and if they pass, send them to Obama to sign or veto. It's really simple.

Passing a bill in the House that you KNOW either can't pass in the Senate or won't be signed by the president is little more than posturing. It certainly is NOT legislating or governing.

Are you saying that the Senate Democrats are incapable of compromising with the House Republicans?

I'm saying that both sides are failing at their responsibility to work with each other to craft compromise solutions.
Passing a bill in the House that you KNOW either can't pass in the Senate or won't be signed by the president is little more than posturing. It certainly is NOT legislating or governing.

Are you saying that the Senate Democrats are incapable of compromising with the House Republicans?

I'm saying that both sides are failing at their responsibility to work with each other to craft compromise solutions.

Sometimes the best idea, though, is not to "compromise." It is to stand firm and resolutely say "no."
Are you saying that the Senate Democrats are incapable of compromising with the House Republicans?

I'm saying that both sides are failing at their responsibility to work with each other to craft compromise solutions.

Sometimes the best idea, though, is not to "compromise." It is to stand firm and resolutely say "no."

It depends on what the alternative is and who is standing in the way of compromise and for what reason.

This happens FAR more often than the compromises happen. People take an absolutist my-way-or-no-way approach which essentially guarantees gridlock as the problems get progressively worse and more difficult to solve.

Many of these chuckleheads are drunk with their own power to derail the process. A good number of these people might otherwise have no real power in some other career (or to even affect the final product within gov't). However, they CAN gum up the works, and they don't seem to have any reluctance to do just that. And for what reason? For another 15 minutes of fame in order that they can grandstand while the cameras roll and people are forced to listen to their self-serving nonsense? Over the years, I've seen plenty of people from both sides do it.

And with the help of talk radio hosts who just THRIVE on controversy and personally have nothing to lose (and a LOT to gain) by further stoking dissatisfaction among their listeners, and ignorant people within the general public who only have simplistic solutions for complex problems which they fail to truly grasp in any meaningful way, the die is cast yet again for even more gridlock and the requisite finger-pointing while nobody has the maturity to step forward and take responsibility for participating in twisting our system into an unworkable morass of ego gratification at the expense of the national interest.
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