Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

I'm saying that both sides are failing at their responsibility to work with each other to craft compromise solutions.

Sometimes the best idea, though, is not to "compromise." It is to stand firm and resolutely say "no."

It depends on what the alternative is and who is standing in the way of compromise for what reason.

This happens FAR more often than the compromises happen. People take an absolutist my-way-or-no-way approach which essentially guarantees gridlock as the problems get progressively worse and more difficult to solve.

Many of these chuckleheads are drunk with their own power to derail the process. Many of these people might otherwise have no real power in some other career (or to even affect the final product within gov't). However, they CAN gum up the works, and they don't seem to have any reluctance to do that for what reason? For another 15 minutes of fame in order that they can grandstand while the cameras roll and people are forced to listen to their self-serving nonsense? Over the years, I've seen plenty of people from both sides do it.

And with the help of talk radio hosts who just THRIVE on controversy and personally have nothing to lose (and a LOT to gain) by further stoking dissatisfaction among their listeners, and ignorant people within the general public who only have simplistic solutions for complex problems which they fail to truly grasp in any meaningful way, the die is cast yet again for even more gridlock and the requisite finger-pointing while nobody has the maturity to take responsibility for participating in twisting the system into an unworkable morass of ego gratification at the expense of the national interest.

I agree. Like lots of things in life, the answer "it depends" is often the right one.

But let's picture a scenario. the Democrats want to pass a piece of legislation authorizing a LOT more borrowing to pay for a lot more spending. The Republicans for the most part are sick and tired of all the spending and really sick of the borrowing. Someone suggests a "compromise." Instead of authorizing two trillion more deficit dollars being borrowed and spent, he says "let's make it just $1.1 trillion!" He cleverly figures that with haggling, the Democrats might get the GOP to agree to 1 trillion.

Is that really a "compromise?" Or is it a capitulation to the ongoing reckless irresponsibility that got us into this mess in the first place?

Again, sometimes the best compromise is no compromise at all. Quote Nancy Reagan at them. Just say "no."
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Are you saying that the Senate Democrats are incapable of compromising with the House Republicans?

I'm saying that both sides are failing at their responsibility to work with each other to craft compromise solutions.

Sometimes the best idea, though, is not to "compromise." It is to stand firm and resolutely say "no."
I'm saying that both sides are failing at their responsibility to work with each other to craft compromise solutions.

Sometimes the best idea, though, is not to "compromise." It is to stand firm and resolutely say "no."

If one is careering down a winding mountain road at break neck speeds with sketchy brakes, the edge of the road on the driver's side leading to the abyss, and the guy in the passenger seat suggests that you turn hard to the left (and the edge of the road and the abyss and damn near certain death), it is quite clear that "compromise" (i.e., making it a gentle left) is not a viable option.

Once again, the best course of action is tor reject his advice and his demand for "compromise." Fully reject it. Steer to the right as best you can.
You want them to just give in and let obama reign Hell? Fuck no (even though they have..?)
The sequestration is a bunch of BS. He made that to get bi-partisan votes for his BS Bills. And now it is blowing up in his face! I love it! If the fuckin prick thought about the whole US, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe... lol

Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:

Shut your god damn lying trap

[ame=]Cuts We Can't Afford - YouTube[/ame]
Kind of ignoring the whole sequester idea came form Obama and the Dems aren't we?

Frankly, what difference does it make where it came from. BOTH sides agreed to it, signed off on it, AND passed/signed it in the belief that it was so unacceptable that they would both come together to reach a compromise to prevent it. Finger pointing at this point is like two boys blaming each other for a broken window when one boy hit the ball that the other boy pitched to him when they were both told not to play baseball in the yard.

I swear to God, these people (and their supporters) are acting like children.
Kind of ignoring the whole sequester idea came form Obama and the Dems aren't we?

Frankly, what difference does it make where it came from. BOTH sides agreed to it, signed off on it, AND passed/signed it in the belief that it was so unacceptable that they would both come together to reach a compromise to prevent it. Finger pointing at this point is like two boys blaming each other for a broken window when one boy hit the ball that the other boy pitched to him when they were both told not to play baseball in the yard.

I swear to God, these people (and their supporters) are acting like children.

Partly right. BOTH sides should share the blame and if it is necessary, they should also share the pain or the hard work of undoing what they have cobbled together.

But you are also partly wrong. Both sides DO share the blame but that makes it pretty disingenuous of Obama to be constantly shrieking about the sequester and trying to blame the GOP for it.

It takes two to tango. It would be nice if for once the guy would start acting Presidential and instead of trying to run his Administration like a campaign by attacking his opposition, he tried to foster some actual constructive dialog.

For the time being, I am content to LET the sequester just happen.
Kind of ignoring the whole sequester idea came form Obama and the Dems aren't we?

Frankly, what difference does it make where it came from. BOTH sides agreed to it, signed off on it, AND passed/signed it in the belief that it was so unacceptable that they would both come together to reach a compromise to prevent it. Finger pointing at this point is like two boys blaming each other for a broken window when one boy hit the ball that the other boy pitched to him when they were both told not to play baseball in the yard.

I swear to God, these people (and their supporters) are acting like children.

Not much but when you have a thread titled sequestration blame goes to GOP I feel obliged to point out who the idea came from. If were going to assign blame for the sequester let's assign it to both parties not just one.
Kind of ignoring the whole sequester idea came form Obama and the Dems aren't we?

Frankly, what difference does it make where it came from. BOTH sides agreed to it, signed off on it, AND passed/signed it in the belief that it was so unacceptable that they would both come together to reach a compromise to prevent it. Finger pointing at this point is like two boys blaming each other for a broken window when one boy hit the ball that the other boy pitched to him when they were both told not to play baseball in the yard.

I swear to God, these people (and their supporters) are acting like children.

Not much but when you have a thread titled sequestration blame goes to GOP I feel obliged to point out who the idea came from. If were going to assign blame for the sequester let's assign it to both parties not just one.

Gonna be hard when the policy is to blame all the problems in this country and the world on the republicans...

There might even be one or two who blame all the problems in the universe on one of
our former presidents.....
Kind of ignoring the whole sequester idea came form Obama and the Dems aren't we?

Frankly, what difference does it make where it came from. BOTH sides agreed to it, signed off on it, AND passed/signed it in the belief that it was so unacceptable that they would both come together to reach a compromise to prevent it. Finger pointing at this point is like two boys blaming each other for a broken window when one boy hit the ball that the other boy pitched to him when they were both told not to play baseball in the yard.

I swear to God, these people (and their supporters) are acting like children.

Not much but when you have a thread titled sequestration blame goes to GOP I feel obliged to point out who the idea came from. If were going to assign blame for the sequester let's assign it to both parties not just one.
As Lyin' Ryan has already admitted, using the sequester as an enforcement mechanism for spending cuts was a long standing CON$ervative IDEA. Obama offered it as an olive branch to the CON$ to get past the impasse in the debt negotiations. Once offered the CON$ latched onto it and claimed it for their own and bragged about getting it written into the law after it was passed.

“what conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, literally legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money and if they breach that amount across the board sequester comes in to cut that spending. You can’t turn it out without a supermajority. We got that into law."
- Paul Ryan, Fox News, August 2011
Frankly, what difference does it make where it came from. BOTH sides agreed to it, signed off on it, AND passed/signed it in the belief that it was so unacceptable that they would both come together to reach a compromise to prevent it. Finger pointing at this point is like two boys blaming each other for a broken window when one boy hit the ball that the other boy pitched to him when they were both told not to play baseball in the yard.

I swear to God, these people (and their supporters) are acting like children.

Not much but when you have a thread titled sequestration blame goes to GOP I feel obliged to point out who the idea came from. If were going to assign blame for the sequester let's assign it to both parties not just one.
As Lyin' Ryan has already admitted, using the sequester as an enforcement mechanism for spending cuts was a long standing CON$ervative IDEA. Obama offered it as an olive branch to the CON$ to get past the impasse in the debt negotiations. Once offered the CON$ latched onto it and claimed it for their own and bragged about getting it written into the law after it was passed.

“what conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, literally legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money and if they breach that amount across the board sequester comes in to cut that spending. You can’t turn it out without a supermajority. We got that into law."
- Paul Ryan, Fox News, August 2011

This dumb ass has a moniker that he absolutely does not understand what it means. Ed you aren't a cynic, you're as fucking partisan lying democrat.
Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


Obama doesn't want to end the tax loopholes for rich people, he wants to move them around so different rich people get them. As for revenues, didn't Obama campaign on a balanced approach to reducing the deficit?
Not much but when you have a thread titled sequestration blame goes to GOP I feel obliged to point out who the idea came from. If were going to assign blame for the sequester let's assign it to both parties not just one.
As Lyin' Ryan has already admitted, using the sequester as an enforcement mechanism for spending cuts was a long standing CON$ervative IDEA. Obama offered it as an olive branch to the CON$ to get past the impasse in the debt negotiations. Once offered the CON$ latched onto it and claimed it for their own and bragged about getting it written into the law after it was passed.

“what conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, literally legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money and if they breach that amount across the board sequester comes in to cut that spending. You can’t turn it out without a supermajority. We got that into law."
- Paul Ryan, Fox News, August 2011

This dumb ass has a moniker that he absolutely does not understand what it means. Ed you aren't a cynic, you're as fucking partisan lying democrat.
This is the Politics board, do not try to divert the topic.
Thank you in advance.
You want them to just give in and let obama reign Hell? Fuck no (even though they have..?)
The sequestration is a bunch of BS. He made that to get bi-partisan votes for his BS Bills. And now it is blowing up in his face! I love it! If the fuckin prick thought about the whole US, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe... lol

[ame=]Boehner Christmas II - YouTube[/ame]

That was Boehner on the Sequester.

It's his.
Not much but when you have a thread titled sequestration blame goes to GOP I feel obliged to point out who the idea came from. If were going to assign blame for the sequester let's assign it to both parties not just one.
As Lyin' Ryan has already admitted, using the sequester as an enforcement mechanism for spending cuts was a long standing CON$ervative IDEA. Obama offered it as an olive branch to the CON$ to get past the impasse in the debt negotiations. Once offered the CON$ latched onto it and claimed it for their own and bragged about getting it written into the law after it was passed.

“what conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, literally legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money and if they breach that amount across the board sequester comes in to cut that spending. You can’t turn it out without a supermajority. We got that into law."
- Paul Ryan, Fox News, August 2011

This dumb ass has a moniker that he absolutely does not understand what it means. Ed you aren't a cynic, you're as fucking partisan lying democrat.

IOW, you got nuthin', right?

As Lyin' Ryan has already admitted, using the sequester as an enforcement mechanism for spending cuts was a long standing CON$ervative IDEA. Obama offered it as an olive branch to the CON$ to get past the impasse in the debt negotiations. Once offered the CON$ latched onto it and claimed it for their own and bragged about getting it written into the law after it was passed.

“what conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, literally legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money and if they breach that amount across the board sequester comes in to cut that spending. You can’t turn it out without a supermajority. We got that into law."
- Paul Ryan, Fox News, August 2011

This dumb ass has a moniker that he absolutely does not understand what it means. Ed you aren't a cynic, you're as fucking partisan lying democrat.
This is the Politics board, do not try to divert the topic.
Thank you in advance.

Pointing out that you are a lying sack of shit and that your moniker is false is not divert anything
As Lyin' Ryan has already admitted, using the sequester as an enforcement mechanism for spending cuts was a long standing CON$ervative IDEA. Obama offered it as an olive branch to the CON$ to get past the impasse in the debt negotiations. Once offered the CON$ latched onto it and claimed it for their own and bragged about getting it written into the law after it was passed.

“what conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, literally legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money and if they breach that amount across the board sequester comes in to cut that spending. You can’t turn it out without a supermajority. We got that into law."
- Paul Ryan, Fox News, August 2011

This dumb ass has a moniker that he absolutely does not understand what it means. Ed you aren't a cynic, you're as fucking partisan lying democrat.

IOW, you got nuthin', right?


same old usual suspect.
And swallow fuck you to, you can thank that lying piece of shit you're just as bad.
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Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


You seem to be forgetting that the American people rejected closing loopholes, that's what Romney ran on...

Stop being an idiot here

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