Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
They don't know or care.

They are the stupid pawn puppets of the democrats whose entire post election strategy is to make Trump seem illegitimate.

Their goal for the next 4 years will be to get anything they can to impeach him.

When I say THEY, I mean the democrats and RINO establishment.

That is what they actually want.

Spot On. Nuff said.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

I mean, your country has been attacked and manipulated by the old enemy, and you're loving it..... god help you.

So what do you want Trump to do? Simple question.

You mean, apart from put the interests of the US first rather than the interests of Trump?
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

I mean, your country has been attacked and manipulated by the old enemy, and you're loving it..... god help you.
Show some evidence that the election was influenced with something other than partisan speculation.

And what was the worse email revelations?
WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

We know Hillary, the DNC, and the Main Sleaze Media colluded against Bernie Sanders, then against President Donald J Trump. We know Barack Hussein Obama interfered in the Israeli election, breaking the law and using taxpayers funds:

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu
Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Never forget.. Leftists ALWAYS accuse you of what they actually do and engage in..This is nothing more than the corrupt scabs trying to deflect the facts that came out about just how fucking slimy, dirty they are. Nothing more.

Thread killer/end.

It's just a 'Cover your ass/sabotage Trump' scam. The Democratic Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. And if that swayed voters, so be it. It was the truth.

But most Americans do see this as a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Trump's likely gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Most Americans dislike sore losers. It pisses em off. They could make the Democrats pay for it in 2020.

But the Republicans weren't exposed for being corrupt. If you think the Democrats are one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, you need to get out more.
First off

Take your hands off your ears and stop shouting

Nya....Nya...Nya....I CAN'T HEAR YOU


Wow, that's it? That's all you haters got? Pretty embarrassing.

Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like


It's fine to challenge intelligence agencies, but do so in private, don't ridicule in public without any evidence. We can't have a working government if our president refuses to listen to the people tasked with keeping him informed.

Trump thinks he knows everything, which is a YUGE problem for all of us. Because he might be the least-informed president we've ever inaugurated.
Democrats have aligned themselves with the media. Everything, including intelligence, is now political and nothiing coming from the left can be trusted. Trump has no choice. Democrats must be flushed from government and the media must be ignored. You guys got caught fucking a goat.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using mobile app
Partisan hacks amuse me so. It's like all reality goes out the window.

You folks want to get /serious/ about cyber security, then what we need to do is revamp our internet security training and procedures;

Never trust a link in an email - instead go to the necessary site directly. (The /only/ real exception for this is in the cases of email validation links when you've just signed up for some website - something that our government employees shouldn't be doing.)

Ensure that you're using the most secure software - for example make sure all updates are done immediately (90% of software updates [of programs that get hacked] are closing loopholes that hackers have figured out).

Ensure every computer is running anti-virus and that it is updated /daily/ no excuses, no pushing off the update for this or that, if an update comes immediately install it.

Ensure that all employees dealing with sensitive data know the differences between a "strong" password and a "weak" one.

Rigidly enforce a rule that /all/ government work - be that emails, documents, images, etc. - are handled on a separate system (and if you want my opinion, that system should be a non-mobile pc that stays in the office at all times. None of this colluding with cell phones and personal business crap. Yes it's a bit of an inconvenience - deal with it, it's not a big enough inconvenience to risk national security/sensitive information over.)

Any and all data syncing (and by that I mean only the shit that's absolutely necessary) should be done through a specific entity/agency/program that checks the data on the non-secure device (aka the cell phone or laptop seeking to sync with the non-mobile "secure" system.


The shitty part is that even if we do all of this we're still probably going to get hacked once in a while. It's the dirty reality of software design, one careless line of code out of thousands can open up a security gap that hackers can take advantage of. And that's not even getting into the failure of the government workers themselves to actually follow the rules given to them (aka Hillary's server and Podesta clicking links,) nor does it address the lock down of information leaks that intentionally bypass information security protocols.

The truth is there is no 100% secure system, it will never exist if there are humans involved in it. The best we can hope for is to cut down on hacking - which actually means a complete overhaul and 'homogenization' of all software being used by government employees. To example, no more using notepad instead of Word because that's what you're comfortable with. No using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer because you prefer it. No more using build in web browser PDF viewers instead of Adobe PDF Viewer. (*Note these are just randomly recalled programs, the gov would have to do some kind of study to find out which programs are most secure and staying on top of hacker vulnerabilities and such.)
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
/---- They don't expect him to do anything except offer some toothless sanctions like Obozo did. Their real goal is to promote Trump's presidency as illegitimate and undermine his agenda. They will fail.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

I mean, your country has been attacked and manipulated by the old enemy, and you're loving it..... god help you.
Show some evidence that the election was influenced with something other than partisan speculation.

And what was the worse email revelations?
WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

We know Hillary, the DNC, and the Main Sleaze Media colluded against Bernie Sanders, then against President Donald J Trump. We know Barack Hussein Obama interfered in the Israeli election, breaking the law and using taxpayers funds:

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu
Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Never forget.. Leftists ALWAYS accuse you of what they actually do and engage in..This is nothing more than the corrupt scabs trying to deflect the facts that came out about just how fucking slimy, dirty they are. Nothing more.

Thread killer/end.

It's just a 'Cover your ass/sabotage Trump' scam. The Democratic Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. And if that swayed voters, so be it. It was the truth.

But most Americans do see this as a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Trump's likely gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Most Americans dislike sore losers. It pisses em off. They could make the Democrats pay for it in 2020.

But the Republicans weren't exposed for being corrupt. If you think the Democrats are one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, you need to get out more.
You need to pop your head out of your safe space. The RNC wasn't running the games the DNC was. They didn't even want Trump. Educating you retards isn't possible, it's like teaching a dog to sing. I'll just make fun of you instead.
Partisan hacks amuse me so. It's like all reality goes out the window.

You folks want to get /serious/ about cyber security, then what we need to do is revamp our internet security training and procedures;

Never trust a link in an email - instead go to the necessary site directly. (The /only/ real exception for this is in the cases of email validation links when you've just signed up for some website - something that our government employees shouldn't be doing.)

Ensure that you're using the most secure software - for example make sure all updates are done immediately (90% of software updates [of programs that get hacked] are closing loopholes that hackers have figured out).

Ensure every computer is running anti-virus and that it is updated /daily/ no excuses, no pushing off the update for this or that, if an update comes immediately install it.

Ensure that all employees dealing with sensitive data know the differences between a "strong" password and a "weak" one.

Rigidly enforce a rule that /all/ government work - be that emails, documents, images, etc. - are handled on a separate system (and if you want my opinion, that system should be a non-mobile pc that stays in the office at all times. None of this colluding with cell phones and personal business crap. Yes it's a bit of an inconvenience - deal with it, it's not a big enough inconvenience to risk national security/sensitive information over.)

Any and all data syncing (and by that I mean only the shit that's absolutely necessary) should be done through a specific entity/agency/program that checks the data on the non-secure device (aka the cell phone or laptop seeking to sync with the non-mobile "secure" system.


The shitty part is that even if we do all of this we're still probably going to get hacked once in a while. It's the dirty reality of software design, one careless line of code out of thousands can open up a security gap that hackers can take advantage of. And that's not even getting into the failure of the government workers themselves to actually follow the rules given to them (aka Hillary's server and Podesta clicking links,) nor does it address the lock down of information leaks that intentionally bypass information security protocols.

The truth is there is no 100% secure system, it will never exist if there are humans involved in it. The best we can hope for is to cut down on hacking - which actually means a complete overhaul and 'homogenization' of all software being used by government employees. To example, no more using notepad instead of Word because that's what you're comfortable with. No using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer because you prefer it. No more using build in web browser PDF viewers instead of Adobe PDF Viewer. (*Note these are just randomly recalled programs, the gov would have to do some kind of study to find out which programs are most secure and staying on top of hacker vulnerabilities and such.)
All good advice but Podesta wasn't working for the government, the DNC is a private organization.

I'm on Linux so don't have the virus/update problem. I think the government should switch to it, it's free so it would save us a bundle, better than Windows in my experience. There may be some programs that need MS but most what government does can be done with it.
True, but if it now falls under the us governments "opinion" of things "justice must be meted out for," it must therefore also fall under the category of things such policies the us government would both cover and enforce. -- personally I'm not keen on that idea, I'd much rather DC dropped their bullshit about the DNC email hack having jack shit to do with national cyber security, but they don't seem too inclined to do that now do they? Of course, that means the government will see first hand their corruption, but then again perhaps they (the Obama Administration) did and didn't give a shit, rather like their base.

Linux is a lot safer, it's far more like MSDOS - base coding and execution procedure. On the other hand, even if you're on linux you're still (most likely) using the vulnerable software's - like internet browsers and such. Its just less likely any hack program could "take over your system" and send out secret data for example. Certainly more secure, but alas not foolproof enough for all the various idiots in government employee heh
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

I mean, your country has been attacked and manipulated by the old enemy, and you're loving it..... god help you.

So what do you want Trump to do? Simple question.

You mean, apart from put the interests of the US first rather than the interests of Trump?

Boy, not a complicated question. What do you want Trump to do? Last try. Focus.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

I mean, your country has been attacked and manipulated by the old enemy, and you're loving it..... god help you.
Show some evidence that the election was influenced with something other than partisan speculation.

And what was the worse email revelations?
WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

We know Hillary, the DNC, and the Main Sleaze Media colluded against Bernie Sanders, then against President Donald J Trump. We know Barack Hussein Obama interfered in the Israeli election, breaking the law and using taxpayers funds:

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu
Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Never forget.. Leftists ALWAYS accuse you of what they actually do and engage in..This is nothing more than the corrupt scabs trying to deflect the facts that came out about just how fucking slimy, dirty they are. Nothing more.

Thread killer/end.

It's just a 'Cover your ass/sabotage Trump' scam. The Democratic Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. And if that swayed voters, so be it. It was the truth.

But most Americans do see this as a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Trump's likely gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Most Americans dislike sore losers. It pisses em off. They could make the Democrats pay for it in 2020.

But the Republicans weren't exposed for being corrupt. If you think the Democrats are one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, you need to get out more.

You need to check out Wikileaks more. Your Party is incredibly corrupt.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
/---- They don't expect him to do anything except offer some toothless sanctions like Obozo did. Their real goal is to promote Trump's presidency as illegitimate and undermine his agenda. They will fail.

I hear ya. It's a 'Sabotage Trump' scam. I think most Americans feel that way too.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

I mean, your country has been attacked and manipulated by the old enemy, and you're loving it..... god help you.

So what do you want Trump to do? Simple question.

You mean, apart from put the interests of the US first rather than the interests of Trump?

Boy, not a complicated question. What do you want Trump to do? Last try. Focus.

I answered it. Did you not understand?

The interests of the US are that no one interferes with US elections. If someone does then they should do whatever they can to make sure it doesn't happen.

What should the president of a country do that has been attacked by another?
I mean, your country has been attacked and manipulated by the old enemy, and you're loving it..... god help you.
Show some evidence that the election was influenced with something other than partisan speculation.

And what was the worse email revelations?
WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

We know Hillary, the DNC, and the Main Sleaze Media colluded against Bernie Sanders, then against President Donald J Trump. We know Barack Hussein Obama interfered in the Israeli election, breaking the law and using taxpayers funds:

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu
Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Never forget.. Leftists ALWAYS accuse you of what they actually do and engage in..This is nothing more than the corrupt scabs trying to deflect the facts that came out about just how fucking slimy, dirty they are. Nothing more.

Thread killer/end.

It's just a 'Cover your ass/sabotage Trump' scam. The Democratic Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. And if that swayed voters, so be it. It was the truth.

But most Americans do see this as a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Trump's likely gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Most Americans dislike sore losers. It pisses em off. They could make the Democrats pay for it in 2020.

But the Republicans weren't exposed for being corrupt. If you think the Democrats are one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, you need to get out more.

You need to check out Wikileaks more. Your Party is incredibly corrupt.

My party? Which is my party exactly?
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

I mean, your country has been attacked and manipulated by the old enemy, and you're loving it..... god help you.

So what do you want Trump to do? Simple question.

You mean, apart from put the interests of the US first rather than the interests of Trump?

Boy, not a complicated question. What do you want Trump to do? Last try. Focus.

I answered it. Did you not understand?

The interests of the US are that no one interferes with US elections. If someone does then they should do whatever they can to make sure it doesn't happen.

What should the president of a country do that has been attacked by another?
You need facts before you bust down doors with guns blazing. Kapich?
Show some evidence that the election was influenced with something other than partisan speculation.

And what was the worse email revelations?
WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

We know Hillary, the DNC, and the Main Sleaze Media colluded against Bernie Sanders, then against President Donald J Trump. We know Barack Hussein Obama interfered in the Israeli election, breaking the law and using taxpayers funds:

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu
Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Never forget.. Leftists ALWAYS accuse you of what they actually do and engage in..This is nothing more than the corrupt scabs trying to deflect the facts that came out about just how fucking slimy, dirty they are. Nothing more.

Thread killer/end.

It's just a 'Cover your ass/sabotage Trump' scam. The Democratic Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. And if that swayed voters, so be it. It was the truth.

But most Americans do see this as a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Trump's likely gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Most Americans dislike sore losers. It pisses em off. They could make the Democrats pay for it in 2020.

But the Republicans weren't exposed for being corrupt. If you think the Democrats are one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, you need to get out more.

You need to check out Wikileaks more. Your Party is incredibly corrupt.

My party? Which is my party exactly?

You're a Democrat Trump-Hater, no?
WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

WikiLeaks Email Shows How Corrupt CNN Scripted Debates/Town Halls To Benefit Hillary Clinton…

We know Hillary, the DNC, and the Main Sleaze Media colluded against Bernie Sanders, then against President Donald J Trump. We know Barack Hussein Obama interfered in the Israeli election, breaking the law and using taxpayers funds:

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu
Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Never forget.. Leftists ALWAYS accuse you of what they actually do and engage in..This is nothing more than the corrupt scabs trying to deflect the facts that came out about just how fucking slimy, dirty they are. Nothing more.

Thread killer/end.

It's just a 'Cover your ass/sabotage Trump' scam. The Democratic Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. And if that swayed voters, so be it. It was the truth.

But most Americans do see this as a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Trump's likely gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Most Americans dislike sore losers. It pisses em off. They could make the Democrats pay for it in 2020.

But the Republicans weren't exposed for being corrupt. If you think the Democrats are one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, you need to get out more.

You need to check out Wikileaks more. Your Party is incredibly corrupt.

My party? Which is my party exactly?

You're a Democrat Trump-Hater, no?


Too many people with too many assumptions... You'd think people would ask BEFORE they make a fool of themselves, wouldn't you?

Oh, before you decide that everyone's either Republican or Democrat, I'm neither, see, saved you the hassle of doing it again.
Their goal for the next 4 years will be to get anything they can to impeach him.

Here's hoping. Hopefully Pence, too. Ryan would be a better pres than either of them. How bad have things got - I'm spruiking Ryan....sheesh.....
We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers

Your ilk putting in a good word for the Wisconsin Whiskbroom is all the more reason Trump should unSpeaker Paulie RINO and put in his own man, Kevin McCarthy, as the head of Household.
It's just a 'Cover your ass/sabotage Trump' scam. The Democratic Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. And if that swayed voters, so be it. It was the truth.

But most Americans do see this as a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Trump's likely gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Most Americans dislike sore losers. It pisses em off. They could make the Democrats pay for it in 2020.

But the Republicans weren't exposed for being corrupt. If you think the Democrats are one of the most corrupt institutions on earth, you need to get out more.

You need to check out Wikileaks more. Your Party is incredibly corrupt.

My party? Which is my party exactly?

You're a Democrat Trump-Hater, no?


Too many people with too many assumptions... You'd think people would ask BEFORE they make a fool of themselves, wouldn't you?

Oh, before you decide that everyone's either Republican or Democrat, I'm neither, see, saved you the hassle of doing it again.

Sorry, but you do sound like a rabid Democrat Trump-Hater. If it quacks like a duck...
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...

Jim you need to just don the leather chaps and the feather boa, your Homo fantasy now isn't just about Putin, it's about Julian Assange also.

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