Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

(I'm lost in the quotes) said:
Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

Much like the OP is worded and the question it asks I separate the act of hacking from its objective. Hillary was clearly responsible for her own defeat, with Bill offering damaging action by the ill-fated Sky Harbor meeting with Loretta Lynch. Trump's reaction though fits in with one reason I voted for McMullin, in that I see Trump as being too thin-skinned for the job.

A fair and reasonable assessment. But McMullin? Come on man. You really blew it on that one.
You're off the deep end. Crossed the line into nothing more than a pathetic little troll. Now I will laugh at you as you rage about me being a Russian spy! MUHAHAHAHAHA

~rolls eyes~

That doesn't change a bit......... You are and always be a traitor and hostile to America. Move to Russia if you don't like it here. Traitor.
The traitors are the ones that foam over when things don't go their way and chant "dissent is patriotic" then criticize anyone that dares question our government officials.

So two questions remain:
What was the most damaging email revelations and what do you want to do about it?

I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.
Your problem is if people don't goose step to the leftist drumbeat you believe they have sided with the enemy.

LIBERALS ARE A FAR GREATER THREAT TO THE US THAN THE RUSSIANS. I put that in bold to try to make it through your filters.

You are a big Bullshit. Traitors are a threat to this country.
I do believe that's the accepted definition of what a traitor is ...HOWEVER let us not overlook the fact that all during the campaign you libs were parading around in victory laughing at the emails. Taunting the right with chants of 'is that all you have'.

And now it's traitorous to question the motives of a shaky report at best on who may have been involved.
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...

Come on, that's just looney tunes hate. Calm down and regroup. And maybe apologize too.
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...
Listen to the liberal who claims to stand up for women.. This is the kind of fucked up mind think of a rapist.. If you show you care about something, you're asking to be raped.. You're one sick stump, Jimmyboy.. Get that ball cheez checked out.

I asked him to apologize. It was uncalled for. We'll see if he has the guts to do the right thing. Hating Donald Trump is fine, but those kinds of comments are unacceptable.
Russia should be punished that is seemingly without doubt...

Seemingly without doubt? How can something be "without doubt", if it is only "seemingly"?
That was an oxymoronic statement.

You cannot stampede American Normies into another big war with such statements any more.

Not to do that is to say to the world the USA is very weak and they will sell out there country to the enemy for power...

The USA has really become very weak, but this has nothing to do with sabre-rattling.

America cannot protect its own boarders from a Third World Invasion, American politicians are unable to protect the interests of the founding population of America, they are unable to protect their jobs and their neighbourhood.

Do you really believe that this real weakness of America can be compensated with some crazy wars on the other side of the globe that are not in the interests of American Normies?

It seems that you live in your ideological bubble and ignore the observable reality.

Where did I say war... No need for War....

The evidence is there.. The people who have been tasked to investigate did that, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians interfered in the US Elections...
They presented that to the Senate and they agreed as well...

Increase the Sanctions... Isolate Russia and make a pariah in the international community... Stop buying there gas and oil as much as possible.
Start developing Geothermal power in Iceland, really start cutting there income... Cut there access to the financial markets let them print money and inflation runs wild... Let them feel the hurt...
And on a side note, what the hell has happened to American Journalism? I mean seriously, no one in the MSM was aware of all the Democratic Party corruption? Really? Without Wikileaks, no one would have ever known about it. It says everything about the current state of American Journalism. It would be completely fair to consider it 'Fake News' at this point.

An Assange Lover!

I ♥ Julian :)

You'd probably let him rape yoi too...
I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to listen for the next four years about how she stole your boyfriend.
You don't know jack and you've admitted you have no desire to "read" anything. it's much easier to just call me a traitor. Kiss my lilly white Alaskan ass you hack.

Poor traitor...... ALL I mean ALL your post are nothing but pure bull Crap in support of your lover Putin. That is all your propaganda is all about.

As I told you before ....... I'm heavily involved with helping injured veterans and along that line I have the honor of knowing lots of active military personnel...........
These are the people that are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of this country. But you have this president elect supporting Russia. Can you imagine how devastating that is for them? Lots of them have friends and relatives that are deployed in Europe.
You will not believe what they are saying against Trump. Some of them even voted for this asshole.

You're off the deep end. Crossed the line into nothing more than a pathetic little troll. Now I will laugh at you as you rage about me being a Russian spy! MUHAHAHAHAHA

~rolls eyes~

That doesn't change a bit......... You are and always be a traitor and hostile to America. Move to Russia if you don't like it here. Traitor.
The traitors are the ones that foam over when things don't go their way and chant "dissent is patriotic" then criticize anyone that dares question our government officials.

So two questions remain:
What was the most damaging email revelations and what do you want to do about it?

I don't mind questioning or criticizing our government but listening and siding with foreign nationals that are hostile to my country is totally different story.
Evercurious was and is always been a patriotic Russian way before the primaries that is against all US interest.

Your question..... Update yourself.

Here it is folks, the entire body of evident this nitwit bases his proclamation of me as a traitor and Russia lover on - Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey

Why? Because I think Turkey fucked up shooting down that Russian plane. (PS If you dig down far enough into that threat you can find dumb dumb here denying photographic proof like the unhinged fool he is.)


Troll on valiant warrior!
Russia should be punished that is seemingly without doubt...

Seemingly without doubt? How can something be "without doubt", if it is only "seemingly"?
That was an oxymoronic statement.

You cannot stampede American Normies into another big war with such statements any more.

Not to do that is to say to the world the USA is very weak and they will sell out there country to the enemy for power...

The USA has really become very weak, but this has nothing to do with sabre-rattling.

America cannot protect its own boarders from a Third World Invasion, American politicians are unable to protect the interests of the founding population of America, they are unable to protect their jobs and their neighbourhood.

Do you really believe that this real weakness of America can be compensated with some crazy wars on the other side of the globe that are not in the interests of American Normies?

It seems that you live in your ideological bubble and ignore the observable reality.

Where did I say war... No need for War....

The evidence is there.. The people who have been tasked to investigate did that, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians interfered in the US Elections...
They presented that to the Senate and they agreed as well...

Increase the Sanctions... Isolate Russia and make a pariah in the international community... Stop buying there gas and oil as much as possible.
Start developing Geothermal power in Iceland, really start cutting there income... Cut there access to the financial markets let them print money and inflation runs wild... Let them feel the hurt...

They said no such thing.
The evidence is there.. The people who have been tasked to investigate did that, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians interfered in the US Elections...
They presented that to the Senate and they agreed as well...

Increase the Sanctions... Isolate Russia and make a pariah in the international community... Stop buying there gas and oil as much as possible.
Start developing Geothermal power in Iceland, really start cutting there income... Cut there access to the financial markets let them print money and inflation runs wild... Let them feel the hurt...
What's your source for that? The left is notorious for posturing so I'll wait.
THE Jew hating Odumbo Administration:
The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.

In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
Those poor Jews only got 6 billion out of Oblama last year, those poor, poor saps..
And the Green Zone is still in Iraqi hands...
FUBARack World

That was because Obomber knew his Iran deal might tempt the Ayatollahs to use their new wealth to attack Israel. He would face charges of enabling another war unless he frightened off the Iranians by strengthening Israel, too.
Don't get the wrong idea about Assange, he's no friend to /any/ government or political party. At best he's an anarchist with a deep distrust of authority figures. He's a part-time ally at the moment because of his despise for the globalist agenda - which seeks to consolidate global power into a single entity, a true nightmare for any authority hating person. The only thing we can say about Assange for sure is that he's got insider connections, an agenda against everyone in power, and a determination to put the truth out there for the entire world to see. If he had [more] dirt on the RNC or I guarantee you he'd drop it and if he had [more] dirt on Russia he would as well. He's both the enemy and the ally rolled up in a transparent bundle of distrust and dislike of everyone; a hero and a threat.

I have a tremendous of respect for Mendax's work, he's the face of the hacktivist movement, the first major player in the war against deception of the people at large. I trust the information he puts out explicitly, but I'd never trust the man himself with a secret were I in some higher up position (be that a government operative or a business.) It's like inviting a lion over because you have a mouse infestation, it's only a matter of time before he turns on you...
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Why would Trump do anything? He's probably thanking them for all the help. Probably gonna send Pootypoot a case of Trump wine and Trump steaks.

Yes we know, you hate Donald Trump. We get that. But what do you want him to do? Give some specifics. Try to focus.
What they want is for Hillary to find a way to get rid of Trump and take office. Short of that, nothing will please the little safe space seekers.

Is Killary still alive? They did not show her on TV after the election night.
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

That's it. The Left is only interested in punishing Russia for the Election. Nothing else.

The Right Wing nut jobs are only interested in kissing Putin's ass- they don't give a damn that Russia tried to influence an American election.
Groveling at the feet of a psychopath
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

That's it. The Left is only interested in punishing Russia for the Election. Nothing else.

The Right Wing nut jobs are only interested in kissing Putin's ass- they don't give a damn that Russia tried to influence an American election.

Russia was the only state that tried to influence an American Election? Think again.

groveling at the feet of a psychopath that is grinding the constitution under said feet. Supporting Putin and his country that they hated 2 months ago. That would be the definition of stupid.
Is Killary still alive? They did not show her on TV after the election night.

I know of a few times she made brief appearances after the election and she looked like shit. I am betting she's on a drinking binge.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Why would Trump do anything? He's probably thanking them for all the help. Probably gonna send Pootypoot a case of Trump wine and Trump steaks.

Yes we know, you hate Donald Trump. We get that. But what do you want him to do? Give some specifics. Try to focus.

I wonder what Dems would say if Trump gave Russia a reset button.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Why would Trump do anything? He's probably thanking them for all the help. Probably gonna send Pootypoot a case of Trump wine and Trump steaks.

Yes we know, you hate Donald Trump. We get that. But what do you want him to do? Give some specifics. Try to focus.

I wonder what Dems would say if Trump gave Russia a reset button.

Yeah, Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button' sure was a disaster. It's dragged us to the brink of WWIII. Nice job. I think Trump will do better.
John McCain is a corrupt old Establishment hack. I wouldn't trust him as far as i could throw him. Every time i see the senile old fart, he's ranting & raving about starting another war somewhere. The dude's nuts. He's exactly what's wrong with our Government. He should have been gone a long time ago.

Serving the "World Government" and betraying Americans seems to be a McCain-family-tradition.

USS Liberty Memorial Service Renews Calls of a Government Cover-Up

This past Memorial Day, Sen. John McCain was heckled about the Liberty attack while speaking to a crowd in California. "What about the cover-up for Israel of the USS Liberty?!" the heckler shouted. He was promptly escorted out by Secret Service.

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